Call Me Lumpy: My Leave It to Beaver Days and Other Wild Hollywood Life

BOOK: Call Me Lumpy: My Leave It to Beaver Days and Other Wild Hollywood Life
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Published by Addax Publishing Group
Copyright © 1997 by Frank Bank
Designed by Randy Breeden
Cover Design by Jerry Hirt
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For Information address:
Addax Publishing Group
8643 Hauser Drive, Suite 235, Lenexa, KS 66215
ISBN: 1-886110-29-8
Distributed to the trade by Andrews McMeel
4520 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number
Printed in the United States of America
1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bank, Frank, 1942-
Call me Lumpy: my Leave it to Beaver days and other
life / by Frank Bank with Gib Twyman.
p. cm.
ISBN 1-886110-29-8
1. Bank, Frank, 1941- .2. Television actors and actresses-
-United StatesBiography. 3. Leave it to Beaver (Television
program) I. Twyman, Gib. II. Title.
PN2287.B165A3     1997
[B]                                                                97-41563
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To my Beeky and the girlsMichelle, Julie, Joanne and Kelly
-F. B.
To the guys I grew up with in the Cleaver years, my own little
Beavers, my brothers, Tom, Greg, Geoff and Mark.
-G. T.
Page 4
Photo Copyright © 1997 by Universal City Studios, Inc
Courtesy of MCA Publishing Rights, a Division of Universal Studios, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents
By Kenny Osmond
Chapter One
Gee I'm With the Beav
Chapter Two
Leonard, Sylvia and Scarface
Chapter Three
Beach Days and Knights
Chapter Four
Speaking of Lots of Beaver
Chapter Five
The Idiot Magnet
Chapter Six
Beetle Bilko Minderbender, PFC
Chapter Seven
Bux-Up Bank
Chapter Eight
The Name is Bank . . . Frank Bank
Chapter Nine
Desperately Seeking Mayfield
Chapter Ten
Frankly Speaking
By Rebecca Bank
Page 6
Photo Copyright © 1997 by Universal City Studios, Inc.
Courtesy of MCA Publishing Rights, a Division of Universal Studios, Inc. All rights reserved.
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By Kenny Osmond
I tell you, Frank Bank gives the impression when you first meet him that he is Lumpy Rutherford. That is, he's "Big Dumpy Lumpy."
And he's not.
The guy is particularly sharp.
He's got some working brain cells. They just don't show when you first meet him.
I have no idea why.
He's an extrovert. He's very social.
And yet, maybe right at first, he's a little guarded and reiterates into his old character for just an instant.
All I know is, the Frank Bank inside, all that is a guy, I consider a really good friend.
And I guess the thing I find most interesting about Frank and me is that we are good friendseven though we don't have a great deal in common.
His music and mine are different. His politics and mine are different. His social activities and mine are different.
I'm a hard-core country music guy. Country and bluegrass.
Allison Krause. Union Station. That type of stuff. Frank wouldn't even know these names. Frank is kind of contemporary. Pop. That type of thing.
I'm a hard-core conservative. He's on the conservative side, but not as opinionated as I am. I was a Goldwaterite long before he was a Reaganite.
I'm more of a down-home type. I would go to a nightclub that has saw-dust on the floor. He would prefer to go to someplace in Beverly Hills that has crystal glasses and linens on the tables.
But in spite of that, he's a good friend.
I don't know. We just click.
Even though we're totally different in other areas.
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I'm a mechanical person. He's not.
He just moved into a house a couple months ago. I was out there the day he was just starting to get moved in. He had a washer-dryer there and he didn't know how to hook 'em up.
So I said. "Get me a pair of pliers."
And he said, "What's a pair of pliers?"
I hooked up his washer-dryer for him.
I became a policeman in L.A.and I hope none of you ever has to know what it is to be a policeman. You just don't want to know. I got shot a couple of times.
Frank went off and became a stock broker.
He wears clean clothes and a tie when he goes to work.
I don't. I renovate houses now. So I put on cut-off Levis and I go and play with my houses.
And yet I love the guy.
We just get along.
You know, there are people that you just don't want to be with.
You're sociable with them. You have to be. They're there at a function, so you're sociable with them.
And there's other people that you prefer to be with. I definitely prefer to be with Frank.
We can go out after we've done an appearance or something and have a drink together and sit and chit-chat.
I always feel respect and affection from Frank. I feel that same respect and affection for him.
Like I say, he's sharp.
I would trust him totally with money. If I had $50,000 and I wanted to put it someplace to make some money, he's the first guy I'd call.
I have a couple of Franklin accounts and he's done them for me. And they've been great. I mean, I'm not making a million dollars on 'em. But they've been consistently profitable.
So I appreciate his abilities professionally. He definitely knows what he's doing with a dollar.
And yet, it's interesting . . . I know when we did "The New Leave It To Beaver" series, Frank would actually lose money. He'd take off work and drive to Florida to do an episode. And it would cost himthe amount he'd make on the show versus being away from his brokerage business.
But he'd do it anyway just because he loved it.
I understand it. It's good for your ego. Why not?
If he were working at the poverty line and losing money, I'd say, "No, that's dumb, Frank. Don't do that."
But this is not the case.

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