Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1 (26 page)

Read Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1 Online

Authors: T. A. Grey,Regina Wamba

BOOK: Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1
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“I thought Alphas liked
submissive women,” Chloe said.

Lily smiled big. “I know. That’s
what makes this all the better. Willow says he keeps trying to best her, but
she keeps coming out on top. Seems like he’s getting angrier about it by the
minute. When he finally does catch her, and according to my dream he will, they
will have some interesting times together.”

Since she was young, Lily always
had these dreams that acted more like visions. They used to only have about a
40% accuracy rate, but since she’d gotten older, it was now more like 50%. Lily
liked to call it her ‘hit or miss visions.’

Chloe finished dressing in a sexy
black dress with ridiculously tall heels and black stockings. The whole thing
with Tyrian earlier really rubbed her the wrong way. She didn’t know if she
wanted to hit him or…well, hit him. But it wasn’t in her nature to give up. So
tonight, when they get back from visiting Telal, she was going to seduce him.

She even debated asking Lily to
make one of her aphrodisiac concoctions, but how was she supposed to slip that
to a vampire? He didn’t drink anything that wasn’t from a vein. She shivered at
the thought, remembering when his fangs at sunk into her. Her body began to
warm so she quickly blocked the image.

“Have you dreamt of your demon?”
asked Chloe.

“You look killer, by the way. Add
some mascara from my purse and it’ll be perfect. He won’t be able to resist
you. My demon? Well, I did have an interesting dream with him. I was licking
his body up and down and he was in chains on a bed or something. I couldn’t
really make out his face or anything. He was kind of blurry.”

Chloe gasped. “Lily!”

“What? You wanted to know, don’t
interrupt a sexy story. So then, I remember he tore through them like they were
plastic, except they were old-fashioned prison manacles, and he came after me
and took me so passionately. I’m certain I came a dozen times. Now I don’t know
how much of that is true, but I sure hope the orgasm part is,” she said with a
dreamy sigh. “So, enough about me. You’re the one who’s actually been living
with her Protector. How’s it going?”

Chloe turned to her sister and
almost wanted to cry. She didn’t know where to start, so she just started
talking. Soon Lily had her sitting next to her on the bed with an arm wrapped
around her as she spilled everything from their first sexual encounter with the
vampire commander to his past and up to their ‘thing’ this morning.

“Sounds to me like he’s crazy
about you.”

Chloe couldn’t help it, she
laughed hard. If only Lily had been around these past few days. “No, he’s not,
and a part of me keeps feeling like a complete fool every time I talk to him.
I’m starting to think that maybe I should just turn my back on him and try to
make it with one of the other warriors. But there’s just something about him,
Lily. I feel like I can’t walk away.”

“I understand,” Lily said,
holding her close. “I think you two are going to be great together. Just keep
pushing him. He’s strong, he can take it.”

“But what if he hates me for it
in the end?” Chloe asked, her eyes haunted with pain. “Have you had a dream
about us?” She couldn’t keep the hope out of her voice.

Lily pulled back. “Um, no, no.”
Chloe glared at her.

“Yes, you did, Lillian Bellum.
Tell me now and do not lie, no matter what.”

Lily cringed. “Fine, fine. I had
two dreams. One was of you and Tyrian in the snow, fighting.”

“What were we fighting about?”

Lily shrugged. “I didn’t hear
anything like that. It was like watching a movie with the sound muted, minus
any subtitles. It looked emotional though, deep. You both looked so…in pain. He
didn’t look anything like how I saw him when I met him downstairs. He’s all
aloof and cold. There was none of that in this dream.” Chloe shuddered, her
stomach filling with that horrible warning feeling.

“And the other?” Chloe asked,
feeling more miserable than before.

“I wasn’t going to tell you. I
was going to mention it to him, because I didn’t want to worry you any. Plus,
you know these things aren’t always accurate.” Lily smiled at her, but Chloe
couldn’t make herself return it. She felt hollow inside, numb.

“Just tell me.”

