Read Charming Isabella Online

Authors: Maggie Ryan

Charming Isabella (9 page)

BOOK: Charming Isabella
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Jack had stopped, his entire being exhausted with the telling.
Coleman had finally sat down, his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking. The room was silent except for his sobs. When he calmed, he lifted his head. “She’s not free. She is still a prisoner of what that bastard did to her.”

Coleman, today is the first time in two years that we’ve seen her truly happy, and my man, you are the reason. We don’t tell everyone this story, but you needed to know. You need to keep her safe, to help her find herself, and yes, to truly be free.” Coleman felt the huge weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He had never thought he’d want to be that involved with another woman after Sarah, yet he never once considered walking away. Isabella had touched his heart in a way even Sarah hadn’t. He wanted nothing more than to go to her, to gather her into his arms and to tell her every day that she would always be safe and treasured. By the time they had fallen into bed, he knew he loved her.


Chapter 9


I’m so sorry, Isabella . . . I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to keep you safe.”

Izzy heard the pain
in his voice and snuggled into him. “Don’t. Please don’t pity me. It’s over, Cole; it needs to be behind me. I decided I wanted to live when I climbed out that window, but yesterday was the first time I felt like I had a chance. Don’t treat me like I’m fragile; I can’t promise not to be scared, but I do promise to try. I can’t do that if you turn away; I can’t take that. If you want me, I am yours, but only if you help me to truly live.”

Coleman felt his eyes fill.
God, this tiny thing had more guts and was braver than most men he knew. He pressed his lips to her forehead and heard her moan. He dropped his lips to hers. She pressed into him and he seared his want onto her mouth. By the time he broke away, she was panting hard. She smiled up at him and giggled, “I guess I’ll live, then.”

Yes Bella, you will live. It will be my mission to teach you to live again.”

Her smile lit the room
, and she felt as if a huge weight had lifted from her soul. She reached up, stroked his cheek with her fingers and saw the charm swinging on her bracelet. “Baby steps, Sir, and I think it’s time we take another.” He looked down at her as she pushed herself off his knee, lifted her skirt and lay down across his lap.

She sensed his hesitancy and turned her face to his.
“If I can take baby steps, so can you. You told me I was getting a spanking, Sir; please show me I can count on you to take me in hand when I am disobedient.”

He looked down and saw the love and
trust in her eyes. He didn’t speak. Instead, he gave her a nod and then tucked her close into his waist. He did spank her, but they both knew it wasn’t what he had originally planned. He swatted her softly, moving from one cheek to another. Instead of any pain, Izzy felt nothing but arousal blossom inside her. She felt tears fall from her eyes but knew they were not from pain. They were from letting go of the past.

He heard her crying and stopped until she said,
“Please, Sir.” He took a deep breath and began to spank her again, his hand landing harder against her bottom. She gasped and began to squirm a bit. He stopped when her bottom turned a light pink and then had her cradled in his lap again. He kissed her until she thought she was going to pass out. When he released, her she giggled, “If that is how it is going to be every time, I’m going to be naughty every day.”

He laughed and hugged her hard.
“I wouldn’t count on that, my Bella. You are definitely getting off easy this time. The next time I have to put you over my knee, my hand won’t be as gentle.” He saw her eyes widen just a bit and added, “Just remember, I will only lift my hand to your bottom out of love and respect. I will never spank you in anger, only in love.”

She smiled and nodded, her bottom tingling just slightly but her core aching with an unfulfilled need.
She squirmed on his lap and he groaned as her little bottom wiggled against his thickening cock. “Careful, little one, I’m trying to maintain my authority here.”

She grinned and wiggled again until he gave her a sharp swat on her hip.
“Ouch!” she yelped and then giggled.

He grinned as well.
“Nancy probably needs you, and I’m sure Jack is going nuts.”

Oh, God, I forgot!” she gasped as she jumped off his lap. She began to run to the door and almost fell before he grabbed her around her waist.

Careful, Bella. Though I am rock hard from looking at your pretty pink bottom, maybe you should pull your panties back up before you break your neck or I go further than I intended.” She blushed, her heart pounding at the arousal in his eyes. He found he adored watching her face and the very open emotions he could read from her expression. He smiled, bent down and slowly pulled her panties back into place. He gave her a quick swat, and she squealed. He gave her another kiss and opened the door. He looked down the hall and saw Nancy standing outside the door, pacing back and forth in the hallway. Her body language showed her concern for her friend. She stopped pacing and stood, her feet apart and her arms crossed against her chest. She looked exactly as Izzy had when she had been ready to defend Nancy.

