Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (21 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“How can I sleep with this”—she indicated his hard cock—“bumping against me.” She slid down in one smooth movement and took his cock into her warm mouth.

She moved her head up and down, sucking on his cock and sending waves of pleasure rocketing to his every nerve. “Damn, darlin’, you take my breath away.” Her chuckle against his sensitive skin had him groaning.

He threw his head back and arched his back as she cupped his balls and continued to suck and taste his cock. Her tongue slid around the top and down the bottom part, and then she started an up and down rhythm, sending a sizzle of electricity straight to his spine.

Anticipation built until her sweet mouth and touch sent him into a frenzied euphoria. He yelled out his satisfaction as his blood pounded in his head. He pulled Morgan into his arms as his heartbeat tried to return to normal.

“I love you, too,” she said, her eyes shining into his.

Chapter Twelve

Morgan got more excited as they began to land in San Francisco. She looked across to find Ethan smiling at her.

“I like watching you. You’re like a little kid going on vacation.” Ethan moved to the seat beside her and checked her seat belt.

She playfully slapped his hand away. “I’m fine. I do know how to fasten myself in for the landing.”

“You’ll have to get used to Justin and I taking care of you. We’re not unlike the rest of the men in our community, a bit overprotective of our wives and families.”

“It’s nice. I’m not used to being spoiled. Just don’t overdo it.”

“Once we land, Jake is going to fly on to Hollywood. He’ll take the rest of the day off, and then fly your parents here in the morning. We’ll sightsee today, visit with your folks tomorrow, and go home the next evening. This visit will be shorter this time. Justin wants to take you to see his mountain house, as he calls it, before he leaves on assignment.”

“I’ll need to let Mom and Dad know about the time of the flight and where to go to get the plane.”

“No problem, Jake will contact them.”

“What will we do today?”

Ethan took her hand in his. “I thought we’d have lunch at Pier 39 and visit the shops. Afterwards, we’ll go to my home in the hills. I think you’ll like it.”

“Sounds wonderful, I’m excited.”

“No kidding?” Ethan turned her face toward him and kissed her mouth. “Love you, sweetheart.”

When the wheels touched down, Morgan turned to the window, anxious to see everything. Ethan unfastened her seat belt as soon as they stopped. They stood to disembark and she threw her arms around him. “I’m so excited and happy.”

He held her close and kissed the top of her head. “Let’s go before I change my mind and take you straight to my house.” His husky voice sent shivers of delight across her body.

“Don’t tempt me. I want to see San Francisco.”

A chauffeured car pulled close to the steps of the private jet. Their luggage was put in the trunk and Ethan held the door for Morgan to get in the back seat. The car sped through the downtown streets crowded with cars. The traffic got even heavier as they got close to the waterfront.

Morgan stepped out to blue skies, and a long, colorful pier in front of her. Ethan instructed the driver to take their suitcases to his home and pick them up around four.

He took her hand and they joined the other people walking along the pier looking into the shop windows. At one point, they stopped to watch a juggler. A crowd had formed to watch him.

“He’s good.”

“There are numerous street acts during the day,” Ethan said. “Are you hungry?”

“I could eat.”

“I have a favorite restaurant at the end of the pier. In a corner seat you can see the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz. We’ll stop and make reservations. We can look in the shops while we wait.”

“Wonderful. I want to go in that shop that has all the hammocks.”

Ethan made the reservation first, then they returned to the hammock shop. Morgan had never seen such a variety. One especially large hammock was built for two.

“Try it,” the lady said.

Laughing, Ethan and Morgan spread the hammock open and lay across it. They stretched it further out with their arms and legs.

Morgan smiled across at Ethan. “Isn’t this great?”

“We’ll take it,” Ethan told the woman. “Also the one she was looking at that looks like a seat. Can we pick our packages up when we get ready to leave?”

“Sure.” The woman smiled extra-friendly at Ethan.

Morgan frowned at her as she turned away.

“Be good,” Ethan whispered, as the woman went to the front of the shop to wrap their purchases.

“Well, she’d better not ogle your butt on the way out, or I might punch her,” Morgan said in a teasing tone. She laughed when Ethan turned red.

“Women are much more violent than men.”

“And don’t forget it. There may be dire consequences if you flirt with anyone.” She winked.

Ethan moved his face down close to hers. “Same goes for you, sweetheart. Justin and I are very possessive when it comes to you.” He wasn’t smiling or teasing. It warmed her deep inside to see how much her men cared for her.

Wow, when had she started thinking of them as her men? Last night, probably. There was no turning back. She planned to marry them. Well, she was almost positive. She’d wait until they were all three together before finally committing herself.

Their table at the restaurant did give a perfect view of the area around them. The fish and vegetables she had were cooked perfectly, and the sourdough bread was delicious. She had stuffed herself. Add in the white wine, and she was ready for a nap.