Lily dragged in a deep breath. “I
saw you die. A demon was fighting you, and it killed you.”

Her eyes shot wide. “Say what? Do
you think this is because I nearly died by that demon yesterday? When did you
have that dream?” Chloe asked, desperate to know. She had to know. She grabbed
Lily’s arm in firm grip, her eyes frantic and wide.

Lily’s smile relaxed her
infinitely. “Just last night. Don’t worry, that’s all it was.”

Chloe sighed. “Thank God.”

A knock sounded at the door and
Chloe knew who it was. “Just tell me one more thing, and be completely honest,
Lily. Do you really think I should pursue him? I don’t want to get hurt,” she

Lily smiled gently. “Sometimes we
have to experience the bite of pain before we can feel the love. I say, do it.
If you want him, then go get him, Chloe.”

Chloe threw her arms around her
sister. “Thank you, Lily,” she whispered. Lily squeezed her one last time and
then they answered the door.

The warrior, Rayn, was there. Not
her vampire commander. He smiled like a male alley cat at Lily and looked her
up and down. “Are you sure you won’t let me take you out, beautiful? I would
love to show you a good

Lily winked at him. “I know you
would darling, but I already have a man.”

Rayn cocked a brow. “Who? I’ll
fight him for the rights to you any day.” He said it in mock seriousness that
sent Chloe and Lily into giggles.

“His name is Telal Demuzi. If you
wish to fight with him, make arrangements so I can be there. I wouldn’t want to
miss that.” Rayn’s brow skyrocketed to his hairline.

He shook his head and held out
his hands. “The demon? Damn. Grab on, we’re meeting Tyrian downstairs first.”
Chloe and Lily each grabbed a hand. Rayn grinned at Lily and pulled her close
to his chest.

“You smell nice,

Before Chloe could ask what that
word meant, her body tingled from head to toe, and the hallway dissipated
around them like sand dropping, and then a new room appeared. A room filled
with weapons.

“Whoa, what’s this place?” Chloe
asked and went to the walls covered in weapons from axes and swords to guns and
throwing knives. She even saw a few grenades and laughed.

“The armory,” Rayn replied.

A door opened and Tyrian and
Henry came in. “You’re back on command duty while I’m gone. If anything
happens, notify me,” Tyrian said. Henry bowed swiftly.

Tyrian’s gaze shot to her like a
magnet. He zeroed in on her like she was the sole focus on his mind. It made
her stomach flutter, her pulse race. His eyes heated, scorched over the fitted
dress she wore, lingering on her black stocking legs.

He’d changed and now wore a
tight, black T-shirt instead of his usual long sleeves. Chloe licked her lips
at the play of muscles in his forearms, at the thick veins that ran over his
arms and into his finely sculpted hands. Just as quickly, his eyes darted away
from her and were back to the distant, unfazed look he always wore.

“You’re drooling,” Lily teased in
a whisper. Chloe glared at her after pulling her gaze away from the man
constantly occupying her thoughts. “Don’t worry, he is totally drool-worthy.”

Tyrian picked up a wicked, curved
knife from the wall and two guns that he tucked into places around his cargo
belt. When Chloe blinked, she realized she couldn’t even see them. It was like
they were never there.

“How do you do that?”

She was surprised that he
bothered to answer her. “I have an enchantment on certain weapons so that I can
carry them but they stay hidden to others.” Oh, so that explained how he
managed to have a massive double-bladed axe back at the hotel.

“But you don’t have those kinds
of powers.”

“Draven does. He can make nearly
anything invisible. Let’s go,” he commanded. Rayn had to touch each of them for
this to work.

“I’ll need one of the beautiful
ladies to cuddle close to me, so the others can touch my hands for this to
work,” Rayn said, sounding immensely happy as he smiled at Lily.

