Cake Love: All Things Payne (36 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lynx

BOOK: Cake Love: All Things Payne
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Chapter 30 - THE Talk ...

After getting off the phone with Henrik I take another shot and now I have to dance. Aria and I make our way to the dance floor and start moving to the music. She is doing her usual moves as if she is a part of a dance routine, step, step, shimmy and jazz hands. As she knocks into people due to limited space, I focus on the grooves and the beat.

Suddenly I feel hands grab my hips from behind and someone's crotch digging into my backside. Guys rarely ask if they can grind on you while dancing in this day and age. I find it annoying but this guy in back of me seems to know what he's doing so I let him.

I feel his arm slip around my middle pulling me closer to him while his teeth nip at my shoulder.

"You feel good, Morgana." Henrik's voice dances over my skin causing me to moan and arch my back. I reach back and grab his neck to hold him to me.

He spins me around so I am facing him and damn it if he doesn't look extra good tonight. The crisp gray button up shirt hugs his chest forcing my hands to skim over it. Yes, it forced me at gunpoint to grope him. What you may call a loose thread I call a gun. A big scary gun making me want to do very dirty things to what is underneath this shirt.

My Brain hiccups and slurs out,
"Remember he left you alone on the conference table with your vagina all hanging out and what not."

She passes out again but not before heaving in the toilet bowl.

"You left me."

I stop dancing and stare up at his beautiful blue eyes. He closes them and rests his forehead to mine.

"Let's go somewhere to talk."

I nod and he grabs my hand tugging me along. Before we make it to the door I stop him.

"Let me grab my stuff."

I race back to the booth to find Tiffany passed out while Evaleen watches over her.

"I'm heading out. I guess I will see you tomorrow."

"Tell Payne hi for me, Drake. Also, Happy Birthday." Evaleen winks at me.

I smile as I pull on my coat, scarf, hat and gloves. Now that I look like the abominable snowman I know I am ready for the night air. Once I am out the door I can't find Henrik. There is a Lincoln Town Car parked on the curb and the back passenger window lowers.

"Here." Mr. Payne's voice comes out of the window as the door opens. Hopping inside the car, I scoot to the seat next to him and buckle up.

"I'm sorry for so much, Morgana."

I turn to look at Henrik and find his gaze is focused on his window. He won't look at me.

"For leaving you there on that conference table. Getting you fired from Mimir. For taking advantage of you. I understand if you never want to see me again." Henrik sighs and finally turns his head to face me.

"That would make you happy, to never have to see me again." Yeah, I'm a little bitter. As much as I can't control my body when I am around him it doesn't stop the pain in my heart from escaping.

He grabs my wool covered hand, immediately removing the glove so he can caress my skin. Despite the cold his fingers are warm and his touch feels good.

"No, it wouldn't make me happy. I know what I said to you seemed harsh, that I don't do relationships, but I was trying to be honest. Everything I have told you has been true, I never lied to you. But ..."

The car stops and the driver steps out running to my side to open the door. I get out and realize I am at my apartment building. Is he just dropping me off?

"So what? This is goodbye?"

I turn to watch him exit the car and the driver closing the door behind him.

"No. I was hoping you would invite me inside so we could continue to talk. If I upset you then you can always kick me out again." He gives a small smile.

I nod and wave at him to follow. Once we are inside he walks over to the couch as he removes his coat. I grab it from him and he looks around the room sniffing the air.

"What is that smell? It smells like sausage, oranges and sweat."

I quickly hang up our coats on the coat rack by the door and grab his arm before he can sit on the couch.

"Let's talk in my bedroom. In case Aria comes home, we can have some privacy."

That was close. The couch needs a super vac, Febreze and possibly a bleach-douche to make it tolerable for company.

Once we are in my bedroom I close the door and turn to see him removing his black shoes and making himself quite at home on my bed, lying in the middle. Normally I would protest such a move but he looks too sexy with his hands behind his head and heat in his eyes.

"I thought we were going to talk?" I ask as I kick off my heels and slide next to him on the bed and he pulls me close. It seems so natural to curl up with him. He rests his hand on my thigh that I curl over his legs.

"We can talk and touch at the same time." I can feel Henrik breathing in my hair which causes my hips to dry hump his leg.

"It's really hard to talk while your body is so close to mine, Henrik."

I can feel his chest vibrate from laughter.

"Would you rather we sit on opposite sides of the bed, Morgana." He says half chuckling.

I lift my head and lean on my elbow to look at him.

"No. I just mean it may take me a while to think of things to talk about that's all."

