Cat Haus - The Complete Story (12 page)

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Authors: Carrie Lane,Cat Johnson

BOOK: Cat Haus - The Complete Story
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Yes, the boys had rented a bus for their field trip to the whorehouse. They'd even called to ask if there was parking for the bus they'd hired to bring them here. Like I said, they were surprisingly organized.

She nodded her blond head. "Yeah. Henry is closing down the bar for the night though."

"Why? He doesn't want two dozen drunken frat boys running amuck?" I cocked a brow.

"No, more like he doesn't want anyone who isn't twenty-one getting a hold of a drink and costing us our liquor license."

Smart man, that Henry. Once again he'd earned whatever John paid him. I hadn't even thought about the possibility of underage drinking getting us into trouble. I nodded. "Good thinking."

"Oh. My. God. Who the hell is that talking with Henry?" Her eyes popped wide as she stared at the front hallway.

I didn't need to see who Sahara was talking about to know it was John, but I turned to look anyway. As I suspected, John was in the hallway with Henry. He glanced into the parlor and saw me. Besides the curve that lifted the corner of his mouth, a move so slight no one but me would have noticed, he didn't react at all to seeing me.

"That's the new owner," I said in answer to Sahara's question.

the new owner? Holy moly, where has he been hiding all this time?"

Glancing again at John, I tried to see him as Sahara did, instead of the man I'd been with twice and now couldn't stop wanting. "I guess he trusts Henry to run the place."

"Henry is welcome to be the manager. He's great to work for, but I do wish this hottie would come around and demand his fringe benefits as owner the way Gus used to. Damn."

Just when I'd assumed Sahara leaned more toward bedding females and that she only put up with men because they paid her, she did a complete one-eighty and was lusting over the man who I'd spent the last hour fucking.

Sahara was eighteen and cute as a button. The perfect girl next door who any man with a pulse would love to screw against the backyard fence. John could easily come looking to take his fringe benefits with Sahara, or with any one of the other girls, for that matter.

I didn't want to analyze how I felt about that—I was sure the hollow feeling in my gut was because I hadn't eaten since breakfast. There was no time for food now, because the front door swung open and one loud mass of college boys pushed inside.

The noise as they punched each other, yelled, laughed, and whooped it up in general made the parlor feel more like a frat house than a cathouse, not that there was anything wrong with that. In this business, different was good. It helped us maintain some semblance of sanity.

The girls tried to form a lineup, but the boys didn’t look interested in being introduced to us one by one. Each guy's gaze swept the available offerings. I could see the exact moment that I caught the eye of one. He grinned wide, slapped his buddy next to him and strode directly for me.

Similar things happened around me, each guy jostling to get to the girl of his choice before someone else got her. It felt eerily like the Black Friday sales retailers held the day after Thanksgiving. You know, when the stores open super early and discount some stuff so low people literally fight over it. Only I was the item on sale, and I sincerely hoped there was no tug of war as the boys fought over me.

There shouldn't be an issue. I wasn't opposed to sharing. I'd gladly offer these two that option once they made their way to me.

"Hello, boys. Welcome to the Cat Haus. I'm Cate. What's your pleasure today?"

"I'm looking at her." He grinned wide, his eyes on me.

This guy was big, and I was grateful for that. I didn't want to have to get naked with some scrawny kid I outweighed, any more than I could get turned on by one who looked like a boy I'd babysit for. I'd been in college myself just two short years ago and I remembered well how some of the freshmen looked like they were about twelve.

But the guy and his friend, who'd yet to speak, were both tall and broad enough to make them look like men rather than boys. That was a good thing. At least I might have some chance of enjoying this, though I doubted they'd know their way around my body the way a man like John did. The hard bodies that come with youth were nice, but there was something to be said for the experience that comes with age, a lesson I'd learned during my years here.

I smiled at my guy's enthusiasm. "You and your friend together or one at a time?"

His eyes lit up at my suggestion. He glanced at the silent friend, who nodded, then he looked back to me. "Together would be good."

I had a feeling these guys had
have a threesome
on the top of their list of things to do hanging on the frat house fridge, and they were excited that after today they'd get to check it off.

"All right. Let's go back to my room and talk." I wasn't supposed to negotiate prices in the parlor. That was done in the privacy of our rooms, which probably worked to our favor. Being alone with me and my bed and assorted sex toys strewn around was a big motivator for customers to dig a little deeper into their wallets if it meant they'd get to experience it all.

College boys didn’t promise much in the way of money, not like businessmen, but I'd see what I could do. Hell, for a couple of hundred bucks I'd let them jerk off while they watched me masturbate. There were always deals that could be made.

I led the way down the hall, knowing without having to look that their gazes were glued to the bare cheeks of my ass. I was glad I'd chosen this outfit. The younger guys liked to see a lot of skin. I blamed the lack of imagination in today's youth on this generation watching too much television while growing up, myself included.

As I opened the door to my room, I supposed I would see just how imaginative these two could be. There were two cocks in this room and I had three places in which to stick them. Of course, money would also be a deciding factor, because their having the pleasure of sticking their cocks into one place on me warranted my charging far more than for the other two places.

Time to get down to business. "Gentlemen, what are we looking to do here?"

As expected, guy number two didn't answer. I was beginning to wonder if he was mute. But number one grinned wide. "Everything."

"Everything is going to cost you. What kind of money have you got?"

The silent one surprised me by reaching into his pocket and pulling out a bank envelope. He handed it to me as I realized he was the moneyman in this strange duo. I pushed open the flap and saw a nice sized stack of hundreds.

The talker asked, "That's what we've got to spend. Will that cover it for both of us?"

Brows raised, I nodded. "Yeah. That'll cover it."

"Good." He took a step forward and I held up one hand.

