Chains of Revenge (2 page)

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Authors: Keziah Hill

BOOK: Chains of Revenge
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He stiffened in her arms and pulled away to look down at her.

‘So I am to teach you?’

‘That’s right. My father, King of Horvald, is negotiating marriage with a Prince of Balto. I need to prepare myself so I can please my husband in the marriage bed. So far your cock works well. It remains to be seen whether you’re any good in other arts. If you are, the arrangement may extend beyond a month.’ She smiled her smug cat smile at him and he fought back the desire to throttle her.

Climbing off her, he stood and bowed, discarding his contempt as he wondered how best to use this opportunity to escape. There must be a way. And in the mean time, if this foolish woman wanted his body for her own perverse purposes, he might learn a thing or two. At least it would reduce his time in The Pit.

Chapter Two

As the month progressed, he didn’t disappoint her. She writhed and screamed beneath him and begged him to take her. Devadas resolved to forget everything he knew about honour and what was proper for a warrior of Catiscal and lose himself in her body. Day after day, he was chained by the Pit Master and delivered to the princess, where she would order his bonds removed, allowing him to thrust and push and pull her into any and all positions. He sought oblivion in her wet, pulsing cunt and her hungry, sucking mouth.

One afternoon, she stared down at him as she impaled herself on his cock. He held her hips and thrust slowly up into her, revelling in her tight, wet channel.

‘You don’t like me, do you?’ she asked.

He gritted his teeth and smiled what he hoped was a friendly enough smile. ‘What makes you say that?’

‘You don’t care about my pleasure. Oh, you’ve learned very well how to make me come but you don’t really care. Don’t get me wrong, though – I like that. I have to rely on myself.’

She flexed her cunt and he hissed, trying not to come too soon.

‘It’s liberating,’ she continued, ‘knowing I’m responsible for my own pleasure. I have to find it and not expect you to find it for me.’

Closing her eyes, she tipped her head back then slid her fingers down into her pussy folds to rub herself. Devadas had never seen a woman pleasure herself and the sight inflamed him. He’d learnt all about the secrets of her wondrous clit, something he doubted the men of Catiscal knew much about.

Thrusting harder and faster, he said in a gravelly voice, ‘That’s right. Come, come now. Let me feel you take my cock. Clutch it hard.’

Her sheath rippled around him as she howled out her release. He knew now from the dazed look on her face that the dark ecstasy that throbbed through him at the point of orgasm was the same for her.

Women in Catiscal did not behave as she did. Sex was for procreation, not pleasure. He laughed and thrust deep inside her, seeking his own release. Maybe the people of Catiscal needed to loosen up.

He reached up and played with her tightly furled nipples while she grinned at him. She wasn’t right in her assessment of him. He did like her. Against his better judgment he found himself looking forward to their daily escapades. It wasn’t just because of the break from The Pit or the mind-altering sex, although
was a complete revelation. No, he looked forward to her open and lusty appreciation of his body and what they did together. She had no shame. She liked her body and made sure he knew she liked his.

As he stared up at her, pulling and playing with her breasts while his cock surged deeply into her, she tightened the muscles in her cunt and laughed joyously as the grip tipped him over the edge.

His cock softened within her, but she didn’t move off him. Instead she leaned forward and licked his flat nipple then lightly bit it. He groaned.

‘No more,’ he begged, unconvincingly. ‘Let me recover.’

‘But I love your body,’ she said. ‘I just want to taste you.’

With that she proceeded to kiss and nibble every inch of his chest, working her way down to his cock. He lay, poleaxed, the torment of her clever mouth battling the desire to drift off into a post-orgasmic haze.

She rubbed her face against his cock and licked it, then sighed. ‘I have been working you too hard, haven’t I?’

‘I’m not complaining,’ he muttered.

‘Come,’ she said. ‘Let’s eat.’ She pulled on his arms playfully until he climbed to his feet.

‘You sit here and I’ll feed you.’

He sat on a chair next to the table. Lissa proceeded to straddle him, her generous breasts conveniently close to his face.

‘Mmm. So this is my feast?’ he asked, cupping her breast in his hand and flicking her strawberry-coloured nipple with his tongue.

A mischievous smile lit her face. He was struck by how radiantly beautiful she was when she was playful. The spoiled princess was nowhere to be seen.

