Chains of Revenge (7 page)

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Authors: Keziah Hill

BOOK: Chains of Revenge
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A thump on the stairs pulled her out of her anxious thoughts. She turned to the doorway as Ris and some of the younger members of her household appeared with large buckets of hot water. The two younger women, Ella and Xanthy, looked at Devadas with terror in their eyes, which deepened when they spied the gold chain at the neckline of Lissa’s robe. Both women blushed as they poured hot water into the bath then all but ran from the room. Ris stared hard at Devadas and left more slowly after placing some clothes on the table, muttering all the while.

Devadas sat at the table, finishing his food. Lissa could feel his gaze follow her as she poured more water into the bath.

‘You can stand in it and sluice yourself. There’s more hot water in these buckets and some cloths to dry yourself. I’ll be downstairs when you’re finished.’

‘No,’ he said.


‘No. I want you to stay.’ He smiled at her confusion. ‘I’m tired, too tired to attend to my personal needs. You must wash me.’

Chapter Eight

Pulsing heat poured through Lissa’s body, centring in her aching cunt. Moisture moved inside her, making her want to shift her hips so she could get relief from the teasing sensations inside her.

‘If you insist,’ she said, avoiding his eyes.

‘Oh, I do.’

He held out one boot-shod leg. ‘Take it off.’

She grasped the battled-scarred leather and pulled. First one, then the other.

He stood, and unbuckled the leather clasps of the amour covering his chest. Underneath he wore a battered woollen shirt stained with sweat and in one place on his left side, blood.

‘You’ve been wounded.’ She could hear the note of panic in her voice.

He glanced down at his shirt and shrugged. ‘It’s nothing.’ In one fluid movement, he threw off his shirt, letting her see what the years had done to his body.

Muscle. He was all lean, brown muscle. Scars criss-crossed parts of his chest and on one bicep an intricate pattern had been tattooed. Lissa couldn’t take her eyes of it. Something about it made her want to fling herself at him and lick and suck his whole glorious body, from the top of his dark, closely cropped hair to the bottom of his solid, oddly graceful toes.

He caught her staring at the pattern.

‘Interesting, isn’t it? I got it in the pleasure halls of Seria. Any man who succeeds in pleasuring twenty-one women in one night was considered a Master of the Night. As well as having earned unrestricted access to the famous whores of Seria, I am marked so anyone can see my talents.’

As he spoke he undid the belt of his breeches and pushed them down. Finally he stood naked before her, his cock stirring and lengthening as he continued.

‘Do you know how I pleasured all twenty-one women, Lissa?’ He stalked toward her while she trembled with lust and fear.

‘In batches of three. One on her hands and knees in front of me while I ploughed her pussy, one on a chair beside me while my fingers were buried in her cunt, and one tied onto a frame so my mouth was just at the right height to suck her clit.’

His hand moved to his cock and Lissa watched, entranced, her body on fire as he stroked his rod until it was proudly erect. He stepped into the bath and moaned, closing his eyes.

‘Ah, that’s good. Would that it was a whole bath. Come wash me, Lissa,’ he said, opening his eyes and pinning her like a predator.

She hesitated, unable to take her eyes off his cock.

‘Take your robe off,’ he said.


‘Don’t question, just do it,’ he said with steel in his voice.

Her pussy quivered, but she pulled off her robe. He gazed at her approvingly.

‘Gold always did look good on you. Now, start with my head and work your way down.’

She grabbed a cloth then dipped it in some hot water. Standing in front of him, all she could think of was the gold harness and how it must look against her skin.

She held the cloth to his face and stared washing. Ignoring the look in his eyes, she made herself concentrate on the task. His skin became a paler gold as the worst of the dirt was removed. Again and again she dipped the cloth in the water and washed further down his body. She moved behind him and washed his long, lean back and buttocks, thrilled at the low moan he uttered as she massaged the tops of his thighs.

Kneeling behind him, she kneaded the twin orbs of his buttocks, revelling in the muscular strength of his body. She wanted to kiss him, bite him, run her tongue along the smooth gold of his skin. Instead she continued her journey of discovery, reacquainting herself with this body she once knew so well.

