Changing the Rules [Club Libertine 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (5 page)

BOOK: Changing the Rules [Club Libertine 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“I don’t want to be in your debt. I don’t want to be in anyone’s debt.”

“Fuck it, Michelle. Take the promissory notes. No strings.”

“There are always strings. What do you really want from me? Why did you want to see me so badly? Just to fuck me again? No, wait. What was that you said a few minutes ago? You two have been ‘exploring your dominant sides’? Is that what you really wanted, to be able to dominate me again? Both of you? To get your revenge on me that way? What do you want me to do, strip and kneel at your feet?”

“You’d be a pretty damned expensive fuck. You are good, but you aren’t that good, baby.” Mac glared at her. Sean’s expression was enigmatic. But she could see he was becoming aroused. She couldn’t be sure about Mac since he was sitting behind the desk.

“Sure, why not? Let’s do it. Sure, I’ve been curious. You two want to bang me together again? Why not? You know I’ll do anything to pay off the debt.” She stood and ripped off her jacket and started unbuttoning her top. “Do it. Dominate me, baby,” she challenged.

“You think a single fuck would cover the remaining $225,000? You want to pay me back? Well, I’ll tell you how you can do it. We don’t have a sub under contract right now. As I recall, you were a good fuck and I’m curious to see what you’ve learned since then. I was your first, wasn’t I? And Sean your second.

“And you did seem to enjoy it when we did you together, so here’s the offer. You sign on to be our sub for three months. That’s when the remaining notes are due. You hold up your end of the contract and at the end of ninety days, I’ll cancel the promissory notes.”

“Three months?”

“Surely three months of your time is worth $225,000. A traditional sub’s contract is for a year. I’m giving you a bargain because I don’t know if you could keep us interested for a full year. You have sixty seconds to decide. Since you won’t agree to take out
, then agree to fuck us for ninety days or else find another way to come up with the rest of the money in ninety days. Your choice.”

“You are an asshole. Has anyone told you that lately?”

“Does that mean we have a deal?”

“Thirty days.”

“You value yourself highly.”

“Take it or leave it.”

He looked at Sean, who nodded almost imperceptibly. Mac got up and walked around the table. He took his jacket off and his tie.

“Deal. We’ll seal the deal with a bang instead of a handshake. And then Sean will take you to his office and draw up the contract. You can take it back to your hotel room tonight and read it over. He’ll also make an appointment for you with a doctor we use. She’ll give you a thorough physical, and if you aren’t already on birth control, they’ll arrange it. We don’t like using condoms.”

“What about your medical reports? It goes both ways.”

“We’ll let the doctor go over our reports with you. Neither of us are in the habit of going bareback, but I want no barriers between us. And by the way, do you wax your pussy?”

“What, no!”

“Sean, can you make a note? After the doctor, have the driver take her to the spa to get waxed.”

“Done.” Sean made a note in his tablet.

“Now stand up, go over there, and kneel on the coffee table.”

Warily, Michelle rose to her feet. She couldn’t believe she was going to do it. She couldn’t let them know just how badly she missed them both, how much she regretted leaving them, and how much she wanted them back. Clearly Mac was only after revenge sex. Well, if that was all she could get she’d take it. And she’d spend the next month trying to change it into something more.

She walked over to the desk and started to remove her shoes.

“No!” He voice cracked like a whip. “You have to learn to follow orders. Do what you are told, when you are told, and only what you are told. If we had wanted you to remove your shoes, we’d have told you. Once the contract is signed, infractions like that will earn you a punishment, but I’m feeling tolerant right now.”

Michelle walked up to the coffee table. She looked at the padded leather top. She wondered if they’d fucked any other woman on this coffee table. She was surprised by the burning stab of jealousy shooting through her.

“Look at me.” It was Sean, and he was standing in front her with his pants unzipped. He pushed them down, and his huge cock sprang free.

She looked up and met his deep-blue gaze. He still looked like the quintessential surfer dude even with the “serious” haircut. She felt Mac move behind her and then he was pulling her skirt up and her panties down. Her ass and pussy were exposed to him. She felt wanton, and excited as he probed her folds with one large finger.

