Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1 (31 page)

Read Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1 Online

Authors: T. A. Grey,Regina Wamba

BOOK: Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1
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He was so long, there was no way
she could fit him in her mouth. It made something deep in her sex pulse with
need. She took him as far as she could and held him there, her hand squeezing
and pumping the rest of his shaft. He stuffed her full, wide, and deep.

“Chloe,” he said raggedly. His
cock pulsed in her mouth as if it had its own rapid heartbeat.

The sharp rap on the door brought
Tyrian to a sitting position. “What?” he shouted.

Chloe recognized Rayn’s voice.
“Commander, we have news on the demon. You might want to hear this.” Tyrian did
something that surprised Chloe to her core.

“Later!” he shouted, then lay
back on the bed, thrusting inside the wet, suctioning heat of her mouth.

Chloe smiled at him, pulling away
to rub his wet cock. Her body was heating all over like a heater was warming
her. The way he looked in her hand, the way he writhed and grimaced in agony
below her. She had the power of this great commander, and she loved it.

“Take me in your mouth, Chloe.”
It wasn’t a request.

Ever the servant, she obeyed. She
sucked him deep, licking and bobbing her head over his shaft as her hand worked
below. One hand curled tightly into her hair and her pussy flooded with liquid
heat. To see him losing control was the sexiest thing in the world.

His hips thrust against her
mouth, pushing him an extra inch inside her. The thrusts grew faster, her hand
pumped harder, quicker. She sucked him deep and felt him swell in her mouth,
pressing her lips wider.

Groans passed through his throat,
tantalizing her senses. His hand pressed her closer and she knew he was so
close. She did everything she could, sucking hard and squeezing him, dying to
know what it felt like, what he tasted like.

Then he held her down, his cock
twitching in her mouth as semen surged in her mouth. She swallowed the hot
salty liquid, moaning with him. She drank every drop, before slowly pulling her
mouth away.

Her lips tingled and her jaw was
a little sore but it was worth the look on his face. Utterly relaxed,
completely satisfied.


“You can say it—I’m awesome.”

He started choking, then it
turned into a bellowing laugh. The sound curled her toes, made her lift her
chin a little higher. He looked at her with something akin to amazement.
Something unrecognizable flickered across his face.

“I have to go see to Rayn.” He
got up and started pulling on clothes. She watched him with a small smile on
her face.

When he was finished, he stopped
in front of her. With a look so serious it scared her he said, “You’re either
the best thing that has happened in my life or the worst. For both our sakes, I
hope it’s not the latter.”

He curled his hand around the
back of her head and brought her up to meet his kiss. It was passionate,
searing in its intensity.

Chloe watched him go and felt a
heavy seeping feeling fill her gut. She rubbed it, but knew she stood no chance
of it going away. Something bad was coming. And soon.


Chapter Twenty-Five



Later that day, Chloe was
lounging in the great room with Lily.

They’d chatted about their
Protectors and about Papa and this completely crazy situation. Chloe hadn’t
seen Tyrian but she knew he was busy. Lily said she had an idea for a spell and
a potion for that matter.

“What kind of potion?”

Lily opened her case. It was a
big, old-fashioned apothecary’s case where she kept herbs, flasks, and other crafting

“I want to ensure that we’ll
vanquish the demon. So, while reciting the spell we’re about to make, you’re
going to chant the spell over and over then throw the liquid on the demon.”

Chloe sat up straight. “You want
me to get close to it? I can’t do that.”

“Well, you don’t have to.
Consider this a backup plan in case everything goes wrong and it does get near
you. Then you can feel extra safe.” Lily talked about the great demon monster
getting close to her as if she already knew it would.

“Did you see that in a dream,

“No, not that.”

Sighing, Chloe relaxed back into
her seat only to bolt back up. “Wait, what did you see then?”

Lily sighed, her mouth pulling
into a frown. Chloe recognized that look. It meant danger.

“What is it?”

“You really don’t want to know,”
she insisted.

“Oh screw that, I
want to know! Tell me, Lily. Is it really bad?” Was it the reason her gut had
been feeling worse and worse lately?

Lily began meticulously sorting
her ingredients out before her. Sighing heavily, she finally said, “Fine, but
don’t say I didn’t warn you…I saw Tyrian drinking from some aristo-looking

Chloe didn’t know whether to feel
relieved or worse. “When?” Lily gave her a look and Chloe grimaced. She knew
Lily had no way of knowing the time that anything happened in her dreams.

“Tyrian had a
think I convinced him last night, though, to stop seeing her.” She was pretty
damn sure actually. She couldn’t even wipe the stupid grin off her face.

Lily grinned. “I just bet you
did, sis.”

“Speaking of, I’m going to go find
her. She’s a little…fancy, but I think you’ll like her.” Lily nodded, shooing
her away with her hand.

“Go, I’m going to get started on

Chloe made her way to the
off-limits wing. As she turned down the corridor that would take her there, she
spotted Henry marching toward her. His eyes were flashing mad, his jaw
clenched. He stopped when he saw her.

“Hello, Chloe. How are you?”

“Just fine. How are you doing?
You look like someone just gave you some bad news.”

“Not quite. Someone just made a
very bad mistake.” Understanding settled in.

“A woman?” He nodded. “Is it the

His eyes narrowed on her. “Has
she said something to you?”

“What? No, of course not. I
haven’t seen her. Why, is something wrong?”

“Yeah, I listened to a liar.” And
with that, he stalked away without even a goodbye. Chloe whistled under her breath
then climbed the staircase.

