Called by the Bear 7-9 (14 page)

BOOK: Called by the Bear 7-9
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Chapter 8


his can’t be happening
My skin pricks with the urge to shift so I can run. But I wouldn’t know where to start.
My children are gone!
I brace myself with my hand on the ceiling handle of Carly’s Hummer as she takes a corner too fast.
Taylor was a spy for the Veilleux?

Ashton’s voice speaks in my head.
“I’ll save them, Sierra. I promise.”

“Oh, Ash. I know you will. Stay safe.”

Carly says,

We’ll find them. I’ll die before I let Victor steal your babies away from you.”

I speak barely loud enough to hear, because I’m afraid if I say, it the words might come true. “Could he do that? It’s not like he’d just disappear and leave his clan behind.” The image of a jet plane and a Caribbean island come to mind. “Would he?”

“No. But Tokala—”

Oh shit.
Magic. Now the tears come, and I don’t bother to hold them back. “But you could fix it. You and Kimi, right?”

“Yes. I’m sure we could fix it, if it comes to that. But I’d rather not find out.” Carly takes another corner so fast that the Hummer bounces sideways across the road.

“Where are we going?”

“I’m taking you home where you’ll be safe.”

“Home?” I shake my head. “Oh no. I’m not going to sit and wait for someone to save the day.” Carly glances over at me, and I growl. “No fucking way.”

She nods and turns her focus back to the road. “Fine. Annie just got a message from Lily, and she’s positive Taylor took your children to a remote cabin the Veilleux own. It’s on a lake, and—”

“Wait. We’re trusting Lily now?” My hands clench into fists, and my breathing is barely keeping me from shifting.

“Yes. Annie does, and that means so do I.” Carly’s voice is dangerously close to being alpha, and I almost wish she would order me so I’d feel the confidence of following my leader. She continues, “You, Annie, and I are going to drive as close as we can undetected so there’s a car nearby once we get the babies.”

I snap at her. “We’re fucking werebear, and we’re going to use a car?”

She reaches over and places a hand on my arm. “The triplets can’t survive being carried by a bear for miles in this storm.”

“Oh. Shit.” I’m losing it. God, I want Ashton to hold me and tell me everything’s going to be all right. But I know he’s out there running the rescue mission, and he can’t deal with his needy wife. “Okay, go on.”

Carly slides us around the corner to her driveway, and the bark of a tree whizzes by my window as we just miss it. “Ashton, Brady, and the team are going to get into the building and remove the babies.”

“And what do we do?”

“Well. Annie was going to stay with the car because I need to go along with Kimi in case—” She pauses. “You know.” She slams the car into park but leaves it running as she gets out.

I jog behind her to the house. “Yeah, in case Tokala puts the hex on my children so they will combust or something if they come near me.”

Annie opens the door and pulls me into a big hug as Carly ducks by her. “Sierra, I’m so sorry. We’re going to fix this.”

Everyone keeps saying that.
I bite my lip to keep from crying and nod. A model-gorgeous girl is in the living room behind her, and I guess it’s Tristan’s sister, Isabelle. Her blue eyes are huge in porcelain skin framed by straight hair that is more white than blond. She watches us as Annie releases me and turns to her to say, “This is Isabelle. She’s going to stay with you in case Victor has plans for you, too.”

Isabelle sticks out her hand, and I notice how much bigger it is than mine. She says, “I kick ass and like it.” She squeezes me hard enough that my bones grind together.

“I don’t doubt that for a second, but I’m not staying.”

Carly has returned and tosses me a backpack. “Sierra’s coming with us and will stay with the car.” I open my mouth, and Carly glares at me. I shut up before I get alpha ordered, because I don’t intend to sit this one out. She continues speaking to Annie. “That way you can join me and watch my back so we don’t have to call someone from the team.”

Isabelle says, “I’m coming, too. I’ll stay with Sierra.”

Carly is already walking toward the door and says, “Fine. Let’s go.”

Annie has gone to the kitchen and comes running back to throw a half-zipped bag at Isabelle, who catches it in one hand as if it’s a ball instead of a heavy pack. When we get to the Hummer, I scramble into the back and let Annie sit up front to navigate.