Coleman smiled at the sight
, loving the way these two defended each other. Nancy relaxed when she saw Izzy and heard her giggling. Coleman nodded at Nancy but bent to say, “We’re not done here yet, my Bella. I’ll find you soon and finish our discussion.”

She stopped and turned in the hall to look at him.
Seeing him smile and the look in his eyes, she said, “Yes, Sir, I’ll be ready.” She then turned and ran into Nancy’s room. Coleman smiled and took several deep breaths. He went to find Jack. He wanted to get this wedding done; after all, he had a woman to teach.

By the time the last handful of
birdseed had been tossed onto the wedded couple, everyone was exhausted. The wedding was perfect. Nancy was gorgeous in her gown, surrounded by everyone who loved her. She promised to love, honor and obey her husband. Jack promised to love, honor, protect and guide her. She cried, but then all of them had tears on their cheeks. Izzy was glowing almost as much as the bride, her eyes constantly seeking Coleman’s. The electricity between the two of them was palpable. Beth and Tom were happier than they could believe. As Jack helped his new wife into his car, she was more than ready to leave. She couldn’t have had a more perfect wedding; however, she was aching with the need to be alone with him. She smiled as he bent to kiss her gently and then heard him whisper that the wedding night would be even better.

They look so happy,” Beth sighed, as she slipped out of her shoes. Tom drew her down onto the couch, put her feet into his lap and began to rub them. “Oh God, you are such a wonderful, wonderful man.” He grinned and kissed her as he continued the massage.

smiled and realized that she was surrounded by people who truly loved each other. She looked up to see Coleman watching her, and her smile brightened. He motioned for her to follow him. Without a moment’s hesitation, she slipped out of the living room and into her uncle’s office, where Coleman had gone. He shut the door and pulled her into his arms. She lifted her face to his and accepted his kiss. She moaned with need; he made her toes curl. He released her and softly said, “I can’t wait to be inside you, Bella.”

She felt like she was going to faint.
She wanted nothing more than to be his. He smiled and led her to her uncle’s desk. She briefly wondered if he planned on bending her over the desk but looked up at him in puzzlement as he simply pulled out the chair and sat her down in it. “Conclusions, my dear?” he asked, causing her to blush. He laughed and put a pad and a pencil down in front of her. Still confused, she simply waited for him to get on with it. “You are to write 500 times, ‘My bottom is beautiful’.”

Her mouth dropped open
, and she stared at the blank paper and then back at him. “What? You’ve got to be kidding. Why?”

He grinned and picked up the pencil and handed it to her.
“I never kid when I discipline, Isabella. You’ll write ‘My bottom is beautiful’ 500 times. You need to know that you are beautiful, that your bottom is absolutely gorgeous and that if you don’t learn that lesson, then your poor, beautiful, little bottom will be red most of the time.”

She gasped and then blushed as she visualized him looking directly at her bottom when he had spanked her.
Her hand began to shake, and she wanted to deny his words. However, when he tapped his finger against the paper and said, “My bottom is beautiful,” she found herself writing that line. He watched her for a few minutes and then stepped away. He picked up a newspaper off the nearby table and settled into an easy chair. The room was silent except for the scribbling of her pencil and the occasional rustling as he turned pages of the paper.

By the time she was done, several pages were filled
, and her hand was cramping. She looked up and saw him watching her. She flushed but said, “I’m done, Sir.” He stood and approached her.

What did you learn, Bella?”

She blushed again but whispered
, “My bottom is beautiful, Sir.” He nodded and bent to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her from the chair. He sat and pulled her onto his lap. She felt his hard thighs under her bottom, and arousal flooded into her panties. He picked up the pad and read the lines.

You have beautiful handwriting, as well as a beautiful bottom, my Bella.” She smiled, finding his words made her incredibly happy. He didn’t hurry with the pad; he flipped each page as if reading every word. She snuggled against him and realized that he did believe her bottom to be beautiful. She still couldn’t agree with him, but decided maybe she wasn’t as bad as she thought. He flipped the last page and said, “You did a great job. I’m very proud of you, little one.” He put the pad down and kissed her. By the time he released her, she was a puddle of need. She whined as he stood and set her on her feet.

