Called by the Bear 7-9 (4 page)

BOOK: Called by the Bear 7-9
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Chapter 7


’m answering
emails and looking for any excuse to stop when the door to Ink It opens, and a cold breeze washes over me. I glance up and discover it’s Lucy, and I smile to myself thinking how fitting that is. Although it’s odd that she came in for her workout through my shop instead of using Kick It’s door. “Hi, Lucy.”

She wanders over to stand by the red leather couch that is set up by a small table with loose-leaf binders of tattoos for customers to look through. Lucy picks one up and starts to thumb through it before she speaks. “So, did you draw all of these?”

“Some. But there’s two books with my father’s designs and one of Sierra’s.” The green spine of the album she’s holding indicates it’s my work. “You’re looking at mine right now.”

Lucy snaps it shut and lowers it. The book thumps as she drops it from a couple inches above the pile. “I’m late.” She strolls over to Kick It.

Sierra has just finished with a client and walks out of her room just as Lucy passes. My friend raises her eyebrows as she gazes at me. I raise mine back and address her customer. “Great to see you again, Jules. Are you set up for your next appointment?”

“All set.” The petite brunette glances back at Sierra before leaving. “Thanks.”

Sierra waves at her. “You’re welcome. See you in a couple weeks.” Once the girl is gone Sierra says, “Hey, did you know Lucy draws?”


Sierra sighs as she lowers herself to the couch. Her belly is huge, and she’s got to be uncomfortable. “Yeah, she told me last week. I said she should bring her sketches by for you to see, but I think she’s nervous.”

I come out from behind the counter and sit on the chair across from her. The wood is hard under my thighs. “Huh. I’m not exactly scary.”

“True, but you are her long-lost sister that blew into town to become a big deal.” Sierra lifts her feet up on the sofa and sprawls out.

I snort. “You look like the big deal right now.”

She rubs her belly, “I know, right? I can’t wait for these guys to be out of me.”

“I hope they come before Thanksgiving next week. Donna will be giddy to have six babies to hold.”

“Annie too. I hope you don’t mind sharing your babysitters with me.”

“Not at all. I’m looking forward to a big family dinner. I’ve never done the Hallmark movie version of Thanksgiving.” Growing up with just a father meant a small meal that eventually became going out for Mexican instead.

“Me too. My mom tried, but her heart wasn’t in it, and we ended up going to turkey buffets.” Sierra shudders. “Think about all those people touching my food before it hit my plate.”

I chuckle. “I thought I was the germaphobe. Thanks, now you’ve ruined all-you-can-eat brunch for me for life.”

Brady’s voice comes through our internal connection.
“Just talked to the lab. Taylor’s tea had lead in it.”

I hold up my hand in a stop sign to Sierra so she knows I’m communicating with Brady.
“Whoa, lead poisoning makes you crazy over time, doesn’t it?”

“It sure does. Want to go chat with Nina for me?”

“Will do. I’ll keep you posted.”

I stand to go get my jacket. “I need to go to Earth Elements and figure out how lead got in Taylor’s tea.”

“Lead? Wow, that can’t be good.”

“It’s not.” Nylon swishes as I slide my arm into my puffy coat designed to keep me warm in sub-zero temperatures. “I’ll be back.” I push against the wind with the door and leave.

Earth Elements is only a block down from Ink It. My feet crackle against the ice and frozen bits of snow on the concrete sidewalk, and the cold manages to make my ears hurt by the time I get there. A spicy scent I can’t quite place greets me when I enter.

A voice calls out. “I’ll be right out to help you!”

The shop is dimly lit and tightly organized with hundreds of items from floor to ceiling. I wander over to the tea display to investigate the brand names, but find it’s loose-leaf tea in clear plastic dispensers with the Earth Elements labeling. Various-sized empty tins are on a shelf with a display of packaged ones next to it. I search for the fertility blend and can’t find it.

I turn to the girl I heard earlier as she says, “Our teas are blended on the premises, and I can make a custom one designed for your specific needs.”

I gaze at the tiny girl with jet-black hair and porcelain skin. She’d be more attractive if she weren’t wearing dark eyeliner that gives her a half-dead appearance. “How does that work?”

“I’ve studied herbs and know what different plants can do.” She tilts her chin at me and adds, “And I’ve been known to practice a little magic to help things along.”

I shake my head slightly. “Don’t. I’m not a tourist, and we both know you’re not a witch.”

The girl’s brown eyes widen. “I—” She huffs and furrows her brow. “No, but I have access to someone just as powerful, and he helps me out.”

Now we’re talking. I smile. “That’s exactly what I need to know more about. Who is it that helps you?”

“Tokala, a medicine man. He puts secret ingredients in them. He calls on the spirits and spells the blends for special things.”

“Like fertility?”

