Charming Isabella (15 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: Charming Isabella
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Praise for Maggie Ryan




Louisa Revealed, Women of
Wintercrest, Book 1

Plus five more stars. This book is very intense. I would have read it straight through, but my heart kept pounding and
i had to give it a break. Not that age play is my thing, but the descriptions in this book i found to be very vivid. – Adele


I really like the way this book starts in the middle and then goes back and fills in (some of) the blanks as they become relevant. But I'd really like to know a lot more about Louisa's early days of marriage to Edward! I did feel that he was too harsh on Lucy, I hope to see more of her with her math tutor, especially if he ever had cause to discipline her! – GM


Becoming His

Love this slightly severe age play story. Keep them coming, Maggie Ryan. I like the severe (after all it is only a story)
––your writing reminds me of Carolyn Faulkner and her severe stories. Keep them coming despite what a few others say!!! I've read a few other severe stories from various authors and they are all horrid and mean. This story was soooooo charming. – S.


Wow, what can I say, about this but, it was a great read. It had some interesting angles in the plot and it didn't end as I had expected, but that was part of the pleasure of reading this book. – Pamela


Lord Edward’s Law, Women of Wintercrest Book 2

Fantastic sequel. Maggie Ryan just keeps getting better and better. I have fallen in love with the characters in this series. In Book 2, more is revealed of Louisa's lifestyle and her growing submission to her husband, Lord Edward. Lucy discovers the truth of how
Wintercrest Manor is run and the rules that her guardian demands be followed unless the girls are willing to pay the consequences of their misbehavior. Charles, Lucy's professor is discovering that he is no longer considering Lucille as a student; he is now picturing her as his future wife. Edward thinks the man is too weak to be able to offer Lucy the life she isn't aware that she needs. Will her allow Charles to court Lucy or will a new character be introduced in Book 3. one of Edward's choosing? Whichever way Ms. Ryan goes, it is sure to be a great read. She is an excellent author and I have truly enjoyed every one of her books. Hurry up with next book please! – Catherine


Maggie Ryan has done it again and wrote a wonderful sequel that shows where the characters are and how they have changed but still know how to get into trouble. – Evelyn


Please enjoy chapter one of Louisa Revealed, Women of Wintercrest Book I, by Maggie Ryan!



Louisa Revealed

Chapter One


Lucy tried hard not to panic as she sat on the horsehair settee.  She forced herself to take deep breaths, though her tight corset made the task a difficult one.  Her hands were folded in her lap, the fingers twisted together.  Though she managed to look calm to the casual observer, anyone who knew the young woman would have been immediately able to ascertain that something was seriously amiss.  A muffled noise caused her eyes to lift from where she had been assiduously studying the pattern of the carpet, to the closed door of the room.  She swallowed hard, knowing that the carefully laid plan had fallen completely apart.  Even as her heart began to beat harder, she saw the door slowly begin to open.

An older gentleman stepped through the door, his black robes flowing behind him.  He didn’t even glance at the young woman as she slowly pushed herself to her feet.  Another man entered, causing Lucy’s knees to begin shaking.  Her eyes widened as he pulled a young woman into the room to stand beside him.  The two women’s eyes met each other’s, and it was as if they were looking into a mirror.  Lucy saw her own fear reflected in the other set of violet-blue eyes.  Lucy took a hesitant step forward, one hand reaching out as if to gain strength from the woman. 

“Sit down!” the man ordered, his voice seeming to thunder in the room, though he spoke softly.  Lucy immediately sank back onto the settee and lowered her gaze again to the carpet.  She desperately wished a hole would open in the floor and simply swallow her whole.  She felt the settee shift just a bit as the other woman was pressed down to sit beside her. 

The man strode to the large fireplace to stand beside the older gentleman and then turned to face the two.  “Lucille, you were put into my care, and this is how you choose to repay my kindness?  You dare to flagrantly dishonor my name, and then have the audacity to pull my wife into your disobedience?  I will give you one chance, and one chance only to explain your actions.”  Lucy opened her mouth to speak, just to close it when words failed her.  The possibility of the plan failing had not even occurred to her, and she found she was totally incapable of making a response.

The room remained silent, the man’s presence seeming to fill up all the available space.  After several minutes, he continued, “Very well.  As you seem unable to speak, I shall summarize:  Though you knew you had exams this morning and had every opportunity to prepare for them, you spent the past week in frivolous activities.  Instead of accepting the consequences, you and Lady Wintercrest regressed to your childhood ploys.  Tell me, whose idea was it for Louisa to present herself to take the examination in your place?”  Lucy mumbled something too low to be heard.  “Speak up!”

