Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (6 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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“This feels unreal; I don’t think I have ever felt so happy,”

I mean it, I really feel like this is the place for us.
This is what we have been searching for, for what feels like forever.

“I know babe, we deserve this ok. We can start to be really happy and have a

“Thank you for this, always being there with me, loving and taking care of me.”

“You do the same for me babe. I fucking love you Zara.”

pulls me by the waist to stand in front of him, resting his chin on the top of my head while we stand in the sun, feeling the warm ray’s heat us lovingly. Letting the last 24 hours catch up with us.


              Walking though the entrance of the bar, Sallack is standing over to the right side of the bar, surrounded by what looks like 10 men, all looking dark dangerous and so HOT. Definitely something in the water, or all related to Sallack?

Sallack looks me straight in the eye mid conversation; he is so gorgeous, I’m sure he has got better looking since I last saw him? I smile at him adding a playful wink, making him smile widely in return, this is when the rest of the men all look behind them straight at me and Den. I smile to them to and quickly turn on my heel to face Den out of being embarrassed, being looked upon by so many good-looking men has made me feel like a school girl. He gives the men a nod of the head and takes my hand leading us to the bar to get drinks.

Sallack leaves with his friends soon after Den and I sit down, but not before kissing my cheek and telling me, he will see me later. It pisses Den off, by the low growl he sends our way, but me, well I wanted a proper kiss with him, one like earlier would have been perfect. Really, I’m just over the moon that I even caught his eye.



We spend a few hours surrounded by the locals, answering there questions, which I think they were only making us talk so much because they like our accent. We excuse ourselves, heading up to our room. Den flops on his bed, so I go to sit next to him. I love being so close to someone without it needing to be sexual. Even though Den is one of the sexiest people I know, it’s just that we don’t see each other that way, well he never saw me in that way.


              When I was 16 I had the biggest crush on Den, but he never knew, and I never told him, there was no point. He loves me but he will never be in love with me, I didn’t want to make him feel guilty for refusing me and ruining our friendship. So instead of telling him I was madly in love with him, I watched him sleep around with hundreds of girls, and be the player he is. However, that’s a pain long gone now, Kind of!


              Den pulls me over so that I’m laying directly on top him; he holds my face in his hands, his brilliant green eyes locking with mine.

“It's been a good day hasn’t it beautiful?”

“It has been perfect, I’m so happy Den. This feels so right,”

I lay my head on his chest and snuggle in to him, he tenses and growls a little and then I feel his hardness.

              “Sorry Zara can’t help it I’m a man after all, and it’s been a while?”

“Ha, what it’s been like, 4 days!”

I know that because I had to listen to him make a girl scream out orgasms all night long on the night before we left England.

              “Oh it won’t be that long I have already had 3 offers since arriving.”

“Shut up!” I say laughing at the proud expression on his face.

I slip off his body and cuddle into his side. I want to tell
Den about my kiss with Sallack, he is my best friend after all, but Den doesn’t like it when men take an interest in me. He says they are only after one thing! I get that’s the way for some people, like Den for instance, he’s a total man whore. There is something different about Sallack, I trust him completely and I feel like he is the one I have been looking for.

“Hey Den, I kissed Sallack earlier!” I say with excitement.

“Oh you little hussy,” He says teasingly whilst poking my ribs.

“What do you think of him Den?” I ask, wanting to hear Den tell me the truth.

“He seems ok I guess, just don’t go rushing into things!” He says with a serious tone, and a gentle growl.

“Cool, cos I have a date with him tonight.”

“Wow he was quick!”

laugh at Den’s shocked face, while I see his mind working over time.

I snuggle into his side
as I shut my eyes and concentrate on Den’s breathing I slip into a blissful sleep, Dreaming of Sallack.





When I awake later that night from my nap, the time on the mini clock next to Den’s bed is flashing 7:52. Oh, thank Goddess I haven’t over sleep and missed my date with Sallack. Sitting up I look around the dark room best I can for Den, he must have gone back down to the bar. I lay back on the bed just for a moment, trying to find energy to get in the shower and changed, when I feel a shiver all over my body and my heart starts pounding in my chest.

“My beautiful little one, are you well this evening?” The stranger from the first night sits on the bed beside me, looking dangerous but so sexy. Why am I not freaking out that this man is in our bedroom on Den’s bed? With me? Not to mention he is a VAMPIRE!

“Your safe love, relax.”

