Caught in the Net (5 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #paranormal, #domestic discipline, #contemporary romance, #spanking

BOOK: Caught in the Net
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“You look beautiful tonight.”  Rich offered his arm to
escort her back to the living room.  “We were just getting to know each other.”

“In other words, they were starting to interrogate
you.  What did you guys say?  You promised to behave yourselves,” Sam scolded,
casting the two older men a hard look.  They shrugged.

“We haven't said anything, darling.  We’re behaving,”
Scott insisted. 

“Except you insinuated that he smoked and did drugs,” Michael
commented, ignoring the nasty look his uncle directed at him. 

Sam sighed and leaned over to kiss her uncle's cheek,
then her father's, before she sat down next to her date.  “Please, let him talk
first.  For me, okay?  Thank you,” she said as the two older men nodded with
obvious pouts.

Rich's laugh was warm and throaty.  “For starters, I
work as an engineer at North Island.  I’m a Marine Corps 2
lieutenant, graduated with honors and commissioned through Annapolis with
military career plans.”

“Do you know who we are?”  Scott asked, drawing his
handsome face into an intimidating frown as he leaned forward, hands clasped in
front of him.  Sam bit her lip as she glanced at Michael; dear Uncle Scott was
about to pull rank.

Rich was unbothered.  “Yes, sir.  You are the
concerned parents of an 18 year old girl.  I must be honest when I tell you
that I do not make a habit of dating a lady under the age of 21.  I also swear,
on my honor, I will conduct myself as an officer and a gentleman.”

“Truth, young man.”  Scott stared directly at him. 
“Did you make the first approach?”

“No, sir.  To be honest, I was not sure she was over
18.  I'm sorry, but you do look younger,” Rich said apologetically to Sam.

“Samantha Anne, do you have anything to say?  Picking
up strange men in a bar like a common hussy?” Scott asked, eyes twinkling.  He
liked Rich, too. 

She shrugged.  “It was in a sportswear store, not a
bar.  After living with you guys, I have no fear of expressing my needs or
interests.  And YOU are the one who taught me how to be a hussy, Uncle Scott. 
You've always insisted that I be honest and straightforward.  I simply followed
your directions.”

“Scott, don't call Sam a hussy.  A smart ass, maybe...
Richard, there are some things you should be aware of before you proceed with
an involvement in this family,” Dr. Quimby said, relaxing in his chair.  “Did
our girl tell you anything about herself or her situation?”


“Occupation.  Social involvement, anything?”

“No, sir.  We only spoke briefly over the phone about
tonight.  What am I missing?”  Rich looked at Sam with concern. 

She sighed, “I’m a 1
lieutenant, USMC and
so is Mike.  We work at Shelter Island and the Pt. Loma facilities running the
engineer and bio labs.  Uncle Scott is the base commander and Daddy is unit
commander.  They are both generals.”

Rich did not so much as offer a surprised blink at her
announcement.  “A lieutenant?  You’re only 18, right?  I can see Mike being in
the position, but I would not have suspected you to be.”

“Yes.  It’s a long story.  I’m sorry I didn’t tell
you, but THEY tend to intimidate people.”  She eyed her parents.  “Plus, big
brother Mike tends to be really overprotective.  Do you mind if I ask what type
clearance you hold?”

“SCI and TS.  You have to on the island,” he answered
without hesitation.  He turned to face the two older men.  “Gentlemen, I would
like your permission to date Samantha.  I understand your concerns and I
promise that I will exercise all constraint and treat her with respect.”

“It doesn’t bother you about our positions?” Scott
asked, amused, eyeing his frowning best friend.  Scott instantly approved of
the young man’s demeanor and carriage; he had little respect for people who
were easily intimidated. 

Rich shook his head.  “No sir, not at all.  I have no
reason to be bothered, do I?  Plus we work in different areas, so there won’t
be any conflict of interest.  Do I have your permission?”

“I supposed it's okay by me.  But she is his kid. 

“I guess.  Please have her home at a reasonable hour. 
Like 2030,” Dr. Quimby grunted. 

Sam smiled, walking over to sit in his lap and wrap
her arms around his neck.  “Daddy, that gives us one hour.  Don't worry so
much.  I'm a big girl and you taught me how to take care of myself when you
aren't around to take care of me.  I love you.  You know that,” she reassured
him with a kiss.  Rich watched as her father embraced her, his arms completely
around her body, holding her tight.  There was no question of who this young
woman was devoted to and why.  Rich viewed it as a positive sign, confident
that her relational baggage was very minimal coming from a family like this.

