Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 01 (10 page)

BOOK: Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 01
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He was in the midst of instructing Gervase to locate Osbert when he
glanced up to find Reina staring at him.
His abrupt pause caught the attention of the men as they followed his
gaze to the source of the distraction.

In better spirits, Albin grinned. “I wager we will be camping apart
from our liege and lady this night, lads.”

Gervase snickered with Guy as Fulke raised a chiseled brow.
“I believe my lady deserves more on her
wedding eve than a tussle on the hard soil.”

Albin patted him on the back. “So long as something is hard, I do not
find the soil being much of a hindrance, Fulke.”

Clenching his fists, Talan lunged forward.
“You should be throttled for your
impertinence, Albin.”

Fulke held up a hand to stop Talan as Albin took offense.
“Ease up lad.
Once again, you mistake jesting for insult. Apart from our liege here,
there is no man more content this day, than I.”

Talan glowered, refusing to back down.

Fulke blew out a breath in frustration.
“Gervase, seek out Osbert.”

“Guy, I fear we shall have a meager wedding feast. See what you can do
with your crossbow.”

He gripped Talan’s shoulder.
“Your loyalty as always is well recognized lad.
The lady is indeed fortunate to be gaining
such a defender.”

Marching off, Fulke called over his shoulder, “Albin, a word.”

As soon as they were out of earshot of the others, he turned around.
“Given her few choices, I know I am the best alternative.
Yet, I believe she is worthy of so much
He raked a hand through his hair.
“She deserves to be loved, Albin. The one thing I cannot offer her.”

Expecting a set down, Albin sobered instantly. “Fulke, you are the most
honorable man I know. Did you ever think that perhaps God put the mistress in
your path for a reason? Both of you have been hurt by what fate has given you.
Who is to say she is not the woman to help
you lay the past to rest?
Give her the
chance you both deserve. Let her try.”


* * * *


After Warin enlightened her to the previous day’s events, Reina sat in
stunned disbelief.
It was unheard of for
a noble to settle for so small a dowry.
The only thing Fulke asked was to make a free-woman of her dear
The only mother figure she had
ever known.

Seeking out her future husband, she found him standing across the
clearing, speaking with Albin.

In truth, she knew very little about him, yet had been attracted to him
from the start. Quick to laugh or smile, it never seemed to reach past the pain
she found in his eyes. His pledge omitted all thought of love and
Yet, he solemnly promised
that she would be safe with him, and she believed him.

Feeling her heart race just looking at him, she hoped his pledge
included her heart, because she feared she had already lost it to him.

Distressed by the in-depth conversation he seemed to be having, she
focused on him, attempting to find out the reason.
Her concentration was broken when Warin
stepped in front of her, holding a small cask.

With a sad smile, he held it out to her.
“Father spoke to me before we parted.
He wanted you to have this. It was all he had
left of your mother.”

Stunned by her father’s thoughtfulness, all other thought fled her mind
as she accepted the box.
Staring down at
the small memento, tears blurred her vision.

Seeing her struggle with her emotions, Warin placed a hand over hers.

Nodding her thanks, she lifted the lid.
The red velvet lined box held several pairs of gold hair tags, her
mother’s delicate gold-link waist belt and hammered gold wedding band.
With trembling hands, she reverently removed
each cherished piece for a better look.

She glanced up when Warin touched her sleeve.
Holding out a small wrapped bundle, he
grinned. “You shall need this back as well, your ladyship.”

Accepting her mother’s knife, she looked up at him with concern.
“I fear the parting with your mother turned out to be unpleasant,

Sighing, he seated himself beside her.
“You are not to think of such things, Reina. Kenwick is now in our past.
Our father will no more forget your mother, than mine will ever forgive him for
it.” He looked down. “Mayhap it would have been for the best had they never

Reina reached for his hand to regain his attention.
“Do not say such things, Warin. God blessed me the day you were born. I
am grateful to my father for marrying your mother.”

“Aye. God has blessed us both.” He gestured to Fulke with a smile. “Our
future is together and lies yonder.”


It was late morning by the time Gervase came into
view. Followed shortly thereafter by the cart bearing a fidgeting Hylda and a
sullen Osbert.
Hylda was chattering away
as Osbert stared straight ahead, doing his best to ignore her.

Reina cringed in sympathy for the young squire from
her place between Warin and Fulke.

Fulke leaned down to get her attention. “Shall I
unfetter the lad, mistress?”

Her heart racing at his nearness, she smiled.
“I am sure he would be most grateful, my lord.
Hylda tends to prattle when she is anxious.”

With a loud sigh of relief, Osbert drew the cart to a
halt beside the horses.

Hylda bounded from the cart as Fulke reached up to
assist her down.