I nod
my reply as I’m not sure I can manage to move my mouth.

“Can I kiss you?” He asks with a devilish grin.

He has kissed me before!
Why have I only just remembered; did he make me forget, is that even possible?

“Yes I made you forget me little one.”

“Um, do you know what I’m thinking?”

However, as I say it I swallow the lump in my throat! Not really wanting to hear the truth.

              “You’re safe with me I promise.” He grins down at me showing his fangs!

“Why are you here?” I ask sounding nervous.

“Shh, little one let me taste you.”

Oh shit he wants to s
uck me dry, I need to get away, ASAP!             

“Don’t come near me! Just cos you’re good looking, doesn’t mean I will let you drain me!”

“Love, I would never hurt you, I promise you this. I just want a kiss.”

“You said taste, and you have fangs, you’re a Vampire!”

He looks at me questionably. I just can’t help but think of how much I
want to kiss him. Everything about him calls to me.

“I want to taste your mouth, no biting I promise.”

I gaze into his ocean blue eyes, transfixed by the beauty of him; every sensible reason telling me to run out screaming
is now overpowered by my desire. How can I find strength to resist him when his nearness alone drives me to distraction? Leaning forward just as he does, our lips touch as I feel the fire in my stomach, not butterflies, fire. A feeling of pure ecstasy tingles in my blood, as my heart beats dangerously fast. I have never shared a kiss filled with so much sexual desire. He pulls me up by my waist to sit on his lap, our thighs touching. I automatically tug my fingers though his hair, pulling him in closer, needing more of him, wanting all of him. He pulls away first as a feeling of loneliness creeps in.

“I have to go, I will see you soon little one.”

“Why are you leaving now?”

“Look at me love, lie down and shut your eyes for me?”

I nod and layback down on the bed, feeling empty knowing that he’s going to make me forget, but feeling terrible for kisses two men on the same day.
Nevertheless, I won’t regret it, ever.

“Why can’t I remember you this time?”

“Now is not the time my love, soon I promise.” He reply’s sadly.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Yes little one.”

“What is your name?”

“Ah love. This is the question you would ask a Vampire; his name? My name is Parrise. What is yours little one?” He pronounces it Pa-Reese.

“Zara,” I tell him. My voice betraying me, as it comes out more as a moan.

His fingers stroke my cheek, gliding down my neck then in
between my breasts. My hearts pounding, I want more. I have never wanted anything so desperately then what I do now.

“When I’m gone, clear me from your mind, forget my name, my face, my touch,” He tells me as his cool fingers travel down my stomach getting lower and lower. I nod my head ‘yes’, feeling his lips on my forehead.


              The sound of a key in the door makes me jump up in shock. Den flicks the lights on, as my hands automatically cover my eyes from its harshness of the contrast from dark to light.

“What is that discussing smell? It’s as if someone has died.”

“Oh yeah thanks, nice to see you to. I was going to get a shower!”

“I didn’t mean you, it’s sort of gone now anyway ….weird. What are you doing?”

“I just woke up.” I say confused by his question.

“You wanna come down with me?”

“Yeah sure I’m just going to get a quick shower I’ll be down in 20” I reassure him with a smile.

“Nu its ok, I’ll wait here for you. Go on,” He slaps my bum to get me moving to the bathroom. I must have had a fantastic dream, I feel so aroused!


              Out of the shower, I walk over to my side of the room to find something to wear. I pick out skinny black jeans that hug my butt and pink strapless top, matched with black wedges. Once dressed and my makeup is applied I give Den a nudge as he’s got his eyes shut, half asleep.

“Ok that was quick…oh you look sexy as hell.”

“Umm so do you,” I tell him eyeing him head to toe.

has on dark blue jeans, a tight white shirt and brown soft leather shoes. I have the hottest best friend.

“Come on lets go. Sallack waiting for you and a table of woman are waiting for me!” He says as he humps the air.

“You are such a whore!” I say as I move quickly past him, swinging open the bedroom door, hoping he doesn’t catch me!

“Wahhh Den!” I scream as I he lifts me over his shoulder and lays both of his big warm hands on my butt while running down the stairs.

“Oh I’ll show you whore. Is this wall is looking good to you baby?”


He lifts me up against the
wall; waiting for someone to walk past us, as we are next to the bathrooms it won’t be long!

“Ok, I won’t say it again, promise!”

