Cake Love: All Things Payne (34 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lynx

BOOK: Cake Love: All Things Payne
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Chapter 26 - THE New Job ...

Aria found a job a day after quitting. It took me a month to gain employment, which in this economy is great, if I am going to be honest. I got a call from the large bank, RT Mitchell, last week that I got the position I interviewed for a few days prior as Executive Assistant for their CFO. They even have an in-house development program similar to Mimir and the salary is much better. While I don't understand much about finance I know I can gain some valuable skills that may transfer if I don't want to end up with the company.

Today is my second Monday of my new job. The CFO, Gregory Mitchell III seems like a nice man, if not a bit anti-social. He's in his mid-forties and handsome but extremely shy and never looks me in the eye. Also, he has a weird rule about all women with long hair having their hair up in a bun. I think it's an OCD thing or something. I'm not sure, but he does have some odd tics like that.

I have met a few of the other assistants who seem nice. Oh, who am I kidding, they are boring. No hot looking execs like the Mimir brothers and especially Mr. Payne or cool women like Evaleen. I never thought I would say this, but I even miss Grace, the Mimir receptionist, despite her stalker-ish personality.

Mr. Payne kept me on my toes and challenged me. He allowed me to get to know the people and see different facets of the company. Mr. Mitchell has me scrutinize the bullet points in his PowerPoint presentations. Not the arguments he is making in the slides, but the actual bullet points. We spent twenty minutes yesterday deciding if he should use circles or squares or arrows for the points.

Today should be a lot better. I am to sit in on my first client meeting. Yes, that's how boring this job is that a client meeting where I sit and take notes is the highlight of my week.

Mr. Mitchell's door opens and he turns to me.

"Are you prepared for the meeting, Ms. Drake?"

I stand and grab the backup drive and my laptop.

"Of course, Mr. Mitchell."

"Very good. Shall we?"

He waves his arm and takes off. I watch as his untailored brown suit quickly maneuvers down the white-walled hall and past the plain tan cubicles. Mr. Mitchell is a fast walker. It's not the easiest thing to try and keep up with him in heels. He turns the corner and disappears into a door in the wall. As I enter I notice a large room with some framed motivational posters dotting the wall, a large golden colored wood conference table surrounded by black chairs and a white screen at the end of the room.

"Where is everyone, Mr. Mitchell?"

He runs about the room hooking up his laptop to the projector and adjusting everything to his exact specifications. Seriously, I think the man is on medication, at least, I hope.

"We are a few minutes early. I want to run things by you. Jennifer, the receptionist, is in charge of assisting with refreshments, but if she fails in her duties it is up to you, Ms. Drake, to take over. Do you think you can handle that?"

Oh God, the man is serious. I want to roll my eyes so bad right now.

"Yes, Mr. Mitchell, I can handle getting anyone coffee or tea or whatever they want. I am acquainted as to where the kitchen is located."

He blows a breath out in relief.

"Good. We don't want to make a bad impression."

I walk over and take my seat next to him placing the computer down. We have our backs to the door and I hear some voices flowing inside. I turn to see Mr. Hutchins and Mrs. Colleen strolling in chatting then nod in our direction and take a seat. They are the company lawyers. This must be a big client if the lawyers are present. Mr. Mitchell has yet to inform me what client we are meeting with. Every time I ask he rubs his hands together and becomes giddy then taps the side of his nose with his finger.

A few more people file in that I don't recognize. Suddenly I hear a buzz. There is a black phone in the middle of the table and Mr. Hutchins picks up, says a few things and then hangs up.

"They are here. Just got off the elevator." He announces.

The entire group gets up and crowds the door. I am half expecting the President of the United States to walk in the way everyone is acting. I decide to remain seated knowing I am not needed to shake hands. There are a lot of "welcome" and "glad you could be here" being thrown about. The crowd shifts and breaks up. I go about making myself busy shuffling papers Mr. Mitchell brought and double checking the laptop.

"Glad to be here. We are excited to see what you have planned for us."

My heart drops and skids across the floor at the sound of the voice. I start to break out into a sweat and notice my hands are shaking. My gaze travels up to meet a pair of cool blue eyes staring at me. Mr. Payne.


