Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (18 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“I have to have room to think. Ethan, how long will you be here?”

“I’m not sure.” He sat up and grabbed his clothes. “I’m going to take a quick shower, and then we’ll talk. Want to join me?” He grinned at Morgan.

“If I do, we’ll never get anything done.”

“True. I’ll hurry so you and Justin can shower, too.” He walked quickly into her bathroom.

Justin pushed her curls off her forehead and leaned down to kiss her. His fingers stroked down her cheek and across her lips. “You’re so soft. I can’t get enough of touching you, kissing you, being inside you. Can you really leave and forget us?”

“I’m not sure whether I can leave, but I’m equally not sure I can stay and live such a different lifestyle. I never saw myself as a farm girl.”

“But you do enjoy being here. I’ve seen your smiles and laughter. You’d adjust.”

“We would hope. There are things about living in town that I’d miss. A big city has concerts, plays, libraries, and wonderful restaurants.”

Justin moved quickly out the bed and pulled his clothes on. “That’s why I said you’d never do for us.” He turned and stormed out of the room.

Morgan heard the door slam. She fought to swallow around the lump in her throat and blinked to keep the tears from falling.

“I heard Justin leave. Did something happen between you two?” Ethan stood leaning against the doorframe, a white towel hanging low around his hips.

“We aren’t suited. I told you it would never work.”

“You two had me fooled a few minutes ago.”

She flushed at his words and frowned. “Because I said I’d miss concerts, and plays, and restaurants if I lived here all the time, he said I’ve never do for you two.”

Ethan sat on the side of her bed and pulled her into his arms. She clung to his strong body, reassured by his warmth and his embrace.

“Justin was hiding his hurt. He loves you. What you said seemed to him like a rejection of all he is.” Ethan kissed the top of her head.

“You said men might reject me because they were insecure. Justin doesn’t seem like an insecure man.”

“Definitely not, but he’s more of a loner. He has a few close friends, and can be sociable. Unlike a lot of people, he also enjoys solitude. It’s a big decision for him to consider marrying. Well it is for both of us, but more so for him.

“Justin and I are also different in that I enjoy visiting the city from time to time. I like to travel.

“I own a home on a hill in San Francisco. I go there frequently for short vacations to take in the city life. When we’re married, I’ll take you there or wherever you’d like to go when I’m off.”

“What about Justin?”

“It’s not his thing. He likes to camp out or stay home and read or watch a movie. Occasionally, he’ll take a trip to the seashore. He’s much more of a homebody. But I think you have both these sides to you. And you’d enjoy doing them with whichever one of us is available.”

“He didn’t explain that at all. He just went off in a huff as usual.”

“Justin isn’t much of a talker. He tends to lash out and be angry with himself later. You’ll get used to him.” Ethan smiled reassuringly.

“I haven’t said I’d stay here any longer than is absolutely necessary.” Morgan raised her chin and stared straight into his eyes.

“No, you haven’t. And we’ve been pressuring you. I’ve got to go and check on things. I’ll see you later.” Ethan dressed quickly, kissed her softly on the lips, and was gone.

She was glad they left. She got into her shower and let the warm water soak her. Taking the soap, she made a suds and washed her body then shampooed her hair.

After dressing, she suddenly didn’t know what to do next. Yes, she did. She was going to confront Sara and find out what was really going on at this ranch. What type of people she’d gotten involved with, and how soon she might leave. Spurred on by her anger, frustration, and confusion, she walked toward the main ranch house. If she passed anyone, she never remembered later.

Ethan or Justin must have called Sara. She sat on the front porch obviously waiting for her. Sara rose when Morgan got to the steps.

“Do you want to come in?”

“Not really. I need to walk.”

“Then let’s go to the greenhouses and walk among my flowers, or I should say Mitch and Daren’s mom’s flowers. But she said they were mine when I got married.” Sara motioned for Morgan to walk with her around the side of the house.

Three greenhouses were set to the side, each attached to the other. “There were two. Mitch had the third built to accommodate my love of plants.”

“Mitch or Daren?”

Sara didn’t answer at first. She opened the door to the first greenhouse and waited for Morgan to go inside. The fragrance of plants and earth scented the air. Sara strolled with Morgan around the area, pointing out various plants, and new ones she’d added. When they entered the second greenhouse, the scent of fruit trees and flowering trees sweetened the room.

“Let’s sit here. I love the fragrances, and a bench has been placed strategically between several of the fruit trees to get the best enjoyment of their scent.” Sara sat and moved to the side to make room for Morgan.

“Now, were you asking me a specific question back there, or inferring something?”

Morgan felt awful and looked down at her hands. Sara put her hand over them. “I can see you’re confused and upset. Do you want to tell me what happened?”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“You’re embarrassed. You think I might not understand or think less of you.”

Morgan looked up at Sara. “You know. Are you married to Mitch and Daren?”

“I talked with Mitch after Justin called, and asked how much I might tell you. What I say isn’t to go out of this room.”

