Candy Darling (4 page)

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Authors: Candy Darling

BOOK: Candy Darling
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I made this as I was taking a bath in your bathtub.






Very important

Dear Yvonne,

I happened to watch The Movie Game on which you were a guest Monday June 8. I was about to turn it off and do the dishes when I saw you were on the panel. I'll be honest the first thought was is she still beautiful. You were. I am glad to see your hair is still black and you wear a deep lipstick. I am only 22 and I'm some what of a celebrity myself. My name is Candy Darling and I am in Andy Warhol's “Flesh” etc.

The other women looked awful in those atrocious clothes. Yours were not too hot either. You looked terribly top heavy.

That jacket is awful throw it out. You should

The face and clothes don't go together. You see this beautiful woman's face and this big bush jacket Have you ever tried Helena Rubenstiens face cream?

At the “Stud” Sandy Amerling arrives. It is a dark smokey afterhours joint filled with male hustlers S & M. Who does she see but Ed La Motta, head of Movie department at International Famous. Sandy wearing a black & White striped gown with stole spots Ed wearing faded denim pants and Leather jacket with chains. He has a T shirt on underneath that says Budweiser Beer. When Ed sees Sandy he is panic stricken and walks into the back room where
females are allowed.

Charlie takes her home puts her on the bed.

I'd offer you a drink only I don't have anything here.

him—Well I know of a place that's open. I'll get something be back in a little while.

No don't leave me. Charlie please kiss—

boy friend comes back

don't come in here get out. No please leave cause

I got somebody inside here and he's bigger than you are so he might hurt your feelings.

… said my hair was a mess that she thinks I am one of the most beautiful women she's ever seen. Fat lot of good it's doing me. 2:00 P.M.

Canned Heat, “Lets work together” Joe Cocker, “Cry Me a River” If I am not working by Jan. and nothing's happening I am going to go down to New Orleans and stay with Barbara & Teddy. There's a club I can work in down there and I'll change my name for luck to Chicquita. 7:30—Tony Mansfield called me up and when I told him it was my birthday he said “How old are you?” Jerry called and said he saw Lucian's place it's called everything for everyone. I called Nick Cantrell.

As a girl you're entitled to certain hopes certain needs. You have a right to expect that there will be a special place for you. These feelings are luxuries to me.

William F. Buckley

Mayor John B. Lindsay

Garson Cannon, Zachary Taylor

Darling who were you talking to?

N.N. Why no one dear

Did I hear a man's voice

N.N. Oh that was Mary wasn't it Mary. She has a frog in her throat.

Mary—Oh yes there's no one here (very deeply)

Constance Bennett in Topper wore a dress like this. I want one too. I think in red chiffon.

I ask for spiritual enlightenment

a husband—your choice responsibilities accepted.

a career—utilizing wisdom—K.L. Rhodes for my things

Call Paul about moving my things

Pick up things from

Bob Heide

Call Viva—

Elspeth Terry

get $ from Andy

Call Danny

Nelson Jerry—Jim

I would prefer to live in a more romantic age when people danced together.

Ah'd rather be silly old fool than a lonely old woman you see.

Don't I deserve pretty things like other girls.

him—Oh you don't need pretty things
are a pretty thing.

Oh I wanted that dress and those pretty lamps. They were so dear.

All of the protests embued with political views and social criticism that I am usually made to feel embarrassed by my lack of knowledge. I am used to watching television with my friend who is a U.N. diplomat and having him explain it all to me. Sometimes I may disagree on a point but I feel that he knows better than me. I'm not saying that all women should be like me. I'm just saying that my intuition or guardian angel or whatever that steered me to a right thinking man steers me right away from Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. They both come across very hard to me and I don't like hardness especially in women. I've seen a certain hardness in certain men like Robin at Max's K.C. but its a hardness that only covers up something good and gentle and I find that most exciting. But it is my opinion that Betty and Gloria are hard all the way down right to the bone marrow. That Betty has a purpose. I don't know what it is but I have my suspicions. I can't forget the visual image of her standing on a platform in Bryant Park like a field marshall. I would chicken out on a real debate with her. It would take a man to stand up to her. I see the day coming when the words femme and butch will be more commonly used. I mean to be used for heterosexuals not just gay or bisexuals. Think of the interesting types.


