Read Caught by Menace Online

Authors: Lolita Lopez

Caught by Menace (31 page)

BOOK: Caught by Menace
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power behind each strike enough to make her cry but

never enough to harm her. She would have a red, sore

ass by the end of it but no lasting damage.

“Please, Sir! Please! No more! No!

Her begging cries were music to his mean Master

ears. If they’d been back in their quarters, he would have

tossed her on the nearest table, pushed her thighs wide

open and attacked her pussy to show her that every bit

of pain came with even more pleasure. But he wasn’t in

charge now and this scene was just getting started.

Menace glanced at Hazard and gave a smal nod.

Understanding their silent communication, Hazard

announced, “I think she’s had enough, Guard Menace.”

“Yes, Warden.” Menace stood her up and fought the

urge to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. No guard

would do such a tender thing, but a husband definitely


“Stand up straight. Hands behind your back.” Hazard

tossed the cane back onto the interrogation table. “Let’s

try this again. Give me the names of your


Naya sniffled but shook her head. “Never.”

Hazard retrieved a leather strap looped onto a handle.

It was the kind of impact implement that would leave

welts on a submissive’s backside. “You realize we can

beat your ass al night?”

She hesitated a moment before finaly declaring, “I’m

not afraid of you.”

Hazard studied her. “No, I don’t think you are.


Menace stepped forward so she could see him and he

could read her face better. “Yes, Warden?”

“Take the prisoner to administrative segregation.

Make sure the other women see her getting a special cel.

Have the mess send her a hot meal.”

Fuly into the fantasy now, Naya exclaimed, “You

Fuly into the fantasy now, Naya exclaimed, “You

can’t do that! They’l think I’m a snitch. I’l be on their hit


Hazard toyed with the thick leather loop of the strap.

“That’s not my problem anymore, Prisoner A114. I tried

to give you an out but you wouldn’t take it.”

“I won’t squeal on my friends.”

Hazard moved so fast Naya took an instinctive step

back. Stopping mere inches from her, the other man

dragged the wide leather strap down the front of her

body. He stopped when the strap was pressed against

her mound. “Maybe we’l see how loudly you squeal

while riding our cocks.”

Her eyes widened. “S-sir?”

Turning on the charm, Hazard said, “This is a lonely,

isolated system, honey. A man has needs. It would be

nice to ease them with a wiling woman.”

She gulped. Her frantic gaze skipped from Hazard’s

face to his. Menace stayed in the role he’d written for

himself but her face softened at the sight of him. Looking

reassured, she whispered, “And if I say yes?”

“When we’re done with you, we throw you back in

gen pop. You get to keep your honor and loyalty to your

gen pop. You get to keep your honor and loyalty to your

friends. We get to sink our cocks into some hot, tight


Menace had to give Hazard props for inhabiting the

role of a sick, twisted warden rather wel. For such a

laid-back prankster, Hazard could be a real dickhead

when the circumstances caled for it.

Naya stil hadn’t given her answer. Hazard pinched

her nipple and twisted it hard enough that she rose onto

tiptoes and squeaked in protest. He laughed and released

her tortured nipple. “I’d say that’s a yes. Guard? String

her up.”

Naya had never been so wet. The evidence of her

arousal seeped from her body and stained her inner

thighs. The slick fluid cooled as the frigid air in the room

hit her skin. No doubt her evil husband had kicked on

the air-conditioning to keep her as uncomfortable as


Speaking of her evil husband…

Menace grabbed her by the waist and hauled her over

to the wal of cel bars. The room they’d brought her into

had struck a quiver of fear in her bely. She’d been in

places al too similar to this one and it had been anything

places al too similar to this one and it had been anything

but a fantasy.

His familiar scent enveloped her and eased some of

the rawness of her anxious nerves. In that guard getup he

looked more, wel,
than usual. She hadn’t

been sure what to expect when Menace and his friend

had entered the room. She’d thought it would be kind of

sily and hard to buy the fantasy they were trying to

create but she’d been utterly wrong. That spanking had

been real enough! Her ass stil tingled from it.

Hazard played the role of warden with frightening

accuracy. There had been a moment there when she’d

actualy believed he was going to cane her. That awful-

looking leather strap attached to a handle scared the

living daylights out of her. One swat with that thing and

she would have spiled state secrets to get away.

Without his usual finesse or gentleness, Menace

hooked her wrist cuffs to the bars. Arms overhead, she

had extremely limited motion. He put pressure on her

shoulders and guided her into a squatting position. The

rings attached to her cuffs slid down the bars until they hit

a horizontal support.

Rocking on her feet, Naya realized he’d put her into a

stress position. She glared up at Menace but the bastard

stress position. She glared up at Menace but the bastard

had the gal to grin. He looked ridiculously amused by

her predicament. Of course, he wouldn’t know that

she’d actualy been interrogated in a similar position

once. The memories his action spurred weren’t good

ones and threatened to intrude upon the sultry fantasy.

She pushed them down and locked them away, refusing

to let something so ugly ruin something so amazing.

But she swore then and there that the next time the

opportunity presented itself she was going to cuff

Menace to their bed and torment him for an entire night.

Knowing her kinky sky warrior, he would probably love

every minute of it.

