Cake Love: All Things Payne (21 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lynx

BOOK: Cake Love: All Things Payne
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Chapter 11

Payne’s Anti-Rule 5: Learn the Art of Sweet Talk

I’m sitting on the bench in front of the Mimir building, craning my neck to glance back to watch for the delivery guy. Nothing yet.

I bring out my phone and check the time as I turn back to face the street, 3:04. They’re late. A bus pulls up and everyone on the bench gets up but me. I glance back again and finally see a guy holding a white box, wearing jeans and a red shirt with a white cake printed on the back, walk into the Mimir building.

It’s torture to wait another minute before I can rise and casually stroll into the building, but I do it. It feels odd walking through these glass doors that I entered five days a week for ten years. The first couple of years, Mirmir's offices were at a business park outside of Chicago near O'Hare. I hated that commute. The only good thing about it was going the opposite way of traffic.

Glancing over at the security desk, I see Jim, a man in his mid-fifties with a potbelly from one too many donuts. His dark brown eyes widen in surprise upon spotting me as he’s about to bite into his old fashioned donut, his favorite. I smile and wave as I walk up to the elevator doors. Turning my head back to him, he appears confused but waves just as the doors open to the lift.

Stepping inside I hope I make it in time before he calls Edgar, or worse, Evaleen. Punching the twenty-eight button several times, optimistic I am the one person in all of elevator history to have the magic touch to make the lift move faster.

When I make it to the floor I step out and glance around, no one is here. My palms are clammy and I rub them on my navy dress pants as I walk toward my old office. The door is open and I notice no one is around, not even Morgana.

Nervously I step inside and glance at my old place. There is a new plant in the corner, with a nice pink blanket wrapped around the base, something more for a baby than a plant. Other than that, there is no décor. The walls are bare and the only thing on the desk is a few of Morgana's cake tchotchkes, a laptop, and the white boxes I had delivered.

"What are you doing here?" A deep male voice comes from behind.

I turn to see a tall blonde man in a beige suit walking into Morgana's office. At least I think it's her office. The way he’s glaring at me, makes me wonder if she works at another desk.

"I am looking for Ms. Drake. Is she in a meeting?" I clear my throat trying to sound casual.

His eyes scan me before widening in understanding as he nods. "Yes, she should be back soon. You must be Kirk, her new assistant; I'm Mr. Novak, Vice President of Consumer Business. She told me she hired someone new. Just to let you know Kirk, Morgana and I work very closely. So, if I am in here with her and the door is closed, don't disturb us, if you catch my drift." He winks his beady hazel eye at me.

What the fuck? Is she getting it on with him now? I wonder if she just has a thing for executives at this company. Maybe that's why she doesn't want to be with me; I’m no longer an executive, nor at this company.

I squint my eyes at him, and that’s when I realize he looks familiar, but from where? Then it hits me where I know him from, New York. This is the guy I saw Morgana have dinner with. The guy who put his weaselly arm around her.

"Henrik? What are you doing here?" I hear her voice and glance past Vice Asshole of Consumer Business to see her luxurious red hair swept up in a bun as her glasses fall down the bridge of her nose.

As she walks past Executive Dickhead, I notice she has on one of her slightly inappropriate miniskirts that causes her thigh highs to peak out and a tight dark gray matching blazer with a cream silk low cut blouse on underneath. God, she looks like a masterpiece. Sexy as sin and a work of art.

I have to force myself to pay attention as her plump red lips move.

"Are you responsible for all these cupcakes that have been coming here over the past couple of hours Henrik?"

"Henrik? Wait, are you Henrik Payne?" Mr. Novak sidles up beside Morgana, a little too close.

I want to scream at him to get out but it's not my office anymore. So, instead I sigh and shrug. Morgana has moved on and I didn't think that would happen. She spent weeks with Mr. Novak in New York, and now they work closely together. Honestly, what kind of chance do I have with her now?

"Yes, I am Henrik Payne. THE Henrik Payne." I lean toward Mr. Novak as I say it, causing him to back away slightly. "Yes, I sent the cupcakes."

Morgana's dazzling hazel eyes dart around the room, mainly focusing on the floor. After a moment, she looks up at Novak-the-douche. "Jamie, would you mind excusing Mr. Payne and I for a moment? I'll meet you in your office to discuss the overseas consumer business agendas in about ten minutes."

His eyes flicker between us and he smirks at me, before leaning in to whisper something in her ear. She nods and I try very hard not to punch him. Before he turns to go, he winks at me, and then closes the door behind him.

"What. An. Asshole!" I can't keep it in anymore.

Morgana laughs as she walks over to her desk and opens the new box on her desk that just came.

