Changing the Rules [Club Libertine 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (10 page)

BOOK: Changing the Rules [Club Libertine 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Both Michelle and Sean groaned.

“Oh, god, baby. You are so fucking tight. It feels like you are going to squeeze the cum right out of my cock before I have a chance to fuck you.”

“Less talk and more fucking, bro,” gritted out Sean. “I am not going to last back here. She was tight before, but now... just move.”

Michelle could barely speak. She was more aroused than she had ever been in her life. All she could do was writhe between them, wordless begging them to move and make her come.

She moaned. She cried out. She begged. Almost incoherent, she was driven by a primitive need. When Sean reached up under her to squeeze her breasts and pull on her nipples, her climax ripped through her in waves, and the waves didn’t stop coming.

Mac and Sean set a rhythm that just pushed her higher. One drove in as the other pulled. In and out. Out and in. Then Mac reached down and pinched her swollen clit.

The world exploded in stars, and she slumped down over Sean as the waves of pleasure rippled through her. But she didn’t have a chance to come down completely because the two men kept moving inside her, harder and harder until she felt them achieve their own release. First Mac shot his seed deep within her pussy. Pulse after pulse of warm liquid flooded her as her pussy continued to milk him. And then when he pulled out, she could see he was still hard. Sean flipped her back on her knees and started moving hard and fast, pounding in to her ass, then he push himself deep into her and held still while he sent his release inside her. She was about to collapse onto the blanket when Mac move behind her, ramming his still hard cock deep inside her and reaming her so hard he pushed her flat onto the blanket. He was insatiable, fucking her ass until she was shuddering in another release. She bucked up against him and that sent him over the edge and he, too, held himself deep inside her, shooting his seed inside her.

He finally pulled out, his chest heaving from his exertions. He nudged her legs apart, watching with fascination as their seed leaked from her ass and pussy. He looked up, and Sean was watching, too, growing hard again from the sheer eroticism of watching their cum dripping out of Michelle’s body, knowing that she’d taken both of them. He watched her curl up and drift off to sleep, exhausted. She was theirs, damn it, and before the end of the thirty days, she’d admit it.

Mac crawled over to the picnic basket and pulled out a handful of wet wipes. The woman at the store must have figured they were the messiest eaters ever when he insisted on a full container, instead of the usual half-dozen packets.

He tossed a few to Sean and then cleaned himself up before starting on Michelle, but not before snapping a few cell-phone pics of her sleeping, their cum still dribbling from her exhausted body. Then he pulled his pants on and helped Sean clean up the picnic debris and repack the picnic basket.

Mac felt himself grinning foolishly at Sean who had the same bemused grin on his face. That had been amazing, wonderful, stupendous. It made him think there was a chance for the three of them to have a future together. Sure it was sex, but that kind of connection couldn’t just be physical. He’d felt so connected to Michelle.

Then he picked up Michelle in his arms and carried her back to the car. He slid in the backseat with her, holding her on his lap. It was only a short distance to the house, but Sean drove very slowly and carefully.

When they got to the house, Michelle was still out like a light, so Mac carried her up to her bedroom and tucked her in. He figured she might need some alone time to process what happened.


* * * *


“Sean, do you think maybe I was being a little tough on her, you know, taking all of her clothes? I think maybe we should give them back. Maybe try to show her that we see her as more than just a temporary sex slave.”

“Seriously, Mac? You were the one who was totally intent on showing her who was in charge and demanding her submission. She tore your heart out once and, don’t forget, she tore mine out too.”

“I thought you were the one who wanted to take it easy on her? You were the good cop and I was the bad one.”

“Yeah, but now you are being the mushy cop. It’s only been a couple of days and Mr. ‘I’m going to take my vengeance and make her crawl and beg me for forgiveness before I can get past what happened’ has been replaced by a touchy and feely lookalike who wants to give up on the plan we agreed to, the plan
talked me into?”

“Seriously, Sean?” asked Mac. “I’m just thinking about doing what you wanted to do in the first place.”

“No, you are not. I never said we should cave before the first week was out. I was trying to keep things at a sustainable level, but you wanted to go out so hard so fast, then now you’ve run out of steam.

“For years, I told myself we’d scared her and if I had the chance, I’d grovel. But you know what, Mac? I find I don’t want to grovel. I want her on her knees begging me to come back. And before you say anything, no, I don’t recognize myself.”

Sean sighed and then laughed. “My emotions are all over the place. One minute I want to fuck her brains out and then walk away from her. The next I don’t care what happened in the past. I just care about now. But until these crazy emotions settle down, I don’t want to suddenly change the rules.”

But Mac wouldn’t listen. He cajoled, he wheedled, he threatened, and eventually he begged. Finally Sean just shrugged.

“Do what you want. But it’s on your head if she freaked by the sudden change after only a couple of nights.”

He reached out as Sean turned to walk away, clasping his shoulder. “Trust me.”


* * * *


Mac found himself grinning as he went and got her suitcases from the storage room and placed them in her closet.

He was feeling better about things now. Just maybe it was all going to work out and there was a chance to get her back. And he knew she’d appreciate the return of her clothes. He’d announce that she was allowed to wear clothes until they were in the playroom or the big bedroom. Or they decided to fuck her in another room.

He’d miss looking at her naked body all the time, but she was their sub, not their slave. And, besides, he and Sean couldn’t take the whole month off work. Another day or two, then they could work from home for another day or two, but then they’d really have to go into the office for a few days. They’d try not to go in on the same days, but sometimes that couldn’t be helped.

