Carnal Compromise (18 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

BOOK: Carnal Compromise
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When she went lower, AJ touched her hair. “Turn around,” she urged.

Mandy shook her head. “Not this time, Ariel. I want to notice everything.” Then she looked at Hake again. “Tissue, please.”

Hake looked confused for a second and then handed her a tissue from the box on the table beside him.

Sitting back on her red heels, Mandy reached down and touched AJ’s plug, smiling when she gasped. Encouraged, she played with it, twisting and pumping it until AJ begged for mercy, her open cunt slick and shiny with need. Then she slowly pulled out the plug, which turned out to be pretty good-sized.

AJ’s eyes went wide. “Oh my God,” she squeaked.

“You’re fine,” Mandy said quickly, wrapping the plug in the tissue and shoving it under the couch. “Don’t let me forget that’s down there,” she added with a grin.

AJ nodded wildly, trying to catch her breath.

What followed made Joe wish there were a camera running. Mandy spread her wide with her fingers to look, taste and touch, jiggling a little here, slapping a little there, and generally doing just about everything he’d ever seen girls do to each other in porn flicks, with AJ mewling all the while. When she slid those feminine little fingers into AJ’s cunt and fucked her with them, Joe’s determination to wait wavered. When she slid them into that untried ass, he very nearly came despite himself—dammit, there was only so much torture a man could take.

Ruthlessly squeezing the base of his cock, he breathed deeply until the urge had passed.

Then Mandy went down hard on AJ, sucking at her clit like a starving calf on a teat. AJ went ballistic, screaming and tearing at the rug with her fingers as she arched up off the floor. Brent swore harshly and Joe looked up just in time to see a white stream shoot up the front of his navy T-shirt.

“I win,” he gasped.

Joe begged to differ. He had a pretty asshole to ream and a hard-on to ream it with—didn’t that make him the winner?

When AJ settled back down, Mandy sat back on her heels again, a wondering grin spreading over her damp lips. “Wow. That was fun.”

Growling, Hake jumped to his feet and pulled Mandy up to plant a licking, sucking kiss on her. Then he pushed her over the arm of his recliner, grabbed her by the hips and hammered into her cunt like a madman, his jeans and underwear sagging around his lean calves.

Taking that as his cue, Joe rose from his chair and started pulling off his flannel shirt, never taking his eyes off AJ. She watched him back, her eyes dark and smudged, her ribs and flat belly rising and falling rapidly. When she spread her legs wider and tilted her pelvis up, he knew she knew exactly what he wanted—and she wanted it, too.

Arousal sank vicious claws into his balls just as Mandy’s scream of fulfillment seared over his nerve endings. Wheezing, “Fuck!” he spun away and grabbed his dick with both hands, but it was too late.

He came in his shorts.


Up until that moment, AJ had never been more scared. Joe’s cock looked monstrous compared to the plug, even hidden inside his underwear, and his hold on his control seemed tenuous at best. But she’d had to have it. If it was too much, she had no doubt someone would step in and save her.

Turned out his control was even more tenuous than she’d thought. When he slumped back into his seat and put his head in his hands, she didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or be relieved at the reprieve.

“Guess that makes you the rotten egg, Hake,” Brent piped up with a lazy grin. But he was watching her and she felt his admiration like a caress all over her body.

“I can live with that,” Hake grunted, still working Mandy’s sagging body over the arm of the chair. When AJ tipped her head back to look up at them, his fierce brown eyes locked on to hers, promising the same flavor of retribution he was currently dishing out to his wife. He didn’t look away even when he shuddered with orgasm, and the shocking intimacy of it made her whimper and squeeze her thighs together.

After he’d finished, he scooped Mandy up and sat with her draped over his lap.

“Now that’s what I call dessert,” he said with a satisfied sigh, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

Mandy kissed his chest in return. “That wasn’t dessert, silly. There was no whipped cream.”

“Oh, of course not. Silly me.”

AJ suddenly felt way too exposed and lonely, the illusion of belonging suddenly shattered by Mandy and Hake’s intimate byplay. Mandy wasn’t hers any more than Brent and Joe were, and it was time she remembered that.

She sat up slowly, trying not to draw anyone’s attention.

It didn’t work.

“Where do you think you’re going, Ariel?” Hake’s voice wasn’t exactly stern but it wasn’t exactly friendly either.