“I promise it won’t.”

“Then yes, I am married to both of them, and love them equally. I couldn’t imagine my life without them in it.”

“I know. I’ve seen the joy in your eyes, and I’ve wondered. You sometimes look at Daren in a certain way, and since I know you so well, I’ve suspected you might have feelings for him. I never suspected you’d married them both. I worried that it might upset your relationship with Mitch.”

“Thanks for telling me. I’d better watch my expressions when I’m around people who know me. I’d chosen not to tell my family and you and Ellen because, at first, I was still getting used to the idea myself. And of course, the community prefers the townspeople and others don’t know. They don’t want the curiosity it might arouse.”

“How did you decide to do it? I mean, it’s so controversial to everything we’ve believed in.”

“I wrestled with the same doubts. I went to see my mother and considered telling her. I didn’t. I wasn’t sure what she’d think about me marrying two men. But it’s accepted here. In fact, it’s preferred. I’m treated with kindness and respect.”

Morgan paced around in front of Sara. She stopped for a second. “What do you do in town and when you’re around others who wouldn’t understand?”

“We had two weddings. One to marry me to both of them and another to marry me to Mitch with a license and all, to show any outsiders that he was my husband. The second marriage is just a legal technicality. Daren, in my heart and here in the community, is always equally my husband.”

“I’m so confused.” Morgan threw herself back down on the bench. She plucked an orange blossom from a nearby tree and brought to her nose. “It smells heavenly. I don’t suppose you can tell me more about this community? Justin and Ethan told me some, but not where they came from, or exactly what they do outside of the ranch?”

“You can’t be told everything unless you marry Ethan and Justin. All I can say is most everyone has a regular job here. Some of the children, when grown, have chosen not to live at the ranch, but to pursue other careers. What our men do when they’re gone is for good, not bad as I feared for a very short time when I first arrived.”

Sara took Morgan’s hand. “I’m not sure what you do know, so some of this may be repetitive. Their five senses are heightened to a much stronger degree than the normal person’s. A few of them have one or two of their senses that are even more enhanced than the other warriors’.”

She smiled. “When they’re on a mission or there is some threat, especially to a loved one, they go into what they call their warrior mode. I don’t want you to worry. Mitch has explained to me they can almost always control their change. They focus on one spot and their muscles, eyesight, sense of smell and strength intensifies. Their ability to plan and fight is superior to others. When they come out of their warrior mode, they have to work off the adrenaline hike in their system. But even in their everyday life, they are stronger, more capable, and always the most loyal, loving people I’ve ever met.”

“How did you really meet Mitch?”

Sara laughed. “That’s a long story.” She proceeded to tell Morgan about the kidnapping.

“I’d have died of fright.”

“No. You’re much stronger than you give yourself credit for, and you will find your own answers regarding your relationship with Ethan and Justin. Just as I did. I’ll support you whatever you decide.” Sara hugged Morgan.

“When I met you and Ellen at college, it was one of the luckiest days in my life. And I’m ashamed to admit I have a few secrets I’ve never shared with you two.”

“That’s all right. We always knew you were holding something back, and at the right time you’d tell us.”

“My mother is the world-famous model, Gechina Flores, and my father is the well-known movie producer, Barram O’Malley. Mother kept her maiden name for her work.”

“I never dreamed you—”

“I know I don’t look like her. I favor my paternal grandmother, much to my mother’s regret.”

Sara put her hands on Morgan’s upper arms and faced her directly. “You are beautiful in your own right. Surely you don’t long to be petite and blonde. You are you, and it’s wonderful.”

Morgan pulled away and stood. “The other secret is that I am filthy rich. I worked to blend in with my friends. So see, I’m a big fake.” Tears running down her face, she ran back through the greenhouses and outside. She stopped long enough to wipe the tears from her face before walking briskly back to her cabin. It was all too much. She’d pack her things and demand to be sent home, wherever that was. She paid no attention to anything around her, but strode in the door and stopped short.

“Hello, Morgan. Fancy seeing you here.” Bill sat in the chair by the fireplace, a gun in his hand directed at her middle.

Chapter Eleven

“Have you gone crazy? What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come for you, and for my money. They’ll be glad to give me my shares when I promise to kill you if they don’t. Right now you’re coming with me.” He walked across to her and grabbed her arm. “Mr. Brown is eager to see you again.”

That did it. All the confusion, hurt, feelings of anger and loss rose from the pit of her stomach, taking her breath, and sending heat to her face. She exploded. She shoved him, and kicked him in the balls. He hadn’t expected resistance.

When he bent over in pain, Morgan grabbed the gun that he’d dropped. She stepped back and held it out toward him as he got to his feet.

“You bitch. Give me my gun. If I have to take it back from you, you’ll regret it.”

“What I regret, Bill, is ever thinking you were a friend. You’d sell me to Mr. Brown, whoever he really is. And for that, I’m going to shoot you.” Her finger pulled back on the trigger, and the shot to his shoulder spun him around and down.

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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