Chameleon Wolf (14 page)

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Authors: Stormy Glenn,Joyee Flynn

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Contemporary

BOOK: Chameleon Wolf
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Aiden asked.

Matt nodded. He wasn’t stupid. Letting this man know where he was didn’t sound like a good game plan to him. None of this did. In fact, it all sounded worse and worse with each passing minute.

“I know you can hear me,” the man shouted. He waved the white flag higher up in the air. “I was sent here under a flag of truce by Alpha Issacar. I have information that you might find interesting.”

Matt expected Aiden to stay hidden. He was shocked when the man stood up. “Aiden, what in the hell are you doing?” he hissed quietly.

“Stay down out of sight,”
Aiden replied silently.
“He might not
know you’re here, and the less he knows, the better.”

“But, Aiden, what if—”

“Stay down, Matt, please.”
Again, Aiden spoke through their mental bond. Matt assumed it was because he faced forward and didn’t want the man coming toward them to know he was speaking to anyone.

“Fine,” Matt finally said, “just be careful.”

His heart pounded as Aiden started walking. From where he hid, he could see most everything. Aiden stopped several feet away from the man. Matt couldn’t hear what was being said, but he could see the sudden tensing of Aiden’s shoulders, the way his hands balled into fists.

Matt knew something terrible was happening. He quickly scanned the area beyond Aiden. Nothing moved, not even the leaves in the trees. It was eerily quiet. Matt felt a cold chill run up his spine. He wasn’t going to like what Aiden had to say when he came back. Matt just knew it.

It was all Matt could do to keep himself still as Aiden turned and started walking back to him. The man he’d been speaking to watched Aiden for a moment, then turned and walked back to where he had come from.

“Well, what did he say?” Matt asked quietly the moment Aiden was within hearing distance. Aiden gave a little shake of his head and kept walking. Matt knew instantly that someone still watched.

He crawled forward just a bit and lifted his head some more, looking out over the tall grass. The sun was starting to come up over the mountain behind them, just barely beginning to shine down on the valley below. Matt hoped it blinded whoever watched, giving them the advantage as Aiden had suggested.

“Well?” Matt asked again when the man walked up to him. “What did he say?”

Aiden gestured for Matt to follow him back into the trees. Matt frowned but got up and walked after Aiden, coming to a stop just inside of the tree line. Aiden’s face was pale and tight when he finally turned around.

“Come here, baby,” Aiden said quietly, too quietly.

Matt rubbed his hands up and down his arms. A deep, sick feeling began to take hold in his stomach. “What?” he whispered. “What is it?”

Aiden stepped over and wrapped his arms around Matt. He placed several small kisses on Matt’s head before burying his face in his hair.

“I’m sorry, baby, but they have Zac.”

“No!” Matt shouted as he tried to pull away, but Aiden kept him held firmly in his arms. Matt struggled, but Aiden just held him tighter. “Aiden,” he finally wailed, “please, we have to do something.”

“We will, baby,” Aiden whispered. “I’ll get Zac back for you, I promise.”

Matt clenched his fingers in the fabric of Aiden’s shirt. “How?”

“Not to worry, Matt, I have a plan,” Aiden said. “Now, give me a kiss.”

Matt frowned. He leaned his head back to look up at Aiden. Matt didn’t mind kissing Aiden. In fact, he was all for it. The man kissed like a dream. He just wasn’t sure this was the time or place to be making out. Zac was being held captive by a madman bent on killing them all. Aiden could have picked a better moment.

“Aiden, we can’t—”

“Please, baby?”

There was no way that Matt could deny Aiden’s request. He’d have an easier time stopping his breathing. He leaned up on his toes and placed his lips against Aiden’s. The sudden ferocity of Aiden’s kiss stunned Matt. The man seemed almost desperate.

Aiden seemed to need something from Matt. He didn’t know what, but he wanted to give it. Matt leaned in closer and brushed his tongue across Aiden’s lips before moving inside to explore the recesses of Aiden’s mouth. He could feel the man’s response in the slight tremble of his body, the cock hardening against him.

When Aiden finally lifted his head, Matt leaned into the hand his mate pressed against his cheek. Something was wrong, very, very wrong. Matt was afraid to ask because he knew the answer would tear his world apart.

“You’re so damn beautiful,” Aiden whispered. “You take my breath away every time I look at you.”