‘You can feast on whatever you want,’ she said, pushing a juicy grape into his mouth.

He munched on the tart fruit then took her nipple into his mouth, sucking and pulling lightly on it with his teeth. She squirmed in his lap and gasped with pleasure. He released her nipple and grinned at her moue of disappointment.

‘Don’t stop,’ she pleaded.

‘But I need more sustenance.’

She smiled wickedly and pushed another grape into his mouth. Again he swallowed the fruit then took her other breast into his mouth. Her breathing became more laboured as she squirmed even more in his lap.

‘I need even more,’ he said. Lifting her, he placed her on the table, amid the plates of food and bowls of fruit. ‘Lay back,’ he ordered. ‘Open yourself.’

She giggled and did as he asked. Holding a bunch of grapes in his hand, he picked one and popped it into his mouth as he watched her pussy open to his gaze.

Picking another, he pushed it into her. She laughed with delight as he pulled up the chair, sat and proceeded to feast on her. His tongue played with the grape in her cunt, teasing her. Then he bit on the fruit letting the pulp coat her lips. He licked her clean, his laugh tickling her as he licked. Lissa writhed and giggled on the table as he brought her closer and closer to release, only to stop and insert another grape.

‘You’re killing me,’ she wailed. ‘Put me out of my misery.’

‘With pleasure,’ he muttered, grape pulp running down his chin. He ran his tongue around her delicious clit then sucked her hard, vibrating his tongue against her. She tasted intoxicating; fruity and salty and earthy. Her hips bucked as she writhed on the table building inexorably to her release. As her clit pulsed in his mouth, she screamed.

‘Fuck me!’

He stood and grabbed her legs, opening them wider, and thrust hard into her while her cunt still shuddered.

‘Oh, yes,’ she groaned. ‘That’s right.’ She threw her arms out, causing plates and bowls to clatter to the floor. ‘You feel so good.’

He grinned down at her while he forced himself to still inside her.

‘So, I do what you command, My Lady. What else?’

‘Move,’ she demanded. ‘Let me feel you move.’

‘Like this?’

He flexed his hips, starting a slow stroke of her pussy.

‘You are a devil,’ she laughed. ‘You know what I want.’

He gripped her legs under the knees and surged into her, making the slap of flesh against flesh the only sound in the room. Staring down into her crystalline blue eyes, he forgot everything except the feel of her tight passage and the strange sensation that being here with her was his destiny, something he was meant to do. As he thrust into her, feeling the searing joy of his orgasm build within him, he let himself go, obliterating the pain and despair of The Pit.

Slumping onto her, he nuzzled her breast. ‘I think grapes will always be my favourite fruit from now on.’

Chapter Three

But in the end, he was still her slave. He still had to return to The Pit and fight for his life.

One morning, death claimed one of the young battle serfs, a countryman of Devadas. He held the boy as he died; a sword in his gut. Fury and despair filled Devadas at the pointlessness of his death. When he entered the Princess Lissa’s bedroom, he vowed to forget everything in the heat of her sex. Not allowing her any preliminary caresses and not caring for the consequences, he pushed her onto her knees and thrust hard into her. The sound of his balls slapping against her flesh and her own moans filled the room. He grabbed her hair and pulled her up, holding her against him with a rock solid arm.

‘You like that don’t you, My Lady?’ he gasped, while pumping in and out of her. ‘You like my cock deep inside you. Say it. Say it.’

‘Yes,’ she moaned. ‘Yes, I like your cock inside me. Don’t stop,
don’t stop.’ He could tell she was in pain from the pull on her hair mingled with his relentless pounding, but she seemed on the verge of ecstasy.

He laughed bitterly and pushed her back down. Hunching over her he cupped her breasts in his hands then pulled hard on her nipples with strong fingers. She screamed as she came.

‘That’s right, My Lady, that’s right.’ He let out a fierce groan. ‘Gods above. Your cunt is like a fist,’ he yelled and let loose his own release.

She collapsed on the cushions with him over her. His heart beat frantically, ready for her to call the guards and have him punished. Instead she sighed deeply and murmured, ‘That was incredible. Your cock is magnificent.’

He smiled. So she liked a little roughness with her sex? She would get more.

