Read Chance Lost Online

Authors: Jo Larue

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Chance Lost (6 page)

BOOK: Chance Lost
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Chapter 10


“We’ve got a name on the female and it’s believed she is not local to the west side.” Trey cautiously told his Alpha. “She goes by Chance, but we were unable to get more of her name. They are clueless if it is a first, last, or nickname. She’s a hustler from the east side of town, but doesn’t show herself often enough to pin her to one area or bar.”


Trey watched Craven for any sign of recognition to his news. The Alpha was currently sitting at their dining table eating along with several others of the pack. Trey took an empty seat across from him and filled his plate. He’d been out searching for the last forty eight hours with no break and he was starving.


Craven picked up a beer and took a long pull from it. When he finished he slammed it down on the table, getting everyone’s attention. “So, you’re fucking telling me that in two days of everyone out looking, all you can tell me is a name? Not good enough!”


Trey watched as most of the pack flinched. They’d all been out searching. Craven was pushing their limits, and he could see the Alpha was losing more of his sanity as time went on. “How many women could have that name? Someone please tell me?” Craven glowered as he scanned the table, waiting on an answer. At least this one Trey could answer.


“Considering we have no idea if it is first or last, or a nickname, there are about forty two people in the area with the last name Chance. About half of those are women. Didn’t come up with any that matched it as a first name. The odds against us increase if she is not using her first name, but the letter C.” Trey looked down at his plate as if he could hide under it.


“That’s why you’re my Beta, Trey. At least you came in with something, not like these dogs sitting with us. I want a wolf in every biker bar and pool hall on the east side, starting tomorrow. Get me contacts at the ones not covered; bribe them if you must. She has to go out again at some point and when she does, I want to know immediately!” Craven made his point by slamming his fist into the table.


Trey watched Craven carefully as he shouted orders. While out searching for the woman, he was hatched his own plan to take over the pack. He’d put the word out to certain wolves that the Alpha was a danger. Draw the attention of the council and let them take down Craven. It kept his hands clean, and he could pull the pack together after he was eliminated. He knew the others, with the exception of a few, would not fight him for Alpha. Most of them were on his side these days.


* * * *


Craven sent his pack out to spread the word on the latest news. He wanted them to concentrate their efforts now to one area. He heard from the tracker and it would be two more weeks before he could join the hunt. His only focus now was finding the bitch and making her pay.


Craven knew there was a traitor in his pack. He didn’t know who it was but when he found out, they would be eliminated in front of the entire pack of wolves. It was the only way to show them who was Alpha. He heard from a friend that someone was spreading word his pack was dangerous. It was apparently coming from an insider. This would put the council on his back and right now he didn’t need the attention. Were hunters would not take kindly to his agenda. If they found out about the human, they would try to take him out before exacting his revenge, and that would not do.


Eyeing his Beta carefully as he ate, Craven watched for any sign of nervousness. He saw the usual hatred, but not anything that would signal more watching than normal. He knew Trey wanted Alpha. He was no fool, but like the rest of his pack, Trey would learn it was not happening. He needed to make sure they all understood, and taking out the traitor would be a lesson they would not soon forget.


The plans for the woman were another matter completely. He was going to bring her here and remind her every second what she did wrong. No one made a fool of him. He would kill her slowly. Craven wanted to strip her naked, use her, and then considered letting the pack have some when he was finished abusing her body. Because he was a master with a whip, he could lash someone and take only one layer of skin at a time. He got hard just thinking about it.


Craven set up a cage for her in the basement of the cabin. It came complete with chains and manacles to spread her wide and keep her helpless. He knew he was a sadistic bastard, but it only made him smile. His evil side was what made him Alpha. He lived and breathed bringing others pain as it brought him pleasure. Satan had nothing on him and his pack was completely in the dark about it. They would find out soon enough and that made him smile more.


* * * *


Trey knew he was being watched, so he exuded the only thing Craven understood and that was anger. He finished his meal and left the room with his plate. It was only when he was out of eyesight that he relaxed. The Alpha was crazed with his agenda against this woman. The sooner he found her, the sooner he could take out Craven.


