Chameleon Wolf (11 page)

Read Chameleon Wolf Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn,Joyee Flynn

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Contemporary

BOOK: Chameleon Wolf
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Bless Matt, he simply whipped the blanket back, baring his naked cock. A heavy silence reigned in the truck cab for several moments, only the sounds of heavy breathing making any sound.

“Fuck me,” Aiden finally whispered.

Once again, the
in their relationship saved the day. Matt grinned and unbuckled his seat belt. He turned to face Aiden, scooting over in his direction as he laughed. “Okay.”

It was all Zac could do to keep the truck on the road as he watched Matt bend over Aiden’s lap, unzipping his pants. Aiden’s hands clenched the back of the seat for a moment then wrapped up in Matt’s blond hair.

“Oh damn, baby, suck me,” Aiden groaned. Zac groaned and gripped the steering wheel tighter. He couldn’t see exactly what Matt was doing, but he had a pretty good idea. Matt’s mouth was heaven.

Zac couldn’t wait to feel it himself.

Zac swallowed hard when Matt moved to kneel on the bench seat.

His face was in Aiden’s groin but his sexy little ass was pointed right at Zac. He couldn’t resist leaning over to sink his teeth into the soft, pale flesh.

Matt squeaked and wiggled his butt. The thick cock bouncing between Matt’s legs caught Zac’s interest. He reached between Matt’s legs and wrapped his fingers around it. Zac could hear Matt moan when he started stroking it. This was something he could do while still keeping his eyes on the road, although he really wanted to watch.

Matt went nuts, wiggling and moaning until Zac thought his cock might burst right out of his pants. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been this turned on…well, maybe last night.

Zac dropped Matt’s cock and stuck his fingers in his mouth, getting them nice and wet. Nudging his fingers between Matt’s ass cheeks, Zac thrust two of them into the man. Matt must have really liked it because he let out a loud cry. A moment later, so did Aiden.

Zac glanced over just in time to see Aiden’s head arch back as he cried out. His hands tightened in Matt’s hair as his hips lifted up. Zac thought it was a beautiful sight, but he wanted to feel some of it, as well.

He continued to thrust his fingers into Matt’s tight entrance, adding a third finger. Matt had dropped Aiden’s cock from his mouth and buried his face in the man’s thigh as he pushed himself back onto Zac’s fingers.

“If you want to swing him around,” Aiden said, “I can do that while Matt sucks you, too.”

Zac shook his head. “Uh-uh, I want his ass, not his mouth.”

Matt’s head snapped up, and he glanced over his shoulder. Zac grinned. Matt’s face was flushed, his skin a nice, rosy-peach color.

His lips were red and swollen, leaving no doubt as to what he had been doing. His green eyes were dazed but filled with lust. He looked beautiful.

“Take the wheel, Aiden,” Zac growled, no longer able to hold onto his control. “I have an ass to fuck.”

Aiden chuckled as Zac swerved over to the side of the road. Zac put the truck in park and scooted over until he could pick Matt up in his lap. He barely acknowledged Aiden climbing out of the truck and going around to the driver’s side. He was too caught up in the glorious feeling of Matt’s hand spreading lube over his cock. He’d have to ask Matt later where he got the damn lube. For now, he was just grateful he had it.

“Fuck yourself on my cock, baby,” Zac said as he scooted down in the seat and then lifted Matt onto his lap. Matt’s hands clenched against Zac’s shoulders as he slowly sank down onto Zac’s cock.

“That is so fucking hot,” Aiden groaned. “I can see your cock sinking into him, Zac. Matt’s ass was made for your cock.”

“Yours too,” Zac groaned. “Now we just have to see if your cock likes my ass.”

“You’d let me fuck you?”

Zac chuckled at the astonished tone in Aiden’s voice. It quickly turned to a groan as Matt started riding him. Zac could feel each movement Matt made, when he pushed himself up until just the head of Zac’s cock remained inside, to when Matt slammed back down on him again.

“You’re…you’re my mate,” Zac moaned. “Let you do anything.”

“Christ! You’re going to make me hard again.”

“Matt could always drive.”

Zac’s head snapped up when Matt smacked him on the chest.

“Less talk, more fucking,” Matt demanded.

Zac arched an eyebrow. Demanding little fuck, wasn’t he? Zac gripped Matt’s hips. He planted his feet firmly on the floor and rammed himself up into Matt’s eager hole at the same time he pulled Matt down onto his cock.

Matt’s head fell back as his cries filled the cab of the truck. “Yes!