Annie gives Carly directions and turns to me to say, “I got a call from Francoise at the Cat’s Meow. Quite clever of Lily, by the way.” Annie grabs onto the headrest to steady herself as Carly swerves around a car to pass it. “Francois is a wholesale contact she acquired for us, and he would have no reason to know that Lily and I aren’t still working together. The note said that the shipment was at the lake house.”

Carly slides the Hummer back into our lane, narrowly missing the oncoming car that’s blaring its horn. Isabelle mutters next to me, “Black bear are crazy.”

Annie doesn’t even turn around to see what’s happening but continues. “It wasn’t hard for me to figure out that she meant the babies are at the Veilleux’s summer cottage on Silver Lake.”

“Annie!” yells Carly. “Where’s the road?”

Annie whips around and says, “Around this corner and on the left. And you might want to slow down for it.”

She doesn’t, and my body slams into the side of the car. Pain in my shoulder makes me wince; so much for seat belts. Annie says, “This road is parallel to the one that leads to the cabin. When we see the lake, we should pull over.”

“So you and Carly are going to sneak in through the woods?” I ask.

“Yes. Between the two of us, we’ll carry the babies back to the car. There are warm blankets and formula in my bag.”

I reach for it on the floor, and the zipper hums as I open the canvas duffle. I haven’t let myself go there yet, but the moment I see the bottles, my sweet children’s faces come to mind. Justin’s little curls that barely cover his scalp, Jackson’s perfect heart-shaped lips when he’s sleeping, and the powerful kick of Jason’s that Ashton is sure means he’ll be a warrior. The sob I was containing escapes with a gasp, and the floodgates to my tears open.

Carly has stopped the car and turns to me. “We’re going to save them. Stay strong, and I’ll message you as soon as Annie and I are on our way back.”

I nod. I glance over at Isabelle. I’m sure she’s wondering what she stepped into, and I offer her a weak smile. “I promise I’m not always this much of a drama queen.”

Carly and Annie’s doors groan open, and they get out. Carly give me one last look. “I won’t fail you, Sierra.”

Isabelle and I watch the women attach snowshoes and make their way into the forest. They aren’t shifting because they need to be human to carry my children back to the car, and it’s faster to stay that way instead of shifting and dealing with changing in and out of winter gear. The moment they’re out of sight, I kneel up in my seat to reach into the back. I grab the extra pair of snowshoes and say, “I’m going.”

Isabelle says, “I would, too. I’ll watch the car.” She pulls the blankets out of the duffle bag. “I’ll be ready when you get back.”

“Thank you.”
For believing my children will be saved and for knowing why I have to do this.

Chapter 9


and I don’t speak as we trudge through deep snow toward the Veilleux cabin. A twig snaps as I pull branches out of the way, and I slow down to be quieter. We should have the element of surprise, since the Veilleux can’t know that Lily sent us a message.

When the lake appears, I stop. Wind blows, freezing my nose with its icy bite. Annie communicates with me as she points her finger.
“The cottage is right over there.”

A sleek black truck that I guess is Victor’s is parked behind an older one that has seen better days. Poor Patricia really was knocked down a peg or two when Lily became prima. The plan is for us to watch for the rescue team to enter and secure the area. I message the warriors.
“Annie and I are in place.”

Ashton’s order comes to me, too. “
On three. One, two, three!”

Part of me expects to see the door crash down and windows break, but that’s not the way Ashton does things. He’s already disarmed the Veilleux’s perimeter guards, and I imagine his team members are popping up from random places in the house to take their prisoners. Within seconds Brady’s voice comes to me.
“Now, Carly.”

Annie and I race through the woods toward the cabin. With a quick yank of my straps, my snowshoes are off, and my feet thump up the stairs while Annie follows me. The wooden door slams against the wall as I shove it open, and the first thing I see is an old man that must be Tokala. Ian holds his arms behind his back, but fear grips my heart when I notice his eyes. They’re glowing slightly, and I glance to see where his gaze is directed.

Kimi is standing with her hand in the air, her mouth moving in silent chanting. I want to ask how I can help but realize I can tap into her mind. I focus on her thoughts as I scan the room for the babies. Patricia and Lily are each being held by a warrior, while Ashton has Victor. Keith is with Taylor, and the children are in their car seat carriers, dressed to go outside.