"Here let me start. I can't stop thinking about you, Morgana. I stupidly thought if we had sex I would be able to get you out of my head, move on. But it just became worse. I haven't been able to concentrate at work or sleep. I miss you, Morgana. I need you."

He pushes some hair behind my ear and traces a finger from my jaw to my lips.

"I miss you too, Henrik. But what about now with work?"

He crinkles his brow at me and shakes his head.

"I don't understand. What do you mean with work? You work at RT Mitchell. I work at Mimir. I assume they give you normal office hours, we can see each other after work and on weekends."

He has no idea I have been fired from RT Mitchell, let alone am coming back to be his assistant.

"No I don't work for RT Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell came in the conference room after you left and found the condom wrapper on the table and me looking a bit disheveled, so you know ... fired."

Henrik's eyes widen and he brings a hand to his head with a groan.

"Oh God, Morgana, I am so sorry. Oh fuck! Why don't you hate me? Damn now I am starting to hate me."

He pushes himself up to a seated position and leans his head back against the headboard.

"It's all right, Henrik. Yes, I hated you for a bit and myself and made the couch smell like pig farts but I can't just turn off my feelings for you."

He grabs me and tugs me to him as he rolls us over pinning me to the headboard. His lips graze mine. Just as I think he's about to kiss me he pulls back.

"These past few weeks, without you have been awful, Morgana. I want you so much, but more importantly I want you to have a good life. Your job is as important to you as mine is to me. If we keep these flings up we will just get caught again. I don't want to jeopardize either of our careers."

I lift my hand to caress his cheek. It, much like the man himself, is rough but the further I travel becomes soft and tender.

"I don't want that either, Henrik. Perhaps ... maybe just for tonight. This night we are just Morgana and Henrik and not Ms. Drake and Mr. Payne. Then in the morning we walk away from that and resume our titles of boss and assistant."

He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes and nods his head.

"It won't be easy to just forget about you like that, Morgana."

I give him a small grin and graze my thumb over his lower lip.

"I know it won't, Henrik, but we can try."

He nods again but this time there is no smile. His eyes dart around my face as if searching for some answer I don't even know the question to. Henrik sighs and lowers his head to nuzzle into my neck. We stay like this for a while before I feel his hand searching my body and landing on my breast.


Chapter 31 - THE Unpublished Sex Scene ...

Henrik's breath is ragged but swift and my back arches into his palm as his fingers begin to tease my hardening nipple. I want this dress off, everything gone so nothing is between us. If we can only have one night I want it to be filled with us, naked.

He raises his head again to look at me, all of me. I shiver from how his eyes graze my body. Henrik glances back into my eyes, pinning me with his stare.

"I want to savor you, every inch."

His lips brush mine so I part for him with a sigh. It's tormenting when he moves past my mouth to my neck, nipping at my skin. My fingers claw at his shirt trying to undo his buttons. Henrik turns the nibble into a laugh as he patiently lets me fumble through this.

He sits up on his haunches and peels away his top. Oh Gods of THE and all things THE, the man is gorgeous. The light from the ceiling reflects off the curves of his defined muscles and brings to life the dark ink that swirls his skin. I never would have imagined Henrik Payne to be covered in tattoos. I reach out and trace the black, slightly faded marks on his torso and notice a rough texture. There seems to be a scar covered by the ink but before I have time to investigate this further he grabs my wrist and pulls me up so I am sitting on my knees facing him.

"Undress for me, Morgana."

I get off the bed and stand facing him as I peel away the green dress. Just as I am about to unclasp my bra I hear Henrik, "No. Just push back the cups and then hand me your panties."

I do as he requests letting my breasts spill over and then bend down to remove my panties. Crawling back onto the bed Henrik greedily takes my panties and shoves them in his pocket.

"How about you stand and take off your pants and hand me your underwear, Henrik."

That makes him smile and he shakes his head at me.

"No. And because you have such a little smart mouth, I want you to bend over with your ass in the air and your face on your pillow. I'm going to watch you shatter."

If I wasn't wet before I am drenched now. Immediately I obey wondering what he has planned. I can hear him groan as his breath falls on my thighs causing my sex to clench. Henrik's lips flutter up my thigh to my ass cheek before digging his teeth into me. I yelp from the surprise.

"I have been waiting a long time to dig my teeth into that ass," He murmurs, more to himself than to me.

After a few more nips which causes me to moan in pleasure, his tongue finds my soaked core. When his tongue isn't inside me his fingers take its place. As he feeds on me it all becomes too much and I push back into him, grunting.