She lingered behind him, reluctant to complete her task by washing the front of his body. She knew how
would end. Acknowledging this to herself, she realised she could do what she wanted. Take what she wanted, just as she did all those years ago. The thought was strangely liberating.

The fates had abandoned her. She had to find another way to ensure Horvald’s survival. If that meant throwing her lot in with the new King of Horvald, so be it. If along the way she got some pleasure for herself, who would care? Certainly not the man in front of her whose only desire was to humiliate and debase her.

Well, she could tolerate that and more. If her people were safe she could tolerate anything.

Emboldened, she rose and moved to the front of the Warlord Death. Rinsing out her cloth she started a slow sweep across his skin with the soft cloth. The tattoo caught her eye and again her pussy quivered.

‘Tell me more of that night, My Lord. Tell me more of how you became Master of the Night.’

Devadas gazed at her, suspicious of the new tone in her voice. She sounded like the Lissa of old, ready and willing for any new game. If that’s the way she wanted to play it, he was more than willing to accommodate her. She couldn’t realise he had more games, many more games with which to instruct her. Smiling grimly, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the smooth slide of the cloth against his skin and the occasional accidental and not so accidental touch of Lissa’s fingers on his chest.

She played with him, scraping a finger nail against his nipple or tracing his tattoo.

Her husky voice ignited a burning need deep in his vitals. His cock hardened and lengthened. She thought to play with him, but she didn’t know what she would unleash.

‘What is it you want to know, My Lady?’

She hesitated, continuing to trace the pattern of his tattoo with her fingers.

‘What was it like?’ she asked, an unexpected vulnerability in her voice. ‘What was it like with three at the same time?’

‘Is that something you’d like to do, My Lady?’

She shot him a quick look then dropped her gaze, but not before he saw the war of desire in her face. Fear and craving. Well, well. The wildcat prowled, ready to emerge.

She shrugged. ‘I do what you instruct, My Lord. Isn’t that the way this works?’

‘It is indeed, My Lady. It is indeed. You learn fast. But to answer your question, three at the same time has definite benefits.’

The cloth tightened in her hand. She finished washing his chest and turned to rinse the cloth. The movement drew attention to her breasts. Round and perfect with strawberry-coloured nipples. The taste of her was still on his tongue.

She turned back to him and knelt in front of him, her mouth inches from his cock.

‘Tell me,’ she said and grasped him with her cloth-covered hand. She started a slow sweep up and then down his length, all the time keeping her head tipped up, watching his face, her mouth slightly open.

She wanted to drive him mad and she was succeeding. If he didn’t have his cock between her wet, sucking lips soon, he’d go crazy.

‘After I made them come, all three of them laid me out on a bed and made sure I was satisfied. Two delicately licked and sucked my balls, while the third took my cock in her mouth.’

‘Like this?’ Lissa said.

She surrounded the head of his cock with her wet mouth and sucked gently.

‘Not quite,’ he said in a strangled voice.

She lifted her head away from his cock which made him want to cry out in frustration.

‘No? More like this?’

She opened her mouth and took him in all the way. He groaned and grasped her hair as the tip of his cock met the back of her throat. Too late he remembered she was a mistress of this particular art. She’d lost none of her skills. She drew back and grasped the base of his cock with her hand and squeezed, while her mouth sucked hard. She proceeded to work him at a steady, maddening pace while he stared down at her bobbing head. When she looked up at him, his gaze was captured and held by the vision of his cock sliding in and out of her mouth, framed by her wildly curling hair. He tipped back his head, feeling the explosion building from the base of his spine.

‘Yes, oh gods, yes,’ he groaned. Gripping her hair tightly he forced himself to watch as the first of his seed spurted from his cock. At the last moment, she removed her mouth but kept pumping him. He roared as he drenched her breasts with his seed.

As the glorious chaos of his mind calmed, he smiled with satisfaction at the sight of her still on her knees in front of him with his come dripping from her erect nipples. When she lifted her hands and slowly circled her breasts, rubbing the fluid into her skin and pulling on her nipples, he laughed.

‘Some things don’t change, do they, My Lady? I see you still have a taste for me after all.’

She smiled as she sucked on one finger. A witch. She was a witch. He could feel his cock recovering quickly.