"He is a bit smarmy, but Jamie is smart and a hard worker. If I am not mistaken, so are you."

I march over to the other side of her desk and grip the edge. "So I’m smarmy am I?"

Morgana shakes her head causing her glasses to fall again before she pushes them up the bridge of her nose like a sexy vixen. Even when she’s being difficult, she turns me on.

"No, smart and a hard worker. Jamie is just a big flirt Henrik; don't let him get to you."

"Has he gotten to you?" I can't help but ask as I have to know.

She smirks at me and sits down on what used to be my chair, while putting her feet up on the desk. Holy Mother of God she looks so hot right now. Captain Cock is starting to salute her, so I have to bend over so she doesn't notice. I see her eyes drift down my body to my crotch.

Thanks Captain Cock!

"So tell me Henrik, all these cupcakes have a letter on them. I don't understand. Perhaps you could explain it to me."

Did the bakery not deliver them specifically in the order I asked? I knew the guy behind the counter wasn't paying attention. Next time, I’ll make sure I talk to the manager, not some young twenty-something who looks like he smoked one too many blunts in his life.

I walk around to Morgana's side of the desk and open the boxes. Yup, just a bunch of cupcakes with random letters on them. I take them out and arrange them how I specified.

Morgana stands and then shakes her head. "I never asked you to marry me."

I watch as her finger swipes at the white cream cheese frosting of the red velvet cupcakes that spell: Yes I Will Marry You.

"I know, but you asked cake to marry you, so I am just helping out my old friend."

"So you aren't jealous that I plan to marry cake?" She turns to me as she sucks the frosting off her finger. I watch her lips pucker around her glistening fingertip and groan.

Fuck, what this woman does to me.

"Why should I be jealous Morgana, you don't want to be with me anymore."

Her gaze falls to the ground as she removes her finger. "I'm sorry Henrik. I just needed some time to think. You have to admit the past few months have been crazy, for you and for me. Even our entire relationship has been bumpy to say the least. I need to step back and think. Make sure risking my heart with you again is worth it."

She sits in her chair and I lean back on the desk and watch her.

"Am I worth it Morgana?"

She turns her head to look out the window.

"Answer me one thing Henrik, and then I can tell you for sure."

I nod and scoot closer to her.

"After we have sex, are you going to run away again? Or after I admit I love you? Or after a few months when we decide to move in together? Or at some point in the future, whenever your fear clouds your judgment and you run away like you always did before."

I grab the cupcake with the letter U on it and hand it to her. "You’re going to need some cake before I answer you."

She grimaces but unwraps the cupcake, then takes a bite. Her eyes glaze at the moist sweetness of the confection. She moans in approval and takes another bite, but her eyes widen. Morgana removes the cupcake from her mouth, her lips covered in crumbs and frosting.

"What the hell?" She mumbles, as her mouth is still full of cake.

Her fingers remove something shiny from her mouth.

I kneel down in front of her and grab the ring from her hand. "Morgana Drake, when you walked in this office over six months ago, I was in shock. I didn't want to hire you. You were so beautiful that I knew I would get fired for groping you if I took you on as an assistant.  I told myself not to give you a chance. I tried my hardest to make you not want the job. I ignored you, took phone calls, was my usual rude self, and even left in the middle of the interview, not returning. I made Evaleen come in to tell you it's over."

She is furrowing her brow at me and God help me, she looks so cute with all the crumbs falling from her mouth.

"Henrik, if this is some sort of marriage proposal this is the worst one I have ever heard."

"Just hear me out. I ran away all those times because I was afraid. Afraid you would leave me, destroy me. But, you know what? You left me anyway. And guess what? It didn't destroy me. It hurt more than anything, but I still lived. I had to hire you all those months ago because no matter what I threw at you during the interview, you hung on and surprised me with what you knew. You're the smart one Morgana. You saw the best in me despite what I showed you. You pushed me when I resisted and because of all of this, I am not afraid for the first time in over a decade."

I grab her frosted covered hand and take the ring to hold up to her. Despite the layers of icing and cake crumbs, the one carat diamond that used to be my mom’s still sparkles in the fluorescent lighting.

"Because of your brain I had to hire you. Your brain then introduced me to your vagina, which then led me to your heart. That is what I fell for the hardest. I haven't been the same since. You ruined me for anyone else. To answer your questions, what happens when I get scared again, I'll just have to talk to you about it. Because if I run, where will I go? No woman will ever compare to you. I love you Morgana. I want to be with you, always. I may have only known you for six months, but when you walked away from me back in April, I knew I never wanted to lose you again. When a man knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with the most beautiful woman in the world, he does whatever he can to make himself worthy of her and put a ring on it. Please say you will marry me."