Yes! Again, fuck me again! Fuck my ass!”

Zac was all too eager to comply with Matt’s demands, even if he was a little astonished by the words coming out of his little mate’s mouth. If he didn’t know for a fact that Matt had said the words, he would have thought he was dreaming, but what a dream. It was hotter than hell to hear Matt demand to be fucked.

“Turn around and grab the dashboard, baby.”

Matt leaned up, Zac’s cock popping free as he did. He quickly turned around and faced the dashboard, looking over his shoulder at Zac with an eager look on his face. Zac had no intention of disappointing his mate.

He grabbed Matt’s hips and pulled the man back down onto his cock. Matt’s legs settled on each side of his thighs, spreading Matt open even more. Zac thrust into Matt several times in that position.

He could feel Matt pressing back against him, hear the man’s heavy panting.

Knowing he was close to orgasm, Zac grabbed Matt and pulled him back until the man lay back against him. He grabbed a handful of Matt’s hair and turned his head, claiming his lips in a rough, passion-filled kiss.

Matt whimpered, his entire body shaking. Zac grabbed Matt’s cock in his hand and started stroking him as he fucked his ass. He made a series of short, rapid thrusts that sent Matt right over the edge.

Matt cried out. His inner muscles tightened down on Zac’s cock as ropes of pearly white cream shot from his cock and covered Zac’s hand. Zac growled. The scent of Matt’s seed was a heady scent. It filled the cab of the truck until Zac could barely smell anything else.

Zac struck hard and fast, sinking his canines into the soft flesh below Matt’s ear. The sweet taste of his mate’s blood filled Zac’s mouth as he slammed Matt down on his cock one last time. Zac roared around the flesh in his mouth as he filled Matt with his release.

The knot at the end of his cock extended and took hold inside of Matt. Hearing the continued whimpers from his mate, Zac grabbed Matt’s cock and stroked him through another orgasm.

Zac finally felt the knot recede and lifted his head. He glanced over at Aiden to find the man watching him. He couldn’t help but grin. Aiden just shook his head and looked back out the front window.

“You might want to clean him up,” Aiden said. “We’re going to be hitting a town in a couple of miles, and I don’t think they will take to us flashing Matt’s naked ass all over the place.”

Zac glanced down. Matt was passed out cold, but he did have a smile on his swollen lips. Zac reached for some wipes out of the glove box and cleaned Matt up then himself. He laid Matt down on the bench seat between him and Aiden, then he tucked himself back into his pants.

Before moving back to his own seat, Zac leaned over his sleeping mate and kissed the mate driving the truck. He brushed the back of his hand along the side of Aiden’s cheek. “Thank you,” he said softly.

“Maybe later we can find out if your cock likes my ass?”

Aiden smiled and leaned into Zac’s hand. “I’d like that,” he said.

“I’d like that a lot.”

“I think I will, too.”

Chapter 7

Aiden looked over at his two sleeping mates and smiled. Matt was curled up in Zac’s lap, Zac’s arms wrapped around him and his head lying on Matt’s shoulder. Yawning, Aiden glanced at the clock and realized he’d been driving for several hours already. He knew they still had a few more hours before reaching the council headquarters, but Aiden needed a break and to stretch his legs.

Looking in the rearview mirror to make sure Sebastian was still behind him, he noticed something strange. There were three black SUVs driving in on their position quite quickly. Since they were on a two-lane highway, it could just be that they were speeding and needed to pass, but Aiden didn’t think so. Just as he was thinking of waking up Zac, his phone rang.

“Sebastian, you see them, too?” Aiden asked, answering his phone.

“Yeah, man, your gut screaming at you, too?” Sebastian replied.

“Most definitely.”

“What now?”

“Speed around me. Zac’s truck can take more than your car,”

Aiden replied nervously. “I’m going to wake up the guys.”

“Sounds good. Watch your ass, and keep up with me,” Sebastian said before hanging up.

“Zac, Matt, wake up. We got problems,” Aiden said sternly.

“Come on, guys, wake up. We’ve got company.”

“What do you mean company?” Zac asked in a groggy voice, shaking Matt.

“We’ve got three large, black SUVs gaining on us. I just talked to Sebastian. He feels they are screaming bad news, too,” Aiden answered, checking his mirrors again. He noticed what he said had Zac wide awake now, but Matt was still slow to wake.

“Matt, baby, I need you up. Something’s wrong,” Zac said, sitting Matt upright and looking over his shoulder. “Fill me in, Aiden.”