“I love you too, baby.  Promise to behave yourself. 
Michael, where are you planning on going this evening?” the man sighed, kissing
Sam's cheek.

“We have reservations at Ruth’s Chris downtown.  We
need to get going so I can pick up Lara.”

“All right.  Have a good time, kids.  Richard, it was a
pleasure to meet you.”  Dr. Quimby stood to shake Rich's hand, pleased to see
the young man matched his grip.

“Please sir, call me Rich.  And the pleasure was

Scott, also reached to shake Rich's hand with a
similar challenge, hiding the cringe on his face when he felt his hand being
crushed.  He waited until Rich left the room to whine, much to his best
friend's amusement.

“I like the boy,” Dr. Quimby admitted, watching Scott
shake out his hand.

“Damn it, Joe.  So do I.  He's got gumption, I'll give
him that.”

“That's the type of man Samantha needs, though.  She
would never respect anyone who was afraid of us.”

“He needs to be a little afraid.  I think he broke my

“Stop whining, you big cry baby.”

“Don't make me come over there to kick your ass,”
Scott threatened.

“Try it, old man, and you'll be whining some more,”
Dr. Quimby grinned, opening the paper.  Scott responded simply with a grunt,
and switched on the television.


Chapter 3


Upon Michael's insistence, the three drove his car to
pick up Lara.  Sam insisted that the boys sit up front and get to know each

“Sorry about the third degree.  They tend to be a bit
overbearing at times,” Michael said as they pulled onto the road.

“To be honest, I found them refreshing.  I can tell
that your uncle is quite a character.  You guys are lucky to have a family like

“That is one way to describe Scott,” Michael
chuckled.  “Sam takes after his side, so watch out.”

“I'll remember that.  So, an officer?  Really?”  He
twisted in his seat to look at his date.

She nodded, leaning forward.  “Yes, I was field
commissioned when I was 17, and promoted to first on my 18
.  I’ll
tell you details later.  Right now, I am starving.”

“This girl can pack it away, too.  So don’t be

Rich grinned.  “I’m really glad that I met you guys. 
I’m a new transfer to the area from the east coast.  It’s tough being the
youngest of the unit beside the enlisted.  The older enlisted seem to think I'm
stupid or something.”

“We know how that feels.  Plus Sammi gets it double
being a female.  So what do you do?”

“Nukes.  Can’t discuss any details, sorry.  And you

“Field research.  Just got back from a nine month
cruise and glad to be home.”  Michael said.  “Engineering?  What is your
specialty?  I have an MS in design engineering and computer science and just
finished my PhD in oceanic physics and neuroengineering.”

“Cool.  Mine is subatomic physics, with a minor in
design and physical engineering.  Did you read that paper about the…”

As the boys rambled about their work and interest
during dinner, Sam elbowed Lara, a pretty, blonde 21 year old college student. 
“Do you want me to break this up before they start a bromance?  Boys, hello? 
You have two ladies here who are in need of your attention.”

“I’m so sorry.  Please forgive us,” Michael said,
patting Lara’s hand, his bright blue eyes sparkling. 

Rich squeezed Sam’s.  “I’m sorry too; I didn’t mean to
be rude.  I’ve just never had anyone to talk with about this stuff who actually
understands it.”

“Trust me; I know exactly how that feels.  Just don’t
start talking cetaceans with me.  Lara, what is your major?  You’re going to
school, right?” Sam said, not moving her hand from under Rich's large, warm
palm.  She smiled at him, as he squeezed it again, gently.

“I haven’t decided yet.  Either art or social

“What do you want to do with them?” Sam asked
politely.  She simply did not care for the girl and found her boorish and
uppity, certainly not the type of personality that would fare well with their
family.  She exercised her manners for her brother's sake, even though Lara had
made several snide comments about his dragging along the baby sister.

“I don’t know.  I haven’t really thought it through. 
How about you?  What grade are you in?” Lara asked, clearly believing Sam to be
too young to attend an adult evening, and curious about the handsome, older
young man who seemed to be enthralled by the little redhead.

“I was home schooled.  I graduated a while back,” Sam
said evasively.

Lara made a face.  “How horrible.  No dances or
parties or anything?”