“I’m cold,” she lied, anxious to be anywhere but sitting naked in the middle of the room.

Brent immediately slid off his chair. Drawing her close to his side, he rubbed hot palms briskly over her upper arms. “You are kinda cold,” he said. He nuzzled her ear. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you warm.”

Despite her efforts to back off emotionally, AJ felt herself soaking up his warmth and affection like a sponge.

“It’s probably a good thing I had a pregasm,” he said, looking down ruefully at the stain on his shirt. “You girls had me so worked up I probably wouldn’t have been any use to either of you.”

Joe grinned. “I was just thinking that. The state I was in, I probably had no business even thinking about AJ’s ass.” Then he frowned. “I might have hurt her.”

“We wouldn’t have let that happen,” Hake said firmly. “But she’s Ariel while she’s here, Joe. That’s the house rule from now on.”

“Gettin’ a little bossy there, aren’t you, boy?” Joe challenged.

Brent’s arm tightened around her and AJ held her breath.

Hake met his look evenly. “I think my days of being a boy are over for the time being,” he said.

After a tense moment, Joe shrugged. “Your house, your rules.”

AJ wilted with relief and felt Brent do the same. Thank God. She didn’t think either of them could have stood to watch Joe with another man right now. The boundaries between them all were too tenuous.

“Should I go get the whipped cream, honey?” Mandy asked.

Hake gave AJ a long, considering look and then said, “Why don’t we save that for another time. I think Ariel’s had enough fun with us this go-round. Let Brent and Joe take her to bed.”

Although she appreciated his sensitivity, AJ felt bad for ruining the party. “I’m fine. Really,” she assured him.

“You are very fine,” he agreed with a nod, “and I hope one day you’ll help Mandy fulfill that fantasy I was expecting. But not tonight. Besides,” he added, “Mandy’s due for some punishment.”

Mandy’s eyes went wide. “Hake! That’s not fair!”

“That’s what makes it fun, dear.” He set her on the floor and then slapped her butt cheek. “Now upstairs. March.”

Mandy jumped and yelped but slid a sly smile AJ’s way as she went for the stairs. “Good night, Ariel.”

“Um, ’night,” AJ said helplessly. She still wasn’t too happy about spoiling everyone’s fun, but apparently Hake and Mandy had plenty of fun of their own planned.

When Brent stood and held out his hands, she let him pull her to her feet. Still a little wobbly, she just about fell off the high heels, and he knelt to untie the laces and pull them off. He reverently unfastened her garters and she gasped at the brush of his callused fingers on her thighs. Then rolled the stockings down her legs one by one, brushing kisses all over the faint fishnet impression they left in her skin. When he was done, he tugged off the garter belt and spread his knees, sitting back on his heels to look at her from head to toe and back again.

“Ariel Jane Pender, you just blew my mind. It’s gone. I’m going to spend the rest of my life staring into space with my head lolling off to one side and a drool cup under my chin.” When she started to smile, he shook his head. “That was the fucking hottest thing I’ve ever seen.
the fucking hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

His unabashed admiration flowed over her like warm honey and she leaned into him at the same time he knelt up to wrap his arms around her waist. The semen splattered on his shirt felt disgustingly cool and delightfully dirty against her thigh, and her smile turned to a grin as she twined her arms behind his neck. Lowering her head, she engaged him in a lush, sprawling celebration of a kiss, letting him know with every press of her lips, every slide of her tongue and every thick, thuddy beat of her heart how very much she appreciated him. She’d never felt more womanly in her life.

Pulling slowly away, Brent licked his lips. Then he looked over at Joe, whose hungry stare roamed over them both. “What say we take this party to our room?”

Chapter Fourteen

The trip upstairs was one of the most exciting of her life. She walked naked between two men, thrilling to everything that came in contact with her over-stimulated senses. The chilly air. The thick carpet under her feet. The soft swish of denim on denim. The creak of the fourth step as they trod it one by one.

At the head of the stairs, Joe opened the door to their room and went in, but AJ paused, glancing at Hake and Mandy’s bedroom door. An unwilling blush rose to her cheeks at the realization they’d probably hear everything that went on between the three of them tonight.

Brent’s arms slid around her waist and he kissed the side of her neck. “The bedrooms are all soundproofed.”

