Chained (The Siren Series #2) (17 page)

Read Chained (The Siren Series #2) Online

Authors: L.A.Griffiths

Tags: #romance, #horror, #action, #fantasy, #paranormal, #young adult, #teen, #fantasy about magic, #fantasy 2015 new release, #romance 2015

BOOK: Chained (The Siren Series #2)
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Wow, did
you ever see your parents?” I asked.

No, we
only get letters and parcels now and then, but they did come for my
final graduation. I cannot say it wall all bad but it did give me
the skills to survive.”

That had
reminded me of what I saw on Marcus’s back. I didn’t know whether
or not I should ask him about it.

Marcus?” I asked “what’s that tattoo on your back?”

Oh, so
that did you?” he

what is it?”

Is this
just a ploy for me to take my top off?” he asked

N-no its not.” My face was now bright red.

Marcus laughed.
“It’s the code of the protectors, every protector has one. It
really hurt like a bitch when they did it. The strapped me down and
just inked away.” Marcus turned away and lifted the back of his
shirt up.

His strong back
was inked with three long black sentences, running from shoulder to
shoulder. I was about to touch it, but I quickly held my hand
still. I started to read the words out loud.

We are
the wonderers of old. The one that watches all. We are equal in
conquest in darkness and light. The protector of the just and

that’s it.” He said.

does that mean?” I asked as he pulled his shirt back

No one
really knows, everyone has their own interpretation of it, to me it
sounds like, you may not see it, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not
there, something along those lines.”

So every
protector has this on their back?”

Yeah, so
you like it do you?” he asked.

Would it
matter even if I did like it?”

he replied.

He moved closer
towards me and I could smell his bodily scent, salty sweat with
desire. He smelt really nice which was weird. My eyes travelled
down from his face and to his strong arms that he flexed. Something
inside me was attracted to him and I wanted him, now. He turned to
me and I looked deep into his eyes. There was a hunger inside and I
needed to be fed.

are you ok?” he asked.

I moved closer
to him and with just one touch he would be mine. We could be
together, I slowly moved my hand towards his. Marcus noticed and
shot up quickly.

What are
you doing?” he asked.

I want
you, Marcus.” the words sounded alien.

don’t do this, you’ve been through enough. Don’t come

Oh come
on, it’ll be fun? Don’t you want some fun?” The words flowed freely
from my mouth.

I was on the
prowl and he was my prey. I slowly slunk towards him, I would catch
him and he could finally be mine.

been cooped up inside this room for many days now, and you’ve never
thought of
?” I asked with
seduction in my voice.

never, w-why would you say that?” Marcus fumbled his

Come on
don’t you want a release, it would be fun.”

Rhea!” he shouted out.

He’s going to
ruin my fun, I picked up my speed and I backed Marcus in a corner,
he was now trapped. I was excited from the chase as blood pumped
though my body, I jumped towards him, hands outstretched. Just one
touch, just one. My body stopped mid-air and I went flying
backwards, thankfully the soft sofa caught my fall and I quickly
got back onto my feet ready for another chance.

Out of
the way!” I yelled at Rhea. I charged straight for Marcus but she
quickly came between us and gripped both of my hands.

Let go!”
I screamed.

I struggled
from her strong grip as I could feel my heat, my desire, flowing
from my body and into Rhea’s. She was absorbing my animalistic

She finally
released me and I fell to the floor, panting. I felt like I had run
a marathon in a few short minutes. “I’m so sorry, Marcus.” I said
between breaths.

It’s ok,
I know it wasn’t you.” he replied.

But it
was, I was in control of all my actions, but I knew it was wrong. I
just couldn’t get a hold of myself.” I said. “I’m just glad Rhea
came in when she did.”

I looked up at
her, expecting to see fury across her face, but she looked down on
me with a sympathetic look.

happening to me?” I asked her.

You are
stretching yourself far too much Ellie, you need to rest, and your
emotions must be all over the place.” she explained.

Yeah, I
just need to rest.” I gave out a big sigh.

You have
been through a lot, Ellie.” added Marcus.

worry, I’m sure that if you get enough rest it won’t happen again.”
Rhea said.

Before I could
reply, something flew past the door and landed with a scream. The
three of us rushed out of the room and out into the hall to see
Sophia sprawled out on the tiled floor. Rhea hurried over to her
and I looked towards whatever had caused it. Naaz stood there with
one hand outstretched and a book under her arm.


What is
the meaning of this!?” Rhea’s voice was harsh and

does it look like, the scales have tipped in
favour. I’ll let the leaches have the scraps
when I’m through with you.” Darkness scattered out of Naaz’s hand
and it headed towards Rhea.

I tried to warm
Rhea but it was too late. The darkness had found its target and
shattered the ground bellow. Dusty tiles were uprooted from the
ground and thrown in different directions, I tried to find cover
but the blast was too strong and I went rolling across the floor.
The house’s foundation begun to shake and I didn’t think it would
last, not if there was a showdown between two demi gods.

Rhea!” I

The smoke
dispersed around Rhea, there wasn’t a scratch on her. Sophia lay
beside trying to catch her breath. Rhea stared at Naaz, her face
full of pure rage.

borrowed power, is that from you new master?” Rhea spitefully

Naaz’s eyes
widened. “Powerful isn’t it.” Naaz descended the stairs with the
same disgusting grin she loved so much. It showed how evil she
truly is.

You come
into my home and beg for refuge, you were so pathetic. What else
could I do, then I get an offer to turn you over, how could I

what we’ve been through together!?” asked Rhea.

