Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (5 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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“Um, you’re a Charmer,” I tell him teasingly. I kiss his cheek and walk out the doors, into the warm sun. I really like Julian; he is very caring, protective in a way, which is Strange, the man doesn’t know me well enough to care about me.

Why are Sallack and his friends being so nice to me? Maybe it the English accent or my tight dress? Well whatever it is, I’m glad everything is falling into place so easily, I can’t remember the last time I was this excited.


              As I walk back up to ‘Quirks’ I’m so happy, I feel like my face is going to crack from my constant smile. Entering by the front doors, I spot Den standing at the bar talking to Mary and the other girl. I take a running leap on to his back landing perfectly and bend my head to kiss his cheek.

“I got a job! Already! Can you believe it Den?” I tell him excitedly. He twists me round to face him so my legs wrap around his back.

“Well done babe knew you would, who would say no to you?”

and the other girl give a little huff behind us as Den puts me down on my feet and sits on the stool where he has a paper with red circles all over the place. He pulls me on to his lap by my hip as Mary and the girl walk off looking defeated. Good! I hope to God Den doesn’t start sleeping with either of them; they are the sort of girls that could ruin a man’s life.

“Watcha doing?”

“Looking at rented properties and local jobs, I have found 3 places we can look at. I’m just going to give them a ring and ask to have a look ASAP.”

“Brilliant, I’m going to see if Sallack’s around. I need to thank him for giving me the job.”

              “Sallack got you the job? How?” He asks with a frown.

“Well he owns the club, and his friend’s Julian and Ruk manage it, they are really nice you would get on with them.”

“Of course he does! You really have settled in quickly babe, I’m real proud of you. Now go find your man,” He says lifting me off his lap, with a swipe to my butt.

“Yeah yeah, see you in a sec.” I say before kissing his cheek.

I leave Den and go to find Sallack. Getting to His office door and knocking with a little jig, I hear him chuckle as he shouts,

“Come in Zara.”

Opening the door,
I see he is at his desk with his laptop and piles of paper surrounding him.

“Hey how did you know it was me?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“I can smell your shampoo.”

I must
have made a face because he quickly says,

“I have a sensitive nose.” He says tapping his nose with his index finger, grinning wickedly at me.

“Uh hu. I wanted to say thank you for giving me the job, I’m extremely grateful. I’m guessing you did it out of pity, but I will show you that it was a good choice.” I smile at him as I can see his eyebrows drawing together.

“Zara, pity is definitely not what I feel for you. But if you’d like to say thank you I have an idea?”

“Ok, what you thinking?” I hope he says a kiss!

There is the smile again
, as if he knows what I’m thinking.

“Have a drink alone with me tonight around 9?”

“Yeah I’d like that.”

I stand awkwardly as Sallack just sits back in his chair
admiring my body with a devilish smile, whilst making me blush like mad.

I fake a cough and say,

              “I’ll let you get on and thank you again Sallack.”

I leave is office
in a rush to hide my gleeful expression. The sexiest man I have ever seen has just asked to be alone with me!

Just as I get to the do
or, Sallack’s hand reaches out to take my arm gently, how did he move that fast?

“Zara is there something wrong. Do you not like being around me?”

He asks, while searching my eyes
intensely. What do I say! I can’t tell him that every time I look at him I want to jump his bones or that he makes me blush like a school girl.

“Oh I like being around you alright…”

Sallack silences me with his lips as his
tongue thrashes in-between my lips for entry that I willingly give. His big hands come up behind my neck cradling my head as I step up to him, pressing my body to his. Uh this is better than I imagined it would be, and I have imagined it a lot! I think Sallack feels the same way, as we both let small moans escape our lips. I lace my arms around his waist, loving the heat between us. We break apart as I catch my breath, Sallack’s hands drop from my face as his arms wrap around my waist.

“Wow!” Oh damn it; I just said that aloud!

Sallack chuckles, bending down and placing a delicate kiss to my lips.

              “That’s what I was going to say,” He says humorously as I laugh along with him. I feel so safe in his arms, as if no one could ever hurt me.

“I'll see you tonight beautiful. I have loads to do otherwise I would come join you.”

“Nu that’s fine, I’ll see you a bit later.” I kiss his lips again, pulling back to turn around as he lets a small growl escape.

I smile up at him with a wink, turning and walking down the small corridor.
He does it again, just as I get to the entrance he takes me by the waist and spins me around to face him.

“One more kiss!” He tells me before taking my lips in a beautiful, yet hungry kiss. Kill me now!


              I make my way back to Den at the bar with a huge smile on my face, from Sallack’s mind-blowing kisses. He is talking to the new bar man, as I walk over they both look over to me smiling.

“Hey Zara this is Dom, Dom, and Zara.”

I put my hand out to greet him and he takes it in both of his la
rge hands and kisses it saying,

“Welcome to Nickel Zara, it nice to meet you.”

“Thank you, nice to meet you to Dom.” I say, but quickly pressing my lips together as I don’t want to get caught staring at him open mouthed.

