Techromancy Scrolls: Soras

BOOK: Techromancy Scrolls: Soras
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Techromancy Scrolls: Soras

By Erik Schubach

Copyright © 2016 by Erik Schubach

Self publishing


P.O. Box 523

Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026

Cover Photo © 2016 Fotogestoeber / Triff / license

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, blog, or broadcast.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Manufactured in the United States of America




ISBN 978-0-9966241-9-0


Chapter 1 – Alexandru

I ducked under a sweeping blade and spun to the left just to parry away the strike of another attacker. My blade, Anadele left an almost ghostly afterimage of wispy white as she shone brightly in the dwindling light of Father Sol.

The world was alive in color as amber sparks trailed from my eyes while I dove over a huge blade, which was almost as big as I was, as it swept past where my legs had been a moment before. I landed in a roll that put distance between me and two of my opponents, then I rolled up onto my feet, panting. They were wearing me down. They had been at it for over ten minutes now.

I could feel them moving around me, like wisps of white ghosts on the edge of my perception. Since the day of my second igniting I have been able to feel all of the life in the world surrounding me. I may possess the weakest magic potential of all the Techno Knights of Wexbury, but I was an Adept, and my abilities spanned the spectrum of known magics.

It was a state secret that I also possessed the magic of the People, the magic of the Mountain Gypsies that inhabited the Whispering Walls range. That was giving me the edge now, as the world came into focus on an instinctive level when I was accessing it.

Tho years hence, the band of gypsies who befriended me and saved my life, the Lupei family, had imbued my cloak and my blade with charms that made me harder to hit and gave me just a little bit of luck.

I could feel the strike coming and I whipped Anadele up behind me to catch a blow that drove me to my knees. I panted as my blade sparked, her razor sharp edge never dulling thanks the glowing white runes on her and the fact that she had changed in nature in a way the Lupei could not explain.

They say that something happened to the metal itself when I had channeled so much power through her in the battle of the Monolith, which had left me scarred in more ways than just physically.

My hand blurred forward, leaving ghostly afterimages from my spell imbued silk glove, I intercepted the blow meant to finish this fight, as my luck continued. We all knew it was just a matter of time. They had pushed me far past my limits and I was slowing down in my exhaustion as they continued their relentless assault.

I spun on my knee into a stand as I stretched out my blade. The tip of Anadele tapping each of the four swords in my opponent's hands. I almost smirked, it is what the love of my life, Celeste often did to indicate her reach and dare anyone to enter that circle.

This drew chuckles from all around me as I smirked in defiance. Then the huge blade came crashing down on me and again I was driven to my knees. Sir Tennison grunted as I deflected his blade into the ground.

Celeste said, “Good Laney, that's better.” She came at me from my weak side in a spinning fury of blows. I rolled over the ground in the hole made by Tennison being off balance. I kicked his leg on my way past and the big man tumbled to the ground with a resounding, “Ooof!”

I was able to get to my feet as I deflected the flurry of blows. Both Celeste and I leaving behind wispy ghost images as we danced. She too had the blessing of the Lupei on her cloak and blade.

Verna struck from behind and I just barely sidestepped in time to grab the end of her blade, Gertrude, with a gauntlet. I yanked her off balance before Celeste renewed her attack. Sparks flew as our swords clashed.

Someone called out, “Just yield Laney.”

Another asked, “Why doesn't she yield? She is outmatched.”

As Celeste hacked away at me, drawing my guard off time and again, she said between potentially debilitating strikes, “Laney...” She reversed direction almost faster than my eyes could follow and I barely got Anadele in place to intercept, our blades sparking.


She did a probing thrust that I didn't bother using my blade to deflect, I slapped it away with my free hand as I panted.


She did a sort of pirouette that I have never seen from her before, her hair billowed out like a red sea of fire behind her, and she ended in a double handed overhead strike that had me falling to a knee once again with a grunt.


She just started hacking down at Anadele, which I had over my head.