“Dessert?” Ethan asked.

“Not for me. This has been great.”


“Yes, but shopping along the other side of the pier as we walk back will revive me.”

“Your wish is my command.” Ethan paid the bill and, taking her hand, led her out and toward the next row of shops.

“There are too many to visit in one day.”

“You don’t have to do it all today. We’re going to visit the city and this area again. I love my home here, and the one at the ranch.”

“You’re assuming I’m going to marry you two.”

“I believe in always speaking in the positive, sweetheart.”

They had wandered into a jewelry store. Ethan stopped in front of a glass case. “This is what I want.” He pointed to the gold charm bracelet. The man unlocked the case and brought the bracelet out. “I also want two charms, one of the bridge, and one of the trolley cars.”

The man had numerous charms of both. “Which ones do you like best?” Ethan turned to Morgan.

She studied the various small charms and chose two. The salesman attached the charms to the bracelet, and Ethan paid the bill. He fastened the bangle on her wrist.

“It’s from both of us,” he whispered. “Justin and I talked about getting you a present. You can add charms as we go places.”

“I love it, thank you.” She reached up and pulled his head down to kiss him.

Morgan heard a woman passing comment to the lady beside her. “I don’t usually approve of public displays of affection, but with that hunk who can blame her. He looks good enough to eat.” She glanced back at Ethan.

Morgan couldn’t resist. She turned and said, “He is.”

The two women laughed and waved. Ethan had turned beet red.

“You will pay for that little escapade,” he warned her, a twinkle in his eyes.

“I hope so. I’m tired. Let’s go home.”

“The sweetest words I’ve heard all day.”

They stopped and got the hammocks and made their way to the end of the pier. In a few minutes, the car swung into place in front of them.

“It didn’t take him long to get here.”

“I called him from the restaurant when you went to the ladies’ room. I suspected and hoped you’d want to go home sooner than we’d planned. Although we’re only an hour of so ahead of schedule.”

Morgan sank into the soft cushions. She put her head on his shoulder. “Before we go back to the ranch, I want to ride down Lombard Street and ride the trolley cars.”

* * * *

Ethan pulled her closer against him. “We will.” He kissed the top of her head and watched the passing traffic as they left the main part of the city and began to climb the hills toward his home. A sense of peace and contentment filled him unlike anytime before.

He’d loved his home here, but it always felt a bit lonely. Today with Morgan in his arms, he was complete. She’d closed her eyes and dropped off to sleep. He took a deep breath, smelling the rose scent in her hair, and ran a finger down her arm, fascinated by her softness. Her relaxed body molded to his as though she had been designed to fit neatly against his hard muscles.

Leaning down, he brushed a kiss across her forehead.
Mine, and Justin’s
. Although she hadn’t admitted yet that she’d marry them. But he was certain they had her convinced. Well, almost certain.

Tomorrow he’d meet her parents and learn a little more about her. The car turned left into his drive. Time to wake her and show her around his house. He hoped she loved it as much as he did.

“Wake up, sleepyhead. We’re here.”

Morgan raised her head and looked out the car window. She took Ethan’s hand and stepped outside. “We’re at the top of the hill.” She looked at the winding road behind them.

Ethan pulled her along to the double front doors and unlocked them. “Enter.” He motioned her to go ahead of him.

He watched her face as she wandered from the large foyer into the living room. One side was all windows, letting in bright sunlight and a fantastic view of the city.

He walked behind her and put his arms around her waist. “At night with all the lights, it’s really a magnificent view.”

“I could sit here all day and just look out. See the planes going across toward the airport?”

“You’ll get plenty of time to sit here later. I want to show you the rest.” He guided her into a family room with a fireplace, and she immediately noticed his piano.

“Do you play?” She turned to look at him.

“Some, do you?”

“In boarding school you had to learn to play an instrument. I chose the piano, but haven’t played in years.”

“We’ll do a duet tonight.”

“I’m very rusty.”

“It’ll be fun. Here’s the kitchen.”

“I love all the modern appliances and the gold and brown colors in the tile. I haven’t cooked much. Living alone, it’s easier to microwave a frozen dinner or eat out.”

They walked out the other doorway from the kitchen into a long hall. “There are two guest bedrooms, each with a bath, and at the end behind those double doors is the master suite.”

Ethan opened the doors and grinned at her. “Enter, at your own risk.”

* * * *

One whole wall was ceiling-to-floor windows. The curtains were open, and Morgan could see they gave another view of the city. Comfortable-looking white chairs sat in a circle in front of the viewing area. Straight in front of the open doors, the king-size bed sat against the far wall, and on the left side of the room was another door. She strolled across the plush blue carpet. The walls were the same color, only lighter. The curtains and bedspread were white like the chairs.

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