Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement (39 page)

BOOK: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement
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lack of, 1

Dyer, Wayne, 23

learning and, 80–81

negative thoughts and, 19

Edison, Thomas, 215

setting goals and, 42

Education, wealth and, 57

Conscious mind, 155

80/20 rule, 163

Constancy, striving for, 147

Einstein, Albert, 141

Constraints, theory of, 162

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 147, 229, 238

Contacts, career advancement and,

Emotionalization, 194



Control, positive attitude and, 218

control of, 194

Conwell, Russell, 72

law of, 20

Correspondence, Law of, 43, 47, 85, 86, negative, 19–35, 37–39, 203

120, 212, 222

positive, 39

Corridor principle, 241

Entrepreneurial intelligence, 167–168

Courage, 106, 107, 237, 238, 241–246

Ethics, situational, 227

Creative networking, principle of, 121


Creativity, 145–146, 156, 158–161

giving up negative, 38

Crisis anticipation, 204–205

interpreting, 188


reinterpreting in positive way, 23–24

anger and, 29

Excellence, 90–117, 251, 253

children and, 3, 79

Excuses, making, 22

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frustrated, 203

creating an ideal person, 183

law of, 47, 86

creating ideal vision, 43–44

of the unexpected, 207–208

creating our own, 84, 201–220, 254

Experts, learning from, 55

high performance living and,

Explanatory style, 187


Extrapolatory thinking, 209

looking into, 205

thinking about, 143


working on, 45

and the Cause and Effect law, 55

doubling the rate of, 5–6

Garner, Howard, 164

fear and ignorance element in,

Gates, Bill, 137, 168


General Electric, 58, 231

fear of, 4, 238


Henry Ford expression about,

intelligences and, 169


qualities of, 144–146

Law of Correspondence and,

thinking like, 136–152, 254



of people, 46

accomplishing, 163–164

psychology of, 79

achieving, 42, 45–49, 164

risk, 243–244

of becoming a millionaire, 59–60

self-esteem and fear of, 11

dreams and, 42–43

, 115

high performance living and, 251

thinking about goals and, 218

intensely desired, 156–157

turning into success, 213–214

problems and, 159

Family planning, 182–183

setting, 73–74


thinking about, 218

children and, 4

using setbacks to gain, 196–197

confronting, 240, 244

writing and reviewing, 47, 192

of criticism, 4

Goodness, role of, 223–224

eliminating, 7–8

Gordon, Arthur, 5

of failure, 4, 238

Green Bay Packers, 70

helplessness and, 80–81

Gretzky, Wayne, 206

moving toward, 240–241

Growth, high performance living and,

neutralizing, 81


of rejection in childhood, 5

Guilt, 29–30

types of, 4



about yourself, 18

law of, 19

achievement and positive, 157–158

and success, 69–70

of importance, 105

Hackett, Buddy, 33

of inferiority, 1–2

Handy, Charles, 164

and relationships, 20

see also

of undeservingness, 13–14

forgiveness and, 34

of worthlessness, 12–13

getting over problems and, 23

Field of Dreams
, 211

guide to, 252–255

Financial life,
see also
Money key to, 185

planning of, 208

as a supreme goal, 223

preserving, 210

Health and fitness, 183

Fleming, Alexander, 142

Healthy food, 198

Flexibility, 148

Hewlett-Packard, 61, 143

Ford, Glenn, 240

Hill, Napoleon, 66, 105, 126, 196

Ford, Henry, 215

Homeostasis, 147, 174

Foreman, Ed, 69

Honesty, 26, 108, 227–228, 230–232,

Forgiveness, 31–37

234–236, 247

40 Plus Formula, 63

How to Build a Network of Power

Franklin, Benjamin, 129

, 126

Frustrated expectations, 203

Hume, David, 2

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IBM, 5, 142, 143

doing the best in, 228

Idealization, 181

identifying key skills of, 94–95


key result areas in, 93–94

creativity and, 145–146

preparation for a new, 205–206

energy and, 177

prerequisites of, 92–93

on index cards, 176

selecting what you love to do, 103

looking for, 146

Jones, Charlie, 118, 203

mind and, 154

Justification, 21

Identification, 21, 24–25

Ignorance, 80–81

Kami, Michael, 207


Kant, Immanuel, 236

of the ideal outcome, 195

Kekule, F. A. 169

use to excuse people, 21

Key result areas (KRAs), 93–94

Imposter syndrome, 13–14

Kinesthetics, 171

Impressions, first, 3–4


Inadequacy, feeling of, 12–13

as antidote to fear, 81


and change, 141

doubling, 71, 163

explosion, 53

language fluency and, 165

exponential growth of, 140–141

living within, 210–211

in the information age, 152

making yourself indispensable and, 73–74

as key to wealth building, 75

planning and, 181–182

obsolescence and, 149

relationship of learning and, 151

overcoming fear and ignorance and, 87

saving program and, 210

the power of, 152

Indirect Effort, Law of, 133

as source of value, 68, 138

Inferiority, feeling of, 1–2, 12–13

Key result areas (KRAs) Information

Kroc, Ray, 169

age, 150, 152

explosion, 53


obsolescence of, 149

of Attraction, 47, 49, 84–85, 86, 124, 174, possession and results, 139

211, 212, 251

In His Steps
, 27

of Belief, 82–83, 86

Inner power, honesty and, 247