"Wait a minute." They both paused. I think they might have even stopped breathing as they waited for me to continue. "There are some rules. Condoms for everything, including blow jobs."

"Okay." The designated spokesman nodded. "We'd read online that it's the law so we knew about that. We even brought our own, just in case."

Impressive, though the thought of them searching the laws regarding legal prostitution in the state of Nevada while planning this trip nearly had me giggling. I'd be willing to bet one of those hundreds in my envelope that it was the silent one who did the research. Which brought me to my next point . . .

I slid the envelope into my drawer as I asked, "Before we go any further I need to know, what should I call you?"

As they both stood there as if waiting for the next question on a test in school, number one smiled when he realized this was an easy one to answer. "I'm Brad and this is Tim."

I tipped my head toward Tim and asked Brad, "Does he talk?"

Brad grinned wide. "Yeah, but not when he's nervous."

"I make you nervous?" I turned to Tim and feigned shock. "Let's see if I can take care of those nerves for you."

Reaching for the button at the waist of his jeans, I hoped Tim didn't hyperventilate or something. He didn't. In fact, it seemed as if not being able to speak was the only affliction Tim suffered when nervous. Nerves sure hadn't affected his cock. That was very clear in the bulge evident behind his zipper.

Bolder than I expected him to be, Tim reached down and grabbed on to my ass. He bent his head low and kissed me. His enthusiasm increased the moment our mouths touched and he thrust his tongue between my lips.

I felt Brad step close behind me. He wasted no time in snaking his hands beneath my bustier to get to my bare skin. Sliding up, he didn't stop until he'd reached my breasts.

"Do you have a butt plug?" Brad asked, his mouth close to my ear.

That question was another surprise from these guys. Tim pulled back from the kiss so I could answer Brad's question. "Yeah."

"Good. Get it. I want to put it in you now so you're stretched and ready."

All righty. And here I was thinking I'd have to lead these guys through this. It seemed they were making their way just fine without my guidance.

They both stepped back and allowed me the space to get to my box of toys on the bedside table. I pulled out a good-sized plug.

"Can you get naked?" Tim asked.

At the first sound of Tim's voice since meeting him, I turned to stare at him. "So he does speak."

"Yeah." Tim smiled and pushed his jeans down his legs. After tugging his T-shirt over his head, he tossed it to the floor and I got an eyeful of some damn nice muscles.

On the other side of me, Brad was stripping equally bare. It seemed I was the only one still dressed. I tossed the plug on the bed along with the pump bottle of lube I always kept on the nightstand and then reached for my panties.

The room was silent as both boys went still. I glanced up and realized their sole focus was on watching me push my thongs down my legs. I felt kind of bad, like I should be putting on more of a show since they were so attentive and all. Maybe I should turn on a little music.

But who was I kidding? These two were probably twenty, maybe twenty-one. They were more interested in the end result—me naked and their cocks inside me one way or another. If it was a show they wanted, they could go to any number of places and get that for a hell of a lot less money.

With that in mind I untied my bustier and let it fall next to my panties. The heels I left on. Generally speaking, when a male asked you to get naked, he wasn't including fuck-me pumps in the items he wanted removed.

A growl of appreciation from Tim preceded his lifting me with two hands on my waist and carrying me to the bed. He fell backwards onto the mattress, me on top of him, while Brad reached for the plug and the lube.

Tim brought my head down and claimed my mouth again while Brad took advantage of the fact my ass was stuck up in the air as I kneeled over Tim. Brad's lube-slickened finger pressed into my tight hole and I stilled.

Brad ran a hand down my back, stroking me, almost as if comforting me. As he slipped in a second finger, he said, "Don't worry. I'll make sure you're ready."

Meanwhile Tim reached between our bodies. He slid a finger between my lower lips and found my clit. He began circling it with a slow but firm touch that drew my attention to the sensations shooting through the bundle of nerves.

College boys had sure changed since I'd been a student. I remembered the painful, fumbling attempts at anal sex with my boyfriend during my freshman year.

Judging by how they knew the right way to go about this, I was guessing Brad and Tim did all sorts of interesting research online. Hallelujah. I was more than grateful for that when I felt Brad start to press the lubed plug inside my ass. I pushed out, against the pressure, which opened the tight ring of muscles wider. The plug slid inside me.

A condom came sailing over my head, thrown by Brad. Tim caught it in mid air and handed it to me. "Can you blow me now?"

Tim didn't say a hell of a lot, but he got across what he wanted.

"Sure." I moved backward so I was standing on the floor between his legs. The awareness of the plug in my ass was starting to really get me turned on as I tore into the package.

As I covered Tim, I heard the distinct sound of lubricated latex being rolled over a cock behind me. Brad was suiting up.

"I want to fuck you after Brad, so don't make me come with your mouth." Tim's instructions made me laugh. Like I had any control over when he came?

"Okay, I'll try not to." I bent at the waist so I could accommodate both of them.

Brad driving his cock into my pussy from behind forced the air out of me. But when he reached between my legs and connected with my clit, I hissed that air back in. The combination of having my ass stretched wide by the plug and my pussy full always was intense. Add to it the stimulation on my clit as Brad worked it hard, and it felt as if fireworks were shooting through my lower half.

Forcing my mind back to the task at hand wasn't easy, but I finally remembered what I'd been about to do. I slid my mouth over Tim's cock. He thrust his hips up and drove himself into my throat.

At the same time, Brad was doing a damn good job of making my insides go wild. He plunged into me with long, smooth strokes, slow enough I could savor the sensation, but with enough speed and power it was starting to work me toward a climax. I bore down on both the cock and the plug inside me and the pleasure doubled. Brad felt me clenching and groaned, "God. She's squeezing me so damn tight."

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