The sound of jingling metal drew her gaze. Hazard

held a thin metal chain in his hand. Clips dangled from

multiple ends of it. She recognized it as some kind of

nipple clamp toy but wasn’t sure where al the extra

clamps went. One clip in particular looked different from

the others. It resembled an oversized hairpin.

Hazard squatted down in front of her, his position

mimicking her own. “Since I can’t be sure you won’t bite

my guard, I’m going to give you a little incentive to



Naya gasped when the first clamp bit her nipple. He

wasn’t like Menace, who normaly teased her breasts

with his mouth and fingers to prepare her. Hazard

attached the second clip and she winced. The

uncomfortable weight puled on her nipples. The three

clamps dangling from the main chain whacked against her

bely and thighs. The realization of where those other

clamps were going hit her like a ton of bricks.

“Oh no! No! No! No!” she spluttered like a fool as

Hazard laughed and clipped the first clamp on her labia.

She hissed at the sudden bite but tried not to jerk. She

knew that straightening her torso would only pul the

chain between her nipples and privates taut.

“Listen to this crybaby.” Hazard chuckled meanly and

put the second clamp on the other side of her pussy. His

unfamiliar fingers glided through her wetness. She held a

shocked breath as a man who wasn’t her husband

penetrated her. He showed such gentleness as he probed

her sex. She realized then that even though he had

assumed the role of prick in this fantasy, Hazard wasn’t

out to hurt her.

Having another man’s fingers buried in her pussy left

Naya reeling. She wavered between a deep sense of

Naya reeling. She wavered between a deep sense of

wrong and a quiver of excitement. Menace’s reassuring

presence somehow made it al okay. He’d arranged this

evening for her. Presumably he’d given Hazard certain

parameters and touching her so intimately was clearly

within them.

Naya locked gazes with Menace. His nostrils flared

and his neck showed the bright flush that betrayed his

arousal. There was no missing the outline of his massive

cock in his tight pants. He liked watching Hazard

touching her as much as she enjoyed the other man’s

searching touch.

“Our prisoner is a very dirty girl,” Hazard finaly

remarked. His fingertips drifted to her clit. He circled the

sweling bud slowly and forced her gaze to meet his. “I

think we’re al going to have a very good time. Don’t

you, Guard?”

“Absolutely, Warden.”

Hazard’s fingers moved to either side of her pulsing

clit. It felt as if he were pushing her labia away from it.

“Hold stil or else.”

Naya had barely registered his instructions before she

felt the intense pressure of something metal squeezing her

clit. It wasn’t the same bite as the other clamps. Hazard

clit. It wasn’t the same bite as the other clamps. Hazard

readjusted the grip of the clamp by prying apart the metal

sides a bit. It was stil squeezing her clit but the pressure

was much more bearable.

Glancing between her open thighs, Naya couldn’t

believe how strange her clit looked. Pinched by the clip,

her clitoris looked bigger and more swolen than ever. It

felt different. The usual throbbing seemed almost muted.

Her experience with nipple clamps told her that sensation

wouldn’t last long.

Hazard gave the connecting chain a tiny tug. Naya

groaned as the pinching discomfort sharpened. Hazard

swept his hand down her bely. “Be a good girl and give

Guard Menace exactly what he wants…or else.”

Naya didn’t need the subtle threat of pain to give

Menace exactly what he wanted. Breasts aching and

pussy clenching with need, she watched him saunter

toward her. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants

as he walked. She wet her lips in anticipation of tasting

his steely heat.

He stopped inches from her face. She had to lift up on

her toes to put her mouth at the right level. Menace

brushed his knuckles across her cheek before unleashing

brushed his knuckles across her cheek before unleashing

his rock-hard cock. He stroked the length of his

impressive erection and traced her pout with the blunt tip.

His pre-cum slicked her lips. She gathered the clear fluid

with her tongue and gazed up at Menace with the kind of

adoration that she could muster only for him.

“Open your mouth,” he ordered gruffly. He pressed

his cock between her lips. She happily welcomed his

velvety flesh. He thrust forward and retreated at a

leisurely pace. His thick shaft stretched her lips. She

burned with the need to feel her pussy stretched by him.

Certain Menace was enjoying this shared fantasy as

much as she was, Naya endeavored to make this

blowjob one he would never forget. She relaxed her jaw

and let him go deep. The head of his cock lingered in the

back of her throat before gliding back. She swirled her

tongue around the tip and sucked him hard. Her tongue

moved down the length of him. He fisted his stiff erection

while her tongue fluttered along his sac. He was so

incredibly sensitive there and loved it when she treated

him to a little oral attention in that spot.

Menace groaned before plunging forward again,

taking her just as deeply. Her poor clamped clit pulsed

mercilessly! What she wouldn’t give to be able to reach

mercilessly! What she wouldn’t give to be able to reach

down and touch herself. As if reading her mind, Hazard

put his hands on her body again.

Kneeling next to her, he palmed her breasts and let his

fingertips graze her pinched nipples. He circled her navel

before his hand moved even lower. The moment he

ghosted his fingertips over her throbbing clit, Naya

moaned. Menace’s cock palpably pulsed in her mouth.

The knowledge that another man was touching his wife’s

clit seemed to make Menace even more aroused.

“Guard, I think it’s time we move this party to the

interrogation table.”

“Agreed, Warden.” Seemingly enflamed by lust,

Menace reached down and unhooked her cuffs. He

BOOK: Caught by Menace
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