I see Jacob Mimir's face light up with a huge grin. He pushes through the crowd to me. I stand and wipe my hands on my skirt to hold out my hand. Suddenly, I am being crushed by his famous bear hug.

"You are like family, Morgana. None of this shaking hands business. I need a hug."

I can feel my bun becoming loose and my glasses getting smashed. When he finally lets go another person grabs me and surrounds me with their arms. His assistant Kara has me captive. I pull away and smile while trying to straighten my face.

"Oh Morgana, it hasn't been the same since you left."

I give a timid smirk figuring they already know the reason for my departure from the company. Kara, a petite brunette with the grip of a linebacker, yanks me to the back of the room and away from everyone.

"I am sorry you left, Morgana. Did Mr. Payne finally drive you away with his ranting?"

Kara's hushed tone and concerned expression causes me to gasp. She doesn't know? I thought for sure Mr. Mimir would have told her something. Perhaps he felt it necessary to keep it secret. That makes sense. Don't want to ruin Mr. Payne's career. Yeah, I thought that too. Look what it got me, an OCD boss who isn't confident in my abilities to get a person coffee.

"Something like that. Anyway, Kara, it's good to see you. How are John and Evaleen?"

I haven't talked to Evaleen, though Aria has. She wants us to have the SWIM meets but I think it's weird seeing she is the one that fired me.

Kara informs me of all the gossip since I left as we walk back to the conference table and everyone takes their seat. Mr. Payne is sitting directly across from me. Of course.

Just to his right is a young and stunning redhead. She keeps smiling up at him and I realize this is his new assistant. Has a thing for redheads does he?

My heart won't stop trying to crack open my rib cage to leap out of my chest.

"Well, she looks pretty but she can't be half as proficient as you, Morgana."
My Brain chooses right now to give me her assessment of the new assistant.

"Thank you, Brain, but I just want to move forward, not focus on Mr. Payne or my past in any way."
Brain nods at me and gives me squiggly thumbs up.

"Very wise, Morgana, I concur. If you need me I am here."
I nod and try to look busy.

Brain and I made up about a week after I was fired. I think she just felt sorry for me and perhaps a little panicked as I didn't have a job. She knew she was needed to get a paycheck.

"Where is Jennifer with the coffee? Ms. Drake, you will have to rectify this." Mr. Mitchell whispers in my ear.

Sighing, I get up and make my way to the kitchen. There is a cart with all the coffee, tea and assorted beverages but no Jennifer. I grab it and wheel it into the conference room which is now dark for the slide show Mr. Mitchell is presenting. I have to say he may be anti-social but when he gives a presentation he seems to command the room.

I went about like an airline stewardess taking requests and filling them with liquid refreshments as quietly as possible. As I approach Mr. Payne and his new assistant they are having a conversation.

"Ms. Herald, I need those Denton files. I can't find them where you said they would be." Mr. Payne's irritated whisper voice is talking to her.

Mr. Payne jabs at the computer screen while she frantically clicks at the mouse. She seems like a deer caught in headlights and I can't help but feel sorry for her. She isn't used to Mr. Payne's moods yet. I tap Mr. Payne on the shoulder and clear my throat. He looks up and for a brief second a warm smile flashes before it is masked with his usual glare

"Yes, Ms. Drake?"

"May I, Mr. Payne?" I point to the computer and he nods. Leaning over I click a few times and up pops the Denton file.

"Is this what you were looking for?" I straighten looking down at him.

He glances at the computer and back at me.

"Yes, Ms. Drake. Helpful as always." He smirks as his eyes dip to my chest and then back up.

Suddenly, I feel a hand crawling up my skirt and squeeze my thigh.


Chapter 27 - THE Meeting ...

While I am acutely aware that a hand is on the back of my thigh I know only one of two people could possibly be touching me right now. As Ms. Herald seems to be focusing on her computer using both hands to type, my deduction skills lead me to only one other ... Mr. Payne. My wide eyes dart down to see him watching me with his usual stoic expression. I turn my gaze to the room and notice no one is paying any attention to us; their eyes fixate on the large screen in the back of the room awash with scrutinized bullet points.