“I told Sebastian to pull in front of us. Your truck can handle more than his car can,” Aiden said just as Sebastian pulled in front of them.

He hit the gas pretty hard to keep up with Sebastian, who wasn’t slowing down one bit.

“Why are we going so fast?” Matt asked, finally up and coherent.

“Turn around and look. We’ve got three SUVs approaching fast and no other traffic around us. This is a pretty unused highway. That’s why we chose it,” Aiden answered.

“I don’t like this,” Zac said, running his fingers through his hair.

“What do we have for weapons? My guns are packed in my bag in the back of the truck,” Aiden asked.

“Um, I’m not a fan of guns,” Zac replied. “What now?”

“Matt, switch places with Zac. Then you’re going to take over driving, Zac. I’m going to see if I can get my bag out of the bed of the truck while we’re driving.” Aiden was surprised Zac was taking orders from him so easily. He watched as Matt and Zac switched places, then Zac slid his foot to take over control of the gas pedal.

Aiden pushed the seat back and raised the steering wheel as he lifted himself so Zac could slide under him. Once Zac was in place, he slid over to the middle seat.

“I got it, Aiden,” Zac said when he had a hold of the steering wheel.

Aiden let go and twisted around and slid open the back window that faced the bed of the truck. “Shit, there’s no way I’m fitting through that window,” he said with another few choice cuss words.

“I can,” Matt said quietly.

“No, Matt, it’s too dangerous,” Aiden started before Matt cut him off.

“And the situation we’re in without the guns is safer? I’m not a baby. I can do this. Just don’t let go,” Matt replied, moving on top of Aiden as he spoke.

Aiden reluctantly moved over by the passenger door as Matt started to squirm his way through the window. Once through, Aiden grabbed his arm as Matt knelt in the bed of the truck.

“The green bag, Matt,” Aiden informed him, praying his little mate didn’t get hurt. “Watch your driving, Zac, no sudden movements.”

“Hurry up. They are gaining on us,” Zac growled, showing he wasn’t too happy about Matt taking risks, either.

“Got it,” Matt yelled as he passed the bag through the window.

Aiden quickly grabbed it and threw it on the floor, then reached out to Matt with both hands. He helped Matt crawl back in and put him in the passenger seat as he stayed in the middle.

“Matt, call Sebastian. Tell him to keep his phone on speaker so we can give him a play-by-play,” Sebastian said, handing Matt his cell phone as he grabbed the bag off the floor.

“Sebastian? It’s Matt. Aiden says to put your phone on speaker so you can hear what’s going on back here while focusing on the road.

What? No, I climbed in back to grab Aiden’s bag with his weapons.”

“Tell Sebastian I’m going to floor it. They’re still catching up,”

Zac said to Matt.

Aiden heard Matt relay the info as he checked his guns. He had three semi-automatics and two boxes of bullets. Hey, he had been a Boy Scout, always prepared. Granted, he had hoped he wouldn’t need them, but he would have been kicking himself if they had and not had them.

“I can shoot a gun,” Matt said, drawing Aiden’s attention. “I’m actually a pretty good shot.”

“You sure?” Aiden asked, checking the safety on one of the guns before handing it to Matt.

“Yup. One of the families who took me in for a while after my parents died was pretty into guns. They made sure we all knew gun safety and, when we were older, taught us how to shoot,” Matt said, seeming proud he could help.

“You are just full of…” Zac started to say as two things happened at once. The back of the truck was bumped by one of the SUVs, and a bullet came whizzing in between Aiden and Zac, shattering the back window and putting a hole in the windshield.

“It’s game time, Matt. Stay low. You know where you’re aiming?” Aiden asked.

“The car,” Matt replied, confusion in his voice and maybe a bit of anger that Aiden thought he was an idiot.

“Yes, but aim for the front grill. You’re looking to dislodge the latch that holds the hood of the car down,” Aiden yelled back.

Traveling at the speeds they were, with the huge engines the truck and SUVs had, the noise was near deafening.

“Got it,” Matt replied, flipping off the safety then lifting the gun to fire away. It shocked Aiden how good Matt was. Snapping back to the present, Aiden started firing his own weapon. It took ten shots between the two of them before the hood of the SUV flipped up, causing the driver to swerve quickly and roll off the road.

Unfortunately, he didn’t take the SUV behind them with him.

“Tires and driver,” Aiden yelled, switching his focus. As close as the first SUV was, the hood flip was their best bet while staying low enough to not get hit by returning fire. Now that the next target was farther away, the driver side was a larger target.

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