Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 01 (5 page)

BOOK: Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 01
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“I would say so.” His lip quirked. “You should have seen him by the
stream. He leaned so far over the bank to stare at us I thought for certain he would

Reina could not help herself she burst out laughing.
Although no sound came out, her face lit with
joy. Calming, she said,
“I think it best if you
voice your word, Warin.
I would not
offend his lordship after he has been so kind to us.”

“I knew you would like him.”

She glanced at Fulke to see if Warin spoke aloud, only to catch her
breath when he smiled.
Returning his
smile with a shy one of her own, she turned back.
“You are not amusing.”

He tilted his head to the side.
“Now, would I do that to you, Reina?”

She beamed,
“Aye you would.”
Clutching the blanket, she continued,
“Now, if you do not mind, I would like to dress.”

Warin kept his lips visible to her as he addressed Fulke.
“I believe it best if we return to the keep
soon, my liege.
It is well past matins.”

“See to the horses, lad.”
Rising, Fulke gazed down at Reina with an unfathomable expression,
before addressing her.
“I shall leave
you a moment to dress, Mistress Reina.” Dipping his head, he stepped into the
brisk night air.

Much weaker than she initially thought, Reina struggled into a sitting

Hylda rushed over to help her stand.
“The coldness of the water has weakened you, Reina.”

Taking her under-gown and kirtle from Hylda, she began to search for
her chemise; spotting the sodden mass beside the hearth, she bent to retrieve
the rent cloth.
Raising her eyes to
question Hylda, she hesitated as every scene she envisioned led back to Baron
Erlegh seeing her naked.

Discarding the ruined chemise, she finished dressing, determined not to

She knelt before Eddiva to run a hand along Rolfe’s wet brow. With a
relieved sigh, she sent up a quick prayer of thanks.
The fever appeared to be breaking.

Touching her hand, Eddiva said, “Ye shall not leave my prayers all the
days of my life, Mistress Reina.”

Gently squeezing her work-roughened hand in acknowledgement, Reina


* * * *


Returning to escort Reina, Fulke once again found himself amazed by her
Kneeling in the dirt with
no regard for her skirts, she lovingly tended a child not her own.

Long ago, he stopped believing women like her existed in the
He found her to be the embodiment
of all that was innocent and good.
that moment, he realized a painful truth. He would never be worthy of her.

“Your lordship?” Hylda questioned.
Dragging him from his grim thoughts.

“What is it, Hylda?”

“Sir Everard,” she began.

“Shall hear nothing of this,” he finished for her.

“You have my thanks, your lordship.”

Watching Reina approach, he murmured, “Think no more of it.”

“Shall we, Mistress Reina?”
Extending his arm, he smiled.

At the light touch of her hand, he ignored the feelings elicited by her
touch. “Coming, Hylda?”

“I intend to pass the night here, your lordship.
Eddiva may have need of me.”

With the moon on its descent, it had grown darker since they entered
the hut.
The meager light afforded
coming from the open door.

Shivering in his wet clothes, Warin stepped forward. “Shall I take my
sister up before me, my liege?”

“No lad, I shall take her up before me, my horse can bear the
additional weight.”

Reina tilted her head to get his attention, before arching a shapely

Embarrassed, he belatedly added, “Not that you weigh more than my
battle gear, mistress.” Realizing he must sound like a babbling lack-wit, he
looked away, cursing under his breath.

Reina tugged his sleeve until he looked at her.
When she had his attention, she smiled.

Fulke briefly covered her hand. “Thank you for your kindness,
I assure you, I do not make a
habit of playing the fool.”

He vaulted into the saddle before reaching down to lift her up.
Guiding her legs around the pommel, he
positioned her sideways on the saddle before him. Reina moved to situate
herself as his wet hose soaked through her clothing. Briefly brushing against
his manhood, a spark of lust ignited into fire when she wrapped her arm around
his waist to balance herself.

Adjusting in the saddle to conceal his sudden arousal, Fulke tightened
his arm, gently easing her back against his chest as the wind gusted, causing a
lock of lavender scented hair to caress his cheek. Gritting his teeth, he
fought to control the surge of lust threatening to overwhelm him. Forced once
again to re-adjust his seat, he spurred his horse in the direction of the keep.

