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Chapter 8

  • 1.
    , xii: 289–90, Macartney to Conway, 28 Nov. 1766.
  • 2. The standard account is H. M. Scott,
    The Emergence of the Eastern Powers, 1756–1775
    (Cambridge, 2001), here 43–4.
  • 3.
    , xii: 232, Macartney to Grafton, 5 Nov. 1765.
  • 4.
    , xiii: 19, A. A. Bezborodko to R. L. Vorontsov, Smolensk, 3 July 1780.
  • 5.
    , xxi: 112.
  • 6. Madariaga, 188–9.
  • 7. The most detailed treatment of these developments is now B. V. Nosov,
    Ustanovlenie rossiiskogo gospodstva v Rechi Pospolitoi, 1756–1768 gg.
    (M, 2004), here 98–102, 119, which underscores the scale of Chernyshëv’s ambitions later in the decade.
  • 8. Translated in A. Lentin,
    Enlightened Absolutism (1760–1790): A Documentary Sourcebook
    (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1985), 220.
  • 9. Scott,
    , 104–5.
  • 10.
    , vii: 321.
  • 11. H. M. Scott, ‘France and the Polish Throne, 1763–1764’,
    , 53 (1975), 370–88.
  • 12.
    , vii: 373–4.
  • 13. Scott,
    , 65–7; Madariaga, 192.
  • 14. T. Schieder,
    Frederick the Great
    , ed. and trans. S. Berkeley and H. M. Scott (London, 2000), 151.
  • 15. H. M. Scott, ‘Frederick II, the Ottoman Empire and the origins of the Russo-Prussian alliance of April 1764’,
    European Studies Review
    7 (1977), 153–75.
  • 16. Quoted in Scott,
    , 121. The ship carrying Chernyshëv’s uninsured possessions on his return in the following year sank off Kronstadt with an estimated loss of 200,000 roubles. Only his English horses were saved:
    , clxiii: 71, Sabatier to Choiseul, 15 Dec. 1769.
  • 17.
    , xii: 244, Macartney to Grafton, 11 Feb. 1766; Madariaga, 193–4.
  • 18. Madariaga, 206.
  • 19.
    , xiii: 408, C. to Grimm, 19 June 1774; Alexander, 143–5.
  • 20.
    , xx: 246, C. to Frederick II, 5 Dec. 1768.
  • 21. R. P. Bartlett, ‘Russia in the Eighteenth-Century European Adoption of Inoculation for Smallpox’, in
    Russia and the World of the Eighteenth Century
    , eds. R. P. Bartlett, A. G. Cross and K. Rasmussen (Columbus, OH, 1988), 193–213; D. Beales, ‘Social Forces and Enlightened Policies’, in
    Enlightened Absolutism
    , ed. H. M. Scott (London, 1990), 49–50.
  • 22. Cross, 137–41.
  • 23.
    xii: 363, Cathcart to Weymouth, 29 Aug. 1768.
  • 24. John Thomson, quoted in Cross, 138.
  • 25.
    (1768), 206–12.
  • 26.
    , xii: 391, Cathcart to Weymouth, 21 Oct. 1768. C. herself subsequently referred to a ‘period when I was forbidden to conduct business’:
    Pis’ma Saltykovu
    , 73, 9 Nov.
  • 27. R. Dimsdale, ‘20 October 1768: Doctor Dimsdale Spends a Day with the Empress’, in
    Days from the Reigns
    , ed. Cross, ii: 186–9, reproduces his ancestor’s invaluable notes.
  • 28.
    Pis’ma Saltykovu
    , 73, 27 Oct. 1768.
  • 29. Falconet, 68–9, C. to Falconet, 30 Oct. 1768.
  • 30.
    (1768), 212–5.
  • 31. ‘Pis’ma imperatritsy Ekateriny II k grafu Ivanu Grigor’evichu Chernyshevu (1764–1773)’,
    , 9 (1871), 1319, 17 Nov. 1768.
  • 32. Richardson, 33–4.
  • 33.