Intrigued, she cocked her head and listened hard.

“He’s probably spanking her, but you don’t hear a thing, do you?” When she shook her head, he said, “That’s exactly what
hear. Nothing.”

Well, that took some of the pressure off.

He herded her into the Yellow Room and closed the door with a decisive click. Joe was already shucking his jeans and shorts in the warm light of the bedside lamp. When he’d kicked them away and scraped off his socks, he crooked a finger at her. “You’re the one who made me come in my underwear, little girl. Why don’t you come clean up the mess you made?”

Her heart blipping with excitement, she rounded the side of the bed hesitantly to stand in front of him. When he just raised his brows in expectation, she dropped to her knees.

Whoa, big penis.
She blinked and shook her head slightly to clear it. The thing wasn’t even fully erect yet. Had it always been this big? It hadn’t looked this big when it was going into Brent’s mouth, she was sure it hadn’t.

“What are you waiting for, Ariel Jane?” he rumbled.

She swallowed. “A sign from God?”

Laying his hands loosely on her head, he pushed his penis against her lips. “Here’s your sign,” he drawled with a distinct twang.

Smiling, AJ opened up. Joe filled her mouth immediately. Overfilled it. The taste of his semen exploded over her tongue and she moaned, grasping his muscular hips while the simmering arousal in her belly kicked up to a boil. Humming, she swayed against him as she sucked and licked away every trace of his sweet, musky flavor.

Joe’s hands stroked down the sides of her head to cup her jaw. “Better stop or there’ll be more to clean up.”

“I don’t mind,” she murmured.

When she moved to take him in her mouth again, he inserted his palm between them. “I mind. Come on, up on the bed.”

“Bossy.” She stuck her tongue out at him but stood up anyway and was surprised to see Brent nude, too. He’d shoved the covers down to the end of the bed and stretched out on his side to watch them. His stiff, restless cock said better than words how much he’d enjoyed the show.

“I love your mouth,” he said, his eyes firmly fixed her parted lips. “It’s so small and innocent-looking, it makes a man feel like a pervert for wanting to find out just how deep inside he can get.”

She grinned as she crawled up beside him and sank back on her heels. “Dirty old man.”

“Card-carrying, just like Joe.”

“Grow your hair out a little,” Joe said as he settled on the other side of her, “and we’ll put you in pigtails and knee socks and show you just how dirty we can be.”

“Will you make me suck your lollypop?” she asked, putting her finger to her lips with a coy smile.

“I thought I just did.”

“Ooooh,” she crooned as she drew her damp fingertip over the tip of his penis. “I guess I forgot already. Maybe you’d better remind me.”

Joe grabbed her wrist with a growl. “Quit trying to maneuver me, little girl. We’ve got other plans for you right now.”

AJ laughed out loud, drunk on the pleasure of feeling naughty and beguiling and desirable. Not even with Rob, the husband she’d sworn to love, honor and cherish, had she felt this dam-bursting swell of enjoyment, as if she were about to explode with wonder and delight. A faint alarm rang somewhere in the back of her head but she studiously ignored it. She deserved this, dammit, and she was going to wring every ounce of enjoyment from it while she had the chance.

Joe yanked her down on the sheet and rolled her back against him. “Laugh at me, will you?”

He tickled her mercilessly with his fingers and moustache while Brent dived down to torture the soles of her feet.

With tears of agonized laughter streaming down her face, she screamed, “Quit or you’ll make me wet the bed!”

“That’s okay, there’s another one next door,” Brent told her, sliding his tongue between her sensitive toes and inciting more breathless screams and giggles.

When she begged for mercy and swore she had to go
, they finally let her up. It didn’t dawn on her until she was sitting on the toilet, gasping with relief, that she’d thrown open the door and run down the dim hallway of her hosts’ home buck naked.



Brent smiled, enjoying the sound of AJ’s chuckles floating down the hall. “Wonder what’s so funny in there.”

“Beats me,” Joe said, bunching up his pillow behind his head.

“It’s nice to hear her laugh.”

“Yeah, but it’s nice to hear her scream and moan, too.” Joe turned his head and grinned at Brent. “Speaking of which, I think it’s about time I opened up that pretty little ass.”

Brent raised his brows. “You?”

“Of course me.”

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