Caught on Camera: Part Five

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Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Caught on Camera: Part Five
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Table of Contents

Legal Page

Title Page

Book Description

Trademarks Acknowledgement

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

New Excerpt

About the Author

Publisher Page

A Totally Bound Publication

Caught on Camera: Part Five


©Copyright Lily Harlem 2015

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright February 2015

Edited by Rebecca Douglas

Totally Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.


Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.


The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2015 by Totally Bound Publishing,
Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


Totally Bound Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.





This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
Totally Melting
and a













Lily Harlem




Part five in the Caught on Camera serial

Coming down from a high can sometimes result in a crash—but not if handled with care.

Reece’s experience filming the last scene of
Slippery Slots
has left him drained, satisfied and in need of some serious aftercare. He’s been branded, taken to new heights of pleasure and also been more vulnerable than ever before.

But all this makes for a great movie. The heat factor is at boiling point, the up-close-and-personal angles of the camera are deliciously shocking and the chemistry between Reece and his co-star, Cade, is explosive.

Of course, even porn stars have to live in the real world and for Reece, that means returning to his small flat in his English hometown. It’s hard to land in his old life and his need for Cade—not just in his arms but in his life—is more than he can stand.

So when Cade appears on his doorstep with a hot-off-the-press DVD that they’re the two main stars of, things are bound to get frisky, flirty and downright filthy.

Reece has never been happier or more terrified. He’s made his money, made a movie and made love to the man he can’t bear to be apart from.

But does Cade feel the same way, or was it all an act for the camera? There’s only one way to find out, and that’s to remove the layers, the masks and ask the all-important questions.



Trademarks Acknowledgement



The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


The Luxor: MGM Resorts International

Mercedes: Daimler, AG

Tiger Balm: Haw Par Corporation

Porsche: Porsche Automobil Holding SE

iPhone: Apple, Inc.

Stetson: John B. Stetson Company


Chapter Twenty-Two




Reece felt weak as Cade released him from the St. Andrew’s Cross in the dungeon at Odin’s Raven. They’d just finished their final scene for the porn movie they were making,
Slippery Slots
, and he was exhausted, done in. He needed to lie down and be held by strong, firm arms.

“Easy does it,” Cade said, holding him close.

Reece was still breathing hard and his chest rose and fell against Cade’s. The words Cade had just said, as he’d orgasmed, rang around his head.

I love you, sub. I really fucking love you.

Reece wasn’t Cade’s sub in real life. That had been his role in this scene for the movie. And the words, especially the L word…? That was simply part of the script.

Wasn’t it?

Reece hadn’t seen the script. He’d had no lines. He couldn’t have.

“Let’s get this off,” Cade said, undoing the strap at the base of Reece’s crown that held the ball gag in place.

As the shiny orb came out of his mouth, Reece moaned. His temple joints ached. His jaw had been stretched wide and open for the entire BDSM scene. He’d yelled and groaned, cried out and fought against it, but he’d liked it too. He’d liked surrendering his voice to Cade the way he’d also surrendered his pleasure to him.

Jack, the cameraman, was still rolling, still holding the lens close.

Around them, the extras continued to chat, kiss, fuck.

“Timothy,” Cade said, using Reece’s character’s name. “Talk to me. Was that fantasy everything you hoped it would be?”

“Yes,” Reece managed, his voice a little hoarse. He cleared his throat. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say during this end shot for the movie. His mind was hazy, like he was drunk, high on endorphins. “Yes,” he said again, raising his hand even though he was weak, and cupping Cade’s jaw.

Stubble grazed his palm and he was aware of Cade slipping his arm tighter around his lower torso, holding him up.

“It was perfect,” Reece said, looking into Cade’s eyes. “You’re perfect and I love you more and more with each beat of my heart.”

Cade smiled. A smile that went right to his eyes, which softened as he pulled Reece into a possessively tight hug. “We will be together forever,” he whispered onto Reece’s lips before kissing him softly.

“That’s it. That’s a wrap. Thanks, guys,” Jack said.

Donna bustled up to them, large breasts wobbling in the tight black top she wore and her hair bouncing around her shoulders. “Bravo, bravo.”

Reece glanced at her. His knees buckled and he felt himself sliding.

“Whoa, steady,” Cade said, supporting him all the more.

“Time to get him back to the hotel,” Donna said, placing her hand on Reece’s shoulder. “He needs aftercare.”