The years of obeying orders were taking a toll and he was ready to start giving them.
I am an Alpha, not a Beta!


Maybe he could move the pack to safer territories, north towards Montana. There was plenty of room up there for a pack of rogues. Thoughts filled his mind of making arrangements with other packs for unmated females. This time he wanted a real pack… a real family. Trey was a born shifter. His Alpha parents died in defense of their pack and left Trey alone. The new Alpha threatened to kill him, but an Aunt secreted him away. She left him with an orphanage at five years old, spending another three years there.


Trey left the compound to begin another round of finding this human female. Time was running out. He lied telling Craven there were no people with the first name of Chance. He’d found four. He was on his way to check out the first one on the list and he hoped to get lucky on the first try.


Driving and pulling up the address on his GPS, Trey followed the directions. He found a nice quiet neighborhood at his destination. There was a foreclosure home diagonally across the street from the target address. He went around back and broke a window to get inside. There was a couch left behind and Trey pulled it to the front window. He sat down and began his wait.


Trey had nothing but a description to go on since he was not at the bar when the fight went down. That description was tall, good-looking female with long raven hair and was maybe in her mid twenties and she wore leather. It was all the pack could remember, well, other than the obvious. She was a martial artist, a pool hustler, beautiful, and drank beer. How many of those could there be on the east side?















Chapter 11


Chance turned around from cloud watching and noticed Sylas and Jack talking. It appeared as if she might be the subject of the conversation. Every so often, one of them would turn towards her with a look of worry etched on their face. This tiny bit of information was disconcerting and she was not comfortable being the object of anyone’s worry. Besides, the only people to show any concern about her in the past were Gus and Sensei. Right when the thought entered her mind, her phone vibrated.


“Thinking about you.

Hope you’re okay and enjoying

your new jobless freedom!

Miss you, Gus”


Chance giggled while reading it.


Sending a quick reply back saying she was great and hoped he was too, Chance returned her attention to the two men talking.


It wouldn’t be right or proper to stare at them for too long so she turned to watch some of Jack’s staff playing beer pong. Far be it for her to butt into their business. If they wanted her to know, she figured they would say something eventually.


Unable to help herself, Chance turned to look at them again, wondering if Sylas intended on coming back, when the wind picked up. Her hair blew in her face and she heard the staff fussing about the game getting messed up, but what she saw kept her rapt attention. As she brushed the loose strands back, something started to shimmer in front of Sylas and Jack. Chance rubbed her eyes to see if she was hallucinating, but it was still there. It appeared to be a woman but she couldn’t make any other distinctions.


As quickly as the shimmer appeared, it was gone
. You’ve had far too much beer to drink if you’re seeing things.
Chance fussed at herself,
Way to impress a man. Getting snockered on your first outing with the hot biker
. Chance shivered, wishing she had dressed a little warmer. The same moment she went to reach for her jacket, she felt a warm solid body next to her. Sylas was back and sitting beside her.


“You looked cold, so I came back to offer you some warmth. I can get your jacket for you if you want it.” Sylas looked at her with the question in his eyes. Chance realized he was asking her permission to touch her.


Somehow she trusted this man and that realization shocked her. She’d not allowed physical contact from anyone, other than Gus, since she stopped living in foster care. With Sylas, she felt protected, not fearful, and it was a new, but strange feeling. To answer his question, she reached out for his hand, keeping eye contact with him, and placed his arm over her shoulder. She leaned into him to gather more of his warmth and sighed as it spread through her.


I’m not doing this just for the warmth
,” she thought as electric pulses shot through her again. The restless feeling started again, only this time it felt more insistent, as if there was something in her head wanting out. Chance closed her eyes, willing it to stop.
“Not now, please. Lets not lose the nice guy over your craziness!”
Finally it relented and gave her some peace.


The wind died down and the beer pong game restarted after the table was reset with cups. Together, they watched the game until Jack declared the eats were ready. He moved two picnic tables together, making enough room for everyone to sit comfortably. He served steaks cooked to perfection, baked potatoes with all the trimmings, corn on the cob, salad and fresh baked rolls. It didn’t take long for all the food to disappear.


