Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement (40 page)

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defined, 119

self-esteem and, 9–11

forming new, 120

thinking and, 18–19


values and, 225–226

in childhood, 5

Personal mastery, 92

fear of, 4

Personal power, steps to, 181–190


Personal strategic planning, 95–96

building, 132

Physical intelligence, 165–166

choosing, 129

Physical nutrition, 198

feelings and, 20


forgiveness and close, 35

in advance, 198

forming and maintaining, 134

family, 182–183

home team, 176

of financial life, 208

of husband and wife, 235–236

and income, 181–182

Law of Compensation and, 134

and taking action, 48–49

Law of Indirect Effort and, 133

writing, 48

resisting entropy, 132

Planning, strategic

self-esteem and, 10

clarifying values and, 224

and success, 133–134

concepts of, 109–112

trust and, 232

personal, 95–96, 184

Research, on self-made millionaires, 56

Positive affirmations,
Affirmations, Respect, of others, 26–27



Positive emotions,
Emotion(s) accepting, 30, 60–61, 245

Positive mental attitude, 180, 218

personal, 82

Positive self-expectancy, 83

Rest, 199

Positive thinking,.
Thinking Results, high performance living and,

Positive worldview, 30–31


Possibility thinking, defined, 179

Return on energy, 98


Return on time invested (ROTI), 111

basic, 12

Reversibility, Law of, 83

false, 20

Rohn, Jim, 149

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Role models, selecting, 28

Stanley, Dr. Thomas, 56, 61, 208

Ronstadt, Dr. Robert, 241

Sten, Ben, 118

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 77

Stone, W. Clement, 189, 210

Roosevelt, Theodore, 73


Rothschild, Baron de, 129

of adding value, 74

Return on time invested for mentors, 130


of Napoleon, 208–209

Royal Dutch/Shell, 204

personal, 97–98

“Rudder of the day,” 197

for promotion at work, 66–67

Ruskin, John, 40


denial and, 219–220

Sales, key success in, 233–234

responding constructively to, 180

Scheduling appointments, 72

Subconscious Activity Law, 186, 212

Segmentation, 112, 114

Subconscious mind, 155–156, 186, 190,

Self-acceptance, 167


Self-awareness, 167

Subjective mind,

Self-concept, 2–3, 6–11

Substitution, Law of, 19, 20, 23, 30, 33, Self-confidence, 223–224


Self-discipline, character and, 242

Success, 6.
See also
Happiness Self-efficacy, self-esteem and, 92

association with people and, 120, 129

Self-employment, 96–97

building, 49

Self-esteem, 1–2, 9–11, 25, 27, 91–92,

Cause and Effect Law and, 55

186–187, 247

courage and, 241

Self-expectancy, positive, 84

defined, 159

Self-forgiveness, 36

deserving, 13–14

Self-ideal, 8

differentiation and, 113

Self-image, 9, 10

dreams and, 42–43

Self-limiting beliefs, 7, 12, 13, 181

expanding intellectual asset base and,

Self-made millionaires, 50, 55–57, 59–63, 139–140


factors, 94–95

Self-made person, 246–247

failure, 115

“Self-Reliance” (Emerson), 229

40 Plus Formula and, 63–64


getting the feeling of, 194

feeling of guilt and, 14

good habits and, 69–70

of success, 48

guide to, 252–255

Self-success, building, 49

in the hard way, 99

Self-talk, control of, 187–188

hard work and, 41

Self-understanding, 167

honesty and, 227–228

Seligman, Dr. Martin, 79, 187

identifying abilities and, 115–116

Sense of direction, 218

integrity and, 224


iron quality of, 242

to others, 25

Law of Correspondence and, 222

to society, 14–15

learning, practicing, and, 77–78, 100

Setbacks, persistence and, 49

persistence and, 246

Sheldon, Charles M., 27

positive mental attitude and, 180

Situational ethics, 227

productivity and, 75

Situational values, 227

psychology of, 79

Skills, identifying key, 94–95

relationships and, 133–134

Society service, 14–15

role of luck and, 58–59

Solution, high performance living and,

of sales, 233–234


secrets of, 105

Sowing and Reaping, Law of, 47

setting goals and, 45

Specialization, 112–113

specialization and, 113

Speed, time and, 68–69

as a state of mind, 88

Standard affirmation technique,

turning failure into, 213–214


Sugarman, Joseph, 179

Standards, setting high, 27–28,

Superconscious mind, 156, 195–196


Systematic desensitization, 238

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Tabula rasa,
Blank slate



character and, 234–235

heart’s desire and, 108

between husband and wife, 235–236

identifying, 104, 115–116

Twain, Mark, 87, 201, 240

others’ advice on, 107–108

Twentieth century

Technological advances, 53–54

changes in, 136–137

Theory of constraints, 162

self-concept in, 2–3

Think and Grow Rich
, 66

Twenty-first century


flexibility in, 148

about goals, 218

technology advances in, 53–54

ahead, 202, 206–207

20-idea method, 172

breaking out limited, 42

change your, 252

Unconditional love, 5

changing, 120

Unique selling proposition,
Competitive control over, 18


creative, 146

United States

extrapolatory, 209

as the land of dreams, 61

ideas and, 154–155

Russians in, 58

mechanical, 144

Universal Maxim, 236

negative, 19

Use, Law of, 154

out of the box, 173

on paper, 158–159

Value(s), 67–68, 73–75, 224–227, 231–232

performance and, 139

Verbal intelligence, 165