Basic Butch with Femme overtones. the drag type

Raq. W. / J. Craw. / Jane Russell

Basic femme—Butch overtones

Greta Garbo

Basic femme—femme overtones

M.M.    L.T.

I have only listed women because that is what we are talking about of course. I chose the most obvious types so. And may I add insult or pun intended. As each is successful and would be considered highly attractive to multitudes of men and women. But getting back to womens lib bascially I'm just an old fashioned girl.

Candy Darling

In each example of types has been chosen because each example seeks to be (and generally is) alluring except for Type VI which does not seek to be alluring.

I don't think the sunrise is as good as the moonlight

See this is for the morning the other is for the evening.

hip culture which has no grace

the noble savage—turning to primitivism.

Competence must match the level of concern.

sit around on the sidelines and criticize.

fiercely exclusive society

dearest most loving stoned society anti-organizational

Maybe by the time my nails are a decent ladylike length I will be rehearsing for a play maybe the one Jeremiah and Burt are writing for me (if it's any good) I like the title—“Camille's Cough.” Do not know what is happening for Thanksgiving. It snowed so Warren and Mary Ann may not come down. I am going to call Senator Halpern tomorrow for my mother. I told my mother I want Diana (Burt's sister) to come and live with us if I get a show. She can be my maid and companion. Please God if you hear me grant this wish. Jerry Bradley wants to help me with a nightclub act.

Luciano says I can open in the back room of his bar.

Jeremiah said Eileen thought I was so beautiful.

Plant seeds and bulbs—tomatoe, tulips, iris. Speak to Jeremiah about play to show to R.L.

It is now November 24 about 4:00 a.m. Today is my birthday I am happy. Ron Link called me and told me that Jackie did not show up at Ron Delsener's office. I want to do “Glamour Glory & Gold” more than anything. I will have to wait around Max's some night until Jackie comes in and bargain with it. My nails were completely bitten to the quick last night and I have promised myself that I will never pick or bite my nails again and from now on I will apply RRP nail conditioner every night. Tomorrow I will have to wax my arms. Jeremiah is such a dear he called and wants to have a party for me. I hope we are friends forever.

I am not a genuine woman but I am not interested in genuineness. I'm interested in the product of being a woman and how qualified I am. The product of the system is what is important. If the product fails then the system is not good. What can I do to help me live in this life? I shouldn't be disturbed all the time. The main thing is, will I benefit by it.

I am watching the Newly wed game. I'm glad to see some people that are happy even though I can never be happy.

irregularity keeps you from really living

Where I was brought up to believe in honesty and decency and truthfulness between two people.

Guess I was brought up wrong.

Liberace's mother's Blue Ribbon

Potatoe Salad

2 T. Bacon fat
2 T. flour

Marilyn Monroe towards the end of her career showed the world how beautiful and desirable she was at the same time how unhappy and lonely she was.

11:05 P.M.

Jim Hennessey called

WC Tom. morn.


let's get back home and plan our next

cataclysmic move

Eartha Kitt

GRIMALKIN Synonym for cat its purrfectly obvious

Lucky Pierre

Little Louie Groovy


1 ¾ cups sour cream into blender

¼ t celery salt ¼ salt ¼ onion salt

1 cup diced cooked beets

low speed. add lemon.

garnish with sour cream & chopped parsley.

Ribs—cover in barbeque sauce bake in covered dish or pan 350 degrees

when tender remove cover

bake ½ hour at 400 degrees

for crispness.

I was 135 lb. at birth.

I was a size 12 at birth that's right.

