Casey's Warriors (Bondmates) (35 page)

BOOK: Casey's Warriors (Bondmates)
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As she looked around the opulent bathing room with its enormous tub made out of some kind of sparkling gold crystal and the creamy fur rug that cushioned her feet she ruefully shook her head. Why couldn’t she have fallen in love with a normal guy? She had to laugh at herself at that thought. No matter how stressful this was she had the best, men in the universe to help her learn how to do her job. She knew if she let Lorn and Nast know how she was feeling they would help her with anything she wanted, and she was going to talk to them, but first she wanted to take a nap. Catching a few Z’s always helped to clear her mind, and she was hoping that when she woke up things would be a little less scary.

Exhaustion pulled at her and she splashed her face with water from the sink as soon as she figured out how to turn it on. As she dried her face she stared at the door, not wanting to deal with anyone, just wanting to try to find the over-the-top bedroom she’d been shown earlier. She was pretty sure it was on this floor. If she was lucky she could just slip out without anyone seeing her. Lorn had said only a few trusted servants were allowed in this area of the manor and that for the most part it would usually just be her, Lorn, and Nast. The family wing was relatively isolated from the rest of the house and she was never more thankful for having a little privacy than right now.

After opening the door to the hallway with its creamy walls and pale stone floors she let out a silent sigh of relief that she appeared to be alone. Hanging a left she passed a familiar painting of Lorn’s mother and fathers, grinning to herself that she must be freaked out if she found the sight of Lorn’s mother reassuring.

A matronly woman wearing the deep purple uniform of a house servant came around the corner and smiled at her. “Matriarch, can I help you?”

“Yes. Could you please tell me where my bedroom is?”

The woman nodded, and something hard and cold flashed through her blue eyes that almost looked malicious, but it was gone so quickly Casey was sure she was imagining things.

“Your room is three doors down on the left.”

“Thank you.”

“You are most welcome, Matriarch.”

Once again, that flash of hardness went through the other woman’s eyes, but Casey was so damn tired she didn’t care. Following the woman’s directions, she came to an ornately carved pale wood door that she remembered from her brief tour of the family portion of the residence. She was relieved she’d managed to find her room, and she placed her hand on the sensor next to the door and walked into her bedroom when it slid open, then came to a complete halt.

There, on the enormous bed, were two beautiful nude women with light blonde hair, on their knees with their faces pressed to the bedding and their asses in the air with their pussies totally exposed to her view. She blinked in confusion at the shape of their sex, just the barest hint of an outer labia then nothing but a slit.

“Greetings, Master Nast,” one of the women purred and arched her back in an obscene matter that gave Casey a view of the other woman’s pussy she bet even the woman’s gynecologist hadn’t seen.

“I’ve missed you Master Lorn,” the other one said in an equally sultry voice. “I can’t wait for you to both take me at once. I love you so much and hate it when you are gone. I know how much you love me and I could not wait for your return. We have waited for you, just like we promised we would. We love you so much.”

What the fuck
?” she said in a shocked whisper.

The two women, exquisite blondes who looked enough alike to be sisters, turned as one and gave her a puzzled look.

“You are not my beloved Master Nast,” the one on the right said, her ass still high in the air.

“You are not Master Lorn,” intoned the other as she gave Casey a puzzled look. “Where are our Masters?”

She stared at them, her heart breaking. “Your what?”

“Our wonderful Masters,” the one on the left said. “We are instructed to present ourselves upon their return so that we may pleasure them. Have our Masters been delayed?”

“Who are you?”

The blonde on the right gave her a sultry look. “I am Master Lorn’s pride and joy. He loves me and I love him.”

“And I am Master Nast’s beloved,” the other blonde said with a bright smile. “Who are you? Where are our Masters?”

Pain and betrayal roared through her and she stepped out the door without making a sound, running down the hall and lifting her stupid robe so she didn’t fall. She was so stupid! Nast and Lorn had those two women—they must be the pleasure servants Lorn was talking about—waiting for them in bed while they were busy seducing her back on the ship. All that bullshit about her being the only one for them, the one woman in the universe and all that, had been complete bullshit and she’d fallen for it.