I’ve got to get home, honey, but I’ll be back tomorrow.” She desperately didn’t want him to leave. She was about to beg him to stay when he said, “Bella, your aunt and uncle are tired and deserve a night of peace and quiet. They don’t need to entertain a houseguest tonight. I promise to be back early. Trust me, sweetheart.” She wanted to argue but remembered how tired her aunt had looked.

She nodded and reached up to stroke his cheek.
  “Yes, Sir. Do you like to ride?” His mouth curled into a delicious grin, and she giggled. “Now who’s jumping to conclusions? I mean horses. I can fix a picnic, and we can ride the ranch tomorrow.”

He continued to grin
, and his voice was hoarse when he said, “I’ve done some riding, Isabella. Tomorrow we’ll see who rides the best, shall we?”

She felt another rush of arousal and practically melted against him.
“Yes, Sir.”

He moaned and kissed her again.
He set her back from him. “I’m losing control, Bella. Be a good girl and walk me out.” He opened the door and they stepped out. Tom and Beth were asleep on the couch, her head now cradled in his lap, his head against the couch back. “When I’m gone, wake them so they won’t be stiff tomorrow, okay?” She nodded, but couldn’t stifle a giggle. He grinned and whispered, “Naughty, naughty.” They parted at his truck after yet another searing kiss.

She watched as he drove away, her hand at her heart.
As his taillights disappeared, she turned back to the house and saw the charm swinging on her bracelet. She pressed her lips against the tiny shoe.

Baby steps,” she murmured and then hurried into the house to get her aunt and uncle up to bed before she could climb into her own and relive this wonderful day.

Chapter 10


“I had no idea the ranch was this large or this beautiful,” Coleman said, as he rode beside Izzy. She turned in the saddle and smiled across at him.

I loved growing up here. Nancy and I rode all the time and know all the best spots.” He smiled, seeing her so at ease. She was so relaxed and happy it was obvious that she was in her element. He had arrived at an hour that he had worried was a bit early, only to find her already waiting for him on the front porch. Just seeing her jump up off the swing to run down the steps made his heart pound. Grabbing her into a bear hug and giving her the first of many kisses caused his cock to stir as well. He was amazed at the instant reaction she caused in him every time he saw her face. She was giddy and instantly felt the electricity surge through her entire body.

Whoa honey, I think we’d better slow down a bit.” She looked away, doubt coloring her eyes. He saw her flush and said, “Baby, if we don’t slow down, we’ll never make it to the barn. I’m about to take you right here, right now.” She saw him grin and told herself that his words were truthful. He bent to kiss her again and when he again whispered, “Whoa,” she giggled and wrapped her arms even tighter around his neck.

Practicing your riding vocab already?”

was puzzled for an instant by her quick change and then got her joke. He slapped her bottom and grinned. “Careful what you say, little one. I’ve got all sorts of new words and phrases to teach you today.” Her heart stuttered, but she couldn’t stop grinning. She led him into the house and gave him a cup of coffee, while she put the finishing touches on their picnic lunch. They were packing the items into a saddlebag when Tom and Beth entered the kitchen. They all smiled and took the time to enjoy another cup of coffee.

Have you ridden a lot, Coleman?” Tom asked. Izzy smiled and felt her shin get a small kick under the table. She looked up to see Coleman’s eyes smiling at her and knew he was letting her know he was aware of where her mind was . . . it definitely wasn’t on a horse.

I’ve ridden a fair amount, Tom. Is there anything I need to be concerned about before we take off?”

Tom shook his head.
“Izzy and Nancy rode almost every day, so you won’t have to worry about getting lost. Just keep a look out for snakes, especially along the creek. They usually don’t bother anybody, but it’s better to remember you are out in their world.” Coleman nodded and saw Izzy give a shiver. She might be a brave little thing, but it was obvious she was definitely not found of slithering animals.

Good to know. I’m putting myself into Isabella’s hands, but I promise to keep my eyes peeled.” She giggled again and felt his toe tap into her shin again. Solving that problem, she pushed away from the table and gathered up their coffee cups. Beth smiled, watching her flit about the kitchen. It was obvious to all that Izzy was happy, and she intended to keep her that way. She accepted her niece’s embrace and returned the hug. She watched as Coleman took her hand and they walked to the barn.

He’ll keep her safe, Beth,” Tom assured her. Beth nodded and poured them another cup of coffee. It felt quiet in the house. She missed having her girls at home and had truly enjoyed the last couple of days. Izzy would be returning home this evening to open her store in the morning.

