Challenging Love (Drekinn Book Five) (13 page)

BOOK: Challenging Love (Drekinn Book Five)
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She held up the stun gun, pushed the button causing it to zap loudly. “Of course it would have been better if you had a real gun, but I assume they didn’t trust you to have one in here with me.”

“You are gonna die for this,” the guard ground out and groaned.

“Oh yes, you are in a position to deliver threats. By all means piss me off,” Vivi said and hit the button again.

“Fuck you!” he yelled.

“Not my type, sorry. Who is in charge?” Vivi said, stepped closer, and quicker than the guard could see she zapped him on the arm.

“Whore!” he yelled.

“You don’t know me well enough to make that judgment.” Vivi laughed. “Now, who is in charge?”

The guard was struck with more stomach pains and he yelled and bitched. Vivi grew bored and began to zap him every few seconds in between the pains. It was fun to watch him squirm.

“Fine, her name is Veil!” the guard yelled.

“Tell me about her,” Vivi yelled and continued to zap the man as he spilled his guts about the woman who ran the place.

She heard footsteps and paused. Shit, someone was coming. Vivi dropped the stun gun and went to the bed and laid down but not before calling, “I wouldn’t tell them you broke under pressure, you will be dead for sure.”

“Bitch!” the guard yelled and Vivi smiled until the door opened.

“What the fuck?” Vivi screeched and moaned loudly. “You gave me something.”

Vivi curled on the bed again and clutched her stomach. It took twenty minutes for someone to come into the room. By then, Vivi had worked up a sweat torturing the guard and so the moaning and twisting on the bed looked real. The guard was still in the bathroom cussing her out but not saying that she had gotten anything from him—smart.

“What is going on in here?” someone said from the door. It was a female and Vivi looked at her closely as she stormed into the bathroom. She looked familiar but Vivi didn’t know her personally.

“He gave me water to drink, I think he poisoned it,” Vivi moaned.

“Me?” She heard the guard yell from the bathroom. “That crazy bitch did something to me.”

“Why is everyone calling me a crazy bitch? I am in pain, I need the bathroom and he is hogging it,” Vivi whined as pitifully as she could.

The woman walked back into the room and narrowed her eyes at Vivi before walking to the door and ordering the guard to get the other one out of here. Vivi watched and wanted to laugh when she saw the green pallor of the guard she had dosed.

When they were gone, she moaned again. “I need help.”

The woman turned to her and looked and shook her head. “I don’t think so. You are responsible for this.”

“How could I? You drugged me, I just woke up a while ago,” Vivi protested weakly.

“Why don’t we talk for a few minutes until you clear you head then,” the woman said and brought the chair next to the bed and sat down.

“What, no torture?” Vivi whispered and opened one of her eyes. “He said you were preparing a room for me.”

“No, we were going over your file. I think you are smart enough to know when to talk and when to not. In this instance, it would be wise to talk. We only need to know where your daughter and her friends are hiding.” The woman shrugged.

“Why? They haven’t done anything illegal as far as I know. All they want is to live their life in peace,” Vivi said.

“Right, you and I both know that this will not end well for them. They have broken several laws already. We only wanted to have them help us with the transition between agencies. They chose to just ignore our request and run. Since then they have been disruptive, and have become what they claim to hate the most, Rogues.” The woman laughed. “It is irony really, they are the ones on the run.”

“My daughter and her friends are what you fear, aren’t they. Because being a shifter with a good cause and the leadership abilities to back it up is what has you running. How much did the humans pay you to turn against your own kind? I know for a fact you are not an
, you are Breyting, I can scent it,” Vivi said quietly. “You are pathetic, they will not come for me. I have taught her well. Instead they will avenge me.”

“Oh, you will tell me what I want to know before you die. Everyone who passes through these gates is stubborn at first. Then we show them the real meaning of the word pain. I want the Drekinn Pack under control and I will get it,” the woman said confidently.

“Then you didn’t read your file good enough.” Vivi smiled a little but still clutched her stomach. For good measure, she gagged a little as if she was going to puke. The woman jumped up when Vivi leaned over the side of the bed and aimed for her shoes.