“Our parents are very serious about our education.  They
insisted it come before play,” Michael stated, aware of the hostility that was
sparking between the two young women.

“But what type of social environment do you get with
home school?  How are you going to adjust to something like college?  I believe
parents that allow home education, do their children a disservice.”

“I’ll manage,” Sam said, clenching her teeth, not
liking the tone of disapproval in the girl’s voice.

“I disagree, Lara,” Rich said.  “Properly home
schooled children have more opportunity to engage in normal situations of life,
without the distraction of the cliques seen in the school system.  More so,
depending on the parents, the child has opportunities to progress in their
studies at a greater rate.”

Sam looked at Rich gratefully, as Lara puffed at him. 
She turned her back to Sam, “What college are you going to, Mike?  You guys
were talking about engineering.”

“I’m done with college.  I was also home schooled and
never regretted a minute of it.  My parents are brilliant and made sure we both
had everything we needed,” Michael answered, eyeing his sister.  She was
struggling so hard to behave.

“I met them.  Incredible people.  His father is a
physician and his uncle is a doctoral physicist.”

“Your parents are gay?”

“No.  Our uncle is our mother’s brother.  She passed
away when I was five and he helped Dad in raising us,” Michael said, amused by
her conclusion.  “I just finished my doctorate last month.  The Jag was a gift
from them.”

“That is impossible!  You’re only 22, right?”

“Like father, like son,” Michael chuckled, taking a
bite of his steak.  “My sister just completed her masters and has started
research for her doctoral presentation.”

“Don’t lie, it’s not becoming,” Lara said in a huff. 
Michael and Rich looked at each other, then at Sam.

“She’s also a lieutenant in the Corps and runs the bio
labs.  Show her your ID,” Rich said, nudging his date.

“Come on, guys, this isn’t a show and tell.  It’s
supposed to be a date.  Fine… here, Lara.  Do you follow the news?”

“Oh my… Yes, why?” the girl asked, looking at the ID.

“Have you heard about the killer whale sightings and
the search and rescue team off shore?”

“Who hasn’t?”

“Yeah, who hasn’t?” Rich intervened.  “Is that you

“It’s us.  Now, can we please eat?  I’m hungry!” Sam
said, watching Lara suspend her fork in midair.  Rich shook his head, chuckling
quietly.  He was truly mesmerized by the beautiful siren before him, wondering
what other secrets lurked below that sultry, soft surface.

The four walked along the harbor, chatting quietly. 
Twice, salutes were offered as uniformed personnel from the nearby training
center recognized them.  It was 10:30 when Michael dropped Lara off at her
home, offering the excuse that he and Sam had an early morning and had to call
it an evening.  Lara shot Sam a dirty look, when she added that they got up at
0500 to train together and then have family time.  Sam slid into the front seat
as her brother politely walked the girl to the door.

“I don’t like her for him.  He better not ask her out
again,” she said, watching out the window with a frown etched on her face. 

Rich laughed.  “It sounds like overprotectiveness is
not limited to just the men in your family.  Don't worry, though, I don’t think
he liked her for him, either.  He needs someone smart and sweet, who has
goals.  Did you have fun tonight?”

“I did.  Thanks for intervening for me.  I wanted to
punch the nasty little wench,” Sam confessed, leaning back against the seat.  “I
feel like I’ve known you forever.  It’s weird.  Maybe because you’re a lot like
my brother.”

“I feel the same about both of you.  I think I found
myself some new friends,” Rich said softly as he touched the girl’s face.  He
wanted to kiss her so badly; to cover her dark blue eyes, smoldering under the
long thick lashes, with his lips, and to run his palms along her beautiful
face, framed by rich auburn ringlets.  Before he reached for her, Michael

“Okay, little sister, before you smart off, I will
admit that you were right.  I should listen better.  What a dingbat.  I could
not get over how rude she was to you, either.”

“Told you so.  She was pissed about you bringing me
along.  HEY!  You’re squishing me.  Move over,” Sam ordered Rich, pinching his

“Hey, no pinching.”  Rich lightly smacked her hand,
before grabbing it to sit on.

“Michael!  Rich won't let go of my hand!”

“If you are staying up front with us, then you will be
squished.  Seat belt, please.” Michael said, ignoring her.

“You two are so funny.  Do you guys surf?” Rich
laughed, wrapping his fingers around Sam's after releasing her.

“I do.  She just falls.  Wanna catch some waves
tomorrow?  We’re supposed to have some beauts coming in by 0700.”