“Sean, our girl’s turned on by this. You should see all the honey dripping out of her cunt. She likes being dominated. She always liked it when I forced her to do something she thought she didn’t want to do. You should have seen the fuss she made the first time I stuck my cock down her throat. Too bad she left before I had time to fuck her ass. I won’t make that mistake this time. She’s going to take it up the ass frequently during the next few days.” His tone was darkly sensual, his voice thickening, as if he was imagining what he was describing.

“You’re wron—” She was interrupted by a sharp slap on her naked backside.

“Did I ask you a question? In matters of sex, you will speak only when spoken to. Your job will be to obey your masters, and for the next month that is us. If you can’t handle that, then leave now and we’ll see you in ninety days with the money or you can stay with us for thirty days and submit to us.”

He paused, still fingering her, now jamming a second and then a third finger inside her. He was finger fucking her now and pushing his fingers deeper and deeper into her, stretching her. With his thumb he massaged her clit. She could feel her arousal growing. She moaned and ground herself on his hand. He curled his fingers against her G-spot, and she ground herself harder on him.

Then, without warning, he pulled out, leaving her on the edge of orgasm, mewling in disappointment.

“Sorry, honey. You’ll come when I decide, and I want to recreate our last night together. You suck Sean’s cock, while I fuck your pussy. And you don’t get to come until he does. If you do, you’ll be punished. Oh, and remember, like last time, you don’t get to use your hands.” He reached around her and drew her hands back, securing them behind her back with his necktie. Then he pushed her head back down and on to Sean’s waiting cock. She opened her mouth and took him deep, sucking hard.

Sean tangled his fingers in her hair, holding her still, and started fucking her mouth hard and deep and fast. She moaned. She moaned harder when Mac’s cock slammed into her. He wasn’t the gentle lover she remembered. He didn’t make love to her. He fucked her like his life depended on it.

Her orgasm was rising and she desperately tried to tamp it down. Clearly Mac wanted her to break the rules and come without permission, but Michelle wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. But he played dirty, rubbing her clit, pinching it, caressing it. She knew Sean was close. She sucked harder, relaxing her jaw and swallowing on it as it breached her throat.

She felt Sean stiffen and his cock jerk in her mouth. He held it deep and shot his load into her throat. She’d done it. She relaxed and let her climax wash over her, her pussy clenching hard on Mac’s cock. That pushed him over the edge, and he emptied himself into the condom he was wearing.

She could sense him walking around to the front of the table to stand beside Sean. She saw him remove the used condom and toss it in the garbage can. His cock was sticky with his own cum.

“Lick it clean” he commanded. When she was done, he patted her on the head. “Good girl.” And he left.

Chapter Five


She wasn’t sure exactly what she was supposed to do. Sean came around to the side of the table and helped her to her feet. He looked discreetly away while she pulled up her panties and then smoothed down her skirt, and then he sat her back down in the chair she had originally occupied.

Sean walked over and sat in the other guest chair.

“So, Mac’s just as chatty as ever,” commented Michelle dryly.

“Mac is Mac. He was never much for showing his feelings, you know that. From the time he was a boy, anything he showed that he cared about was taken from him, including you, ten years ago. He’s afraid to show too much until he feels secure.

“Now, I imagine you have lots of questions. I’ll do my best to answer them.”

“Why did you move to Seattle?”

“Well, that’s not what I expected to hear. There were a couple of reasons. Firstly, we both found it hard to be in the same city as you and not be with you. I don’t know about Mac, but I kept imagining seeing you on every street corner. Once it actually was you, and I found myself turning and running.

“And there were business reasons, too. Mac was working toward a start-up IT company. The northwest was the place to be.

“And I got shot on the job and decided that maybe policing wasn’t for me.”

“Shot!” Michelle jumped up and then sat back down. “What? Where? How bad? I mean, obviously you’ve recovered, but what happened?” She was pale and had to lean back in her chair. She could have lost Sean forever and never even known it.