“Yes, I did. And whatever you did to yourself to make you sick is not going to work. I can leave you in here for as long as it takes for you to recover,” the woman said and walked to the door and paused, then looked over her shoulder, “And you were right about one thing, I am Breyting, but I wasn’t born that way, no I was born
. I am merely doing what needs to be done for the greater good. The
have the right idea, when your daughter is out of the way, we will take what is rightfully ours.”





Brenda and Shelly didn’t wait for morning, they couldn’t, if it had been either of them Vivi would have come right away, plans were made quickly in their day. Damn kids, and Calix, of course, was the reasonable one, after hearing about the security in the facility he was held, and the information that had to be there, they planned more than a rescue mission. They wanted to know what the fuck was going on as well.

“Are you sure we shouldn’t wait?” Brenda said.

“Yes, you and I both know they will put Vivi down if they find out the truth. We can’t let that happen, too many lives have been lost already,” Shelly said and had a haunted look in her eyes.

“It is no use remembering any of that,” Brenda said softly.

“They will do what they can to make our kids weak, we need to make sure they don’t have any more ammo. We have been so careful,” Shelly whispered.

“Right, we get her back, and then apologize,” Brenda said firmly.

“In the end, they will thank us,” Shelly whispered and then looked at the fence again. “Let’s go.”


“I told you they would go.” Calix smiled at Kade who was shaking his head.

“I really didn’t think they would.” Dec grinned.

“I did, those women have a bond, I saw it when I first woke,” Calix said. “If they would have stayed and listened, they would know the security for the building is electronic. They can lock down all the levels if they need to remotely and call in reinforcements. I didn’t learn that until I was on a much lower level. We won't be able to get them all out.”

“Good thing Pilar and Phillip have already left. At least if they do lock it down we will be prepared,” Calli mused.

“Brooks will keep them safe and cloaked until it is time. By the time we get there, we will only have to wait for the signal,” Thomas said.

“Let’s go.” Kade sighed. “Calli is pissed because she has to stay in the back. We can throw her a bone and tell her that she gets to beat the shit out of someone. Richard and Paul said if the women got any crazy ideas they were giving the girls permission to kick their asses. It is a good trade I figure, they won’t hurt Calli because of the baby.”

“That takes all the fun out of watching the bitch fighting,” Victor grumbled.

“Hey, if Cherri and Rissa get involved, there may be bloodshed.” Nik laughed. “They already said if the moms took off on their own, they were going to plan their funerals.”

“They deserve it.” Kade laughed.

“Son, you have no idea who you are dealing with yet, do you?” Victor laughed with Paul and Richard who were shaking their heads. “We gave you permission to let the girls loose on them because we know what would happen if we tried to stop them. Survival of the fittest.”

“Walked right into that didn’t I,” Kade said glumly.

“Yep, we all did. Maybe when we get back we should be asking different questions to the grownups,” Declan said.

“Yeah, like where the fuck did they train?” Kade snorted.

“How many times have I told you, the Mob?” Calli snorted.

“I thought you were joking,” Kade argued.

“No, she really isn’t.” Victor laughed.


“They followed us,” Shelly said quietly.

“So they did,” Brenda said and looked behind them and waved to the wind. “It doesn’t matter, we will still get there first. Vivi is what matters, and if they come sooner rather than later because we pushed their hand, so much the better. If they discover who they are dealing with, we would be in a world of trouble. More than any of us are prepared for.”

The two women walked to the edge of the gate. They had seen it as a weak area when they followed Vivi and the guards the last time. It would work in a pinch. They noticed the last time there were only a bare minimum of guards on the property. They assumed it was because they were hiding the facility's existence. That and their arrogance in thinking no one would care what they did to shifters.

“Let's do this.” Shelly smiled and pointed. Brenda closed her eyes and the small entrance grew until they could fit through.

“Nice,” Shelly laughed. “If only they knew.”