    (1768), 233.
  • 34.
    , xiii: 126, C. to Dimsdale, June 1771.
  • 35.
    , xii: 405–6, Cathcart to Rochford, 25 Nov. 1768.
  • 36. Shtelin,
    , 284–91; not mentioned in
  • 37. Bartlett, ‘Smallpox’, 203.
  • 38. Beales,
    Joseph II
    , 158.
  • 39. Best. D15396, Dec. 1768.
  • 40.
    , ed. Piotrovskii, 316–23. Korshunova,
    Iurii Fel’ten
    , 29–31, says the model was sent to Moscow, but C. had returned to St Petersburg in Jan. 1768. The first mention of the Hermitage in the Court journals is
    (1769), 23, 1 Feb.
  • 41. E. Maxtone Graham,
    The Beautiful Mrs Graham and the Cathcart Circle
    (London, 1927), quoting Lady Cathcart to Mrs Walkinshaw of Barrowfield, 8 Feb. 1768. For the Sheremetevs’ table at Kuskovo, see Parkinson, 213.
  • 42.
    , x: 332, C. to Bielke, 4 Mar. 1769; see also
    Pis’ma Saltykovu
    , 78, 5 Mar.
  • 43.
    , xii: 428, Cathcart to Rochford, 17 Mar. 1769.
  • 44. Gray,
    Russian Genre Painting
    , 14–16.
  • 45. Grimm, 367, 1–2 Nov. 1785.
  • 46. G. Apgar,
    L’Art singulier de Jean Huber: Voir Voltaire
    (Paris, 1995), 16, 96–8, 106–7 (98), a reference to
    Le Patriarche en colère faisant une correction à coups de pied à un cheval qui rue
    . The Hermitage now holds eight paintings from the series; there may have been four more.
  • 47. C. Frank, ‘Secret deals and public art: Catherine II’s cultural patronage in Bachaumont’s
    Mémoires secret
    s (1762–1786)’, in
    Vek prosvescheniia I: Prostranstvo evropeiskoi kul’tury v epokhu Ekateriny II
    , ed. S. Ia. Karp (M, 2006), 55–9, (60).
  • 48. G. Dulac, ‘La question des beaux-arts dans les relations de Diderot avec la Russie: Les réflexions d’un philosophe (1765–1780)’, in
    Vek prosvescheniia
    : 10.
  • 49. Letter of 1777, quoted in R. Davison,
    Diderot et Galiani: étude d’une amitié philosophique
    : 237 (1985), 98–9.
  • 50. B. V. Anan’ich, et al,
    Kredit i banki v Rossii do nachala XX veka: Sankt-Peterburg i Moskva
    (SPb, 2005), 72–80 (73, 75);
    , xv: 11,550, 25 May 1762;
    , clxiii: 183–4, Sabatier to Choiseul, 7 Sept. 1770.
  • 51.
    , xxxvii: 214, Solms to Frederick, 3 Feb. 1769.
  • 52.
    , x: 334, C. to Elagin, 1 Apr. 1769.
  • 53. F. Venturi,
    The End of the Old Regime in Europe, 1768–1776
    , trans. R. B. Litchfield (Princeton, NJ, 1989), 7–9.
  • 54. ‘Pis’ma Chernyshevu’, 1325, 14 Dec. 1768.
  • 55. Venturi,
    End of the Old Regime
    , 10–12, 15 (7).
  • 56. Ibid., 27.
  • 57.
    (1769), 44; T. Kudriavtseva and H. Whitbeck,
    Russian Imperial Porcelain Easter Eggs
    (London, 2001), 13.
  • 58. Madariaga, 206.
  • 59.
    (1769), 69, 70–5;
    Pis’ma Saltykovu
    , 79, 1 May 1769.
  • 60.
    , x: 337, C. to Panin, 10 May 1769.
  • 61.
    (1769), 86–9, 96–9.
  • 62.
    (1769), 104–6, 124–6.
  • 63.
    , cxliii: 36, Sabatier to Choiseul, 3 Oct. 1769.