“Yeah.” Nina bites her lip and steps back so she can move behind the counter.

“You need to stop using him. The tea you’ve been selling Taylor has lead in it.”

Concern floods her face. “Oh my God. Is she okay?”

The aroma I smell comes to me. It’s a mix of ginger and turmeric. “She is now, but she was slowly being poisoned.”

Nina wrings her hands. “I had no idea. Oh my God, I’ll refund the whole thing. I’ll—”

I touch her tiny arm and tower over her for effect. “It’s okay. I know you weren’t responsible. But if you continue to use Tokala, you will have to answer to me. Do you understand?”

She nods quickly, and I ask. “What’s that smell?”

“My Thanksgiving tea.” Her words almost mesh together as she speaks quickly. “It’s not spelled or anything, just a mix of herb and spices I put together.”

“I’ll bet it’s lovely. I’ll take some.”

Nina rushes out from behind the counter and knocks over a display of bracelets. “Oh. Um.” She picks it up and metal chains jingle as she pushes the pile of fallen jewelry aside. “I’ll deal with that later.” Her hand darts out to the pre-packed tins of tea, and she grabs a large one to give to me. “Here. It’s on the house.”

“Thank you.” The container is smooth in my hand, and I tuck it into my pocket. I lean against the door to push it open and smile at her. “You enjoy your Thanksgiving.”

Nina pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. “You too. And tell Taylor I’m so sorry.”

“I will. Goodbye, Nina.”

My walk back to work is not nearly as chilly with the wind at my back, and I send a message to Donna.
“Does the name Tokala sound familiar? That’s who made the tea for Taylor.”

A gust of wind makes snow from a rooftop spray in my face when Donna answers.
“It sure does. That’s the Veilleux’s medicine man.”

Chapter 8


he warmth
of hot water is relaxing my tight shoulders. The shower door clicks open, and I turn to Ashton stepping in with me. “I’m not sure there’s enough room. My belly is the size of another person.”

My naked and aroused mate presses against my back as his hands hold my stomach. “I can’t help it. I have a thing about you and showers.”

I lean back against him. “Are you here to claim me all over again?” The memory of sex in the bathroom at Victor’s comes to me, and more of me gets wet. When Ashton came to rescue me, neither of us expected to find we were true mates and that we would seal our bond with a quickie before he got me out of the Veilleux clutches.

His tongue is rough against my skin as he licks water from my back. “Um-hmm.”

“I’ve heard that sex can make contractions start. So let’s do this.”

Ashton’s body trembles with laughter behind me. “Like you needed that for a reason.” He reaches between my legs and slides a finger in me. “Always ready for me, aren’t you?”

The truth is I am. I have the sex drive of a teenaged boy, and just thinking about my man can get me hot. I moan as my husband strokes me toward climax. The tile wall is cool under my palms as I brace myself and arch my back to allow him better access. Within moments I’m shattering with an orgasm.

My knees are weak when I turn to face Ashton. He kisses me, and water runs over my head when he pushes me back so we’re both under the spray. I break away laughing.

His voice is husky when he says, “I think we need to take this to the bed.”

I nod and move to the side as the handle squeaks while Ash turns off the shower. Only one position is comfortable for sex now, and I want a mattress under my hands and knees. I wrap myself in thick cotton to dry off.

Ashton rubs himself quickly and discards his towel on the floor as he opens the cabinet over the sink. He grabs a bottle of amber liquid, and I grin when the scent of vanilla and spice wafts toward me, because I’m in for a treat.

I climb on the bed and let my towel fall to my waist as I sit. Ashton’s hands swish as he warms up the oil. Placing himself behind me, his legs stretch out to surround mine as he begins to squeeze my shoulders. I relax into it. “This feels amazing.”

His massage moves down my back and he kisses my neck. I sigh as he reaches around to fondle my breasts. They’re incredibly sensitive with my pregnancy, and the slightest tweak of my nipples sends a jolt of pleasure through me. I lean my head back to kiss his mouth. Ashton’s cock is hard against my lower back, and I crave him inside me.

I pull away. “Take me.” I position myself on all fours for his entry.

After months of being together he still manages to stretch me wide as he thrusts into me slowly. “Sierra.” Ashton lets out a guttural sound as he begins to pump. His oily hands grip my hips, and I rock with him to increase my pleasure. I wish he’d be more rough, but I know his gentleness is for the babies. I don’t bother to tell him it’s okay and let him care for us in his way.

Besides, I don’t need it hard to come. When Ash reaches around to slide his slick fingers over my folds I begin to lose control and buck back for him to settle deeper. Waves of pleasure take me over the edge, and I do my best to hang on for my mate’s climax. When the sweet heat of his release explodes in me I let go too.