“Yeah, well, we would be put into a home for sure,” Brenda said and then led the way through the gate. They hid behind barrels to make sure no alarms went off. The wards they had didn’t reach the corner and since the gate had been damaged, it had been easy. However, both of the women knew they would be noticed if the wards on the inside of the gate were strong. Hopefully, in their arrogance, they hadn’t thought to ward everything.

“Find her,” Shelly said and once again Brenda closed her eyes.

“It is faint, but she is in the corner room on the southern side. Just over there,” Brenda said when she opened her eyes.

“You mean the one with the guard?” Shelly said dryly.

“Yep, that would be the door we need to get into,” Brenda said.

“Great, diversion.” Shelly sighed and then shifted quickly.

“Yeah, that should do it,” Brenda muttered and then looked around. “Just run and wiggle your tail and then make them run in circles. I should be able to get her out before the big guns arrive and then we will just have to get out of the gate.”

The wolf nodded and then ran quickly along the fence. Brenda held her breath and then waited until the guard saw her friend. With a yell the man took off after Shelly and Brenda ran for the door he was guarding. Silly people, they were really just too easy to fool.

Brenda entered in the door, then walked slowly to the door she knew held her friend. She listened. There was movement toward the front of the building, which she figured was Shelly allowing them to chase her. Not as many people as she thought was guarding it.

“Vivi?” Brenda whispered and nothing. Maybe her friend was still knocked out. Damn it.

Brenda tried the door and it didn’t open, there was a magnetic lock on it. Damn it all to hell, will these people never learn? Brenda closed her eyes and concentrated. There wasn’t a lock around that could keep her out. Her mate had made sure of it.

She pushed the door in slowly, if there was someone else in there it was gonna suck. Brenda crouched a little, prepared to defend herself and her friend. With a deep breath, she pushed it open fully and stepped in, and just like that, someone was all over her. A sheet was thrown over her head and she felt the blows land on her torso.

“Ha, take that,” Vivi crowed and continued hitting.

“Damn it, Vivi, it is me!” Brenda yelled.

“Me who?” Vivi demanded and tried to pull the sheet off Brenda.

“You, dumbass. Me, Brenda,” she said when the sheet finally became loose enough to pull over her head.

“Why didn’t you say so,” Vivi sniffed.

“I said your name,” Brenda argued.

“Soundproof rooms…duh,” Vivi said and then grabbed her friend and hugged her. “I'm so glad you are here, we need to get this out.”

Vivi ran to the bed and grabbed the communicator, turned and held it up with a smile. “Wood.”

“Good job,” Brenda said and then turned, “Shelly is distracting them, we need to hurry.”

“There are only about twelve guards inside,” Vivi said. “I would have scented more. I think this is a holding place.”

Brenda nodded. “Shelly and I figured that out. They rely too heavily on electronics these days.”

“We need to find out how many are being held here. Because before they bring up more people to guard once they discover their security sucks, I want these people out. Can you tell how many are here?” Vivi said and Brenda paused and closed her eyes.

Vivi opened the door to make sure that no one was coming and then looked back at her friend who had turned an awful shade of white. Tears were streaming down her friend's face and Vivi whispered, “What?”

“It is…impossible,” Brenda whispered and opened her eyes. The pain was glaring clearly in her eyes.

“What is?” Vivi said and came to her friend’s side.

“I can’t…” Brenda said and began sobbing, falling into her friend’s arms. Vivi looked around helpless. She had no idea what was going on.

“You fuckers!” Shelly screamed loudly from outside the door. Vivi pushed Brenda into the bathroom and waited while Shelly was thrown into the room with her.

“We will deal with you later,” the guard said gruffly and then locked the door again.
The dumbass never questioned why the door was unlocked,
Vivi thought.

“What the hell?" Vivi whispered.

“What the hell took you so long?" Shelly muttered.

“Something is wrong with Brenda,” Vivi said.

“Bren?” Shelly said and followed the sniffling sound. “Honey, what is wrong.”

“They're alive,” Brenda cried and flung herself into Shelly’s arms.

“Who is, honey?” Shelly and Vivi asked and looked at each other confused.

Brenda pulled back and stared at her friends and said, “We have to save them.”



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