Tom could read her thoughts.
“They’ll come back often, sweetheart. I’m sure all the young kids will spend lots of time at the ranch. I don’t think it will be too long before you have some grandkids to keep you busy. Meantime, you have me to keep you entertained.”

Beth saw the horses being led from the barn and watched as the young couple swung up into the saddles and began to walk away.
She turned to her husband and smiled. “I admit I can’t wait for little ones again. However, I seem to have missed that entertainment last night. We are getting old, if a simple wedding takes that much energy out of us both.” Tom stood and took her into his arms. As he led her back towards their bedroom he promised himself that he’d entertain her very well.

Coleman found the ride comfortable and relatively easy.
Once Izzy made certain that he did actually have riding experience, she urged her horse into a gallop. Her long red hair whipped out behind her, and he heard her laugh back at him. He enjoyed a challenge and was soon urging his own horse to follow. They raced across some open fields and only slowed when they entered a more forested area. The shade was dappled across the ground, the trees forming a canopy above them. After an hour, he could make out the sound of water. He watched as Izzy stopped, slid from her saddle and tied her horse to a nearby tree. He followed her example and was soon holding her in his arms.

This is perfect. A beautiful woman and a beautiful day.” He felt her tense, but only for a moment, and he grinned. He knew she had been ready to deny that she was beautiful but obviously remembered her lesson from the evening before. He bent to kiss the top of her head and whispered, “That’s a good girl.” She was grateful that he was behind her and couldn’t see her blush. “You learn fast, little one.” She realized that even without looking at her face, he was reading her mind. He turned her to face him and bent to kiss her. The day grew even more beautiful for her as his mouth seared into hers. He released her, and she took a few minutes to get her breath back.


I’ve discovered that word must only work on horses; it has done absolutely nothing to slow down my desire for you.” Her heart thudded, desire coursing throughout her to settle in her stomach. She pulled herself in, still uncertain how he’d react to her true needs. Instead, she gave him a playful shove. He was still smiling as she undid the saddlebags and handed them to him. She checked to make sure the horses had enough room to graze. He watched her as she stroked each horse and reassured them that they would return. He grinned as he took her hand, allowing her to lead him down an almost-hidden path for a few minutes. When they stepped out of the trees, he whistled. The view was absolutely magnificent. The river flowed beneath them, its music beautiful as it tumbled over and around rocks and boulders.

She smiled up at him
. “Isn’t it perfect?” He nodded, and she blushed again, realizing his eyes were focused on her and not the view.

She tugged on his arm.
“Come on, I want to show you my favorite spot in the world.” He followed behind, as she released his arm and began to hop and climb up a large pile of rocks on the river’s edge. Tom’s words came back to him and he reached out to stop her ascent. Startled, she almost stumbled, but turned out. “Hey, don’t tell me you are afraid of heights.”

He shook his head.
“No, but I do believe you might be afraid of snakes.”

At his words, her head whipped from side to side, her eyes wide.
She looked as if she expected to see a snake coiled to strike at her. “Where?”

No Bella, I don’t see one, but if I
one, this is the exact spot I’d be taking my morning nap.”

shook her head. “You scared the crap out of me. Don’t do that again. I’ve been up here hundreds of times, but I’ve never seen a snake here before. The river is too fast and the water too cold for them. Geez, you almost gave me a heart attack.”

He didn
’t appreciate the tone in her voice or her flippancy and his eyes darkened for an instant. “I don’t joke about safety, Isabella—especially about someone I care very much for. I’ll take the lead.” She shook her head and turned to begin the climb again. He tightened his grip on her arm. She turned to him, exasperation in her look as she rolled her eyes. Her expression changed to one of shock when he dropped the saddlebag and then reached out and popped his hand—hard—twice across her bottom. It was too quick for her to even register his intent. “I said I’d lead. Now, do you need a reminder of who is the boss here, or do you want to obey me?”  She shivered at his tone and lowered her eyes. “You do know what I mean by ‘reminder’, don’t you Isabella?”

"A spanking?" she whispered. 

"Sometimes a reminder will be a spanking," he told her.  "But there are other punishments that are just as effective, and are also quiet.  It means that I can correct you as long as we have a little privacy.  Do you want to know what those are?"

Isabella really didn't, but thought was not smart to tell him that.  "Yes sir." 