Warin turned to them as they set off, “With your permission, my liege,
I shall await you at the stables.”

“We shall not be far behind, lad,” watching Warin ride off into the
light of the waning moon.

Finding himself in his own personal version of hell, Fulke sought the
resolve to keep his hands to himself. With Reina snuggled against him, her
cheek resting lightly in the crook of his neck, he found himself torn.

Nearly undone by the sensation of her warm breath on his neck, he took
a deep breath to cool his raging desire.
He clenched his teeth with an audible snap as Reina shifted slightly,
bringing the palm of his hand in contact with the side of her breast.

Her slight intake of breath had him reaching his hand up. Caressing the
side of her face with his calloused fingertips, he gently cupped her chin.
Seeing her tongue dart out to moisten her
full lower lip was his undoing.
fingers slid through her silken tresses as he bent his head to claim her lips.

Unprepared for the searing heat the touch of her lips stoked to life,
he groaned in abject defeat. Drawing her closer against him, he deepened the
Stroking her lower lip lightly
with his tongue, he coaxed her to open to him, slipping inside to join with
hers as soon as she complied.

He had never had such a reaction to a woman before.
Somehow, he knew no other woman, except this
woman, would ever make him feel this way again.

Slanting his lips against hers, he sought more as Reina’s arm tightened
around his waist to bring him closer.
When he felt her shiver, he struggled for control, his only desire to
find a warm bed to follow her down.

The thought of debasing such an innocent gave him the strength to pull
away, leaving them both gasping for breath. Resting his chin against her
temple, he exhaled heavily into the flowing mass of her hair.

Trailing his fingertips lightly along the side of her face, he cursed
himself for his weakness.
This woman,
above all others, deserved someone better than him.
She deserved to be loved, an emotion he had
not felt in so long, he no longer felt capable of feeling it.

He felt her tense in his arms as they passed through the gate.
Frustrated he could not communicate with her,
he could only wonder what she now thought of him.

Entering the courtyard, Warin stepped forward to lift Reina down.
“The keep shall be stirring soon, my liege,”
he said anxiously.

Fulke passed him the reins as soon as he dismounted. “Be at ease lad.
None shall hear of this night’s events from my lips.”

“Thank you, my liege.” Casting a quick glance at Reina, he led the
horse away.

Reina grasped a handful of skirt to turn for the keep. Before she could
take a step, Fulke gently held her by the arm, preventing her flight.

Tipping her chin up, he reverently traced the lines of her face with
his fingertips. “Forgive me, Reina.”


Reina spent the remaining hours before dawn staring out her chamber
Lost in thought, the stars began
to fade as the sun broke the horizon.
Replaying the feel of Fulke’s lips on hers, she intended to commit every
moment with him to memory, believing it would have to last her a lifetime.

Drawing away from the window, she splashed cold water on her face.
Combing the long length of her hair, she left it unbound.
She slipped on a chemise, before donning a
fresh under dress of white with a kirtle of dark green. Snatching up her cloak,
she peered into the empty passage before stepping out.

Intent on being away from the keep before her father or Baldith
awakened, she hastened down the passage.
Passing Fulke’s door, she envisioned him asleep in bed and blushed at
her own boldness.

Upon entering the kitchen, she crossed to the locked door of the larder
where she retrieved a sliver of metal from beneath a loose flooring slate.
With a quick glance at the entryway, she
picked the iron padlock to slip inside the small dark room.
Feeling her way to the barrels lined along
the far wall, she wrapped several apples in a linen cloth along with a wedge of
cheese from the shelf above.

Hungry, her hand hovered over the barrel until she convinced herself to
take one more apple.
With a small smile
for her act of defiance, she snapped the lock back into place and replaced the
Relieved she had gotten away with
her theft, she rushed from the hall.


* * * *


After lying awake in torment for hours, Fulke finally fell into a
fitful sleep.
Even then, he could not
escape Reina.
In his dreams, she called
to him.
The one place he could not stop
himself from answering.