Dom is another stunningly handsome
man, with dirty blond hair, little over 6 foot and the sexiest dimples when he smiles. I look away quickly before he catches my gaze lingering. Dom grins at Den and gets back to making the other customers drinks as Den nudges me with a twinkle in his eye.

“Zara are you blushing? You’ve been doing that a lot in the last 24 hours,” He says chuckling.

If only he knew
the other reason for my blushing, I will tell him about kissing Sallack later, I just want to keep this my little secret a little longer.

“Uh I know it’s so embarrassing, why the hell is everyone so good looking around here it’s ridiculous, we should have moved here years ago,” I say with a wink.

e both burst into laughter because he knows I’m not like that. I have only ever had one lover, a boyfriend of 2 years after school, he was only a distraction from the heartache of never having Den want me how I wanted him to, he never loved me, and it was only when I found him with another girl, that we broke up and neither of us really upset.

I have had boyfriends but I have never really felt the butterflies like you’re meant to feel when you’re attracted to someone, so any relationship I was in never got serious.


              Den and I look at the paper together. While he rings around, I get talking to Dom, getting to know him a little. I find out that he works in the club also, which is great I get a good vibe from him, so I will look forward to work even more now.

fter 15 minutes, Den comes back over with news.

“Let's get going, I have managed to get us a viewing on a house just up the road in an hour, it’s a 3 bedroom house, it sounds real good to. Might want to put something else on your feet.” We both look down at my 3-inch heels.

“Yeah, good idea ok I’ll be back in a sec.”

I meet Den outside of the bar. The day is wonderful, clear blue sky and fresh air. I’m actually looking forward to the walk. We talk all the way up to the entrance of the house; it has only taken 35 minutes to walk from the bar, with the directions that Dom kindly gave us. We walk up to the house, and it’s lovely, more than I expected. It is a two-story brick building with white window frames and front door, large porch with a swinging chair. To top it all off, the house is positioned in what looks like a football pitch with enormous trees surrounding the back of the property. I’m blown away and I we’ve not even seen the inside.

“Look at this place, how perfect is this Zara?”

“It is perfect, do you think it we be able to afford it?”

“Uh hu, yeah we will. It’s within our price range; I have already asked the prices and everything else we need to know about costs babe.”

“No way really there must be something wrong with it?”

As we are still looking in amazement, a small red car pulls up. The woman that steps out to meet us has the most beautiful long glossy black hair, big brown eyes, and a body like sin. I sneak a look at Den to see his face, yes; he is smiling like a 5 year old that has been given a bowl of sweets.

“Hello there, Den and Zara Carter?” She says politely smiling at us both.

I always feel weird when someone says our surnames when we are together
, as it makes us look like we are married or that we are brother and sister, but really we just automatically got our adoptive parents surnames when we went to live with them.

“Yes. Thank you for agreeing to show us the house at short notice Sarah.”

“Oh no problem the house was my grandparents, I hope you will like it. Shall we?”

We follow her up to the front door while she gets the correct key in the lock.

              “I hope not to sound rude but why don’t you live in the house, it is beautiful?” I ask curiously.

“Oh no that’s fine, when I mate…married my husband we moved into his home. This house was left to me by my grandparents. It is a very lovely house let me show you around.”

Den looks taken back by the husband remark, if I was to tell the truth so am I a bit, she seems so nice it would have been lovely to see Den date someone decent.


              We step in the hallway with a kitchen to the right, with a big solid wood table surrounded by 4 chairs in the middle, white surfaces and a big 6-ring cooker. Wow, it is so clean and bright. The living room is as clean as the kitchen, with red and gold wallpaper and brown couches and a huge window. The bedrooms have double beds and plain walls, two rooms are on suite, they are on the top floor, and then the third bedroom is on the ground floor to the back of the house.

Perfect, just perfect. I need to know the catch, because there definitely is one.

              “It’s amazing. What do you think Den?”

“It is. Are you leaving everything here?” He asks her as we both look over to Sarah awaiting her answer. God that would be amazing not having to worry about buying furniture.

“Yes everything is here for you to use if needed, But…” Oh here we go with the ‘but’, please do not be to bigger ‘but’ I silently pray to God it is not something like; share with her 16-year brother or even worse sister!

“…We would like you to maintain the grass and flowers out the front and any odd jobs you find if you would manage them yourself as my husband is very busy with his work as am I.”

“Oh no that’s perfectly fine; we would have done that anyway. We will respect your house as if it were our own.”

Sarah is very happy to let us rent the house from her; we end up sitting on the porch for over two hours just chatting. We arrange to meet with her and her husband Merik at the bar Monday afternoon to sign the agreement and transfer the deposit, also first 2 months rent. Sarah very kindly agrees to let us move in on the Monday, telling us that ‘friends of Sallack are friends of mine’ and offers us a ride back to the bar, which we accept graciously. We thank Sarah for the ride and watch her pull away.

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