"Sometimes I might spank your pussy," he advised.  She gasped and blushed.  "Believe me, if I want to make a point, you will not think it's fun when you have to spread yourself open for my little punishment stick.  Or I might punish you with my finger.  Do you know what that is?" 

She shook her head, no.

“I can’t hear you, young lady.”

"I don't know what the finger is, sir."

"If I need a very effective, quick and quiet reminder, I'll be punishing you with my finger far up inside your beautiful bottom whenever you need to remember exactly who is the head of this relationship. Now, are you ready to let me lead or do you want to drop your jeans?”

She gasped and went scarlet.  She could not even imagine that.

"So, do you want the finger right now?"

She wiggled a bit but found the courage to look up at him.
She saw the love on his face and took a deep breath. “I’d like you to lead, Sir.”

He nodded and drew her into his arms.
“I’ll always lead you, Bella. It’s my job to keep you safe from all harm.” She nodded and he bent to kiss her. “Thank you, honey, for taking that step.” She smiled and didn’t hesitate when he picked up the saddlebag and moved in front of her to take the lead. She was a little less exuberant than before and willing to follow his slower pace. She reached back and rubbed her bottom. His swats hadn’t really hurt, but just the fact that he reacted so fast made her insides tingle. She blushed, imagining his finger inside her bottom and felt her panties grow moist. He reached the top of the boulder and looked around. He smiled when he realized that she had yet to take the final step to join him.

She pointed to a pile of smaller rocks and said
, “Could you check over there, please?” He nodded, and only after making sure it was clear did he offer her a hand up. She was soon standing beside him, as they looked out in all directions.

I can see why you love this spot, Bella. It is beautiful and so peaceful.” She saw pleasure reflected on his face and felt guilty about being so childish.

She looked down; he
reached out and lifted her chin with his finger until her eyes met his. “What’s wrong, Bella?”

She blushed
, but knowing he wanted an answer, she said, “I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me.”

He moved his hand to caress her cheek.
“Isabella, I’m not mad. You misbehaved, you got your bottom smacked, but then you made the correct choice. I don’t believe in letting things fester. You will learn that I will discipline you immediately when needed, but once done, it is forgiven and forgotten. It's one of the reasons that I have several ways of correcting that are quiet.  So no matter where we are, if we have any privacy at all, you can be reminded."  She nodded at his words.  "I want to enjoy the day with you; are you ready to do that?”

She nodded
again and smiled. He gave her a quick kiss. They soon had a blanket spread out on the top of the large boulder. He sat down and pulled her to rest between his knees, her back pressed against his chest. “I have something for you, honey.” She turned to smile up at him, her eyes soft and filled with desire. He bent to kiss her even as he fished a small tissue-wrapped object from his pocket. He said, “Give me your wrist.” She lifted her hand and he touched the bracelet. She felt a smile pull at her lips and watched as he unwrapped the object. He held up a tiny silver hand. She knew instantly what it represented and shivered as he threaded it onto her bracelet, where it chimed against the baby shoe. When he was done, he lifted her wrist to his lips and kissed her sensitive skin.

It’s beautiful, Sir. Thank you.” He watched her play with the small charms and was pleased. She obviously loved the gift, and that was confirmed when she said, “Your hand to both guide and protect me as well as to remind or sp… spank me.”

He smiled, his chin resting on the top of her head.
She pressed tighter against him, as if to secure herself in his arms. He gathered her tighter and said, “Always, Bella. My hands will always be there for you; trust that you are safe in them.”

She nodded and whispered
, “I will, Sir.” They sat contemplating the moment and its meaning. The sun was warm but not yet blazing and the world was quiet except for the sound of nature. He didn’t want to move; he was perfectly content to spend the rest of his life with this woman in his arms.

, though, she wiggled against him and he asked, “Not comfortable in my arms, already?”

She laughed and said
, “I’ll always be comfortable there, but I think I’m sitting on a rock and it hurts my butt.”

He smiled and lifted her away from him.
As she moved, he said, “Hungry?” She discovered that she was and spread out the food she had packed. They enjoyed sandwiches and shared a thermos of iced tea. When he sat against the boulder again, he drew her to sit on his lap. She snuggled into him and shared a bunch of grapes, popping one into her mouth and then reaching up and feeing him, as well. He grinned, “I could get used to having you serve me.”

BOOK: Charming Isabella
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