The sun shone from high overhead by the time he made an appearance in
the Great Hall.
Relieved to find himself
alone, he stepped outside. Hearing raised voices, he passed through the outer
gate to find his men gathered in the practice yard.

Gervase, Guy and Osbert were grouped around Warin, laughing.
Talan stood apart watching in silence as
Albin leaned on the rail to the lists, shaking his head at the young trio.

Feigning a frown, Fulke called, “I see you louts are busy showing our
host how well trained you are.”

Albin chuckled, “More like the addle-pates are putting on a show for
your young page, vying for an introduction to his older sister. They seem to
think they stand a chance since she cannot hear the prattle they spout.”
Glancing back at the younger men, he swore, “Fie, she is wise enough to refuse
you bunch of landless dolts.”

His frown no longer feigned Fulke felt an irrational wave of

Albin, the oldest knight at nine past a score was the wisest of the

His dark wavy hair, dark brown eyes and quick-wit had wooed scores of
women. His best friend since childhood, there was no man he trusted more.

Talan, the quiet knight, at one score and four. The most honorable of
his knights.
His light brown hair and
soulful blue-gray eyes attracted women like moths to a flame.

Guy the romantic, close in age to Talan.
His dark curly mane and flashing blue eyes
left more than one broken-hearted lady in his wake.
The poet of the group, his sonnets were recited
throughout the realm.

Then there was Gervase, the youngest knight at three past a score.
Reckless and daring with more brawn than brain, he happened to be the most
handsome. With sun-streaked bronze hair and piercing blue eyes, he was never
long without a willing woman.

Lastly, his young squire, Osbert, three years older than Warin, with
boyish face, flaxen hair and smooth cheeks. He resembled more fair lass than
future knight.

These were his men, his only family.
Without question, he would willingly lay down his life to protect
Yet the thought of Reina with any
one of them drove him to anger.

“Warin, fetch my horse.” He leveled a cold eye on the remaining men. “I
suggest the rest of you slackers be saddled before he returns.”

As the younger men rushed past Fulke to retrieve their horses, Albin
remained behind. “Why so tense this morn, Fulke?”

Relaxing his clenched fists, Fulke ignored the question.

“The Mistress Reina is a beauty, is she not?” Albin pressed.

Slanting his gaze to Albin, he snapped, “Mind your own affairs.”

“Now what would be the fun in that?”
With a chuckle, Albin jogged off towards the stables.

Busy putting the men through the paces, Fulke intended to drive all
thought of Reina from their minds. Impressed by Warin’s skill with a sword, he
had Osbert engage him in mock combat.

The rest of the men quit the jousting field to watch.
Riding up to join him, they began to take
wagers as the wood practice swords made resounding thwacks.
Lunging forward, Osbert managed to catch
Warin off balance.
Stumbling back, his
free arm flailing, he landed in the dirt with a thud.

Osbert reached down to give Warin a hand up as Fulke called to them,
“Well done, lads.”

A distant flash of golden-red caught his attention.
As if his thoughts conjured her, Reina
appeared at the bottom of the hill, her unbound hair swirling about her in the
cool day’s breeze.

Following his gaze, Gervase reined around with a low whistle. “Mistress
Reina returns from the village. How about that introduction now, lad?” he
called to Warin.

Before Warin could respond, Albin reined up beside Gervase.
Leaning over, he cuffed him on the back of
the head.
“How about paying a mind to
the task at hand, lout.”

Gervase cringed, rubbing the sore spot as the rest of the men laughed.

Without thinking, Fulke spurred his horse in the direction of the
village, ignoring Albin’s bark of laughter.

Reina drew to a halt as he reined up beside her.
Dismounting, he gathered the reins in one

He smiled as a blush stained her cheeks. “It pleases me to see you
suffer no ill effects from your moonlight dip, Mistress Reina.”

She shyly returned his smile,
before biting her lip.

Sensing her frustration, Fulke sobered.
Regardless of their watching audience, he stepped closer to her.