She grinned and went for my exposed side.


Then she was suddenly on a knee in front of me, her blade at my neck and she winked at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips as Verna said, “Laney is out.”

I grinned and over-dramatically collapsed onto the ground, letting Anadele clatter to the cobblestones of the practice yard while I gasped for breath with a silly grin on my face. Countess Celeste of the Techno Knight Order, Blade of Temperance of Wexbury, daughter of Prime Techromancer Donovan, Lady of the Court, stood and crinkled her nose at me as she sheathed her blade. She wasn't even breathing hard, neither were the other three knights.

She offered a hand and I grabbed my sword then accepted her hand with a smile and she pulled me to my feet with no effort at all. My hand remained on hers, and she laced our fingers as we stepped over to Verna, who was collecting coins from the knights and squires who watched the spectacle of me getting trounced by my fellow knights.

I didn't know why they insisted on picking on me when they needed to demonstrate why defense was more important than offense to the new recruits. I slid Anadele into her scabbard as my Lady asked her best friend, “How much did we make, Verna?”

The musclebound woman grinned as she made two identical stacks of coins and handed one over to Celeste. “Your share is twelve gold two penny.”

Celeste absently just gave our bounty to me and I slipped it into one of the many pouches on my belt.

One of the new knights we had received in the new cross training program, from the ranks of the new defenders of Far Reach Keep, Donald, spoke up, “The outcome was a given. Everyone knows that Lady Laney here is a poor excuse for a knight. Wexbury only allows her to defend, she doesn't know how to attack. It is common knowledge through the Lower Ten that she has the least amount of magic potential of any Techno Knight in history.”

I sighed, the details of the battle of the Monolith are a tightly guarded secret. The leader of Wexbury Keep, Duke Fredrick, does not want the other realms in the Lands of Sparo to know the real strength of Wexbury's defenses.

All who were present for that terrible battle will swear to the bravery of Lord Samuel, though rumors circulate of the actual outcome of that awful night, which left me with physical and mental scars that will never heal. They will always remind me of the evil that Rogues can bring to bear.

It was Verna who spoke up, to my chagrin, “Do you wish to test your blade against Laney's, Sir Donald?”

What was she doing? I was almost too tired to stand. It was all I could do to remain standing after that punishing sparring match just now.

He smirked. He was a good sort, and we got along, but he was always puffing up like a rooster on display.

He asked, “You call that tiny toothpick she wields, a blade?” He nodded and stepped toward the courtyard as he drew his long-sword.

I deflated as everyone started yelling out bets and Celeste winked down at me and nudged me toward the man. I really didn't need another beating today. All I wanted to do was take a nice long soak at the Bath House and then go to our quarters and cuddle with Celeste.

The evil Verna, who had instigated this, cut off the betting then stepped up to us. Celeste was at my side. Our well-muscled friend grinned at both of us, I was going to make her pay, mark my words. She said as Donald checked his backpack that would electrify his blade so he could stand against a Techno Knight's magic powered blade, “Remember, this is only a sparring match. First blood.”

She narrowed her eyes at both of us as everyone in the courtyard repeated, “First blood.”

Donald sheathed his blade in his insulated scabbard and said, “First blood.”

She turned to me and I nodded and echoed, “First blood.”

Then Celeste and Verna stepped away. I said to Donald as I tried to stop my heavy breathing from the last match, “Let's just call it a draw? I'm exhausted and just want to rest.”

He shook his head with a confident grin. Celeste caught my eyes and nudged her eyes toward the man in a prompt with a wicked grin. I understood what she meant and tried hard not to snort. She was positively evil, did she really want me to do that to the poor man?

I sighed as I thought of the words of people much smarter than myself. “Even the smallest thing can turn the fiercest battle when it is not expected.”

I started gathering my meager power as the world again became brighter and flooded with the colors and tastes of all the metals around me. Liquid amber sparks started dripping from my eyes as rivulets of power arced down my arm. I sought out my target.