and planning strategically, 109–112

Verbalize, as step to personal power, 186

positive, 18–19, 116


positive, and negative situation, 217

creation of ideal future, 43–44

negative, 214

standing up for, 243

possibility, 179

Visualization, 181, 190

quick affirmation technique and, 191

Visual learner, 170

self-image and, 9

Visual-spatial intelligence, 166

self-limiting beliefs and, 181

Volunteering, in professional associations, standard affirmation technique and,

123, 124


substituting positive for negative, 22

Watson, Thomas J., Sr., 5–6

supercharging, 179–199, 254

Wealth, 57, 58, 61, 67, 75, 126–127,

in terms of cycles and trends, 218–219


Thoreau, Henry David, 45

Welch, Jack, 58, 231


Wells, H. G., 222

choosing, 19

Winning edge concept, 93

controlling the future by, 82

Wireless communication, 53

Time, 46, 62, 64–65, 68–72, 75, 110–112, Work, 61–69, 71–72, 103–104

123, 128–129, 131


Toshiba, 143

adaptive, 144

Training, personal development and, 151

negative, 30–31


World Wide Web, 53

relationships and, 232

Worthlessness, feeling of, 12–13

sales success and, 233–234

Writing and reviewing goals, 47, 192


facing, 229–230

Zaleznik, Dr. Abraham, 201, 202

living in, 227–228

Zero-based thinking, 109, 160, 244

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Coaching and

Mentoring Program

Brian Tracy offers a personal group-coaching program in San Diego, California, for successful entrepreneurs and top sales professionals.

If you qualify for this program (you must have an income of at least $100,000 per year), you will learn how to set and achieve goals in every part of your life, develop a complete personal strategic plan, and simplify every aspect of your life.

You will be learn a step-by-step process of personal and business analysis that will change your thinking and change your life.

This is an intensive one-year program during which you meet with Brian Tracy one full day every three months. During these sessions, you will learn how to double your income and double your time off.

You will identify those things you enjoy doing the most and learn how to become better and better in your most profitable activities.

You will learn how to delegate, downsize, eliminate, and get rid of all those tasks you neither enjoy nor benefit from.

You will learn how to determine your special talents and how to use leverage and concentration to move to the top of your field.

For more information, visit and click on

“Coaching,” or phone 858-481-2977 and we’ll send you a complete information package. Write to Brian Tracy at Brian Tracy International, 462 Stevens Avenue, Suite 202, Solana Beach, CA 92075.


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About the Author



Brian Tracy is a successful businessman and one of the top professional speakers in the world. He has started, built, managed, or turned around 22 different businesses. He addresses more than 250,000 people each year throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Asia.

Brian’s keynote speeches, talks, and seminars are customized and tailored for each audience. They are described as “inspiring, en-tertaining, informative, and motivational.” He has worked with more than 500 corporations, given more than 2,000 talks, and addressed over 2,000,000 people.

Some of his talks and seminars include:
Leadership in the New Millennium
—How to be a more effective leader in every area of business life. Learn the most powerful, practical leadership strategies ever discovered to manage, motivate, and get better results than ever before.

21st Century Thinking
—How to outthink, outplan, and outperform your competition. Learn how to get superior results in a fast-moving, fast-changing business environment.

The Psychology of Peak Performance
—How the top people think and act in every area of personal and business life. You learn a series of practical, proven methods and strategies for maximum achievement.

Superior Selling Strategies
—How to sell more, faster, and easier to demanding customers in highly competitive markets.

Learn how to sell higher-priced products and services against lower-priced competitors.


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Brian will carefully customize his talk for you and your audience. Call today for full information on booking Brian to speak at your next meeting or conference. Visit, phone 858-481-2977, or write Brian Tracy International, 462 Stevens Avenue, Suite 202, Solana Beach, CA 92075.

Document Outline
  • Foreword
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 Change Your Thinking
  • Chapter 2 Change Your Life
  • Chapter 3 Dream Big Dreams
  • Chapter 4 Decide to Become Rich
  • Chapter 5 Take Charge of Your Life
  • Chapter 6 Commit to Excellence
  • Chapter 7 Put People First
  • Chapter 8 Think Like a Genius
  • Chapter 9 Unleash Your Mental Powers
  • Chapter 10 Supercharge Your Thinking
  • Chapter 11 Create Your Own Future
  • Chapter 12 Live A Great Life
  • Summary and Conclusions
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • Advanced Coaching and Mentoring Program
  • About the Author

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