“I am willing to follow, if you are willing to lead me mistress.”

“I would like that, my lord.”
Reina slowly formed the words.

Amazed, Fulke realized if he stared directly at her lips, he could
understand her.
He repeated her words to
be sure. “You would like that, mistress?”

“I would, my lord.”
She smiled up
at him.

“I never would have believed it possible,” he breathed.

Nearing the courtyard, Reina paused.
“I wish to
thank you for fostering Warin, my lord.”

Catching a lock of hair wafting around her face, he smoothed it behind
her ear. “You seem particularly fond of each other.”

“Aye, Warin gave me a new life. Without him, I
never would have learned to communicate as I do.”
Her eyes
clouded with sadness.
“I shall miss him very

“Castell Maen is not that far of a journey from Kenwick,” he said to
cheer her. “I shall release him to visit as often as he wishes.”

“His mother will be very happy to hear that, my

“And you Reina?
What would it
take to make you happy?”
With a will of
their own, his hands were reaching for her…

“There you are your lordship.” The caustic voice stopped him like a
blow from the quintain.

With a groan, he briefly closed his eyes before dropping his
Glancing towards the keep, he
drew Reina’s gaze to Baldith and Sibilla.

Spotting the women, he heard Reina’s soft indrawn breath.

He touched her sleeve to ask, “Is aught amiss, Mistress Reina?”

Before she could answer, Baldith closed the distance. “Your lordship.
Sibilla has been waiting for some time to escort you to the falconry.
It is one of the best in the realm and Sir
Everard so wishes for you to see it.”

“Perhaps another time, Lady Baldith,” he coolly replied.

Seizing Reina’s arm, Baldith jerked her from his side. “My husband’s
daughter must prepare herself for Father Godfrey’s long overdue visit, your

“I am sure she can walk without your assist,” he replied rudely.

“She is addled, your lordship.
am charged with seeing to her welfare.”

Without giving Fulke a chance to respond, she practically dragged Reina
to the small chapel in a shadowed corner of the courtyard.

Frowning after them, Sibilla firmly clasped his arm, leading him in the
opposite direction.


* * * *


Baldith forcefully shoved Reina inside the stone structure as soon as
she snatched the door open.
Stalking in
after her, she pulled the door shut with a bang.

Before Reina could straighten to move away, Baldith swung around,
viciously slapping her.
“You worthless
daughter of a whore.”

Reina stumbled back, almost falling. Yet, she did not miss the words spoken
against her mother.
Raising her hand to
the bleeding cut on her cheek from one of Baldith’s rings, she straightened,
glaring in defiance at the woman who had been nothing but cruel to her.

Narrowing her eyes, Baldith raised her hand to strike again when the
chapel door burst open, ripped from its leather hinges. A furious Warin stood
framed in the doorway.

Breathing hard from his race across the courtyard, he snarled, “Mother,
what do you think you are doing?”

Reina rushed to his side, afraid of what her father would do to him for
disobeying Baldith.
Gripping his sleeve,
she willed him to look at her.
“Please Warin, do not do this.”

Pulling his arm away, he shook his head. “No longer will I feel shame
for not protecting you.”

Facing his mother, he fumed,
“Henceforth, you shall keep your hands to yourself, mother.”

“She brings it on herself by disobeying, Warin.”

“You may deceive my father with that drivel, but not me,” he scoffed.

“Baron Erlegh has close connections to the king himself.
I will not allow her to ruin Sibilla’s

“Reina has ruined naught.”

“She has ruined everything,” his mother came close to shrieking. “Every
nobleman intended for Sibilla, lusts after the lack-wit.”

“Perchance they like the challenge she presents over the ease in which
they can sport with Sibilla.”

Following the conversation, Reina gasped.

“You dare question your sister’s virtue?” his mother asked in

“Aye I do.
You would be
surprised what men let slip when they think a lad cannot understand what they
speak. Your precious Sibilla has been entertaining father’s men for years now.
It is a wonder she does not already have a brood of bastards clinging to her

“You shall not speak ill of your sister,” his mother screeched, spittle
flying from her thin pinched lips.

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