“It was stupid. I had stopped for coffee, and a junkie came in to rob the place. I tackled him without thinking. It was just a flesh wound in my side.” He pulled up his shirt and showed her the little puckered scar on his side. She reached out to touch it, but he pushed her hand away and smoothed down his shirt. “Missed anything vital. But recovering gave me time to think. And it gave us time to talk. We both blamed ourselves for you leaving and maybe blamed each other, too. Mac blamed himself for bringing me into your bed and sharing you. And I blamed myself for not being strong enough to say no. I’d loved you since I met you and had thought I lost my chance with you. If I’d know you were going to leave us, I’d never have participated.”

“Oh, Sean!”

“But getting shot put everything into perspective for both of us. We finally talked about you for the first time. We talked through our guilt, which almost tore us apart, and ended up closer than ever and helped us decide never to compromise on what we wanted, no matter what the rest of the world thought about us. And I quit the force. I decided that there were better uses for my talents and started my own private security company.

“Up until then, by day, we put on happy faces, dating nice girls, separately, and kissing them chastely or making love to them in the missionary position, again, alone. But at night, we would prowl, picking up women who wanted the two of us.

“After the shooting, we stopped pretending. We didn’t want vanilla. So we went looking hard for a third to complete us since you weren’t an option. One of these women introduced us to the Inferno Club. It was a revelation. It was like the world shifted on its axis. We weren’t perverts or even all that rare. Our Mrs. Robinson had been right. It wasn’t wrong between consenting adults. The motto of the Inferno Club and the BDSM subculture was ‘safe, sane and consensual.’

“We immersed ourselves. After we’d been members for a few months, I met a fellow from out of town who was a member of a similar club in the Seattle area. They were planning an expansion to big, new, custom-built premises, but the one thing they needed help with was the security design.”

“I always said you were just as smart as Mac.”

“Yeah, you always had faith in me. And I’d had a few drinks, and he’d hit on a particular hobby horse of mine. Security was my passion. Not policing. I knew that now. Ideas I had on how to set up security in the new club came pouring out, ideas I didn’t even consciously know I had but obviously had been simmering in my subconscious for a while. I talked about the physical security aspect, locks and cameras and security personal, but there was more to security than that. I asked questions like, ‘How did they screen their members?’ With my sociology background, I had plenty of ideas for screening. And then there was cyber security. One of the software systems Mac was developing was a security system to protect sensitive data from hackers. You couldn’t get much more sensitive than membership in a BDSM club, especially if you were a prominent businessperson or politician.

“He insisted that I fly out for an interview. Even if I didn’t want to move out there, he was sure the owner would hire me to consult. I took his card and gave him my contact information.

“I talked to Mac about it. It was a great opportunity and could lead to my own business in security consulting. Mac was enthusiastic. The northwest was the place to be for the upcoming IT entrepreneur. And by that time, we’d given up on you coming back to us.

“So I went to the interview. Was offered the job on the spot. A week later, we both packed up and moved west. Not only did we join the club, but moving turned out to be the best decision we ever made, at least workwise. Mac helped set up the computer system, which lead to him creating what turned into one of his biggest products, the W/M Security Monitor. And when he needed money to expand, it was club members who invested. When he went public a few years ago, he made a great many of us very rich and then he bought the club and renamed it Club Libertine.

“But before then, we trained with the previous owner and became full-fledged Doms. The owner of the club would not let anyone act as a Dom in his club without a thorough vetting of their skills, and we’ve continued to operate the club the way he did. A trusted staff member observes potential new Doms in action and proscribes additional training where required before they are certified to ‘scene’ in the club. Too many men think being a Dom is about hurting women, about controlling them. But there’s a power exchange involved. The sub allows the Dom power over her body, but in turn the Dom or Domme must live up to their end of the bargain and provide for the sub’s sexual needs, giving them pleasure when earned and punishment when required. They must learn their sub’s body better than the subs know themselves, and know when to push a sub’s boundaries and when to leave be. It’s a complex relationship, one that requires a written contract, if the relationship is to last more than a single scene in a playroom or club.”

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