“Matriarch?” a woman’s voice reached her. She turned and saw the same hard-eyed servant from earlier watching her. “Are you all right?”

She swallowed hard, willing back the tears. “Who are those women in my bedroom?”

“Master Lorn and Master Nast’s pleasure servants? They were waiting for the Masters to return. Do you wish them moved to another room to wait? Master Lorn and Master Nast asked that they wait for them in their chambers as they always do.” The woman moved closer. “They are always eager to return to their women.”


“Oh, that is right, you are from Earth. Surely the Masters told you that on Kadothia the men love their pleasure servants. They are the men’s pride and joy while their wife is their duty.” She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. “Does that upset you? Why? You must know that they brought you here to run the house for the Masters so they could spend their days loving their pleasure servants. Did not anyone explain that to you? Of course you may have as many pleasure servants as you want as well.” She paused. “Poor thing, you seem so upset. Come with me and we will get you something to eat and drink that I am sure will make you feel better.”

The woman reached out to touch Casey and she backed away, her emotional pain roaring through her. “Leave me alone!”

With a slight frown the woman glanced around, then stepped closer. “Just come with me, Matriarch. Do not make a scene and further embarrass yourself.”

“I don’t want to come with you, just…just go tell Lorn and Nast that they can go fuck themselves.” When the woman grasped her upper arm in a harsh grip Casey jerked away, then shoved the other woman hard enough so she stumbled then landed on her ass with a harsh cry. “I said leave me alone!”

Her breath came out in a harsh sob and she ran down the hallway, ignoring the woman’s shouts that she stop and sprinting as fast as she could away from the servant. Her heart insisted the woman was lying, but her mind showed her the proof over and over again of the two naked blonde women.

Oh, god she was such an idiot.

The men tried to reach her through their bond, she could feel their panic, but she shut it down as tight as she could, tighter than she was even aware was possible. Running through the family quarters of the manor she went past dozens of rooms until she found a set of stairs that led to the main floor. The sound of footsteps and whispers seemed to follow her so she hid in what looked like a library of sorts until she was sure the coast was clear, then ran again. She tried one door after another until she finally found one that led outside. There was no fucking way she was staying here with the men and their whores. The women had been so beautiful, so perfect, that Casey knew she could never compete with them. And they loved Lorn and Nast. Those lying bastards said they would never allow another woman to love them. If they lied about that then they could have lied about everything. Hell, they probably manipulated her emotions with their psychic powers, making her believe them.

Tears streamed down her face but she checked around before darting out into what looked like a field of trees. The sun was setting over the horizon and she quickly made her way through the trunks, keeping an eye open for anyone while trying to stifle her sobs. For a time she thought someone might be following her again, but when she ducked beneath a thicket and hid the footsteps went in a different direction. The last thing she wanted right now was to see anyone who might take her back to those cheating bastards.

Moving out of the thicket she ran until her legs hurt, until her lungs burned and she wanted to throw up from the pain, both physical and emotional. Despair set in as she staggered out of the other end of the orchard and came to a wide, vast river that churned with gold toned white caps. A warm breeze blew off the water, drying the tears on her cheeks. Knowing she couldn’t swim across it, and terrified as to what could lurk beneath the water, she made her way to an outcropping of water smoothed dark boulders and climbed onto them, wedging herself into a gap between the stones before she finally broke down and cried.

Her heart ached like a physical wound and she’d never wanted so desperately to go home in her entire life. Right now, she should be in her small house, safe in her bed, on her safe planet, with men who might cheat on her but at least she’d be able to leave. Her friends would be coming to her rescue and they’d eat fattening desserts while getting drunk and lamenting about what losers guys were. Instead she was all alone in the dark, on an alien planet where she knew no one and nothing.

Wrapping her arms around herself she tried to gain comfort as her sobs tapered off to those heaving breaths she hated so much. The night air had chilled and she really hoped she wouldn’t freeze to death out here, though that would be preferable to having to face Lorn and Nast. Hell, they were probably fucking their whores right now, sure she was asleep in bed waiting for them.