Henrik's tongue moves down to my clit, circling it and then lightly sucking.

"Oh, God. Oh, Henrik!"

Damn, this man knows what to do! I am already so close to the edge. It only takes a few more kisses and strokes for me to hurtle into an orgasm. My body shutters and my fingers curl into the bedspread trying to hold on to this bliss that is rocking through me.

When I open my eyes I realize I am on my side and Henrik is on his knees rolling a condom on his dick. I glance at his cock as I almost forgot how big he is.

I can hear my vagina screaming, part fear and part excitement.

"That thing can't kill us can it, Morgana?"
My Vagina wonders.

"No Vag, but batten down the hatches we got a storm a-brewing!"
She salutes me and then starts to get ready for the attack.

Henrik pushes the tip to my entrance and props himself up with one arm, pinning me on my side. Just as he is about to thrust into me Henrik looks up into my eyes. It's just a moment but there is something there, a sort of longing I have never seen from him. I start to reach for his cheek to soothe him but then his cock impales me causing me to drop my arm, my eyelids and arch into the burst of sensation.

His movement stops and I look up to find out what is wrong. Henrik's eyes are closed and his jaw tight.

"Henrik, why have you stopped?"

He opens his eyes and his pupils dilate so almost no blue remain.

"I ... I ... oh God, Morgana, I can't hold back. Are you okay?"

I scrunch my brow and give a little laugh.

"For God's sake, yes, Henrik. You didn't break me."

"Okay Ms. Smart-Mouth, I think it's high time you receive your punishment."

His hand skims down my chest finding a pebbled nipple. As his fingers clamp down and give a slight pinch Henrik starts a slow rhythm. There is almost nothing to it. The thrusts have just enough friction to cause a very low sensual burn, but not even enough to cause me to moan. For a moment I wonder if he is just really bad in bed, but then I remember the conference table. Perhaps he has a temperature and is just off his game.

I try to help him along and undulate into him, but he places his other hand on my hip so he is using me to prop himself up. His weight locks my hips in place against the bed. I give him a look that conveys what-the-fuck to him and he just smirks at me.

"Paybacks a bitch, Morgana."

That's when I notice the little spark he started with this languid pace is growing. I can feel the heat begin to pool at my core. His fingers on my nipples adds to the low throb. My hand meanders down my stomach toward my clit, when Henrik's hand leaves my nipple to seize my wrist.

"Oh no, Morgana, I want you to take your punishment."

I groan as his hand resumes its play with my nipple. Staring into his now dark eyes I wonder what I can do to get out of my punishment. That's when I come up with something I know he will fall for. All men have a weakness in bed. Yes their dick obviously, but more than that. Each man likes one thing above all else. A fetish or body part that drives them crazy.

I lick my lips and lower my gaze to the hand he has locked to my hip, the one that a short time ago was fingering me. Biting my lower lip I glance up at Henrik to see his smirk fade into a relaxed awe.

"Please, Henrik."

I glance back at his hand which is now moving off me and gravitating toward my mouth.

"You want to suck it don't you, Morgana? You love to taste yourself on me, don't you?"

I nod my head just as his fingertips brush my lips. As his fingers push into my mouth with the scent of me and him mixing together to add to the taste I realize I am not lying when I agree with his words. My eyes flutter closed as he begins to thrust harder into me.

Within moments the urgent need of my release comes to the tipping point. Henrik shifts us so that I am on my back as he hovers over top of me. His fingers find their way back into my mouth so my tongue can swirl around them. While his other hand dips down to my clit and with just one brush of his thumb I am over the edge, hurtling down.

The orgasm is as long as it is intense. My head thrashes the pillow and I tremble underneath Henrik.

"God. Oh God, Morgana. You're so fucking beautiful."

He groans and then surrounds me in his arms nuzzling into my neck as his climax consumes him. I wrap my legs around him as his breathing settles to a steadier pace. Henrik lifts his head and we smile at each other.

Our lips come together as we kiss. The kiss is passionate yet refreshing. After a minute or two of his sweet affection for me Henrik rolls to my side and removes the condom, tossing it in the trash by my bed.

He pulls me close as he lies back on the pillows. I curl into him and begin to trace the dark lines on his stomach.

"Don't think I didn't know what you were doing when we were having sex, Morgana."

"What do you mean?"

"Tricking me with letting you suck my fingers. I'm not naïve, though I will say that is something I will fall for every time. Worth it."

I look up into his bright blue eyes and see him smiling at me.

