Caught on Camera: Part Five (6 page)

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Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Caught on Camera: Part Five
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“That makes us even.” Cade reached up. “If we both love each other.” He kissed Reece, a long, slow, tender kiss that held the past, the present and a future.

Reece couldn’t remember ever feeling so loved, peaceful or content. Who would have thought being a porn star was his calling in life and loving a sexy gardener would make him complete?

An annoying tinkle rang out.

“Sorry,” Cade said, pulling back and licking his lips. “That’s my phone.”

He reached for it, studied the screen then looked at Reece. “It’s Tom Henley-Smythe.”

Reece raised his eyebrows and nodded. “So answer it.”

“Hello.” Cade was quiet for a moment then, “Yes, yes, I agree. Just watched it. Yes, he’s here with me now.”

Another pause.

“Well that sounds very interesting and of course it’s an honor to be asked. You want me to ask him? Yes. Okay. I’ll call you back in five minutes.”

He hung up and set his iPhone aside.

“What was all that about?” Reece asked. “Not a problem, I hope.”

“God no, not a problem.”

“Well, what is it?”

“He wants us to do another movie, next month.”

“Next month. Really?” Reece’s head spun. “For the same money?”

“More, it’s longer so he’s offering twenty grand each.”

“Fuck me!”

“Yeah, that’s the plan.”

Reece blew out a long low breath. “It would be crazy to say no.”

“Hell yeah, that would be crazy. I’m in. He just wanted me to ask you. Says our on screen chemistry is electric and this new script is just perfect for us.”

Reece touched his brow. All his money worries were over. His heart had found someone to love and happiness was his once more.

“Of course I’ll do it,” Reece said, nodding. “But only because it’s with you.”

Cade grinned and touched his lips to Reece’s. “That’s the only reason I want to do it too.”

“What’s it called?” Reece asked. “The new movie. Did he say?”

“Yes, we’re going to be closer to home this time—London—and it’s called
Big Ben Bends Over



Coming Soon from Totally Bound Publishing:


What’s his Passion?: Dark Warrior

Lily Harlem

Released 13
March 2015




Chapter One



Leo Rotherham gripped the lap belt securing him to the creaky plastic seat. He’d known that the trip from Nairobi to the furthest corner of Moshi was going to be tiresome but he was so exhausted it was an effort to even sit upright.

The pothole-laden, two-tire track they’d been winding along for the last few hours really didn’t help matters either, nor did the fact that he’d finished his water and the driver sitting next to him had such awful body odor he feared his olfactory nerves had been permanently damaged.

He glanced out of the window, which, despite the intense heat, was wound up. The dust, he’d soon found out, was intolerable and swept in sharp gusts through the smallest crack.

“We nearly there, Doctor Leo,” the driver said.

“Great,” Leo replied.

He was treated to a gappy grin. Why the driver, Salim, had so few teeth, Leo didn’t know. He was only a young man, perhaps early twenties, yet he had hardly any enamel. He also had bright pink gums and plump lips that were thick and dark.

Leo licked his own dry lips and held on as the Jeep jolted through a particularly nasty hole. It was so deep it made the vehicle squeak and creak in complaint and his behind left the seat for a moment before crashing back down.

“The mountain is there,” Salim said, pointing at Kilimanjaro looming in the distance. He didn’t seem to notice the rough ride.

“Mmm, yes, it’s beautiful.”

And it was, but Salim wafting his arm around had increased the pungent smell in the enclosed space.

Leo shut his eyes and held in a cough. He’d admire the stunning mountain later, when he was in the open air and not peering at it through a windscreen splattered with mud and bugs.

He’d never thought voluntary work for the charity Medics On Hand would be an easy task—never once convinced himself it would be glamorous or sophisticated—but he’d hoped he’d be able to breathe. Surely that was a basic right.

“The hospital is very excited that I bring you today.” Salim steered around a deep pit in the track that would have taken out the suspension.

“Good, I’m glad. Are we nearly there?” Leo narrowly missed whacking his head on the window as the vehicle lurched.

“Yes. We nearly there, very nearly there.”

Leo heaved a sigh of relief. Nearly two hundred miles in a twenty-year-old Jeep through scrubland and along dirt roads lined with prickly trees—hiding goodness only knew what creatures—was about all he could take, especially after a twelve-hour flight from London.

London. Boy, that felt like a long time ago. His mock Tudor semi in Brixton already seemed a thing of the past. The rooms still held all of his furniture but the kitchen cupboards were empty and a gardener had been paid to keep a check on the lawn and shrubs. Seeing it again in a month’s time felt like a long way off.

“Your room is ready for you at the hospital,” Salim said. “I, myself, painted the walls last week.”

“That was very kind of you,” Leo said.

“Not kind, necessary.” Salim studied Leo and pulled a face. “They were covered in mess. We didn’t want our new doctor to have to sleep in such a place. Now it is bright and shiny and waiting for you. Clean covers on the bed too. Sister Afua organized that.” Salim sighed. “She is so good. So good to everyone and beautiful too.”