Rich nodded.  “Sounds good.  Where do we go?”

“We have beach access from the house with a sweet curl
from the canyons.  Come over at 0630.”

“Why will you get up that early to surf, but won’t
wake to go swim with me?” Sam pouted, arms crossed with her lower lip sticking

“Stop sulking.  You can come too if you want, brat.”

“Okay.  Do you care if I go out?”  Sam perked up.

“Fine by me, just don’t wake Scott.  You know how ugly
he is in the morning.  You can make us coffee, sis.”

“Gee thanks.  Rich?  Would you like to risk coming in
for a while?  I’m sure the folks will want to see you, to quiz you about the
evening and see how much testosterone they can throw around,” Sam snickered. 
To her amazement, he eagerly accepted the invitation.  Scott and Dr. Quimby
were watching TV when the three entered.  The girl walked over to hug both and
found herself being pulled up to sit on Scott’s knee.

“Let go,” she whispered.  “You don’t need to mark your

“How about if I just bite it?” Scott whispered back,
sinking his teeth into her neck and making her break into uncontrollable

“Stop it!  You’re embarrassing me!”

“So, did you kids have a nice evening?” Dr. Quimby
asked, ignoring his brother-in-law’s activities.  The boys nodded.

“We have a lot in common.  Rich is coming over in the
morning to surf.  Do you wanna come out with us?” Michael asked.  “This guy can
ride like you wouldn't believe.  No one can keep up with him.”  He informed
Rich with pride.

“Thanks, but no,” Dr. Quimby smiled, grateful for his
son’s comments.  “But I do appreciate the compliment.  I’m going to try to grab
the rare opportunity to sleep in.  Don’t forget, next Sunday is your day.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.  We always go out
without the brat the second Sunday of the month.  It’s so peaceful.”

Rich turned to the sound of Sam yelping as Scott held
her arms down to chew on the other side.  “Is it always like this?” he asked
the two. 

Dr. Quimby sighed, “Yes.  And the only reason they
aren’t on the floor is because she’s in a dress and you’re here.  A word of
warning.  Avoid getting into a physical match with her.  She might be a peanut,
but she's vicious.  Look what she did to me yesterday.”  He proudly showed the
purple bruise on his stomach where Sam's heel had impacted.

“I wasn’t planning on it, General Quimby.”

“Please call me Joe or Doc.  Scott and I try to keep
things casual to invite trust.  It’s how we try to run our commands as well.”

“Please let me know if you guys ever need a design
engineer.  I’d love to transfer.  My command is stifling.  The older guys look
at me like a stupid kid and it can get rather frustrating.”

“I’ll definitely ask Scott.  He oversees the
engineering division.  Too bad you don’t have any experience in ocean physics,
we always need those weirdos,” Dr. Quimby grinned, slapping his son’s thigh.

“Us weirdos have come up with some pretty cool
designs.  Hey, Scott?  May I borrow your laptop?”

“Sure.  Here’s a spot I missed…” Scott responded,
biting Sam behind the neck and hearing her shriek hysterically.

Michael laughed, signing into his private service and
accessing clearance information.  He got Rich’s social security number and
cleared him.  “Awesome, it's all here.  Wow, look at those credentials.  Summa
cum laude?  Dang... I am impressed!  Dad, you gotta see this.  We need to
recruit this guy into our unit.  His qualifiers are very similar to mine and he
would fit well into the neuroscience unit.  I think you might like that, Rich. 
It is very challenging and would involve working with both of us, and the
animals.  I’d be your boss, though.  Could you handle that?”  Michael grinned,
ignoring the growling behind him, as Scott continued to pursue his niece.

“Um...”  Rich pulled his eyes away from the antics.  “Sorry. 
They are distracting me.  Yes, it sounds good and I would like to look into
it.  Maybe I could come down there and see what you do.”

“We’ll show you a little bit of it tomorrow morning. 
Scott, if you can take a minute to stop chewing on Sam, would you mind joining
us in some adult conversation?  I am very interested in having Rich join up
with my team.”

Scott stood up, dropping his niece on the couch before
sitting next to his nephew.  “I like chewing on Sam, I'll have you know.  I
used to chew on you, but then you started biting back.”

“Scott, do you mind?” Michael scolded, elbowing Rich
as the young man released a snicker.  “Be serious for a minute.  Take a look at
his background and...”

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