"I figured as much. It was a risk I had to take, Henrik. You have to have one weakness; you can't be Superman all the time."

His eyes sparkle at that. I think it is me calling him Superman. Every man wants to be compared to a superhero.

"If I'm Superman, then are you Lois Lane?"

"Fuck no! I'm Wonder Woman. Pew, pew ... pew ... pew!"

I throw punches in the air as I fend off imaginary bullets with my awesome bracelets. Henrik laughs so hard I think he might roll off the bed. I try to save him with my lasso of truth which just ends with us having sex again. This scenario repeats itself most of the night until we fall asleep around two in the morning.





My Doodle Writing

These are little stories I start or writing prompts I participate in. I usually don’t do much more with them (like turn them into a book), but it’s fun to write little stuff. Also, if someone really likes it and tells me I might consider expanding it into a bigger story. You can let me know through my Fan Group:
, as I am always posting these there. Or you can message me on
me. Sign up for my
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When I got home that night, I noticed the smiling jack-o-lantern in my front yard was crushed. Sighing I shook my head as the trail of tears dried on my cheeks. Despite the chill in the air and only wearing a pink T-shirt and oversized flannel shirt with navy yoga pants I feel numb. Staring at the splattered orange remains I even release a small chuckle remembering how my six year old son, Franklin, was so proud of the drawing he made that mommy was to carve on the pumpkin. He worked so hard on getting the smile just right. Now that toothy grin is shattered and in pieces.

I sit on the cold cement step, a spot not spoiled by pumpkin, lifting a stray seed. My hand is shaking from the realization of everything. The tears start up again. Why did I have to yell? Franklin was just being a kid. So what if he threw the pumpkin at the steps causing it to explode. He liked destroying things. I joked he would grow up to work with explosives one day, causing me to parish with worry. I shouldn’t have screamed at him. It was my fault he ran away. Ran so far into a busy street causing that blue van to hit him.

Perhaps if I hadn’t yelled he would be here with me right now, not laying in a hospital bed fighting for his life. I didn’t want to leave his side, the nurses practically forcing me to go home and change. Maybe it was their way of saying a watched pot never boils, or a little boy in a coma never wakes with his mom by his side. It has been three days. I can even smell myself. He can’t smell me, he can’t do anything because of my temper. Even Franklin’s father, as he was leaving me last year like a cliché for his secretary, told me that at least she doesn’t get angry at every little thing. She makes him feel worthy. My temper has drove one man away and is stealing the life from a little boy.

Something is vibrating and I hear the chimes from my cell phone. Frantically my hands pats down my chest as I discover my cell phone buzzing to life in the front pocket of my worn flannel shirt. I stare at the glowing screen of my old black Android with a number I don’t recognize. But I know. I just know it’s the hospital. I can feel the blood drain from my body and notice for the first time how chilled my hands are. My heart is thumping loudly in my ear as a cloudy white overtakes my sight. My shaky finger presses the green accept button and I try my best to sound strong as I answer hello in to my phone.

I was right. It’s the hospital. I close my eyes and listen, pressing the phone to my ear a little too hard. He’s awake they tell me. The doctors want to run some tests that I need to sign off on. They explain a few other details but I don’t really hear them. I think I might have even dropped the phone. After a minute my phone goes dark so they must have hung up. It’s okay though because he’s awake. It’s okay I am laying in the middle of smashed, icy pumpkin shards sobbing so deeply I hear a few neighbors asking if I am alright. I try to respond but my throat is too full of relief, pain and understanding that words aren’t even a remote possibility. I feel a hand on my arm and look up to see a man. A neighbor? Someone just walking by? I don’t know, it doesn’t matter. He is here to help and for the first time in my life I am going to admit I need help. To heal. To learn not to yell anymore.



Pregnant Girlfriend:

Demetri notices something very different from his usual Sunday mornings of relaxing on the tiny terrace of their condo in the warm June sun while savoring his coffee. Deep, rich with just a little splash of milk. His head dips to see a cloudy but smooth reflection of the warm liquid in his mug. He takes another taste just to be sure. Nope, nothing wrong with his drink.

“Did you hear me Demetri? Are you even seeing what is in my hand?”

His beautiful girlfriend, Laura, and co-owner of the terrace they are currently occupying and the attached condo, with her silky black hair like something out of a shampoo commercial is waving a pink and white stick in the not yet humid air. She is flustered and he can’t help but love it when her cheeks flush and her bottom lip puckers out in a frown. She’s adorable when she’s mad.

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