of Cause and Effect, 47, 55

Inner world, 119, 120

Cohen’s, 202

Innovation, sources of, 142

of Compensation, 133–134

Innovation and Entrepreneurship
, 142

of Correspondence, 43, 47, 85, 86, 120,
In Search of the Miraculous
, 21

212, 222

Integrity, 224, 226–231, 234

of Emotion, 20

Intelligence(s), 21, 139–141, 143–144,

of Expectations, 47, 83–84, 86

164–172, 185

of Habit, 19


of Indirect Effort, 133

gaining from, 124–125

Murphy’s, 202

multiple, 128

of Probabilities, 59, 60, 146, 254

Internet, 53

of Reversibility, 83

Interpersonal intelligence, 166–167

of Sowing and Reaping, 47

Interpretive style, 189

of Subconscious Activity, 186, 212

Intrapersonal intelligence, 167

of Substitution, 19, 20, 23, 30, 33, 217

Intuitive intelligence, 168

of Use, 154

Inverse paranoid, 189

Leadership, 58

Investment, life and, 208

danger and, 239

Inward considering, 21, 25

honesty and, 108

Learned helplessness, 80

James, William, 1, 24, 85

Learned Optimism
, 79, 187

Jefferson, Thomas, 70

Learning, 77–78, 151, 170–171


Life, 18–39, 77–89, 99, 111–112, 181, 182, description, 159–160

See also

determining what you enjoy doing,

Lifestyle, designing, 183


Lincoln, Abraham, 14, 220

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Mini-self-concepts, 6–7

to audio learning programs, 151

Mission statement, personal, 184

to others about your talent, 107–108

Mistakes, 245

Living, 87, 222–248, 250–252.
See also
Life Modeling, 27–28

Lombardi, Vince, 70, 90, 199

Money, 50, 55–57, 59–60, 181–182,

Loss, fear of, 4

See also
Financial life Love, 3–5

Murphy’s Law, 202

Low-value activities, 62

Murray, Charles, 50

Luck, 6, 58–60

Musical intelligence, 166

Mackay, Harvey, 126

Napoleon, strategy of, 208–209

Malevolent worldview,
Negative Negative emotions,
Emotion(s) worldview

Negative thinking,
Thinking Maltz, Maxwell, 9, 136

Negative worldview, 30–31

Marden, Orison Swett, 201

Emotion(s), negative Marketing

Networks, 120–123, 126–127.
See also
of new product, 161

Reference groups

strategic variables of, 112–113

Neurolinguistic programming, 189

Market share, 142, 143

Maslow, Abraham, 26, 170

Objective mind,

Mastermind network, 126–128


Mathematical intelligence, 165

change and, 54

Maugham, Somerset, 26

to create value, 73–74

Maxims for Success,

creating, 72–73

McClelland, Dr. David, 118

land of, 58

McKenzie, Alex, 161

major forces for, 53–54

McPherson, James, 237

problems as, 158

Mechanical thinking, 144

treating failure as, 244

Medicis, 40–41

Optimism, 250

Memory, loss of, 1–2

Osborn, Alex, 174

Mental attitude, positive, 180

Ouspensky, Peter, 21, 24, 25, 29

Mental fitness, 255

Outer world, 119, 120

Mental power, unleashing, 154–177, 254

Mental preparation, disappointment and, Paranoid, inverse, 189


Parenting, 23–24

Mental programming


successful people, 15–16

and children, 235

techniques, 191

forgiveness and, 34–35

Mental rehearsal, practicing, 192–193

personality and, 3

Mentor(s), 129–131

Pareto Principle, 112

Michelangelo, 40–42

Pareto, Vilfredo, 112

Microsoft, 137


Millionaire Mind,The
, 56

communicating with people and, 121–122

Millionaire Next Door,The
, 56

courage and, 246

Self-made millionaires and work, 66–67


Peace, inner, 38

conscious, 155

Peale, Norman Vincent, 18, 189

in the morning, 197


open, 144

associating with, 147

peace of, 38

building relationships with, 253

preprogram of, 193

80/20 rule and, 163

programming, 191

failure of, 46

subconscious, 155–156

looking into the future, 205

superconscious, 156

opinions of, 25

thoughts and, 82

relationships and, 118–134

unlocking the, 171–177

respect of others, 26–27

visualization and, 190

selecting, 129

Mindstorming, 171, 172–174

self-actualizing, 26

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(Continued )

Price, achieving a goal and, 47–48

starting off with few advantages, 86–87

Probabilities, 59, 60

success and association with, 120

Probabilities, Law of, 59, 60, 146, 254

the talented and best, 125–126

Problems, 158–159

using time well, 46

Productivity, 70–71, 75

visualization and, 190



mental, 15–16

control valve of, 91–92

neurolinguistic, 189

improving, 187

positive, 186–187

positive thinking and, 19

Progress, plans for, 87–88

preprogram for peak, 193

Psychosclerosis, 143–144, 174

rewards and, 90–91

Psychozoic Age, 52

self-esteem and, 186–187

Public speaking, 124, 239

setting standards of, 95



achieving goals and, 49

act of, 145

success and, 246

focused, 160

and work, 66–67

Quick programming technique, 191

Personal development,
Development, personal

Rand, Ayn, 235



beliefs and, 6

benefits of, 149–151

core of, 10–11

in the first hour of the morning, 197

description and character of, 15

Reality principle, 58, 63

disappointment, recovery and, 216

Realization, 196

first part of, 8

Record(s) keeping, 126

modeling and, 27–28

Reference groups,
see also
Networks problems in adolescence, 3–4

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