Grinning, he followed her flight towards Reina as
Osbert stepped down.

“My liege? he questioned softly.

Turning back, he took in Osbert’s haggard appearance.
“What is it, lad?”

“Have I done something to vex you?”

“No. Why would you think such a thing?”

Osbert glanced towards Hylda.

“Oh, I see." He nodded. “Get yourself something
to eat, lad.”
He made his way back to
the group, smirking.

Hylda flung her arms around Reina. She talked so fast
upon releasing her, Reina missed half of what she said.

Discovering that Father Godfrey was prepared to
perform the wedding ceremony, she flew into action.

“Search the woods for as many late-blooming flowers as
you can find, Master Warin.”

Spotting Albin lounging beside the fire, she snapped,
“Sir Albin. We are in need of water for Mistress Reina’s bath.” Ignoring his
surprised look, she planted her hands on her hips, waiting.

Grumbling under his breath, Albin reluctantly
scrambled to his feet to snatch up a pail.

Assessing Fulke as he lounged in the shade of a
towering oak tree with his arms crossed before his chest, she bobbed her head.
“Your lordship, I cannot prepare your lady with you present. You must depart.”

Fulke executed a bow. “I exist to please you, Hylda.”

Pursing her lips at his mocking tone, she dashed off
in Father’s Godfrey’s direction.

Still laughing at Fulke’s quip, Reina looked over at
the unsuspecting Osbert.

Fulke lightly touched her sleeve, drawing her
attention. “Watch this,” he winked. “Osbert, come have a stretch of the legs
with me.”

Tearing off a large chunk of stale bread, Osbert ran
over to join them.

“Thank you, my lord.”

“I shall see you soon, mistress.”

Seeing them enter the woods on the opposite side of
the glade, Reina startled when Hylda clutched her arm. Her arms full of
bundles, she said, “Come Reina, there is no time to tarry.”

Resigned, she followed Hylda into the nearby wood.

Squinting through the trees, Hylda paced anxiously.
Waiting for Albin to bring the water.

Reina placed a hand on her sleeve, stopping her
“Who will care for the villagers, Hylda?”

“Ansfride will see to the village,” she absently
reassured her.

Reina allowed herself to relax. Ansfride would take
proper care of her beloved villagers. Closing her eyes, she savored the moment
of being a bride as Hylda took a comb to her hair.


* * * *


The sun was setting by the time Hylda was satisfied
with the wedding preparations.

Father Godfrey happily awaited the bride garbed in a
black frock.

Framed by the beauty of the setting sun, Fulke,
wearing a knee length black tunic bearing the Erlegh coat of arms, gray hose
and black boots, stood quietly beside him. Clasping his hands behind his back,
he shifted from side to side, impatient for the ceremony to begin.

The men stood unmoving off to the side where Hylda had
positioned them, keeping a wary eye on her as she stood by Father Godfrey,
scanning the tree line.

Turning the spit of the deer slowly roasting over the
open fire, Osbert sat with an elbow propped on a knee, watching the group from

Warin stepped from the shadow of the forest with Reina
on his arm, forcing Fulke to catch his breath. Never before had he seen a woman
so beautiful.

His knights were unusually silent at her slow
approach. Unwilling to take his eyes from her, he knew their silence had
nothing to do with the hovering threat of Hylda.

Reina’s long flowing hair, wavy from her braid, caught
the last of the sun’s rays.
The white
under gown embroidered with garnet thread on the flowing sleeves, emphasized
the deep blue of her kirtle.

Her brilliant blue eyes sparkled under a crown of
woven white achillea, blue gentian and yellow taraxacum wild flowers. A natural
blush graced her high-sculpted cheeks, enhancing the beauty of her smile.

Her eyes focused on him, she approached with a sure

Reaching Fulke’s side, Warin kissed each of Reina’s
cheeks. Placing her hand in Fulke’s, he stepped back to join the knights.

Reina gazed up at Fulke with tears sparkling in her

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

“And you, the most handsome man I
have ever seen.”

Clasping hands, they turned to face a delighted,
Father Godfrey.

After solemnly repeating the vows that would bind him
to Reina for the rest of his life, Fulke lost himself in her gaze feeling his
chest tighten.

Reina’s hand trembled in his as she repeated her vows.
Watching the words flow smoothly from her lips, Fulke did not have to hear them
to know that she meant them.

Taking the ring from the priest with a sure hand,
Fulke slipped her mother’s band on Reina’s finger.
Seeing the tears overflow to slip free from
her radiant eyes, a lump formed in his throat.
He reached up to gently smooth the wetness from her cheeks as Father
Godfrey pronounced them bound.

Drawing her into his arms to seal the vows with a
kiss, the first touch of their lips had him pulling her tighter into his

Reina’s arms were twining up around his neck when
Father Godfrey cleared his throat uncomfortably.