She holds out her left hand and I push the ring onto her left finger. It is a bit loose but a jeweler can easily fix that. Morgana still hasn't said a word; her gaze is focused on the ring. Finally, her eyes lift to mine and she smirks.

"Well, well, well Mr. Payne, how the tides have turned. Now I am the executive with you kneeling before me, begging me." She slips her finger into her mouth, sucking the frosting away; her words and actions taunting me.

"Morgana, I just—“

“—That’s Ms. Drake to you.” I start to get up but her hand clenches my shoulder, pushing me back down. I stumble and fall on my ass. She slides off her chair and straddles my legs, pinning me down.

"Morgana I just asked..." She waves her finger in the air stopping me, correcting me. “Sorry,
Ms. Drake,
I just asked you to marry me and you are playing games.”

I swear her eyes sparkle at that moment; maybe the light hit them as she cocked her head and smirked at me.

"How am I supposed to answer you, Mr. Payne, with my mouth full?"

Chapter 12

Payne’s Anti-Rule 6: Never Assume You are in Control

There is nothing in her mouth. In fact, she’s licking her lips at me, and biting down on her bottom lip as her eyes scan my body. Is she avoiding the question? Playing some mind game so I will be too distracted to notice? I'm about to ask her but I freeze as her fingers brush over the belt buckle to my pants.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Mr. Payne, obviously you got rid of your personal shopping assistant when you downsized because this belt doesn't go with your pants. In fact,” she pauses dramatically, biting her bottom lip as if deep in thought, “let’s just remove all this." Morgana unzips my pants and pushes everything down as I mindlessly lift my ass off the carpet to help her. Since she’s still seated on my legs, she stops at mid-thigh. Captain Cock springs forth; giving her the salute he has wanted to since she walked in here.

Her hand wraps around the base, lightly stroking it. I lean back on my elbows and groan as she taunts me with her hand.

Morgana moves from my legs and is now on all fours hovering over me. My eyes wander to her cleavage, her blouse falling enough to show her white lace bra. She firms her grip on my shaft and I focus on her glistening lips as they are less than an inch from my tip.

Her head turns up to face me and she is the vision of every fantasy I have ever had. The loose bun, with tendrils falling around her face, the dark glasses resting on the tip of her nose, her lavish tits almost falling out of her sexy business suit, and her mini skirt riding up her ass displaying the lacy edge of her sheer dark stockings.

"Fuck me," I whisper, drinking her in.

"You are asking a lot of me, Mr. Payne. First, you want me to answer your question and now you want me to fuck you? Make up your mind. Perhaps I have a question for you. It is a big commitment you are asking of me."

My head bobs rapidly. "Yes, yes, anything. Ask me anything."

Her tongue darts out quickly licking up the pre-cum that has formed on the tip. My head falls back from the heavy ache between my thighs.

"What kind of cake will be served at our wedding?"

I gaze back into her eyes; she is serious. Her hand is becoming needier, pumping my cock faster. My mind is a blur as images of cake fly around in my head. Before long, they morph into her popping out of them, naked. And now, I imagine she’s covered in frosting as I lick it off of her.

"Chocolate," I blurt out, praying that was the right answer and she’ll reward me by putting her lips on my swollen head.

"You are getting warm, Mr. Payne. However, that is still too general. Is it chocolate cake, or icing, or both? Are there decorative flowers or a simple modern design? How many tiers? A wedding cake is the holy grail of all cakes. If I marry you, Mr. Payne, I must know how good you are at knowing the true art of cake."

Her mouth encases my engorged member, now purple from building pressure. Quickly her mouth seizes all of me, and just a fast, she’s sitting back up, leaving a glistening trail behind. As her hand takes over, all her questions fall from my thoughts; I can only see and feel Morgana’s warm touch on me.

"Focus, Mr. Payne. You are too smart to be distracted by a little teasing." She frowns. I think at any moment she will stop, but Morgana's hand picks up the pace causing my hips to follow suit.

"My eyes are right here, Mr. Payne. Now, about that cake..." She reaches up to the desk with her free hand, grabbing a cupcake and bringing it to her lips. I watch in erotic glory as she licks at the creamy frosting.

"Here you try it Mr. Payne, perhaps it will help you decide what type of frosting we will have." She pushes the cake in my face smearing the icing all over my mouth, while her hand continues to beat me off.

The assault to my senses causes me to only be in the moment. The last thing I can comprehend is a wedding cake, until I feel her lips crash into mine.

