Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human (37 page)

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Authors: Richard Wrangham

Tags: #Cooking, #History, #Political Science, #Public Policy, #Cultural Policy, #Science, #Life Sciences, #Evolution, #Social Science, #Anthropology, #General, #Cultural, #Popular Culture, #Agriculture & Food, #Technology & Engineering, #Fire Science

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acids and
digestibility and
digestive enzymes
drying and
heat and
salt and
Protein from animals
bovine serum albumin (BSA)
cooking effects
Proteolytic enzymes
Provost, Catarina
Pseudospondias microcarpa
Puiplirmiut people
Pygmies, Uganda’s Ruwenzori Mountains
Python study
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.
Rat study
Raw and the Cooked, The
Raw-blood meals
Raw-fat meals
fat-tailed sheep
amenorrhea/menstruation and
body toxin removal and body weight and
diet description
energy and
health benefit claims
health problems overview
hunger and
“living enzymes”/“life force”
low heat food preparation
Maillard compounds and
men’s sexual function and
moral principles and
nonindustrialized cultures vs.
philosophical reasons for
preparation techniques
quality of food
raw eggs
reasons for
reproductive function and
See also
Giessen Raw Food study; Raw foods/diets
Raw foods/diets
bacteria toxins and
body weight and
domestic pets
energy and
Evo Diet experiment
historical reports of
hunger and
Inuit people
Mongol warriors
starvation and
survivor stories and
See also
Reeves, Steve
Reproduction function
Giessen Raw Food study and
raw-foodism and
Riches, David
Robertson, Dougal/family
Robinson, G.
Rocky Balboa
Rolls, Edmund
Rosaldo, Michelle
Ruskin, John
Saber-toothed cats
Sagittal crest
Sago palm tree
food poisoning
Salt and protein denaturation
Samoan people
San hunter gatherers.
!Kung San hunter-gatherers
Sandwich, most expensive
raw vs. cooked
Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue
Schöningen, Germany archaeological site
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Seasonal foods/shortages
Secor, Stephen
Selfridges department store, London
Selkirk, Alexander
Seri hunter-gatherers
Sexual division of labor
cooked vs. raw food and
as economic relationship
emotional/intellectual skills and
evolution theories of
food amount/calories
food chewing time and
foods provided by gender
importance of
language and
nonhuman primates and
rate of adoption
sharing of food
specialization and
time of appearance
U.S. married couples
variation by culture
women and food staples
Sexual division of labor inequalities
breadfruit and
cooking for community
cooking for family
domestic abuse
feeding system/mating system relationship
“low-prestige activities”
marriage importance to men
marriage importance to women
mealtime etiquette/system
men eating first/best food
men without wives
men’s cooking capabilities and
patriarchy and
protecting food and
“slavery” and
social coordination theory and
status of married men
stealing women and
Vanatinai people
women refusing to cook
women’s cooking
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Shellfish cooking
Shipman, Pat
Silberbauer, George
Siriono hunter-gatherers
“Slavery” and sexual division of labor
Sleeping on ground
dangers with
Homo erectus
primates and
Social brain hypothesis
problems with
Social coordination theory
Social insects
Sodmein Cave of Egypt’s Red Sea Mountains archaeological site
Spiders and food competition
Spontaneous benefits of cooked food
Spors, Antje
St. Martin, Alexis
food digestibility study
Stallone, Sylvester
food poisoning
Starchy foods
blood glucose levels and
cooked vs. raw foods
diet statistics
gelatinization by cooking
glycemic index and
ileal digestibility studies
“resistant starch”
See also
Steak tartare
Stealing by humans
Ik people, Uganda
Pepei (Mbuti Pygmy)
stealing women
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur
Cooking for husband
Inuit diets
protein poisoning
bacteria and
size in humans
study of St. Martin
Sumerians, Third Dynasty of Ur
Survivor stories
Swartkrans, South Africa archaeological site
Symons, Michael
cooking effects
gender inequality
meat tenderness
Tanaka, Jiro
Tartars (Mongol warriors)
cooking origins and
Homo erectus
of human ancestors
Temporalis muscle
Tenderness of food
amphibians and
Burmese python study
chewing time and
cooking and
costs of digestion and
desirability of
examples of raw animal protein
muscle fibers and
obesity and
rat study
variability in
Wagyu cattle and
waist size and
Thieme, Hartmut
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall
Thrifty-gene hypothesis
Tiwi hunter-gatherers
marriages between old/young
sexual division of labor
wives importance
women’s cooking responsibilities
Tlingit people of Alaska
Toads and digestion
Toxins in food
cooking and
detoxification systems
raw-foodism and
Trukese people
Tsin beans
“Turkana boy”
Turnbull, Colin
eggs of
as food
Tylor, Edward
Ungar, Peter
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Utes of Colorado
Valero, Helena
Vanatinai people
Vanguard Cave, Gibraltar archaeological site
Vestibular system of inner ear
food poisoning
Vitamin B
Wagyu cattle/meat
Walker, Alan
Wallace, Alfred Russel
Warburgia ugandensis
Warfare and intelligence evolution
Washburn, Sherwood
gelatinization and
Watt, B. K.
Weevils, black vine
Body weight
Westra, Christopher
Wheeler, Peter
brain size/diet quality
intestinal system reduction
overheating/hair loss
Widdowson, Elsie
Wills, William
Wobber, Victoria
Wolfe, David
Wolves and dogs
World War II Japanese soldiers
Yahgan hunter-gatherers, Tierra del Fuego
cooking techniques
eggs and
raw foods
sausage making
sexual division of labor
two-stone griddle use
Yakuts of Siberia
Yandruwandha aborigines
Yanomamö Indians
Yokio, Shoichi
Zeus bugs
Copyright © 2009 by Richard Wrangham
Published by Basic Books
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