  • 64. Richardson, 103–4.
  • 65. Quoted in W. G. Jones,
    Nikolay Novikov: Enlightener of Russia
    (Cambridge, 1984), 22.
  • 66. Catherine’s
    persona quoted in K. J. McKenna, ‘Empress behind the mask: the personae of Md. Vsiakaia Vsiachina in Catherine the Great’s periodical essays on manners and morals’,
    , 74 (1990), 3.
  • 67.
    Satiricheskie zhurnaly N.I. Novikova
    , ed. P. N. Berkov (Moscow-Leningrad, 1951), 92,
    , 21 July 1769.
  • 68.
    , xii: 636.
  • 69. Bentham, ii: 126, J. Bentham to S. Bentham, 18 June 1778;
    , ‘Knappe-Kiukhel’bekher’ (SPb, 1903), 39–40.
  • 70. Madariaga,
    Short History
    , 95.
  • 71. Best. D17127, C. to Voltaire, 26 Mar. 1771; Jones,
    Nikolay Novikov
    , 65.
  • 72. Platon,
    Pouchitel’nye slova
    , ii: 310–11.
  • 73.
    , xix: 13,603, 6 May 1771.
  • 74. Jones,
    Nikolay Novikov
    , 20 (curlers), 61–3; P. N. Berkov,
    Istoriia russkoi komedii XVIII v.
    (Leningrad, 1977), 144.
  • 75.
    , xii: 427, Cathcart to Rochford, 17 Mar. 1769.
  • 76.
    Herder on Social and Political Culture
    , ed. F. M. Barnard (Cambridge 1969), 87, ‘Journal of my Voyage in 1769’.
  • 77. Best. D16286, C. to Voltaire, 31 Mar. 1770.
  • 78. Letter to Voltaire, quoted in L. Wolff,
    Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment
    (Stanford, CA, 1994), 223; Madariaga, 337.
  • 79.
    The Antidote; or an enquiry into the merits of a book, entitled A Journey into Siberia
    (London, 1772), 22, 76, 25.
  • 80.
    (1769), 142–4.
  • 81. Madariaga, 210; Best. D16057, C. to Voltaire, 13 Dec. 1769; D16071, Voltaire to C., 2 Jan. 1770 NS.
  • 82. M. S. Anderson, ‘Great Britain and the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774’,
    English Historical Review
    , 69 (1954), 44.
  • 83. Cross, 185–8; E. V. Tarle,
    Chesmenskii boi i pervaia russkaia ekspeditsiia v arkhipelag
    (Moscow-Leningrad, 1945), 45–53; Venturi,
    End of the Old Regime
    , 74. The latest scholarly study is G. A. Grebenshchikova,
    Baltiiskii flot v period pravleniia Ekateriny II: dokumenty, fakty, issledovaniia
    (SPb, 2007).
  • 84. Best. D16670, C. to Voltaire, 16 Sept. 1770. Turkish losses were probably closer to 10,000.
  • 85.
    , i: 62, C. to A. G. Orlov, 3 Oct. 1770.
  • 86.
    Fel’dmarshal Rumiantsev: Dokumenty, pis’ma, vospominaniia
    , ed. A. P. Kapitonov (M, 2001), 108–22, Rumiantsev to C., 20 June and 31 July 1770.
  • 87. D. I. Peters,
    Nagradnye medali Rossii vtoroi poloviny XVIII stoletiia
    (M, 1999), 64–71.
  • 88. E.g.,
    (1770), 162–4, 20 July, the Feast of the Prophet Elijah.
  • 89.
    (1770), 171–2; Falconet, 136, C. to Falconet, 18 Aug. 1770.
  • 90. Best. D16604, C to Voltaire, 9/20 Aug. 1770.
  • 91. Madariaga, 219–20.
  • 92. J. Lukowski,
    The Partitions of Poland, 1772, 1793, 1795
    (London, 1999), 61.
  • 93.