He stepped from the bath and threw a cloth at her.

‘Clean yourself. The night is just beginning. Where are these clothes of your father’s?’

‘I didn’t think clothes were what you wanted right now,’ she murmured.

He turned to her, considering.

‘Maybe not.’ He glanced around the room, his gaze resting on a chair.

‘Stand up.’

She stood before him without a murmur. Excellent.

‘Bend and put your hands on either side of this chair. Spread your legs. I want to inspect my property.’

Devadas smiled as an angry flush appeared on her skin. Not so playful now.

Lissa swallowed a furious retort. She was not an animal to be inspected at market. But what choice did she have? If she could keep him satisfied, her people would be safe. Bending, she opened her legs and prepared herself. For what she wasn’t sure. And not knowing increased the wetness in her pussy. He might own her, which made her furious, but he knew what she liked.

A sharp slap on her buttock made her yelp. Then he soothed the sting with a caress. Again on her other buttock followed by a caress. Her bottom was on fire. Some sharp slaps in quick succession, followed by a slow kneading of her flesh had her moaning for release. Her cunt ached to be filled.

Instead a finger, then two, then three eased into her. She bucked back trying to get them in as deeply as possible.

‘Stand still. Don’t move. Open your legs wider.’

His rough voice surrounded her. She moved her legs wider and groaned as his fingers found the spot in her cunt that never failed to inflame her.

‘Ah, yes. That’s the spot. Isn’t it, My Lady?’

Then he thrust his fingers in and out of her, rough and hard. She was almost there, almost at that place where she could let go if only he’d let her move. But just as she almost got to that shattering place, he pulled his fingers away. She cried out with loss.

‘No yet, My Love. Not yet.’

She registered the endearment as she struggled to recover from her disappointment. Her heart was beating as if she’d run several miles and her pussy continued to ache with emptiness.

She dipped her head down and could see him kneeling between her legs, a look of greedy concentration on his face. Praying for control, she nevertheless shrieked when he placed his thumb on her clit and started rubbing.

‘Yes, My Love. I know you like that,’ he said with a voice filled with amusement. ‘You’ll like this too.’

She tipped up her head and wailed has he placed his hands on her buttocks, opened her wide then buried his face in her cunt. His tongue lapped and sucked her clit. She couldn’t stop moving now, couldn’t stop pushing herself against his mouth. With an exultant scream she came in a pulsing, shimmering burst, only to scream louder as he stood and took her in one definitive thrust.

‘Yes,’ he grunted. ‘Come hard around me. No other woman’s has ever matched your cunt.’

She whimpered as he fucked her fast and furiously. Holding her hips, he thrust deep, his balls slapping rhythmically against her pulsing clit.

He bent over her and pulled her nipples hard with his fingers. The pain made her cunt spasm even more. Gripping the seat for balance, she thrust back at him.

‘Fuck me,’ she muttered. ‘Fuck me hard.’

He laughed and stood, wrapping her hair around his fist. Her head was forced up and she was acutely aware of the gold chain around her body.

He pumped her still, while she was helpless, her body bent down but her head up as he rode her like a filly, a rebellious, wild filly needing correction.

Soon the glorious shattering was upon her. Her cunt rippled with release as she heard him yell. With one last thrust he released his hot seed into her. When he withdrew from her she collapsed in front of the seat only to have him bark at her.

‘Sit on it. Keep your legs open.’

She struggled to obey through the fog of post-orgasmic weariness.

Sitting, she opened her legs and felt his seed drip from her open pussy.

He stood in front of her and smiled with satisfaction.

‘You look well serviced, My Lady. Like a rough, crude soldier has ploughed you thoroughly. Is that how you feel?’

She studied him, not sure what her response should be. ‘Yes, My Lord. I feel well serviced. Like a horse ridden by her master. Is that what you want?’

‘That and more, My Lady. Much more.’ He gazed at her, considering. ‘But perhaps that’s enough for one night. I grow weary with these games. Put me to bed and we’ll play some more tomorrow. It will be our wedding day after all.’

She closed her legs and stood. ‘I’ll make sure your rooms are prepared,’ she said.

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