Slowly ending the kiss, Fulke pulled back to the
amused chuckles of his knights.

Wrapping an arm around Reina, he smiled, tucking her
close into his side.

In a time-honored tradition, he turned to present his
wife to his knights as they kneeled to pay homage to her. As each man rose,
Reina reached up to place a chaste kiss on each of their cheeks.

Fulke watched with amusement as his battle-trained
warriors stammered like untried lads when it came to their turn.

Gathering around the fire for the wedding feast, Fulke
approached Father Godfrey. “I thank you for seeing the matter done, Father.”
Handing him several silver denier.

Taking the coins, Father Godfrey smiled. “It was truly
an honor, your lordship. I trust you did not mind the ceremony was not in

“Do not concern yourself Father, I am taken aback my
lady can understand the King’s English.”

Father Godfrey nodded agreeably. “Aye. From the
beginning, Master Warin has truly been a Godsend to the lass. It warms this old
heart to see her so well settled.”
glanced at Reina before confiding, “I cannot say I did not have my doubts as to
how well she would have fared in the convent.”

Fulke searched out Reina. Seated beside Warin, with
her legs drawn up beneath her, she followed the boisterous antics of his men.
Throwing her head back to laugh when something tickled her. “I see what you
mean, Father. She has a free-spirit, does she not?”

“Aye she does,” he replied fondly. “God’s blessings go
with you both, Baron Erlegh.” Slipping into French, he continued, “
Le mariage sans enfants a lieu comme un jour sans

Fulke chuckled. “I shall see what I can do, Father.”

Hylda was still sobbing with joy as Warin assisted her
in serving the deer meat and cider by the fire.

Sitting content beside Reina, Fulke enjoyed the peace
of the moment.

It was growing late when Hylda lit a rushlight from
the fire. “Your lordship, please lend assist to your lady and follow me.”

Glancing up in surprise, Gervase was the only one of
the men foolish enough to form a question.
The quelling look Hylda cast his way, had him snapping his mouth shut.
Mumbling incoherently into his tankard, he choked when Guy reached over to cuff
him on the back.

Fulke wrapped his arm around Reina to follow Hylda,
bidding a curt good-eve to his smirking men.

Leading them just inside the wood, Hylda stopped
beside the cart.
Raising the torch, they
could see the wool blankets draped over tree branches, forming a tent of sorts
above it.

Hylda pulled back the flap. “Your louts may feel the
bite of a chill this night, your lordship.”

Peering in at the pile of cushioning blankets, Fulke

Holding the rushlight aloft, Hylda wrapped her free
arm around Reina. “God’s blessing's on you both.”

“This day would not have been
complete without you, Hylda.”

Releasing Reina, she snuffled, “I shall guard your
privacy, rest assured.”

“You go with my thanks Hylda,” Fulke called after her.

Following the bobbing light of the torch, Fulke
grinned at Hylda’s cheek for purloining the men’s blankets.

Thrown into pitch darkness, Reina clutched his arm.
Her soft even breathing spiking to loud, irregular gasps.

Wrapping his arms around her, he gently kissed her
brow in an attempt to sooth her. Content to hold her, he felt the rapid beat of
her heart against his chest.

They stood unmoving as the tension slowly eased from
Pulling back slightly, she tilted
her head up to him. That was all the invitation it took. Claiming her lips,
Fulke kissed her tenderly. His mind doing battle with his traitorous body to go

Drawing her up against him, he fought the urge to
carry her into the back of the cart.

Reina reached up to wrap her arms around his
Relaxing against him.

Sweeping her up in his arms, he edged towards the
When his thighs struck the back,
he carefully laid Reina on the cushioning blankets within.
Climbing in after her, he closed the flap
behind him.

As soon as he reached for her, she was cupping his
face, drawing him down for a kiss.
Slowly raking her fingers through his hair, he moaned in pleasure
against her lips.
Pulling her tighter
into his embrace.

Struggling against his raging desire, he parted her
legs with a knee. Fighting the need to lose himself within her as he nestled
down between them. The only obstacle keeping him from what his body fought so
hard for, their clothing.

The hardness of his shaft resting between her thighs
caused Reina to stiffen in alarm beneath him. Easing back, he clenched his
teeth, inwardly cursing he could offer no words to comfort her.

Resting on his elbows, he rested his cheek against
hers, breathing heavily into her silken tresses.
Closing his eyes, he fought to slow the
passion threatening to engulf him.

He moaned when Reina wrapped her arms around him.
Caressing his back, she ran her hands lower, exploring every inch of him that
she could reach. Pulling at the hem of his tunic, he pulled back to return a
moment later without it.

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