When we finish we collapse in a tangled heap. I marvel at the size of my husband’s arm and trace along the outlines of a muscle. “I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you.”


“Carly says I’ll love our children more, but I can’t imagine it.”

Ashton twirls a strand of my hair. “I don’t think it will be more, just different. But one thing is for sure. I’m going to want to protect them as much as I want to protect you.”

I lift up on an elbow to gaze into my husband’s blue eyes. They appear steel gray. “And nobody could ever be safer.”

with the sensation that something isn’t right. I’m not afraid, but my senses are on alert as if I’m being warned. Of course needing to pee so badly I’m about to wet the bed might be the reason why. Cuddled next to Ashton I’m warm, and the odor of massage oil and his musk makes me want to stay. But nature calls, and I get up to use the bathroom.

As my feet land softly on the plush carpet of our bedroom my stomach clenches. It isn’t excruciating pain, but I think I’m having a contraction, and I wait for it to pass before moving. Once I’m done relieving my bladder I make my way to the window that has a view of the woodlands behind our house. The moon has cast an eerie glow, and I wrap my arms around myself as I imagine the evils that lurk out there.

I haven’t gone to Fishing Gorge since Carly and I were kidnapped there, and I wonder if I ever will. Sadness settles in my heart at how a simple pleasure was ruined for the two of us the day we were taken. Another contraction hits, and I breathe deeply.
“Darling children of mine, I’m eager to hold you in my arms and share you with the man you’ll know as your father.”

I turn toward the bed and speak softly, “Ash, honey, it’s time.”

scream with another contraction
. I can’t imagine how my stomach muscles can keep this up, because I’m exhausted, yet they keep on squeezing with all their might. The doctor gave me something to speed things along because I’ve been in labor for more than twenty-four hours. But it’s not working. The babies don’t seem to want to come out. Once the pain subsides I whimper, “I can’t do this.”

Ashton’s face is close to mine, and the stale mint scent of his breath pisses me off when he says, “Yes, you can.” He takes my hand. “It won’t be much longer.”

“You’ve been fucking saying that forever, Ash. I’m seriou— shit!” A contraction hits, and the pain makes my vision blur. I pant and give my husband the evil eye when he opens his mouth to praise me. “Don’t fucking say it.”

My husband nods, and when I’m done he speaks to the nurse. “Go get the doctor. She can’t keep doing this.”

Finally. Someone needs to get my evil spawn out of me before I slice my belly open myself. Dr. Caldwell pats my knee. She grins at me. “Spread ’em.”

I used to find her banter amusing, but right now I’m in no mood. I lie back and widen my legs for her exam. A rubber glove snaps against skin as she puts it on. At this point having a hand shoved inside me is trivial, and I barely notice the invasion.

“Still not enough. We need to talk about other options.”

“Do it. Cut them out.” Muscles start to squeeze my belly, and I mutter, “I don’t care.” I swore I wanted a natural childbirth. Having gone through the change, I thought I could handle normal pain. But I didn’t expect this to go on forever, and right now I want drugs.

Ashton says, “Do it.”

The wheels of my bed rumble down the hall as my labor nurse explains what’s going to happen. All I get out of her words is that my agony will soon be over, and I’ll wake up with three babies in the world.

Six hours later, I do. My husband says, “Babe, you did it.”

I blink my eyes to shake off the feeling of not being quite real. “Where are they?”

“I just pushed the call button. I’m sure the nurse will bring them right in for you.” Ashton sweeps my hair out of my face. “They’re beautiful.” His eyes shine with moisture, and the desire to cry makes my throat thicken.

“Have you decided the names?”

“Of course not, we need to do that together. Are you still happy with Jackson, Jason, and Justin?”

“Yes. Oh my God, how are we going to tell them apart?”

Ashton chuckles. “You’ll know.”

“Yeah, I may need sticky notes for the first few days.”

The tiny cries of infants approach, and two nurses walk into my room. The matronly one says, “You’ve got some hungry boys here. Time to feed them.”

The younger nurse brings one to me and shows me how to get him to latch on. When he does, a toe-curling contraction makes me wince. The nurse says, “That pain you feel is normal. Your body is trying to shrink your uterus back to its regular size.”

I gaze down at my son, and tears fill my eyes. He’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and Carly was right: my heart is about to burst with the love I feel. I glance up at Ashton holding another one of our children. Hot moisture rolls down my cheek. “They’re perfect.”

Ash smiles down at me. “They are. We’re a family now.”

I reach up to hold his hand. “This is the best day of my life. I don’t want it to ever end.”

“It won’t. Things are only going to get better. Promise.”

A hint of fear passes through me as I wonder if that’s really true, because Victor could change everything in a heartbeat once again. But I shake the thought and hand my sleepy baby to my husband to make way for the next one. I refuse to let evil ruin my joy.

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