He’d discuss it with Sean later, but he thought they should even leave her the keys to one of the cars so she could explore when they weren’t around to show how much they trusted her.

Chapter Eleven


Michelle stretched under the covers. Her body felt pleasantly sore. Slowly the memories came flooding back to her. The day in town. The picnic. Having both her men fill her at the same time. She’d never been so sexually satisfied or so exhausted in her whole life. She didn’t even remember the trip home or one of them carrying her upstairs and putting her to bed.

Maybe she was finally making inroads? They’d both been so amazing and attentive to her needs. She was a little sore, but it had been totally worth it. Mac had seemed happy, and Sean’s smile had been genuine, not the forced one he sometimes wore because he felt he should be the “happy one” to counterpoint Mac’s sometimes dour countenance.

She stretched again. Maybe a nice warm relaxing bath would be a good idea. She glanced at the clock. 3:00 p.m. There was a note by the clock.


Dinner at seven.


She should have plenty of time before dinner. She took her time and then wrapped herself in a big fluffy towel and walked back into the bedroom. For the first time, she noticed that the closet door was open. She went to close it and realized that her suitcases were there. They weren’t before. Before, the closet doors had been fully closed. With the suitcases, it was impossible to close them the whole way.

Was this some kind of hint? Were they tired of her already? Were they sending her home? She stomped over to the computer and sat down, staring at the blank screen, feeling the tears seeping out. Angrily she dashed them away. So much for them forgiving her. If they didn’t want her, then she didn’t want them either. She turned on the computer and pulled up the job listings for Seattle. Maybe she’d show them. She’d get a job in the city and they’d have to see her. Maybe she’d even join that precious club of theirs and find herself a Dom who would appreciate her.

She checked her e-mail. There were a dozen notes from her sister desperate to apologize and to make sure Michelle was okay.


All worked out in the end, Serena. Although you and I are going to have a long chat when I get home. Next time you need money, talk to me first. Love you and love to Gran and Gramps. Michelle


She checked her Facebook and replied to a few posts.

Then she had a thought. She sent a note to her former boss. He replied right away, and they set up a chat session. He profusely apologized for the deception and confirmed that her job was waiting for her if she turned down Whelan’s offer.

She chuckled to herself. He really had no idea just what kind of “offer” Mac had made her.

She thought for a second and then asked if she would work in another one of their offices. She’d show them. She’d settle in Seattle and maybe even join their stupid club where they’d have to watch her with other men. Or, a little voice in her head added, maybe she was being hasty and with a little time and space, they could learn to trust her again? Either way, she needed to be in the same city they were in, even if it was just to see them from a distance and eat her heart out over what might have been.


Sure. Which one did you have in mind?




Hm. Largish office. Let me take a look at the latest hiring memo. They are expanding since we now have the Whelan Corp contract and need three lawyers of your experience level. If that’s what you want, one of those positions is yours.


Great. If you can send me the contact information of the hiring manager, I’ll arrange to meet with them. I’m not 100% of my start date. Certainly no longer than a month from now.


I’ll get the paperwork started, Michelle. And welcome back to the firm.


She logged off the chat. She looked back at the suitcases. Two can play at that game.

She opened a browser window and searched on apartments in Seattle. She couldn’t believe the pricing. They seemed so cheap compared to home. She clicked on the link for New York apartments and laughed at the price difference. Then she decided to wash her hair before dinner. She didn’t bother getting out of the browser. She’d do that later. This time, she’d dress properly, put on makeup, and everything. She may be a submissive, but she wasn’t going to be a slave.


* * * *


Sean knocked on her door. Mac had sent him up to find out what she wanted for dinner. There was no answer so he let himself in. Maybe she was still asleep, but maybe there was a problem.

He was relieved to hear happy splashing sounds coming from the bathroom and he realized she was taking a bath and enjoying the hand nozzle. He grinned and was temped to join her, but he realized that she was probably still a little sore from the afternoon. There would be time to fuck her brains out again later.

He turned to leave and accidentally bumped the desk. It must have moved her computer mouse, because the screen lit up. Curious, Sean decided to have a quick peak at her screen.

He felt the blood drain from his face as he realized she was looking at New York apartments. Just then, there was a quiet knock at the door. Quickly so as not to alert Michelle, Sean rushed to open the door for Mac.

“Shhhh. Just come with me. I have to show you something.” He led Mac over to the computer. Mac’s grin soon faded and he looked almost pale from the shock and pain. Sean reached out. Mac looked like he was going to pass out.

Quietly, the two of them left her room.

“You were right. I was too soft. Fuck forgiveness. Fuck love. It always ends badly. But this time, it’s going to end on my terms.”


* * * *


Michelle had enjoyed her bath, especially the hand spray nozzle, but her emotions were all over the place. First she thought she was over thinking the clothing thing and maybe this was actually a kind gesture. And then she decided that she was right the first time and they were assholes. She kept ricocheting between hope and despair. By the time she strolled down the stairs promptly at seven, she had calmed down, but it was an icy calm, convinced they wanted to send her away.

When she walked into living room, she saw that both men were dressed in leather pants and loose-fitting T-shirts. She almost laughed. She was wearing a leather miniskirt and a camisole, with a pair of her highest heels. They surged to their feet. She walked past them and into the formal dining room which she saw had been set with three place settings.

Wordlessly, they served her dinner. It was an another amazing quiche with a green salad and chocolate lava cake for dessert.

There was no conversation during dinner. Even Sean was silent.

“Time to go.” Mac stood up.

“Where?” Michelle asked.

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