Chained (The Siren Series #2) (9 page)

Read Chained (The Siren Series #2) Online

Authors: L.A.Griffiths

Tags: #romance, #horror, #action, #fantasy, #paranormal, #young adult, #teen, #fantasy about magic, #fantasy 2015 new release, #romance 2015

BOOK: Chained (The Siren Series #2)
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Rhea didn’t react to the question; she
continued to stare out of the window.


She took a deep sigh and answered. “To be
honest, I don’t know. After all that’s happened, I just don’t know
anymore, I’m sorry to say but I don’t have all the answers

She had told me the honest truth. My
confidence in Rhea was falling apart, slowly shattering into tiny
pieces. “I don’t want this to be my life anymore; I don’t want to
keep running all the time.”

We will find a way Ellie, I promise
you.” Rhea turned to me and pulled me close to her.

Thank you, Rhea.”I squeezed her stone
body tight, I felt safe when I was with Rhea, but was it all a lie?
Was she the one dragging me into the danger?

What’s inside that room you came out

I pulled away from her and waited for her
response. “I was talking with Naaz, she knows everything. She has
agreed to shelter us, but I don’t think we should outstay our

That was fine with me. I didn’t want to be
here anymore then I had to.

Why did she hit you?” The words just fell
out of my mouth and I immediately felt awful. “Rhea, I’m sorry.” I
tried to apologize.

It’s ok Ellie. We used to be sisters,
well more than that, but that was a long time ago. I was a
different person back then, not what I am now.”

What happened between you?” I

I felt I was going down the wrong path
and it nearly destroyed me.” Rhea eyes turned glassy, she was
reliving the memories of her haunted past.

Does she hate you?” I

I don’t know Ellie, but we have to be
careful around her.” Rhea warned me.

Is she dangerous?” I asked.

She can be, but I will be watching her
very closely.”

Those words gave little comfort but I had no
choice but to accept them.

Rhea, what happened at the underground
bunker?” I asked.

I have failed them. They’ve just kept
hitting us again and again. We are not ready for them.” she

That’s what scares me the most.” I

Me too, Ellie.” She continued to look
out of the window as if she was watching someone’s

I think I’m ready for bed now,” I

Yes, sleep well, and Ellie, thank you
for talking with me.” I left her in the hall as I made my way back
to the room with the spitting fire. Sophia and Marcus were still
asleep, Sophia took the other broken sofa while Marcus laid on the
floor among the many pillows. I quietly crept back to my spot and
tried to go back to sleep.

Chapter Seven

Should we wake her?” someone

Whispers awoke me from my sleep and I tried
to block them out.

I grunted my annoyance.

No, leave her sleep, she’s been
through enough.” another voice whispered.

Come on, I’m starving, hope she’s got
some decent food.”

Ah crap. My brain was now fully awake. I
sniffed the many aromas that drifted around. It was food and it
smelled great. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and stretched my
aching muscles. Sophia and Marcus had gone and I jumped up from the
sofa panicking. My heart started to thump hard inside my chest. Had
they left me? Have they finally had enough? My tired legs rushed
out into the hall only to hear voices. I followed them to a large
kitchen, where everyone was eating and chatting away.

Morning, Ellie.” said Marcus, as he
tucked in to his plate of meat.

Sophia was also there and sitting next to her
was Rhea, but she wasn’t eating. The three of them sat around an
old wooden table that had many scuffs and dents.

I took a spot next to Marcus who made enough
room on the bench for me. On the table was a small banquet of
meats, breads and fruits. Different kinds of jams and jugs of juice
filled the table. I helped myself to some toast and a glass of
fresh orange juice.

Where did this all come from?” I

Naaz.” Rhea replied.

Finally, she has her uses.” added

Did you all sleep well last night?”
asked Rhea.

There were grumbles coming from Sophia and
Marcus, looks like they didn’t have the best night’s sleep

I remained quiet. I didn’t want to tell the
others that Rhea and I had a talk that night. I think I’d rather
keep that between us.

So what is the plan then, Rhea?”
Marcus asked with a mouth full of food.

I need to confirm a few things, and
then we will have a proper chat about what is going to happen.” she

Well something needs to be done, and
we could really use your help Ellie.” said Sophia.

I could feel everyone’s eyes on top of me,
but I ignored them and started spreading some strawberry jam onto
my toast. It felt ages since I had anything to eat, my stomach was
completely empty, but with everything going on who could have an
appetite after that?

Did you get any sleep then, Rhea?”
asked Marcus.

Yeah, I didn’t really see you around
last night.” Sophia added.

I had to deal with a few things, plus
I don’t sleep much these days.”

So did you enjoy sleeping on the
floor, Marcus?” I asked.

Wait, were you watching me while I
slept?” he asked.

His accusations made me choke on my toast. I
coughed and quickly drank some orange just to try and clear it. I
turned to him with flushed cheeks ready to defend myself.

I never watched you sleep, you were
snoring.” I said.

Yeah, yeah, don’t try to deny it.” He

The four of us continued the banter back and
forth like it was an ordinary day, but it all stopped when Naaz
entered the kitchen. Then there was silence. It was as if for a
moment time had stopped on our little debate. She examined each and
every one of us, but she took her time looking me up and down. I
returned her icy glare with one of my own.

Please continue.” she said.

I watched her while she floated around the
room. Naaz was beautiful, yet terrifying. She was someone not to
mess with. We continued with our breakfast in silence, ignoring her

How did you all sleep last night?” she
asked cheerfully.