“I know,” Cade said, “help me get him dressed.”

“I’ll be off,” Jack said to Donna.

“Okay, safe flight and happy editing,” she said, with barely a glance his way.

Jack huffed and melted into the crowd.

“He’s flying back tonight,” Donna said. “Tom likes movies available as soon as possible so he can start earning from them.”

“Don’t blame him. Costs enough to make,” Cade said.

“He always sells, though. He has a massive international following. The pre-orders on this will more than pay for the cost of production. The rest is profit.”

“Sales can only be good for us,” Cade said.

“If you want to be famous porn stars, absolutely.” Donna laughed.

“Getting paid for fucking. What’s not to love?” Cade dropped a quick kiss to Reece’s cheek. “When it’s this bloke I’m doing.”

Reece fluttered his eyes shut. He was so tired and so completely satisfied.

Donna slipped on his waistcoat and carried on chatting to Cade.

For Reece, their conversation was like listening to people talking under water. He wasn’t really there. His mind was in a pleasant numb state that made him wonder if he’d gotten drunk without realizing.

He moaned as the leather waistcoat pressed against his back. His body was super-sensitive. His shoulders, lumbar, arse and thighs—where Cade had flogged him—were both hot and cold. The skin felt swollen and puffy and combined with his dazed state, it was a strangely calming sensation.

He flinched and gasped, though, when Cade pulled his trousers up over his arse. He had two welts there, from the final whipping. They’d be sore for a few days.

“Shh, I’ve got you. Soon you’ll be in our bed. I’ll look after you. I promise,” Cade murmured against his ear. “Let’s just get your shoes on and we’ll go.”

Reece rested his head against Cade’s shoulder and nodded. Cade was his everything. If he didn’t have him right now, he’d have nothing.

“There,” Donna said. “Shoes on. Get him out of here. The car’s waiting out front. Will you be okay?”

“Of course.” Cade settled his arm around Reece’s waist and helped him down from the podium that held the cross.

“Hey, guys.”

Reece cracked opened his eyes and saw the two women they’d chatted to in Fizz earlier. They were grinning broadly and had their arms linked.

“Mindie, Stella,” Cade said. “I thought I saw you girls in the audience.”

“Really,” Stella said. “Surprised you noticed anything with all that flogging and fucking going on.”

“I can multi-task,” Cade said with a laugh.

“We noticed,” Mindie said. “Is he all right?”

“I’d say he’s just well and truly fucked,” Cade said, looking at Reece and smiling. “And he’s certainly not complaining, are you, Reece?”

Reece shook his head. “Not if I’m with you.”

Cade smiled then turned to the girls. “I’ve gotta get him to bed. He’s my responsibility and I don’t want him to crash.”

“Yes, of course,” Mindie said. “And awesome acting, by the way. You two are great together.”

“Thanks,” Cade said. “Appreciate it.”

“And,” Mindie said, holding out a business card. “Come and see us sometime. Daddy has just bought me a place in Malibu and there’s plenty of room.”

“Really?” Cade said.

“Oh, yeah.” Stella touched his arm. “Mindie loves having visitors. And the sexier, the more interesting, the better. We’ll throw you a party. All our friends would want to meet you.”

“Well, I—”

“If you’re in movies, if you’re a movie star…that’s always gonna work in LA,” Mindie said. “And you guys are stars. Big stars.”

“Well…we’d love to,” Cade said.

Reece nodded. Though he wasn’t totally sure if he was dreaming or not. He and Cade were being invited to Malibu because they were big movie stars?

“Great, call me. We’ll set it up,” Mindie said. She then kissed her fingers and blew their way. “See you later, alligator.”

Reece shut his eyes again and leaned harder on Cade.
Wasn’t that by the beach? Yeah. He could almost hear the waves, see the sun sparkling on the sea. It sounded good, so good.

Cade held him close and stepped forward. “Come on, sleepy head. Just walk a few steps and then we’ll have you in the car and be heading home.”


* * * *


“Ah, fucking hell,” Reece moaned as he dropped naked onto the bed at The Luxor hotel.

“Hey, no, not like that,” Cade said, pushing his hip and shoulder and rolling Reece to his stomach. “Like this, so I can put some salve on.”

Reece moaned and settled on his belly. The silky sheets were soft on his chest, and his cheek pressed into the smooth pillowcase. The cool air-conditioning wafted over the hot skin on his back and arse in gentle ripples.

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