It was
too easy. I’m going to kill all of you, but they want the Siren,
but let’s start with
first. I didn’t get to finish her off. ” Naaz’s sights were
set onto Sophia.

won’t touch her!” roared Rhea.

Around us the
air felt heavy and it got harder to breathe. Rhea’s motions were a
blur and something white lanced its way towards her opponent. The
air shimmered in front of Naaz and the jet of light rebounded off
her and towards the walls, destroying part of the house. Pieces of
brick and plaster tore off and flew towards us, I had time to
quickly hide behind one of the pillars.

thought I taught you better than that?” she laughed.

Naaz dropped
the book and held both hands up into the air. Her hands formed into
claws and there was darkness forming between her fingers. From
within the floor something was trying to break free. Pillars of
darkness escaped from the floor and they were heading our way.
Marcus and I ran from the oncoming destruction, we wouldn’t win at
this rate, I stopped and faced the darkness as it headed for

shouted Marcus.

I didn’t have
time to answer him, I screamed at the pillars and one by one they
shattered like glass.

It was now
Rhea’s turn, she sent out a wave of electricity that sparked along
the way towards Naaz.

Sophia limped
towards us. “We need to help her!” she yelled.

nothing we can do they are demi gods, they are too powerful, we’d
be killed!” Marcus said.

explosion sent ripples through the floor. He was right, what could
we do. We don’t stand a chance against her.

I watched at
Naaz pushed forward her hands. The darkness snaked onto the floor
looking for its victim. Rhea slowly backed away from it but it
struck out latching onto her arms and legs. She was caught, Rhea
fought against the darkness, but it slowly coiled around her. I
couldn’t let her die out there. I had to do something. Something
inside me burst with courage and I rushed out to meet Naaz head

don’t!” shouted Marcus but he was too late.

I stood in her
path. I was not letting her hurt Rhea anymore.

child!” Naaz snapped.

won’t hurt her anymore you bitch!”

Naaz eyes were
wild. She pushed out with her hands and she was ready to harm me.
Before I could act I was grabbed by Marcus and we both hit the
floor, I quickly moved away but my eyes caught a scarlet pool
starting to form on Marcus’s t-shirt.

he had been hit on his right side, blood trickling down from his

nothing?” he said.

Naaz laughed at
his pain. I then spun around to greet Naaz head on.

I closed my
eyes and felt all the anger and hate that I once felt long ago. I
channelled it and released it towards Naaz. She brought out her
hands but it was too fast for her. She was blown back, crashing
against the wall.

bitch!” she spat. “I’ll send you to hell!”

Naaz soon got
to her feet and threw ribbons of darkness into the air. They weaved
and spun throughout the air, looking for its target. I stood there
captivated while they dived straight for me. I squeezed my eyes
shut and I hoped for the best. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see
Sophia in front of me with a barrier erected around us.

The darkness
stabbed at the dome, but they vanished one by one. Sophia turned to
me with a faint smile. A tiny amount of blood came down from her
nose and she fell to her knees. Quickly, I rushed down beside her
and went to pick her up but I snatched back my hands before it was
too late.
"Are you ok?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine just overdid it a little." she replied.
"That's enough!" Rhea screamed behind me.
Her body showered itself in a radiant white and the darkness
latched on evaporated into smoke.
"You want another round?" asked Naaz.
"I'm going to end this!" she yelled.
Rhea punched the air in front of her and Naaz flew through the air
and crashed landed on the floor. Rhea’s eyes were now locked onto
Naaz and flared a bright crimson. It was the darkness, I could see
it clear as day. She lifted Naaz into the air and pulled at her
limbs until Naaz screamed in pain.

This was too
much, even for Naaz. “Rhea, stop it!” I screamed.

Rhea continued
with her torture with glee. “Enough!” I screamed.

She then
finally turned to me with sweat dripping from her. Rhea nodded and
released her hold on Naaz and she fell to the floor, she was just
barely alive. Marcus carried himself over to Sophia and picked her
up while holding his wounded side. Rhea and I crept towards the
broken woman. She was breathing heavily and she was bleeding.
"Why did you do this?" Rhea asked.
"Why, because whatever is out there wants her, and when it does I
don't want to be standing in its way." she replied.
"I'm sorry that I have to do this." Rhea whispered.
Rhea was about to deliver the finishing blow when Naaz quickly
pushed out with her uninjured hand. Darkness flooded Rhea's body
throwing her through the air, cutting and slashing at her
Rhea fought against the rapid darkness that tore at her porcelain
skin. I watched as her body glowed the warm ebbing glow that I came
to love and soon the thick darkness evaporated from her body. Naaz
made her move and the book flew into her bloodied hands.
"He will destroy you all." Naaz left with her final words into a
cloud of darkness.


"Is everyone
alright?" I called out.
Everyone remained silent. Did that just happen just now, did Naaz
betray us? Was it all a lie? I looked around the destroyed hall,
Sophia and Marcus laid on the floor amongst the debris. I rushed up
to Marcus who smiled once he saw me. His shirt was red with his
crimson life force, he had lost quite a lot of blood.

Are you
ok?” I asked him but he ignored the question.
"Who was Naaz talking about? he asked.

I yelled “are you ok?”

His eyes then
refocused onto me. “Yeah I’m ok, are you?” but knew he was

Rhea!” I

She made her
way to Marcus and placed her hand to his side and started to heal
him. I watched in amazement as his skin knitted itself back

for saving me.” I said.

It was
nothing.” He gave a weak little smile.

What the
hell do we do now then?” asked Sophia.

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