When everyone finished and helped clear the mess, Jack led everyone down towards the lake. The sky darkened while they were cleaning, and it was near sunset. Near the waters edge, Jack had a fire pit lined with rock and surrounding it was a round rock bench lined with pillows. Nearby there was a dock with more seats under a gazebo and it was where Sylas led her. Jack lit the fire and pulled out a guitar. Soon everyone was singing along to “The Dock of the Bay”. Chance leaned into Sylas again, as it seemed to be colder there by the lake.


Sylas was singing along with them. Chance closed her eyes and sat back to listen. His voice was deep and clear, with perfect pitch. Chance opened her eyes and blushed, not realizing until that moment he was singing to her. The words caressed over her like a long lost lovers touch.


When the song ended, Sylas whispered in her ear, “But I don’t feel like I’m wasting time Chance, not since I met you. I’ve laughed more with you in these last two days than I have in years. You continue to delight and surprise me. I hope you’ll give us both more time to learn more about each other. There is no rush and no demands from me. Will you allow me to spend more time with you?”


Chance looked into his glowing green eyes… deep into the soul of them. She knew then there was nothing to fear from this man and he meant every word. She knew at some point she would have to conquer her fears. Men didn’t scare her any more, but giving one her trust was another beast. Looking deep within herself, Chance knew now was the time to let down a few walls. She did like Sylas a lot and did want to know him better. She took a deep breath and replied, “Yes, I think I’d like that too, Sylas. It isn’t easy for me to say it, much less do it, so I hope you’re a patient person. I don’t give my trust lightly.”


“I knew that about you from the first night I saw you, Chance. I saw the anger and pain in your eyes when that bastard touched you. I will never do anything without your permission and I need you to know and believe that.”


Chance nodded slightly in agreement. “My past has not always been sunshine and roses. I will explain someday, but I’m not ready yet. My demons have been bottled inside for a long time and I’m afraid to let them out. I hope you can understand.”


“I can be as patient as you need me to be. Like I said… no rush or demands. You’re a special person, Chance, and you have my permission to kick my ass if I get out of line, because I know you can.” Sylas chuckled as he said it.


Jack was still playing his guitar but the music and singing were lost to her as she gazed into his green eyes. Chance made up her mind that there was one more thing she needed to know. She grabbed her courage and shyly asked, “Sylas, I… would you kiss me?”


“I thought you would never ask,” Sylas stood and reached out to gently pull her up closer. He wanted to feel every inch of her body molded to his. He leaned over and looked deep into her eyes. She could see the question burning there… the “are you sure” plain as day in those emerald eyes. She nodded and closed her eyes as he leaned in the rest of the way to place his soft lips on hers.


Sparks flew between them as he lingered there, waiting for her to take the lead, and she did. She slipped her tongue out to taste him and he gave her access. His hand moved from her shoulder, delving deep into her tresses, cupping the back of her head. With his free hand he caressed her cheek then moved it to her neck, pausing there before he pulled her even closer.


Sylas groaned with pleasure as her hands roamed to his back and cinched themselves around his waist. It was if they both needed the intimate contact of body on body and they were a perfect fit. With her boots on he could look directly into her eyes and it pleased him. Their tongues danced and tangled with each other, heating them both from the inside out.


Chance moaned when Sylas gently pulled her head back with her hair and then delved his tongue deeper, asking silently for more. She was lost to him as he took control. She felt no fear, just hunger for more.


The heat from his kisses went straight to her core and moisture built between her legs. Sylas pulled back and looked into her eyes again. She blushed, suddenly feeling very shy. He smiled and caressed her cheek with his thumb. “You are so beautiful, Chance. Thank you for this. Honey and wine,” he whispered as he leaned in to kiss her again. Chance was overwhelmed with the tenderness in his touch. She’d made the right decision. With the emotional release that came with it, a single tear silently coursed its way down her cheek. She’d come for fun and found so much more.

























BOOK: Chance Lost
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