Lily smiled back at him, but
pushed Chloe into him. Her arms naturally went around him in an awkward hug.
She looked up at Tyrian and saw his nostrils flare, so she stayed where she
was. Damn right. Lily took hold of Rayn’s hand and saddled up next to her.
Tyrian was next. He took his time, almost as if it pained him to move close to

He tore his gaze away from her
and cut Rayn a look that spoke volumes. The warrior winced and quickly the room
started to disappear. Chloe couldn’t have been happier as they appeared in
front of the demon’s headquarters. She’d seriously needed that ego boost his
jealousy just provided her.

As the guards escorted them to
the elevator, Lily leaned close and whispered, “See, I told you.” They all
sidled into the elevator and Chloe couldn’t keep from grabbing Tyrian’s hand
and tugging on it.

He took a deep, long breath but
looked down at her. She crooked her finger at him and hesitantly he leaned
down. She met him by rising on her toes.

In the sexiest voice she could
manage, she whispered into the shell of his ear. “I remember your tongue
licking my sex in this very spot, Tyrian. I remember the way you felt as you
thrust inside me so hungrily. I wish we could do it all over again. Right now.”

He pulled back quickly, his eyes
wide and a flush darkening his cheeks. Chloe looked down, saw the start of a
bulge in his military-style black pants, and wanted to do a little cheer.
Instead, she blew him a kiss just as the doors dinged open.

The same two guards waited for
them. Their eyes met Tyrian’s with a mixture of blatant hostility and fear.

“I hope we will not have the same
problems we did last time,” Tyrian said.

The guards spoke into their mics
and eventually nodded at them before leading them down the hall. They went into
the demon’s office, but the demon was nowhere to be seen.

“He’ll be right with you,” one of
the guards said. Lily’s eyes were wide and bright with excitement. She ran over
to the demon’s desk and sat on it, kicking her legs back and forth as she
looked over the papers and things on his desk.

“Lily, what are you doing?” Chloe
whispered furiously.

Lily smiled and waved her off.
“Demons have an incredible sense of smell or so I hear. I just want him to get
a good long scent of mine.” She hopped down and sat in his chair, sliding back
and forth on the leather. She’d just hopped back onto his desk and started
reading through his papers when a side door opened and the demon came in.

His gaze locked on Lily like a
sniper. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Who are you?” Lily smiled at
him, which completely unfazed him as he stalked toward her. “Get off my desk.”

Lily hopped off but grabbed his
hand and lifted it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Telal Demuzi. I must say, I
hate that you’re into weapons manufacturing, but all of your other work has
seriously impressed me.” She brought his golden-skinned hand up to her face and
then licked his palm. His eyes flared huge and he viciously yanked his hand
back. He backed her into his desk, her thighs hitting it and stopping her. He
crowded her.

“I said, who the fuck are you?”

Chloe watched as Lily licked her
lips in the sexiest way possible. The point of her tongue darted out and licked
the top of her lip slowly, as if she was licking off the last bit of ice cream.
The demon’s golden eyes watched and if possible, grew brighter in the already
well-lit room.

“Lily Bellum, animal lover, spiritualist,
and all around demon lover.” The demon’s nostrils flared. “I had no idea demons
were so…big,” she said, her fingers climbing up the front of his chest. “I
like,” she said, practically purring. The demon snatched her hand away and
brushed her off  him. He took a seat at his desk with a feral scowl on his

“Tyrian, let’s get to business. I
don’t have time for silly women and games.”

“You heard him,” Lily said to
Tyrian. “Chop chop.” She hopped onto Telal’s desk and smiled at him. “Your hair
is beautiful. A luscious blue—my favorite color.” The demon’s jaw flexed side
to side until Chloe heard it crack.

“Get off my desk.”

“No,” she said and swung her
sandaled feet. Chloe couldn’t help but grin at her sister. This poor demon.
Once Lily set her mind on something, she didn’t stop until she got it. The
Bellums were a tenacious bunch like that.

“What did you learn?” Tyrian

The demon cast Lily a hard look
then said, “The news isn’t good. The Bellum sisters chose possibly the worst
location to perform a spell, especially to say the spell wrong,” he growled,
cutting Lily a look.

Lily shrugged. “We chose the
location for its magical properties.”

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