Leo smiled, sensing the youngster’s love for the head nurse who he’d heard great things about from the guys at the charity.

“You will like her, a lot.” Salim nodded enthusiastically. “You have a wife, yes?”

“Er, no. I don’t.” Leo held up his left hand, showing his empty ring finger. “No wife.”

“Oh.” Salim frowned. “Girlfriend then?”

“Nope, no girlfriend.”

Salim continued to sport a worried expression. “Sister Afua is someone I love very much. She is very special to me.”

“It sounds as if she does wonderful work with the local people,” Leo replied.

“She does, yes. And I love her for that and…” Salim patted his chest. “I love her in here, in my heart, in my soul.”

“Well, I’m pleased for you. Love is very precious and when you find it, you should hold on to it tight and not let go.”

Apparently satisfied that the new doctor wasn’t about to steal Sister Afua from him, at least not straight away, Salim smiled once again and continued on the dusty journey.

Leo stared straight ahead. There’d
been a woman in his life. He just wasn’t wired that way. He’d flirted, sure, and certainly he’d been flirted with—nurses, patients and other doctors. But he’d never fallen for a girl, never even got farther than a quick kiss and a grope at a teen disco years ago. He’d finally admitted to himself and his parents in the second year of medical school that he was gay and the relief had been enormous, especially when he’d sparked a relationship with another doctor, Hans, and they’d moved in together.

Five blissful years of companionship, love and understanding had all come crashing down eighteen months ago. Hans had felt the tug of home, Germany, and the tug of another lover. The split had been full of tension. There were finances to sort out after such a long time living together and also the painful matter of dividing friends.

Leo had done pretty well on the whole—buying Hans out of his portion of their home—the mock Tudor—and keeping the local friends for himself.

But still… Eighteen months later he needed more, which was why he was trundling along a track in one of the most dangerous regions of Kenya with his medical license hanging around his neck and a gut full of nerves.

“Ah, it is here. Look, the village.” Salim pointed ahead, catching his hand on a strange raggy doll hanging from his rear-view mirror.

Leo peered forward. Out of the heat haze and the swirls of dust clouds he could see a settlement—huts with dark straw roofs, makeshift pens for animals and rows of crops that appeared thirsty and wilting.

“Cagaha Buurta,” Salim said. “It means ‘mountain feet’. You see, we are at the feet of the great mountain, an honorable place to live.”

“Yes,” Leo said. “It is indeed.”

As they drew closer, he couldn’t help but be shocked by just how primitive Cagaha Buurta was. He’d known it would be basic but had been promised running water and intermittent electricity in the hospital at least.

“We are very proud of our land,” Salim said. “It is part of who we are.”

“It is…beautiful,” Leo managed.

A group of children burst forward, barefoot and wearing shabby clothes that looked as though they’d been handed down a dozen times. But their faces were bright and happy and they laughed, waved and ran toward the Jeep as it approached.

Salim laughed. “You can tell. They are pleased to see you.”

“Well, that’s very nice.”

Salim slowed to a snail’s pace as they reached the gathering of children.

“Is the hospital far?” Leo asked, glancing around at the huts. He’d seen a picture of the hospital and knew it to be a one-story building, long and low with a corrugated iron roof.

“No, no it is just there.” Salim pointed to the right.

Sure enough, Leo spotted the building he’d travelled thousands of kilometers to work in. When he’d seen the picture, he thought it must have been taken on a bad day. The paint was cracked and one of the windows hung from its frame. But now he saw that the photograph had, in fact, been taken on a good day.

The window was still hanging off its frame but was also smashed. The paint was peeling even worse and weeds grew from wonky guttering. There didn’t appear to be any door to speak of and a pile of rubbish sat on the baked earth by the step.

“You will live there.” Salim gestured forward. “In the room behind the back. You will be very happy and help my people, yes?”

“Er, yes, I hope so.” Leo opened the door and stepped out.




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About the Author



Lily Harlem lives in the UK with a workaholic hunk and a crazy cat. With a desk overlooking rolling hills her over active imagination has been allowed to run wild and free and she revels in using the written word as an outlet for her creativity.


Lily’s stories are made up of colorful characters exploring their sexuality and sensuality in a safe, consensual way. With the bedroom door left wide open the reader can hang on for the ride and Lily hopes by reading sensual romance people will be brave enough to try something new themselves–after all, life’s too short to be anything other than fully satisfied.


[email protected]


Lily loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at





Also by Lily Harlem



Escape to the Country

Treble: Orchestrating Maneuvers

Stand to Attention: Who Dares Wins

Wild Angels: Burning Rubber

Christmas Crackers: Candy Canes and Coal Dust

Bollywood: The Unwholesome Adventures of Harita

Caught on Camera: Part One

Caught on Camera: Part Two

Caught on Camera: Part Three

Caught on Camera: Part Four

Caught on Camera: Part Five

What’s her Secret?: Breathe You In



With Natalie Dae


That Filthy Book





Totally Bound Publishing

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