I went to Lane Bryant for my layette

Objectivity is commercial now the guts that isn't in fashion embarrassed by emotion

To Whom It May Concern,

Dear Sir,

This is just one letter to tell you how one person enjoys and appreciates the ROUTE 66 program you show every week day. The stories are so touching and meaningful. The acting is so real and true to life. I never knew how good this series was when it was on prime time. God bless television.

Without it many would probably never see such great modern day stories. I am an actress myself.

(Signed) Candy Darling


Reform and grow in wisdom

When a woman wears the same dress twice

Then she doesn't feel chic.

And when she doesn't feel chic

She feels insecure

Then she can't sleep at

night then she suffers from

nervous exhaustion then

that could lead to a

nervous breakdown.

stockings in hat and

rollers under hat.

It isn't what you have It's what you do with

what you have.

we all come equipped with a false front.

My, My, such a thin skin professor.

suicide prevention

Priest: I'd just be using you Betty.

That's all right with me use me.

what's wrong? (OK) I don't mind being used.

I'm alive I'm healthy and willing

I give you my full permission why me?

Because with you it wouldn't be just sex.

Lydia: Sex to you is dirty isn't it.

You wouldn't be using me.

tear down the work of a lifetime

destroy crush obliterate

everything 40 years of human life have

stood for and carve dollar signs in the ruble.

reading lines that he did not create and when the play is over what is he? A man in his undershirt wiping off his make up.

The 3rd is coming to an end.

I'm sorry but that's what happens to a play.

How do we know how it goes—we've not yet finished.

Pass Booklet


N.Y. N.Y.

Valley of the Dolls

ends a girl scout manual

I'm not ready to go to bed yet

when I do I won't need any help

Somebody fresh + young not tired

I guess I kinda hung on to that

I want you to have it

Sure I'm just tired. I just need some sleep.

—A Life of Her Own—

ex fashion model—new young fashion model.

It's gonna be fun getting back into harness again and this time I'll be good. You have an unsettling manner of always being right Tom. Oh well have one mink coat you've had em all.

You didn't call me—I did / don't give me that I was sitting right next to the phone / It was busy / It couldn't've been that busy.

That room of mine would've been pretty awful tonight. / It's pretty awful everywhere tonight.

Why grandma what a sharp tongue you have.

I am a pretty flower the envy of many

The only law she never broke is the law of gravity.

Tell him Mlle. FiFi is so temperamental that she annoys herself!

He's so crooked he uses a corkscrew for a ruler.

The crave man

This show'll be runnin while your pan handlin the bowery.

The only security is health and the ability to adjust in life.

A flower is pretty and blooms in the light. I am the flower that blooms in the night.

I am a flower that stands in the garden

that waits for the bee to


I am the flower that waits until

Spring is over and summer has come.

When summer has gone and autumn

is come

I am the flower that welcomes

the visitor knowing he never will


Sunday June 28, 1970

wallpaper or paint for my room.

salt & pepper shakers

look at color T.V. sets Sylvania

paint for kitchen cabinets also wallpaper


Now that I am attractive to men there

isn't a man I want.

Most people like me

My dear Pat,

I must say I am most surprised at not hearing from you in such a long period of time. I am very anxious to hear from you please write immediately. You have been so good in the past always sending such long letters full of news and photographs and I have always been the tardy one. It seems so unlike you that I sometimes wonder weather you are dead or alive. Since I have no way of knowing wether or not you will ever receive this letter I will keep it brief. Do you know that I sent a long very personal letter some months ago. I am very well and will have two films coming out soon. One is called “The Bar” [called later “Some of My Best Friends Are …”]. It is a major film about homosexuals in a bar on Christmas Eve. I have a sizable part in which I am beat up and cry alot. My name in the film is Karen and I wear all pink. It was one of the most enjoyable sequences of my life making that film. I have been in The American Cinema, Vogue and right now I am in a film called Brand X which is a satire of television. My name is on the movie marquees (at last!) I will send you a photo.

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