“Uh can you hear that? Some ones coming, game on baby!” He says with a wide grin.

starts humping me, while throwing his head back making out as if he is having an orgasm. What makes it worse is whoever is seeing this must really thing we are up to something, as Den is so large they can’t see much of me squashed into the wall laughing hard.

“Thanks babe,” He says loudly as he kisses my lips, letting me down gently.

An old
woman is standing watching with her mouth wide open. I’m going to kill Den; He loves to embarrass me like this. I need to learn how to run faster.

“Oh um… that wasn’t what it looked like.” I try to tell her, but she just holds up her hands and shakes her head.

“Darling, don’t you mind me, he a cutie.” She says in a thick American accent and a smile playing on her lips.

“Well thank you very much.” He tells her with a charming smile.

“No I swear…” I don’t finish, as she has walked into the women’s bathroom laughing!

“You little bastard!” I call him, turning to look at him.

“I love it when you talk dirty, do it again?” He says grabbing me by the waist.

“I can’t believe you did that,” I say as we walk away from the toilets and to the bar.

“Don’t mess with a messer,” He warns jokingly.

“You are a whore though!” I say under my breath trying hard not to wet myself, he turns to me with a grin,

“Call me a whore again and I will….”

“Whore…Oh hey Sallack, wow you look great.” I say flustered as he has just appeared from nowhere, looking all sexy in a white shirt and black jeans, his hair brushed back. Uh he is breathtakingly sexy.

“Coming from someone as beautiful as you, is a true compliment,” He says with a wink and I feel the blush spreading on my face. I have never blushed so much in my life! Sallack drops his arm around my shoulder as I look at Den with a look of satisfaction, as Sallack saved me from further humiliation.

“I’ll see you in a bit babe, I’ll be here all night,” Den tells me half as a threat and half-caring.

“Cool, see you in a bit.” I wink at him, making him snort out a laugh as he walks over to the table of waiting admirers.

Den and I have always messed with each other; he brings laughter into my life. No matter how I am feeling he can make me laugh. He knows I am only joking when I call him a whore or a player, I think he likes it when I do, so he has an excuse to humiliate me.

“Let's sit down; Mickey will bring the drinks over.”

“Sure. Thank you,”

trying to play cool but my legs are shaking where I’m so nervous. It’s feels like going to an interview for a job you know you’re not going to get.

“You ok Zara?” He asks frowning.

“Yes I’m fine thanks…are you ok?”

Sallack has the deepest frown and looks to be sniffing the air. What is with that? My heart suddenly pick
s up to an alarming rate, and shivers run over my body! However, as quickly as it came, it goes. Weird!

“Yes can you give me a second? I’m sorry.”

He kisses my cheek, getting up and walking over to Mickey and a few of the other men from earlier at the bar, as they talks in a hushed voices. Mickey sees me looking so I glance around the room to make it less obvious that I’m being nosey, but convincing no one!

I can’t resist another look at what’s going on, so I look their way again. Sallack is on the phone and Mickey looks pissed off. It doesn’t smell that bad in here. I sniff the air discreetly, no nothing!

Sallack’s comes back to the table as if nothing happened, which I suppose it didn’t really.

“So Zara, how’s your day been?”

“Oh well it’s been really good actually. Den and I found somewhere to rent, from friend of yours actually, Sarah...” He nods his acknowledgement, “…And as you know I got a job on my first day here.”

He’s sniffing again, is that… yeah I can hear the low hum of him growling. Is it me? I have just had a shower! He is just like

“Sallack, do I smell?” I ask with a smile, knowing that the smell is not me.

“I’m sorry, no of course not it’s just…. ah thank you Mickey.”

nearly had him then. Why can’t I smell anything?

“Thanks Mickey,” I say to him as he passes me my coke before heading back to the busy bar. Sallack has a bottle of beer, which he looks grateful to be drinking; he seems on edge, so I say what comes naturally.

“You’re not a Werewolf, right?”

He spits his beer everywhere over the table and on me. I burst in to laughter. I knew that would lighten the mood, until I see he’s expression.

              “Im sorry. I was only joking, it’s just you looked so tense. That’s what I say to Den to make him smile.” His smile returns as he gives a belly laugh, oh thank goodness.

“Uh no, you just caught me off guard. Why would you say that to Den?”

“To make him laugh if he’s sad, or when he does this growl thing like what you do sometimes, and the smelly thing,”

I shrug my shoulders not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

              “Smelly thing?” He asks with a grin.

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