Verna held up a glove then dropped it. The moment it hit the ground I released my power faster than Donald's hand could travel to the hilt of his sword. With a little pinging sound, his metal belt buckle tore off of his belt and his sword clattered to the cobblestones along with his trousers, and I turned my back to him and walked off to my Lady as Verna said, “Donald is out!”

In first blood, disarmed is the same as injured. I tried so very hard not to smile as I heard him making exasperated sounds. I held my hand out to Verna for our take of the bets when I staggered, grabbing my head.

I suddenly found myself moving through a forest at breakneck speeds. I was hurt, I could see the ramparts of Castle Wexbury and the walls of the Keep through the trees as my horse's powerful legs thrummed on the ground while his chest heaved as it took in labored breaths. Its coat lathered with sweat and foam dripping from its mouth and nostrils.

I winced as I twisted in the saddle, hanging over impossibly to one side, facing backward, as I drew up my bow and nocked an arrow as fast as thought and let loose. I watched the deadly shank with its brightly colored feathers slice through the air and find its mark in the neck of one of my mounted pursuers.

I saw, at least, five more as my vision pulled back for me to see Alexandru hanging from his saddle. Then like a string had snapped, I found myself back in the courtyard staggering from my vision as Celeste steadied me.

She started to ask, “Laney, what is...”

I blurted out, “Alexandru!” I ran at the line of horses on the far end of the courtyard. I called back as the other knights who automatically just started running after me. “Sound the alarm! An ally is under attack at the gates in less than five minutes!”

I reached my huge black Percheron stallion, Goliath, and sprang into the air, my silk gloved hand blurring, leaving that ghostly after image as I grabbed the pommel of the saddle. He was already in motion, sensing my urgency as I swung myself gracefully up onto him. Graceful would never have been a term I would have applied to myself just two years hence.

I didn't bother with the reins as I laid across his neck and patted it while I spoke to him. His large hooves kicked up sparks on the cobblestones as we shot through the main arch and onto Lord's Way. “Give me everything you have my beautiful boy. A friend is in need.” Like he could understand me, he stretched out farther as his lungs worked like huge bellows and our speed increased. I glanced back to see the other knights falling behind on their slower mounts, Celeste leading the pack.

I heard the great air powered war horns of the Keep, sending out a long steady rumble that rolled throughout the lanes. When the people of the village heard this, they all moved aside on Lord's Way and the Crossbar, and I thundered past them unhindered. All eyes were on me as I passed.

I reached for that elusive magic of the People and let it flow from me in wispy sheets of silk and ether into Goliath, giving him more energy, more stamina. I wasn't very good at using the magic of the spirit element without someone to teach me, but at least this much I could do.

I cut across the Roundabout at the Church and flew down the Crossbar as my Techromancer power rose within me, leaving a trail of amber sparks in our wake. As I approached the main portcullis, I saw the gate guards were assembling to the call of the war horn, which had finally stopped echoing through the Keep to be replaced by the alarm bells on the wall and in the church towers. I yelled, “Make way!” And they made a hole which I shot through and through the huge portcullis, under the heavy iron gates.

Just as I cleared the Keep, I saw Alexandru's horse break out of the Whispering Forest and into the clearing. He was hanging from the saddle just like in my vision, he was firing volley after volley at his pursuers. There were more than I thought. Ten men broke out of the cover of the trees in pursuit. Another of Alexandru's arrows hit home, making it nine pursuers.

I raised a hand and quested to the limits of my range and I could taste the steel arrowheads in the return fire as Goliath thundered past my injured ally. I screamed out in defiance as I slapped my hand to the side, knocking all of the incoming arrows to the ground as my power grasped the metal in arrowheads.

I slowed, now that I was between the injured gypsy and the enemy. I swatted away another wave of arrows in mid flight as Celeste and the other knights swarmed past me. The attackers pulled up short and reversed course. Half of the thirty knights in pursuit pulled up and turned back as the others gave chase.

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