Mi… mine, Sir.  I’m so sorry… it was only the mathematics one, Sir.  I… ” Lucy said, her voice only rising slightly.  She felt sick to her stomach, as she realized just how ridiculous the scheme had been.  “Louisa didn’t want to, but… ”

Her speech was abruptly interrupted by a booming voice of total authority.  “Nonsense!  It seems that marriage has done nothing to teach your sister responsibility.  Despite her station as Lady
Wintercrest, she remains incapable of making adult decisions.  Instead of joining you in this folly, Lady Wintercrest should have immediately informed her husband of your intentions.  The fact that you say she didn’t ‘want to’ just reinforces my belief that she should have remained in this school until she reached her majority despite her change in status.” 

The headmaster spoke harshly, as his finger pointed accusingly at the two women.  Lord
Wintercrest saw both women shrink back against the settee and couldn’t stop a small smile.  He wasn’t surprised; after all, he too had attended schools in his youth and been under the authority of headmasters, himself.  He watched as the women squirmed a bit, knowing they both had valid reasons for being extremely uncomfortable.  Not only did they have to answer to the headmaster of the school, both would soon answer to him at home.  He smiled again knowing exactly which man was capable of causing them the most discomfort.  His mind flew to the possibilities of their situation for a brief moment, and he then cleared his throat.  In direct contrast to the loud, booming voice of the headmaster, he spoke very softly, but his every word seemed to thunder in the small office.  Wanting to give his wife an opportunity to extract herself from the likely outcome of these proceedings, he softened his voice even more.

“Louisa, my dear, do you have anything to add?  This isn’t the time to remain silent if you can defend your actions.  Perhaps you can offer a reasonable explanation.  Tell me, did Lucille force you into this scheme, little one?” 

His wife lifted her eyes to meet his, and saw that he was indeed offering her a way out of her crime.  She also knew that her sister would take all the blame, if only Louisa gave her an opportunity.  However, she found herself shaking her head and lowering her eyes to gaze at the tips of her boots peeking from the hem of her skirts.  Knowing that such response telegraphed her guilt, she felt her stomach churn with the sure knowledge that she wouldn’t remain silent for long.  Suddenly, she felt the need to at least attempt to mitigate her guilt.

“No… no sir, except that I am so very sorry.  I… I just wanted to help Lucy.  She was so frightened and desperately afraid of failing and….”

“Evidently not frightened enough to study her lessons,” the headmaster shouted, his finger continuing to stab into the air as he spoke.  He did not appreciate the short interruption of his speech, and the offer of leniency from Louisa’s husband suited him even less.  “This behavior is unacceptable!  I, as well as the rest of the faculty, had hoped that your lies and acts of deceit had ended upon your marriage.  You would think becoming a…” he paused as he practically snorted, “A ‘Lady,’ under your husband’s authority would have cured you of this despicable behavior!  You acted like a child, and a very naughty child at that!” 

Edward watched the young woman draw even deeper into the settee, her face red with her embarrassment at the accusations.  He both knew the truth of the words, as well as knowing the poor man who spoke them had no real idea of how close to home his words had been.  Edward decided to take the situation back into his own hands.  “Sir, though I acknowledge that the girls have been disobedient, I see no need to cause my wife further embarrassment.  After all, she is Lady
Wintercrest, and though I do grant you the authority your position dictates, I propose you remember that fact.” 

The headmaster’s face flushed, recognizing the validity of the man’s words.  He wasn’t a stupid man after all; without the upper class of society placing their daughters into his care, his life would not be nearly as lucrative or as interesting as it was presently.  He forced himself to rein in his anger and gave Lord
Wintercrest a slight bow.  “Forgive me, Lord Wintercrest.  I find myself simply at my wit’s end, but I do apologize for any slur I might have suggested.  Believe me, it was not my intention in the slightest.”  He was grateful to find Lord Wintercrest give him a small nod in return, and chanced to continue.  “Lady Wintercrest, perhaps you can explain to your husband why I find this act so heinous.  How do we even know that it has been your sister attending classes at all?  This isn’t the first time you’ve switched places, now is it?” 

Louisa shook her head, her hands twisting in her lap.  “No sir, but
never for this reason.  The… the other times were just for…  ” Her head hung lower as she dug the hole she and her sister were in a bit deeper.

“Pray continue, Louisa,” she heard her husband command.  “Enlighten me of your past escapades, if you will.” 

Louisa felt her sister’s grip on her hand increase, as if warning her.  Louisa, however, had learned she must respond truthfully to her husband, or face consequences she couldn’t bear to think about – especially at this moment.  She swallowed hard and answered, “We took each other’s place before, but I swear it was only for a lark.  No one was wiser and, oh please, Sir, it was only for a bit of fun.”  She dared to raise her eyes to her husband’s, and saw at once that any mercy he might have been thinking of extending was quickly disappearing.  Desperate, her voice rose a bit as she pleaded, “Please, Headmaster Thorne, I swear, this is the first time since I left the school.  You must believe me.  I ask.…”

“The only thing you should be asking for is mercy!” Headmaster Thorne shouted, causing both women to start a bit.  The women unconsciously reached for each other’s remaining free hand, and as Lucy clasped her sister’s, she realized exactly what had caused their discovery.