Sure that my help is needed most with Kimi, I call up my powers and begin to siphon white-hot light to our medicine woman. I must be the boost she needs, because Tokala slumps as if he’s unconscious. I ask Kimi,
“What did you do?”

“Put him out of commission for a few minutes. Thanks for the help.”

Victor growls, and I fear he’s going to shift, but I know Ashton will, too, if necessary. Victor says, “You won’t get away with this. These children are mine.”

Sierra’s voice is behind me. “They’re mine, too.” She comes to stand next to me and asks, “Can we kill him?”

Before anyone can answer, Taylor speaks to me telepathically.
“No. There will never be peace if you do.”
Black wisps surround her words, and it chills the blood in my veins. She’s possessed.

I say, “Wait.” I walk toward Taylor. She’s on the couch next to Keith, and I speak to him telepathically.
“Restrain her. Something’s not right.”
Taylor grunts when Keith pulls her arms behind her back and lifts her to stand. She glares at me.

I then say,
“Kimi, Taylor’s words are black. I need your help.”

“Push the evil away from her.”

My power rolls inside me, and I channel a trickle toward the words I saw as if I’m blowing the dust off them. “Taylor, I’m going to fix this. Hold on.” Sweat trickles down the back of my neck as I stare into her eyes.

Taylor’s voice in my mind is weak. “
Help me, Carly
.” But then her eyes turn dark, and she stomps on Keith’s foot, disarming him for a second to step away. When she does, the sensation of my magic being sucked out of my body makes me gasp for air. Taylor opens her mouth to speak, but she doesn’t get the chance before her body is propelled across the room and slammed against the wall with a loud splat.

Keith screams, “Taylor!” as he races to her broken body.

Did I do that?
A cackling laugh from Tokala draws my attention, and he grins at me as he says, “She was lost to you anyway. I sold her soul to get what we needed. Thanks for helping me finish the job.”

Oh, God.

His eyes are wide when he looks toward me. Crimson fluid streaks his face and covers his clothes. A tear rolls down his cheek, leaving a trail in Taylor’s blood along the way. “She’s dead.”

Kimi hisses, “Tokala killed her.” She lifts both her hands, and sparks shoot from her fingers straight toward him. They don’t get there, though, because he blocks them with an invisible wall that makes them shoot through the floor. Kimi reaches into my mind.
“Fuel me.”

I turn my focus inward to my power and am just about to throw it to Kimi when Tokala vanishes as if he has gone with the magic that burned through the floor.

Ian says, “What the hell?” He glances around the room. “Where did he go?”

There’s a hole the size of a person in the floor, and the smoke curling up from the edges smells of charred wood. Kimi says, “Where evil resides.”

A roar makes the walls shudder, and I turn to see Victor shifting as he lunges toward Sierra, who’s blocking the door as if she’s backing out of the cabin. She has two of the babies, and her mouth sets in steely determination to fight. A wet swish sounds, and I watch Victor fall to his knees. Lily screams.

Victor’s form returns to human, and he lands on his hands, gasping. Ashton yanks a knife out of his back, and the suction sound turns my stomach as I watch blood drip from the blade. His voice is cold when he looks at Brady. “You sure I can’t kill him?”

Brady says, “No.” He kneels down in front of Victor and growls. “He’s going to die a slow, painful death this way.”

Victor shakes his head, and his voice is raspy as he rolls to his side. “I wasn’t going to hurt her.” Blood is pooling around his body, and he’s fading fast. “Tokala—” Victor coughs. “Sierra—“

A guard walks in the door with an arm across Tokala’s chest and a knife at his throat. A black mist hovers around the old man. “He’s right. This guy was about to capture Sierra. But his alpha must have blocked it, because his magic is no good.”

Sierra hands the car carriers to a warrior and walks over to kneel in front of Victor. Brady tries to pull her to her feet. “Sierra—”

She shakes him off and touches Victor’s arm. “You were going to save me?”

Lily is screaming to be let go, and I strain to hear what Victor says as he looks up at Sierra. “I’m sorry. Take good care of our children.” His eyes flutter shut.

Sierra takes his hand and gives it a squeeze while tears stream down her face. She stands and says to Ashton, “Please... put him out of his misery.”

Lily struggles to get free from her captor as she wails, “Please! I need to be with him. Let me go!”