    , xiii: 59, C. to Bielke, 12 Jan. 1771; Best. D16999, C. to Voltaire, 23 Jan. 1771.
  • 94.
    Pis’ma Salytkovu
    , 85, 23 Nov. 1770.
  • 95.
    , x: 433–4.
  • 96.
    Zhurnal bytnosti v Rossii Ego Korolevsago Vysochestva Printsa Prusskago Genrikha
    (SPb, n.d., supplement to
    1770), 12, 30–1.
  • 97. Schenker,
    Bronze Horseman
    , 135–61, esp. 157–8.
  • 98.
    Mémoirs du Comte de Hordt, Gentilhomme Suédois
    , etc., 2 vols. (Berlin, 1789), ii: 225–6;
    Zhurnal bytnosti
    , 50–4.
  • 99.
    , iv: 149–63.
  • 100. Richardson, 328, 330–1.
  • 101. A. Zorin,
    Kormia dvuglavogo orla
    (M, 2001) 33–94.
  • 102. Best. D16711, C. to Voltaire, 7/18 Oct. 1770; Richardson, 327.
  • 103. Best. D16825, C. to Voltaire, 4/15 Dec. 1770; D17081, 3/14 Mar. 1771. For Voltaire’s reply, see D16984, 22 Jan. 1771 NS.
  • 104. Best. D16683, Voltaire to C., 2 Oct. 1770 NS.
  • 105. Alexander,
    Bubonic Plague
    , 101–2, 107, 115, 118.
  • 106. Best., D17443, Voltaire to C., 12 Nov. 1771 NS. See also D16747, 6 Nov. 1770 NS.
  • 107. Alexander,
    Bubonic Plague
    , 150–61 and
  • 108. Beales,
    Joseph II
    , 286–94 (289).
  • 109. Beales,
    Joseph II
    , 282–4; Madariaga, 221–3 (222); Lukowski,
    Partitions of Poland
    (64), 68–74.
  • 110.
    , xiii: 116, C. to Panin, 19 June 1771. This was barely six weeks after the edict banning corporal punishment for liveried servants, suggesting a clear distinction between the two groups in C.’s mind.
  • 111. Ibid., 117, C. to Panin, 23 June.
  • 112.
    , clxiii: 309, Sabatier to Aiguillon, 12 July NS.
  • 113.
    , xiii: 142, C. to Bielke, 30 July 1770; 149, 29 Aug. See also clxiii: 321, Sabatier to Aiguillon, 9 Aug. NS.
  • 114. Alexander,
    Bubonic Plague
    , 186–201 (204).
  • 115. Best. D17407, C. to Voltaire, 6/17 Oct. 1771.
  • 116.
    , xix: 13,689, 26 Oct. 1771.
  • 117. Alexander,
    Bubonic Plague
    , 253.
  • 118. Best. D17341, C. to Voltaire, 14/25 Aug. 1771. The temple of memory was ultimately designed by Charles Cameron and destroyed by order of Paul I in 1797.
  • 119. Falconet, 134, Falconet to C., 14 Aug. 1770;
    , x: 431; Shchukina,
    Dva veka russkoi medali
    , 65–70.
  • 120.
    , xiii: 238, C. to Bielke, 28 Apr. 1772.
  • 121. Cross, 266–73; D. Shvidkovsky,
    The Empress and the Architect: British Architecture and Gardens at the Court of Catherine the Great
    (New Haven, CT, 1996), 172–81; I. Iakovkin,
    Opisanie sela tsarskago
    (SPb, 1830), 32–4.
  • 122. Cross, 269.
  • 123.
    Satiricheskie zhurnaly
    , 96, 28 July 1769. The second edition of
    The Drone
    was dedicated to Naryshkin: see ibid., 45, and
    , iv: 202.
  • 124.
    , 38 (1853), 96–101;
    (1772), 297–302. For an earlier entertainment at Leventhal, see
    (1770), 157–60.
  • 125. N. Wraxall,
    A Tour through some of the Northern Parts of Europe
    , 3rd edn. (London, 1776), 213.

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