Edward Wintercrest saw her mouth drop into a small ‘O’ and grinned.  He wondered how they could possibly have missed the glaring detail.  He couldn’t stop himself from pointing out their mistake.  “Though I’m sure there will never be another occurrence of this fiasco, you would both be wise to make sure that every aspect of your appearances match.  I can just imagine the surprise Professor Lloyds experienced when he saw the evidence of marriage without any prior announcement or posting of the banns.  Don’t you agree, Lucille?”  Edward watched as his sister-in-law raised her eyes to his, her face flushing with her embarrassment. 

Lucy had immediately seen the small gold band on her sister’s ring finger and couldn’t believe that neither she nor Louisa had thought about removing the one obvious adornment that they didn’t share.  She felt Louisa squeeze her fingers as if trying to give her strength.  “Yes sir, I’m so sorry Edward.  Please, I know I deserve to be punished, but I beg you to forgive Louisa.  I swear she wasn’t party to

“But she obviously was, Lucille.  After all, you are both sitting there, as identical as twins can be in your school uniforms. 
Identical except for one small detail that caught you both in your transgression.  I have heard enough.  You are both guilty and both deserve to be punished.”  Having made his decision, Lord Wintercrest turned to speak with the headmaster.  “Sir, I thank you for your concern, and appreciate the quickness with which you informed me of this.  Please, proceed with the normal discipline, and rest assured, I also will be delivering a much sterner lesson when we return home.”  Louisa gasped at her husband’s words.  Though she had known this was to be the likely outcome once the charade had been discovered, she had still harbored hope that her husband would find the escapade foolish but forgivable.  She watched as her husband took a few steps forward to seat himself in a large armchair as if he intended to enjoy a casual conversation with the headmaster.  She wanted to beg him to be merciful, to escort them home and to administer any punishment in privacy.  It appeared that her desires, however, had no bearing on what would occur.

“Though I appreciate your confidence in myself, as well as the rules of this institution, Lord
Wintercrest, I must address the fact that your wife is no longer a student here.  I do not have the authority to administer her punishment.” 

Edward saw his wife relax slightly, and knew she was desperately glad to hear those words.  He relished the fact that she would discover she had relaxed far too soon.  “I disagree, Sir.  Though, as you noted, my wife is now Lady
Wintercrest, it has become obvious that she chose to divest herself of her title with this escapade.  No one forced my wife; no, she chose to sneak into your school to become your student once again.  She attended class and took an exam she knew was meant for Lucille.  Her actions have given validity to my belief that our little Louisa indeed misses her carefree days as a young girl with nothing more to deal with than simple studies.” 

Louisa’s eyes shut tightly as her husband continued to speak.  Her face flushed, and she knew
his words were heard as one thing by the headmaster, and yet she also knew his words meant something entirely different to her.  She was embarrassed by what Headmaster Thorne must be thinking.  Her husband was telling him that she was obviously not able to behave as either an adult or a proper wife to the respected Lord Wintercrest.  She chanced to glance over at the headmaster, and saw the puzzled look in his eyes, as well as a smirk upon his lips, as he watched her squirm on the settee.  Louisa dropped her eyes and wished with all her heart that she had stayed at home, where she belonged.  Edward watched his wife try to steady herself and knew she was dreading what was to come; both here in this office as well as when he had her in the privacy of their bedroom at home. 

He smiled, enjoying her discomfort, and continued.  “As she is indeed a student today, I see no reason to eliminate her from your standard discipline.  After all, she is very familiar with the school’s rules, as she completed her studies here.  Please Sir, do me this favor and proceed as if she were still under your guidance.”  Louisa opened her eyes in disbelief, and tightened her grip on her sister’s hand.  Her husband was blatantly giving his permission to another man to take her in hand.  She tore her eyes off her husband’s only to see the smirk grow even larger on Headmaster Thorne’s face.

“Certainly, I shall do as you wish, Sir,” the man said with a small bow.  He turned his attention to the two women.  “Stand up and prepare yourselves,” he ordered even as he walked around to his desk. 

The women slowly stood, their hands still entwined.  Louisa looked at her husband once more.  “Please, Sir… I’m so sorry.  Please don’t let him do this,” she whimpered, unable to keep silent.  Edward simply shook his head.

“You did this, Louisa – you and Lucille.  You chose to return to your student days, and therefore will accept school discipline.  You both shall pay the price.  Now I suggest you do as you are told, as you will find no mercy here and even less when we return home.”  The two still hesitated, though each hand had released the other’s.  The black-robed gentleman was facing the wall behind his desk, deciding upon which implement would serve him best.  He made his selection, and reached up to remove the long rattan cane from its hooks.  Lucy moaned at the sight as he turned and swished the cane through the air.  Though she was no stranger to the cane, it had been many, many months since she had experienced the agony it was capable of delivering.  Thorne raised the cane so that it pointed at the two women.  “Normally I would call for Mrs. Francis to attend as witness to your punishment; however, I believe Lord Wintercrest will serve as witness in her stead, if you agree, Sir?” 

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