No one replied.

Naaz, we talked about this.” Rhea

I am just being polite.” The dark
skinned woman said.

We really need to talk about Idina and
her offspring.” Rhea told her.

I looked up from my breakfast with

Yes that creature has been birthing those
all over
the place, and Barbus is using them like an army.” replied

With just hearing Barbus’s name made a chill
run up my spine.

She needs to be stopped, if she dies,
no more army for Barbus.” Rhea said.

I don’t think we are ready to jump
back down there, not what happened last time.” Sophia

Quiet, the grown-ups are talking.”
Naaz said spitefully.

Sophia slammed down her hands on the table
hard and walked out.

Sophia, wait.” Rhea rushed after

A cruel smile appeared on Naaz’s lips.

There were just three of us in the kitchen
now, and it felt awkward. Marcus continued to attack his breakfast
while I swallowed the last piece of toast along with a last
mouthful of orange juice. I avoided her stare the best I could.

Is there something going on I don’t
know about?” Naaz asked.

Oh god she’s going to say something horrible.
I prepared myself for her oncoming insults.

Are you two a couple?” She finally

Marcus and I just looked at each other and I
could feel my cheeks flushing with colour. “No, we’re not.” said

What a shame. I could take him off
your hands if you want.” she said seductively.

Marcus snapped up from the dinner table and
gave Naaz an evil look. “I will never be anyone’s plaything.” He
said through gritted teeth. He stomped out of the kitchen leaving
me with her.

The encounter with Idina must have a lasting
impact on him, I didn’t know that it bothered him that much. Now I
was the only one left with Naaz.

Do you enjoy pissing people off?” I
asked after summing up the courage.

Naaz disappeared from my sight and repapered
right by my side. She snatched at my throat and lifted me up out of
my seat. Her grip was tight and I remained still.

I had a Siren once, handy little thing
she was. Maybe you could work for me?” she asked.

Let me go.” I tried to say.

Or I could just end it all for you?
Would you like that? You would never have to watch your back again.
You could be free.” She then brought me closer and whispered into
my ear. “I could end you right now.”

Go ahead and try it.” I

A deep fire took root behind Naaz’s eyes and
she was about to unleash it onto me. She could have easily killed
me if I stepped out of line and I think I just said “Screw the

Her grip tightened around my throat I fought
against her strength. I could see the torment she brought me bring
her some kind of twisted happiness. Something inside me snapped. I
was sick of being the weak timid kitten. I used all the hatred I
harbored deep down inside and screamed. Naaz lost her grip and she
was thrown across the room smashing into the kitchen wall.

I stood my ground, no way was I just going to
stand there and let her hurt me again. Naaz picked herself up with
a smile across her dark lips. With one raise hand the large wooden
breakfast table took flight towards me. (Shit). My brain quickly
tired to find an answer to the problem that came flying towards me.
I screamed at the table, making it explode into tiny splinters.
From the table fragments that showered around the room, Naaz
quickly made her move. I didn’t have time to think and I paid for
it. The air around me felt hot and exploded. I quickly made a dive
for the floor, narrowly missing the blast by inches.

What the hell is going on!?” demanded

I stood up and looked around, the kitchen was
a disaster, many scorch marks stained the white walls and the
doorway was blown wide open, scattering debris all around us.

Are you trying to kill her!?” Rhea

No, I wouldn’t call it that, it’s just
we were sparing.” she replied.

Rhea rushed towards me and made sure I wasn’t

I’m fine.” I said.

Naaz brushed herself off and walked towards
me. “You’ve got some power little Siren, be careful who you use it
on.” Naaz said as she left the kitchen.

Wow Ellie, you just took on a demi-god
and survived.” Marcus said.

I felt a rush of heat rush to my cheeks.

After that whole kitchen fight, I tried to
keep my head down the best I could and avoid Naaz as best I could,
I didn’t want another fight. I don’t think the building could take
another beating. The group took up residence in the living room bit
I decided not to follow them. I wanted to check out the place.

Ellie?” Rhea called.

Oh crap. I turned and faced her like a child
that was about to be caught doing something naughty.

What are you doing?” she

I wanted to look around, I mean look
at this place it’s like something out of a child’s story book.” I

Fine, but if you see Naaz, keep on
walking.” she said “and don’t touch anything.”

I agree to her terms and went off to explore
the unknown of Naaz’s home. I climbed the dust covered stairs to
the top and carried on forward where I saw Naaz at the end of the
hall for a brief second.

I was about to call out her name but Rhea’s
words came into my mind at the worst time. I thought about going
back down to the group, but I wanted to follow Naaz, it was like as
if she was beckoning me to follow her. My instincts screamed at me
to never go near that woman again, but something inside spurred me
on. I chased after her through the hallway, passing me by one by
one were portraits of unknown people. Within the frame, large
scratch marks had ripped right through the delicate paintings. Who
would do this? Finally continuing on, I came to a large glass door
leading to the outside.

The door had many stained coloured pictures
into the glass. Depicted onto it was a sea of bright red with a
darkened figure at the top leading them against something else but
the glass had broken, cutting off how the story ends. I ignored it
and pushed through the stained glass doors and it lead me out into
another dead garden. Brown was the dominant colour of the long
deceased garden. As I walked down the stone stairs to get a look at
the once majestic garden, something struck the side of the stairs,
blasting smoke and stones up into the air. I slipped on the last
step and landed onto my back.

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