Matt’s lips trembled as he tried to smile. “I think that’s a good thing, don’t you? My mate should be attracted to me. It makes it much easier to get him into bed.”

Aiden chuckled, but his amusement didn’t quite reach his chocolate brown eyes. Matt was even more confused when Aiden stepped back. He frowned, cocking his head to one side. “Aiden, what’s going on?”

Aiden’s lips thinned, and he swallowed hard. Matt jerked when arms suddenly grabbed him from behind. He struggled until he noticed that Sebastian held him. “Sebastian, what in the hell are you doing?”

“I’m sorry, Matt,” Aiden whispered.

Matt glanced up. He started shaking his head when he saw the tears gathering in Aiden’s eyes. That cold chill that had run up his back previously suddenly enveloped his entire body. His heart pounded in his chest.


“I would have loved you, Matt, more than anything in the world.”

“No,” Matt said as he realized what was happening. “Aiden, no!”

Matt started to struggle when Aiden shook his head and turned away. He couldn’t believe Aiden was leaving, just walking away. And he couldn’t believe that Sebastian was letting him. Aiden was going to die.

“Sebastian, please, we can’t do this,” he cried. “Aiden needs us.

He can’t—”

“Matt, you need to let him go,” Sebastian said. “You need to let him do this.”

“No!” Matt shouted. He couldn’t believe that Sebastian was just letting Aiden give himself up. Yes, Matt wanted Zac back, but not at the expense of his other mate. Zac would never forgive himself, and then Matt would be without both of his mates.

He began to struggle, trying to pull away from Sebastian. He might be small, but he was still strong. Maybe not as strong as Sebastian, he quickly realized, but he had been on his own a long time. He learned a few things along the way.

Knowing that his strength alone wouldn’t free him from the thick arms that held him, Matt played dirty. He reached back with his hand and grabbed Sebastian by the balls. One hard squeeze and a twist and Sebastian went down like a ton of bricks.

Matt felt bad for about two seconds, just long enough to jump beyond Sebastian’s grasping hands, and then he was off, running after Aiden. Matt didn’t make it more than a few steps before he heard gunfire.

His steps faltered, coming to a stop as he looked out over the field just in time to see Aiden stagger and fall. Matt pressed his hand against his chest where his heart was, the ache inside of him almost taking him to his knees.

“Aiden,” he whispered. Matt took off running as fast as his feet would carry him. He knew he wouldn’t start breathing again until he was sure Aiden was still alive. He might not even then.

Matt ran and ran, finally reaching Aiden and dropping to his knees beside the man. He reached for him, then paused, not sure where to touch his mate without causing more pain. Aiden’s chest was covered in blood.

Matt wasn’t sure how many bullets hit Aiden, but there seemed to be so much damage, he wasn’t sure it mattered. “Aiden?” he whispered as he laid his hand on the man’s neck and searched for a pulse. His eyes closed in relief when he found one. It was faint, but it was there. Aiden was alive.

“Aiden, you stupid son of a bitch,” Matt cried. “What in the hell were you thinking?”

“Ha-Had to sa-save you.”

Matt glanced up, his mouth dropping open when he found deep brown eyes looking back at him. He leaned down and brushed the sandy brown hair back from Aiden’s face. “You didn’t have to do it by sacrificing yourself.”

“Za-Zac, they have Zac.”

“We’ll get him back another way,” Matt whispered. “I can’t lose you, too. You’re just as much my mate as Zac is. Don’t you know that?”

Aiden chuckled then coughed harshly. Matt’s chest seized when blood bubbled from Aiden’s mouth. He sat back and pulled his shirt off over his head. He balled it up and pressed it against the wounds in Aiden’s chest.

“I can’t get the bleeding to stop.”

“We need to get the bullets out. He can’t heal with them in.”

Relief flooded Matt when he heard Sebastian. The big man knelt down on the ground across from him. He pulled a large knife out of the sheath on his hip. His face looked gloomy when he glanced at Matt, his lips tight, his green eyes grave.

“When I give you the word, I need you to wipe the blood away while I dig the bullets out, okay?” Sebastian asked. “Try to keep as much of it out of my way as you can. I need to see what I’m doing.”

Matt nodded. His heart hammered, and he licked his lips as he waited for Sebastian to give him the word. When Sebastian nodded, Matt quickly wiped the blood away from one of the bullet wounds. He kept his shirt pressed against the others.