Brady nods at the guard, and he releases her. Lily falls to her knees in front of Victor and pulls him up into her arms. “Don’t leave me!”

Victor regains consciousness and grabs onto Lily as if he can take her wherever he’s going. “My darling, I’m so sorry I failed you—” He squeezes her so tightly that they appear to merge into one. Lily’s shirt is soaked black, and flecks of blood dot her face. He coughs, and I realize Victor is hacking up blood.

“No! Don’t you dare leave me, Victor. I love you!”

Victor groans. “You made me the man I was... meant to be. I’ll love. You. Forever.” The last word is barely a whisper as his head falls and his body goes limp.

“No!” Lily sobs as she rocks with Victor’s body in her arms. “No. No.
.” She pushes the hair out of his face and whispers, “I’ll love you forever, too.”

Keith’s quiet sobs float into my awareness, and anger surges in me. I glance at Kimi and nod my head toward Tokala. “What can we do about him?”

“I got this. Lend me some power.”

Lily says, “No.” She stands up and throws back her shoulders. Strands of hair have fallen out of her ponytail, and the elastic tie sags at the base of her neck. Her voice rings true. “I’ve got this.” She walks over to Tokala, and even though her hands are shaking by her sides, she speaks with authority when she says, “As prima of the Veilleux clan, I proclaim you fired. Never set foot on Veilleux land again.”

Kimi says, “Damn. That was better than any spell I could have cast. He’s an untouchable now that a clan has denounced him.”

Lily’s boots beat a slow, steady beat as she walks across the room, leaving maroon footprints in her wake. She’s covered in Victor’s blood, and mascara is streaked on her face, but she appears as powerful as an alpha. She stops in front of Patricia. “I believe I can denounce you too. But I won’t.” She looks Patricia up and down slowly, disgusted, and lets out a low growl. “Don’t make me regret giving you a chance to change.” She nods at Patricia’s guard, and he lets the woman go.

Patricia rubs her arms as she walks over to Victor’s body. She lowers herself to the floor and stares at him in shock.

Keith is cradling Taylor’s shattered body, and it’s then that feeling returns to my heart as I imagine the pain of losing a true mate.

Lily then turns to Sierra and me. Her face is stone cold, but pain flickers in her gaze. “I would like for us to arrange equal custody. The children should know their birthright.” She glances at Sierra. “And their birth mother.” Brady comes up beside me as Lily steps forward. She reaches out both of her bloodstained hands. “I call a truce between the Veilleux and Le Roux.”

Brady and I each take one of her hands. Brady says, “Truce.” And I echo him.

Lily asks, “Would you like to perform a spell to ensure everyone’s safety?”

I’m amazed at her logical thinking, considering she just lost the love of her life. I shake my head. “No. I trust you, Lily.”

Sierra says, “Me too.” She steps close to Lily and gives her a hug. “I’m so sorry.”

Lily pulls away as if Sierra’s touch might break her fragile exterior. “Me too. Now get those babies home. We can make arrangements tomorrow.”

She directs her attention to Brady and me. “Let this be the beginning of a peaceful existence for the Northeast Black Bear Kingdom.”

While Lily is not an alpha, she is now the official leader of the Veilleux. She will remain in her position until one of Sierra’s children becomes an alpha and is a legal adult, and the prima will remain in position until the alpha chooses a wife. I look into her eyes with pride. “Yes. It will be an honor to serve on the council with you, Lily Wilson Veilleux.”

I recall the shy, naïve girl I met at the motel in Colorado. Now Lily is a powerful leader who was called to save a clan. I watch Annie reach out for Lily, but the gesture is thwarted as Lily shakes her head and moves away.

Keith has carried Taylor’s body out of the cabin, and I glance over at Victor and a crying Patricia. It’s hard not to have sympathy for her as I try to fathom the pain of losing a child.

Brady takes my arm. “Mrs. Le Roux. I think it’s time to get home to our family. I need to be close to them right now.”

I lean against my strong husband. “Yes. I agree.” I picture my sweet babies in my mind, and there’s nothing I want more than to be snuggling with them.

When we step outside, I discover the storm has let up. Someone must have found Isabelle, because our Hummer is parked in the driveway, and she’s behind the wheel, waiting for us. As we get to the car, the sun breaks free from the clouds and shines down, making the snow sparkle with the promise of a fresh start.

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