I miss him. His touch, his scent, God, his voice, I long for it all. But this can't be. While two months ago I might have been happy having a quick fling with Mr. Payne, now I desire something greater. He may want more of me physically, but I require an emotional depth that I am realizing he isn't capable of, at least with me.

So with great pain and bitterness I reach behind my skirt and push his hand away. Leaning down toward his assistant I inquire if she wants a beverage. Smiling sweetly she asks for water. I turn to Mr. Payne.

"Let me guess, coffee ... black ... like your soul." I smirk and walk to the drink cart. After I prepare the coffee and grab the water bottle I return placing the bottle in front of Ms. Herald. She grins up at me and rips off the cap taking a healthy guzzle.

"Your coffee, Mr. Payne." I whisper to him. As he takes it from my hand our fingers touch causing my skin to prickle and sending shivers straight to my core. I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to keep a moan from escaping.

Knowing I have to get away from him I rush off to my chair making the mistake of glancing up once I am seated to encounter Mr. Payne's eyes focused solely on me. His magnetic gaze holds mine causing the sound to drown out only to be replaced by the loud beating of my heart. My skin tingles as heat grows inside. I feel hot and very, very wet.

How can one man's eyes do this to me? My insides are melting and I know if the lights were up in the room everyone would wonder why my skin is flush. Everyone, except Mr. Payne.

The meeting goes on around us but we can't seem to look away from one another. Before I realize it the lights flicker on breaking me from Mr. Payne's hold. I turn my head to see a smiling Mr. Mitchell packing up his laptop. Various conversations go on around me as everyone gets up to leave. When I glance back to Mr. Payne's chair it's empty and I find him walking around the table to talk to Mr. Mitchell. After a few moments Mr. Mitchell turns to me.

"Ms. Drake, I need you to stay behind. Mr. Payne has a few questions for you in regards to your former employment with him. After you two are done talking, come to my office so we can go over the notes."

Mr. Mitchell's eyes are cemented to the floor as he speaks to me. I nod in response and wonder if he can even see my head move. Before I know it the room is empty and Mr. Payne walks to the door to close it. Then he locks it.

Henrik turns to me, his expression telling me everything at once. There is to be no discussion about my work here or at Mimir. This is the "more" he wants from me.

"You can fight this, Morgana!"
my Brain interjects.
"You are a strong woman. Sex is more than sexual attraction, good looks and arousal."

"No, Brain, it's not. It can be more, but not always. Right now that is all Mr. Payne wants and I am starting to get tired of fighting, because as much as I want more from him romantically I still very much want the sex too."
Brain freaks when I say this yelling something about getting caught and then getting fired from two jobs for the same thing in a month. I shove her in the closet where Heart has been moping the last few weeks and lock the door.

"Morgana, I missed you." Mr. Payne explains as he strides up to me.

"You know where I live. If you missed me so much then why didn't you contact me?"

He is not getting off that easy. I put my hands on my hips to emphasize how determined I am. I am not really determined, but I would like him to think so.

He bites his lower lip and slowly releases it, of course making my eyes stare at his mouth. He tasted so good when he was at my apartment. I wonder if he still tastes that wonderful.

Mr. Payne brings his finger to the side of my neck by my ear and slowly traces a path down to the edge of my blouse.

"I know where you live. But if I remember correctly it was you who told me to leave. I figured you didn't want to see me again."

I lean back gripping the edge of the conference table and sigh.

"It doesn't matter now. I see you easily got your job back and a cute little assistant to boot."

Henrik grabs my hips and before I have time to react he pushes me up on the table. He hitches my skirt up, grabbing my panties, and begins to tug at them. I lift my ass so he can pull them off and place them in his jacket pocket. Separating my legs he moves closer to me. I look up into his hooded gaze and feel his hands searing my thighs with his grip.

"Are you jealous, Morgana?" the bastard smirks and I just want to slap it off his face and then violently attack it with my tongue and lips.

"No ... Yes ... Shit."

He chuckles as his hands leave my thighs and move up to my blouse to begin unfastening the buttons. I let him. Every glance, word, and touch he gives me burns and God help me I want more. His hands finally push back the fabric and the red lace of my bra releasing my breasts. Henrik bends and takes a nipple into his mouth while his hand massages the other. I arch into him as a small moan escapes my mouth.