Lucinda’s door was already parted
open. Chloe knocked on it gently and heard the soft rustling of clothing before
the door opened gently.

Lucinda’s eyes lit up. “Chloe!
How wonderful to see you. Would you like to come in?”

“Oh, no thanks. Hey, my sister’s
downstairs and we were wondering if you’d like to come hang out with us. That
is, unless you’re busy.” Chloe peered around her into the feminine, bright

Lucinda’s eyes widened. “Really?

Chloe laughed. “Yeah, why not?”
The beauty blushed then and looked away.

“Well, I just didn’t think you’d
want to be around me since I’m Tyrian’s

Chloe grinned. “Not anymore
you’re not. I talked to him about it. He won’t be using you anymore. You’re
free!” Lucinda didn’t look nearly as happy as Chloe thought she would. In fact,
she looked downright crestfallen.

“Oh, yes, thank you.”

“What’s wrong?” Chloe was afraid
to find out.

“Without a
I have
nothing. I’ll have to leave this place. Where will I go?” she asked, her eyes
glossy with tears.

Chloe was at a loss for words.
“You don’t have to leave. You can stay right here if you want.” Lucinda shook
her head.

“Never. It’s unseemly for the
to stay under his care. I must go.” She ran into the
room and began pulling bags out from a closet. She started stuffing them with
gowns and sashes before Chloe could say a word.

“Just hold on a second. Lucinda,
I’m not putting you out and neither is Tyrian. I just want my neck to be the
only one he uses.” Lucinda nodded, tears spilling down her cheeks.

“I completely understand. I
really do. That is why I must go.”

“Wait, stop it!” Lucinda stopped.
Chloe saw her hands were shaking as she clasped them together. “What about one
of the other warriors?”

“No, they all have
and those who do not have special arrangements.”

Dammit. “Listen, stay here and be
calm. I promise you everything will be okay. I’m going to be back in a few
minutes. Stop packing. Just take a deep breath. If you want, go find my sister.
She’s in the great hall and really wants to meet you.” The vampire’s eyes
widened in shock as if she was surprised anyone would want to do that. Shaking
her head, Chloe said, “Promise me, okay?”

Lucinda nodded. “Yes, I promise.”
Chloe rushed to her and hugged her tight before running out the room.

She had to find Draven.


* * *


Chloe found the warrior, Draven,
deep in the castle armory selecting an assortment of weapons. He had blond hair
streaked with dark brown that fell to his waist, an aristocratic nose, thinly
sculpted lips, and hollowed cheeks that gave him a hawkish, devilish

He turned to her with an easy
smile. “What are you doing down here? Commander Tyrian probably wouldn’t like
you being here.”

“Probably,” she agreed. “I came
to talk to you about something.”

He cocked a brow. “And what’s

“Do you have a
His eyes widened at her question.

Frowning he said, “That’s a
private matter that most vampires do not discuss with others.” Chloe felt a
blush spread across her cheeks.

“Sorry, I didn’t know there was a
protocol to this sort of thing. I just know someone who needs a

“And so you thought to ask me,”
he said slowly. Chloe nodded, unsure how much she should tell him. For all she
knew the warrior had a woman, or a legion of them, but she did know that
Lucinda’s eyes lit up at the mention of his name. It was worth a try.

“Exactly. I’m sorry it’s private,
but I really need to know. Do you have one?” He looked at her with a peculiar
expression, as if he was trying to figure her out. Or like she had some
ulterior motive.

“No, I do not. I have other
arrangements.” Chloe clapped her hands.

“Wonderful! Because I sort of
need a favor.” If anything, the warrior’s expression grew even more remote.

“Tell me all. I do not like games.”

“Well, I know a wonderful woman
who is currently looking for a
And if she doesn’t find one, then
she’ll have no place to go. She’s scared and I’m scared for her since it’s sort
of my fault to begin with and---”

His eyes snapped to hers. “Lucinda?”

“Yes! You know her, right?”

“No, I can’t…I can’t be her

Chloe frowned and said, “Why not?
I don’t think she minds you at all.”

“She can easily find another. Ask
Rayn or one of the other warriors.” He turned his back to her and began piling
weapons into a black satchel on the counter.

“Why not you?”

He was silent for a moment.
“Those reasons are not any of your business.” Chloe had never heard Draven
sound so serious. Usually he wore a big smile and had a sarcastic joke for
everything. Even when he’d been kidnapping her out of the hostel in England,
he’d had a grin.

“I’m sorry. Do you two have a
history or something?”

“No, Chloe. Now, if you don’t
mind, I’d like to be left alone.”

Steps sounded behind her and
Chloe turned to see Tyrian headed toward her. She smiled at him but he didn’t smile

“You shouldn’t be down here,” he
said. “Draven, meeting in thirty. We have some developments on the demon.” The
warrior turned back around, his smile back on his face.

“Sure thing, Commander.” His eyes
flickered to Chloe’s and his smile died.

Tyrian grabbed her arm and led
her down the hall. “What were you talking to Draven about?”

Chloe debated telling him the
truth. Would he be mad that she was trying to pair his ex-
with a
“I was just looking for you.” She cringed inside, hating that
she just lied to him.

“How’s the spell coming with your
sister? We need it soon.”

“I was just about to go work on
it, actually. Lily says she’s also going to make a potion that may help to kill
it in case it gets near me.” He turned to her, pressing her gently against the

“It won’t,” he promised. His
fingers passed through her hair. “You are so beautiful it twists me up inside.”
He sounded amazed and unhappy at the thought. Chloe wrapped her arms around his
waist and pulled him closer.

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