Fucking bastards.

What really pissed her off was she had believed them. She had trusted Lorn with all of her heart and was beginning to trust Nast as well. They’d tricked her somehow into believing their feelings were real when they’d probably just been using her to get their bond. It probably hadn’t been hard at all to manipulate her, after all they knew all about bonding while she just had to trust what they said. No doubt they’d been laughing behind her back at how easily she’d fallen for their lies. God, she was so fucking stupid and naïve. Anything that seemed too good to be true had to be a lie, yet she’d been so desperate for the kind of love they claimed to have for her that she’d just fallen for their bullshit long enough for Lorn to bond her.

  Well, they could have their whores and their bond, but she was leaving. Somehow she was going to find a way off this planet and back to her world. Maybe if she found a way to contact Lorn’s mother she’d help her leave. Casey would just explain the situation and let the other woman know Lorn could keep his bond, but Casey would be gone and out of their lives. He and Nast could fuck those whores, in what was supposed to be
bed, until their dicks fell off.

Lying assholes.

Every once in a while some hint of their fear would break through her shields but she’d ruthlessly push it away until she was alone with her heartache. The sound of claws skittering over stone reached her above the roar of the river and she froze, backing further into her hiding space. Trying to breathe as little as possible, she heard that skittering noise again followed by a strange harsh coughing sound, then a whistle.

She looked around for something to use as a weapon but only came up with a few loose stones. Clutching them in her fist, she screamed and hurled them at the dark shape that suddenly darted in front of her hole. The round shape made a pained noise and jumped away, letting out another high-pitched whistle. A few moments later an unfamiliar man’s voice reached her ears and she debated between yelling for help and keeping silent. The decision was made for her as a bright light was thrust into her hiding spot, blinding her as she held up her hands to shield herself.

A man’s rough voice filled with confusion said, “What in the name of the Lord of Life?”

The brightness receded and she cautiously lowered her hands from her face, squinting at the sight of an older man dressed in a loose fitting light brown pair of pants and a shirt secured with a black belt. Attached to the belt was what looked like a gun of some sort along with a long sheathed knife. Unlike the Kadothian men she’d seen so far his hair was cut short and instead of the sculpted facial features like Lorn and Nast, he had a rounded chin and small, kind eyes. He was easily double her size and she frantically tried to remember what she learned in the women’s self-defense class her dad had made her take.

“Who are you?” she asked, but remained pressed back into the corner.

He stared at her in amazement and a moment later a ball of black fur with emerald green highlights and six fuzzy legs trundled up to his side, making that soft whistle again. She screamed and crouched into a defensive ball.

The creature whistled shrilly until the man said, “Bofus, hush.”

“What is that,” she asked, peering through her fingers at the fuzzy thing.

“Matriarch, you know not what a

She gave a laugh that sounded more than a little hysterical. “I’m not from around here.”

“You must be one of those Earth Matriarchs. Are you injured?”

She cautiously stood and brushed off her black robes. “No, I’m okay. My name is Casey Westfall. Who are you?”

He dropped to his knees while the ball of fur scampered around him. “Forgive me, Matriarch of House Westfall, I did not mean to offend you.”

“What? No, um, my name is Casey Westfall and I’m not a Matriarch.”

He looked up at her with a clearly disbelieving expression and said in a slow voice as if he were speaking to someone who might be mentally challenged, “My Lady, you wear the bondmark and robes of a Matriarch.”

“Yeah, well I’m getting rid of that as soon as I can. Look, can you tell me how to get to Lady Elsin?”

Now he stood fully and looked almost panicked. “Of course.”

“Oh, good.” She moved out of her little hole and tried to assume an expression of confidence while brushing off her clothes. Her father had often told her that even if she didn’t know what she was doing, if she at least looked like it most people wouldn’t know the difference. “If you would show me the way I would be grateful.”

BOOK: Casey's Warriors (Bondmates)
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