His hand drops from my breast to slip between my thighs as his fingers glide inside and I gasp from the intrusion. He stands, releasing my firm nipple from his lips. I start to grind against his hand while staring into his darkening eyes. As I inhale his minty spice scent my mind is flooded with him doing this exact same thing to me in another building just a few months ago. I try to focus on him, not the realization that so much has changed in this short time. I don't care what he tells me, I know he has feelings for me even if he is too chicken-shit to admit it.

"Don't be jealous of Ms. Herald. She is barely competent at her job. She makes your face plants look like an ingenious client negotiation. Besides I like my assistants to be intelligent and ... know what they want."

I reach for his hand between my legs to gain control of something, but my grasp loosens as I become all too aware of my body's shift toward a climax. His other hand releases my breast to unfasten and unzip his pants. I lick my lips in expectation of what he will reveal to me.

As he pulls out his cock I notice something, it's big. Not run-away-in-fear large, but bigger then I have ever experienced. As he pumps into me with his fingers his other hand works his cock.

"I haven't been able to get you out of my head for the past month. I dream about how you look when you come. I need this, Morgana. God I need you."

It's all I need to hear and my muscles contract as my climax consumes me. All goes dark and I hurtle upward as I feel my voice release a noise, though I have no idea how loud or what sound I have made. Everything is a blur.

As I open my eyes again I see Mr. Payne gritting his teeth and his cock is shiny and red. I make the decision it's angry. Mad that it isn't inside me.

"Fuck me, Henrik. Please fuck me."

He lowers his pants and underwear and out of nowhere comes a condom wrapper that he rips open. Where did that come from?

"Did you think you would get lucky today?" I ask wanting to know why he has a condom on him in the middle of the day to come to a meeting.

He laughs and shakes his head as he rolls it onto his dick.

"No. But after last time in case I ever ran into you I never wanted to be unprepared again."

Henrik grabs my hips pulling me closer to the edge as he rubs the tip to my entrance. His eyes flicker up to mine and a smirk appears just as he impales me. My head falls back as the sharp jolt of heat rips me in half.

"Oh God, Morgana. You are so ... uh ... this is better than I could have imagined. Fuck!"

His thrusts start off slow to allow me to adjust to his size but soon pick up as he exhales a grunt. I lift my head to see him watching me but especially my mouth.

I bring my hand around his neck and pull him to me. My lips crash onto his and his tongue comes looking for mine. The kiss is deep and aggressive but I feel reluctance from him, as if he is holding something back. Never thought a kiss could communicate that but then I haven't really been with a lot of winners in my time.
"Told you."
My Mouth decides right now to gloat.
"Uh, Mouth, I am being fucked on a conference table right now, could you come back later to make your point?"
Mouth nods and then stares dreamily at Mr. Payne.

Henrik lowers me back until I am lying on the table before breaking our kiss to stand. His thumb seeks my clit while his other hand reaches from my breast.

"You are so beautiful, Morgana. I need you to come for me. I can't last much longer."

He didn't even really need to say anything because a few flicks of his thumb and I break. I tighten around him. As my head shakes from the intensity, I hear him cry out my name as his thrusts slow and finally still.

Henrik collapses on my stomach and we both stay silent for a minute with only the sounds of our breaths filling the room. As he stands he reaches out a hand to help me down. I look up at him and wonder if he wants the same as me now, or if this was just to get me out of his system?

There is an awkward moment and he finally breaks it by walking to the door and opening it.

"Thank you, Ms. Drake. Good luck with your new job."

He doesn't even face me as he says the words, just turns his head slightly with his back to me, like we just finished a discussion about the airspeed velocity of a swallow. And with that, he slips past the door frame and out of my life, again. I sit in one of the chairs shocked by how nonchalantly he can walk away. I think he just answered the question I had in my head a moment ago.

Hearing some voices in the hall I stand and try to fix my hair as I see Mr. Mitchell walk into the room.

"There you are. I have been waiting for a while. I guess Mr. Payne needed ..." His eyes stare at something on the table and I turn to see what it is. A condom wrapper. Fuck!

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