Aiden cried out, his body arching as Sebastian started digging out the bullet. Matt winced, wishing there was something he could do, but it wasn’t like he had any painkillers on hand. At this point, he’d settle for a bottle of cheap whiskey.

Sebastian moved the knife, and a small silver bullet fell to the ground. Matt’s eyes widened. So that was why Aiden wasn’t healing.

The asshole who shot him used silver bullets. Matt glanced over his shoulder to where the shots had come from, but he couldn't see anyone. His eyes narrowed as he promised retribution to those who had harmed his mate.

He didn’t know how it was going to happen. He didn’t even know when, but eventually he would get his revenge. If they thought they could get away with this because Matt was a no-rank, diminutive werewolf, they were wrong.

“Okay, Matt, next one,” Sebastian said.

Matt moved the fabric off the next bullet hole. His stomach rolled as blood welled up out of the wound. Matt quickly wiped it away then watched Sebastian start digging the next bullet out. Matt lifted the shirt for a moment, wiping the blood away from Aiden’s chest. Three more to go, and Aiden would be safe. Already the first wound was starting to heal.

Matt and Sebastian worked for several minutes, Matt wiping away the blood and Sebastian digging out the bullets. Finally, the last bullet fell to the ground. Matt wiped the blood off Aiden’s chest again and watched as each hole began closing.

With the healing of each wound, Aiden’s breathing began to grow in strength until he could breathe in and out without blood dribbling out of his mouth. Matt still wouldn’t be happy until every hole closed all of the way and Aiden was on his feet again.

“How are you feeling, Aiden?” Matt asked as he stroked his hand over Aiden’s cheek.

“Better,” Aiden said. His voice still sounded weak, but at least he wasn’t stuttering anymore. Matt leaned down and placed a small kiss on Aiden’s lips before looking deep into his eyes.

“You ever pull a stupid stunt like that again,” he warned, “and I’ll leave the bullets in.”

Aiden chuckled, this time with no blood. “Yes, sir.”

“Just so you understand,” Matt said, “I may be small and have no pack ranking, but I’m the boss in this threesome. You do exactly what I say, and we’ll get along just fine.”

Aiden grinned. Sebastian laughed. Matt’s heart started beating regularly again.

“Speaking of threesomes,” Aiden said as he raised his head to look around, “what happened to Zac?”

Chapter 9

Zac froze when he heard the gunshots. He’d been working his way around the edge of the trees, trying to blend in. He could have worked his way through the tall grass, but it would have taken forever. It was much easier to hide in the woods than grass.

Looking out over the fields, Zac’s breath caught in his throat. He watched Aiden go down and Matt running toward him. His entire world centered on the two men in the middle of the grassy meadow.

He started to run in their direction, fear racing through him, but movements off to both sides of the meadow caught his attention. Zac skidded to a halt and watched. Sebastian was running toward Aiden and Matt from one side of the field. Someone else headed away from them on the other.

Zac had to believe that Matt and Sebastian could save Aiden. He needed to deal with whatever trouble was running away them before whoever it was came back, or there might not be anyone left to save.

Zac moved back to the tree line and began making his way around to where he’d seen movement. The closer he got, the more he could see. Several men stood around a small clearing, all of them armed.

He recognized Alpha Issacar right off. He would have known the man was an Alpha right off, even if he’d never met him. Besides the fact that the man stood several inches shorter than those around him, he was the only man dressed in a suit.

Personally, Zac felt that the man looked ridiculous. Who wore white double-breasted suits? And the dark purple tie? Really? Zac was a lot more comfortable in his jeans and T-shirts. They cost less and were much easier to work in.

Zac worked his way around the small clearing until he was behind the men and by their vehicles. Extending one sharp claw, he quietly punctured each of their tires. Zac didn’t know if they would be chased if they needed to run again, but he was making sure that the men in the clearing had to do it on foot if it happened.

Just as Zac was puncturing the last tire, he heard a sound behind him. Zac froze. He covered the small hole in the tire with his hand, hoping that whoever was behind him wouldn’t hear it. He was still camouflaged, so he might not be seen, but he could still be heard.

A low growl made Zac’s skin crawl. Damn Delta pheromones.

His only consolation was that they might be able to smell him, but they couldn’t see him. Of course, that might work to his advantage. It would drive them nuts.

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