Fury and lust pulsed in wild competition though his body as he ordered her to stretch out face down on the bed. She watched with curiosity when he oiled his cock with some of her body oil, but complied with his command. She seemed to like complying with his commands. As he lay over her, pinning her to the bed, his cock nudged the entrance to her ass.

Her body tensed, as she realised what he wanted. She didn’t call the guards to stop him, as he slowly, inexorably, inched past her tight ring. Her cry, a unique mixture of pleasure and pain that never failed to drive him insane, was the only sound in her room.

What am I doing? What have I become?

He started to pull out of her, horrified with himself, only to hear her guttural command.

‘Don’t stop. Keep going.’

She leaned on her arms and brought herself up on her knees, tipping her ass to allow him deeper access. The low groan in her throat signalled to Devadas she was lost in a world of bliss mixed with pain. His anger boiled inside him, anger mixed with a burning fever of passion and confusion. He thrust harder and harder into her, listening to her breathless gasps, until he escaped into soul-searing ecstasy. He arched his back and yelled, feeling a mind-altering, staggering release.

Coming back to himself, he pulled out and flung himself down beside her, covering his eyes with his arm. Disgust filled him. Not because of how he’d coupled with her but that he’d treated her with contempt. He’d travelled a long way from being an honourable warrior of Catiscal.

‘What’s wrong?’ she asked.

He turned to her, curious about a tone in her voice he’d never heard before.

‘Did I hurt you?’ he asked.

‘A little,’ she said with a small smile. ‘But I like it, I think. It was strange. It hurt but I wanted to keep going and then it didn’t hurt so much. Maybe we could do it again,’ she said with an eager light in her eyes. ‘Some of the other women say they like it too.’

‘I don’t understand your people,’ Devadas said. ‘I don’t understand how they can be so free and easy with their bodies but use slaves. It doesn’t make sense.’

She lay on her side and frowned. ‘I … I don’t know … It’s always been like that. My father said we used to move around when his grandfather was in charge. He wasn’t a king then, just a leader of our people. We were savages then, he said, with no permanent dwellings, just foraging from the land. My great-grandfather made us stay in one place. Then we had to defend ourselves to keep our land from others. Others like the Catiscal.’

She shrugged. ‘Instead of killing captives, we put them to work. Why is that so bad?’

He lifted his arm where a long gash from a sword was still healing. She frowned again as if to work out a puzzle. ‘That must hurt,’ she said in a small voice.

‘It does. But what hurt more was holding my countryman in my arms as he died. Do you understand that?’

She nodded gravely then leant forward, kissing him on the lips. They’d never kissed before. Devadas wondered if they both somehow knew kissing was too much, an intimacy they shouldn’t indulge in. But the soft ripeness of her lips, her taste of wine and fruit pulled him toward her. He gathered her lush, curvaceous body in his arms. They lay entwined, kissing, murmuring and, for the first time, making love.

But like every other time, he returned to The Pit where his rage boiled ever hotter in his gut. He battled the warriors of Horvald during the day and serviced Princess Lissa at night.

Something had changed though. Some shift of power between them. She unquestioningly let him do whatever he wanted with her.

A part of him wished she’d stop him, but she never did. He spanked her, shot his seed over her body, fucked her more in the ass and sometimes wouldn’t let her touch herself, denying her the release she craved. His days consisted of fighting her father’s soldiers, trying to avoid their cuts and blows, while his nights were spent using her body to expunge his nightmares.

When his cock was inside her, when he bent her almost double, pushing her legs up over her head while he thrust hard into her, he could forget in that moment how he’d become an animal, rutting and fighting for survival. The clutch of her sheath around him drove him on and her mewls of passion, begging him to fuck her, fuck her hard, pushed him into a place of blinding oblivion where there was only one moment of pure escape.

And all the time he told her about the slaves, about how many died or were forced to fight in her father’s army for their freedom. He purged himself in her and she let him. And in doing so, she ensured that he never forgot her, could never forget her.

Lissa came to crave not only Devadas’s body but all of him, body and soul. She thought about him constantly, terrified that each night would be their last.

One night, after he’d spilled not just his seed, but his soul into her, she hadn’t been able to resist pressing her mouth against his again, trying to tell him she was sorry, she understood, she’d do anything to make it better. He evaded her kiss and pulled away from her.

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