It was always her kiss. The thing that I kept from her all those months when we first met because deep down I knew if I tasted her, felt her soft lips, breathed her in, I would be lost forever. But I wasn't. I was lost before our kiss. Her kiss forced me to wake up and figure out who I really am.

Now that her lips are on mine, the taste of sugar, cream cheese, and Morgana stir me yet again. My tongue slips in her mouth and I devour her. I bite her lip and our tongues dance together. I hear her moan as I nip at her.

I grab her hand and gently remove it from my cock, while pinning her hands behind her back. She now has to lay on me as I hold her hostage in my grasp. I sit up, bringing her with me, and break our kiss. I let go of her wrists and trail a hand down her neck to her breasts, slipping in to pinch her nipple. She arches into my palm.

"Ms. Drake, you have been a very bad woman, torturing me like that. You know I will have no option but to punish you for your actions. However, you know me; I’m not an unreasonable man. I will still answer your I fuck you."

I flick her nipple with my thumb causing her to gasp. "Now get up, put your hands on the desk, and bend over, Ms. Drake."

Morgana's eyes widen as a small smile breaks out on her face. She pushes off me and gets into position. She instinctively goes to remove her glasses, but I stop her.

"Leave them on," I state firmly as I shimmy off my pants and black boxer briefs. Once I am standing, I have everything off from the waist down.

Walking to the side of her, my hand trails down to the hem of her skirt, lifting it to show her lace covered cheeks. I watch her as she turns her head to look at me. Her eyes softening as I skim my fingers over her flesh, trailing the edge of the lace.

I push down her panties but just to her thighs and spread open her cheeks to see her shimmering rose colored pussy waiting for me. I dip my finger between her folds, sliding it in and out a few times as she releases a heavy sigh.

"Three tier," I state just as I get on my knees and brush my tongue along her soft wet curves. I make sure to bypass her clit, knowing it will be too sensitive right now, and focus on pushing my tongue inside her. She tastes tangy but with a certain sweetness that is only Morgana. When I fantasized about her over the past few months, this is what I pictured, me tasting every inch of her body as she wore her sexy as fuck glasses.

"Henrik. Ah. Ah. Ahhh."

Morgana is pushing into my face and I have to stroke myself as I taste her. I need her to slow it down or I'm going to come in my hand. After a few strokes, I take my hand away from myself and slap her beautiful round ass cheek. Morgana yelps, but it's followed by a groan as I massage away the sting.

A few more smacks, some on her cheek, a few on her thigh, and I push my fingers inside her while sucking on her clit. Already I feel her tightening around me. After a couple more kisses, she breaks apart over me.

"I'm coming..." she yells, as she pulses around my fingers, her thighs shaking as her orgasm spreads through her.

"Okay Morgana. I'll wait a few more minutes, but then I have to leave for that meeting in the loop." We both look up at the sound of Jamie's voice floating under the office door. Both of us don't move for a few moments until we hear him walk away before breaking out into laughter.

"Do you think he heard us?" I ask but she shakes her head, still breathing hard against the desk.

"No and even if he did, I’ve caught him before with his assistant, so he would never say anything."

Morgana starts to push up from the desk, but I halt her progress and press her back down. Leaning in, I whisper in her ear, "Blue fondant icing with reddish pink flowers edging a trail up the side."

She moans and I quickly grab a condom from my pants pocket on the floor. After rolling it on, I line my cock to her and slide it up and down her slickness. Slowly I thrust into her. I can still feel the aftershocks of her orgasm as I fill her.

"God Morgana, I forgot how good you feel."

I try to take it slow, but her soft heat is too addicting. That and she keeps crying for me to go faster.

The sounds of our breathing and the slapping of our skin fill the room. I know I won't last long. This is all too much and I can only be grateful I have a condom on which is helping me last as long as I am.

"Sweetcakes, I can't hold out." I bite my lip and look away. Seeing her bent over the desk as her ass shakes, while I pound into her is more than I can handle.

"I love you, Henrik."

I snap my head back to see her face morphed into blissful pain. She cries out and I can feel her muscles contract around me as she climaxes. Watching her fall while opening her heart sends me over the edge.

My head falls back as I push deep inside her, stilling my movements.

"Oh God, Morgana," I partially groan the words.

After I return to Earth and we both laugh in relief, I push out of her and get rid of the condom. I help her off the desk and wrap my arms around her from behind. Sprinkling her neck with kisses, I keep fondling her boobs because they were made to be groped.

"That was a hell of a cake you talked about, Mr. Payne." She pulls away from me, turns around, and holds her hand out to shake.

"Looks like you have yourself a deal. Yes, I will marry you Henrik"

I grin like the biggest idiot and push her hand away, kissing her instead. After a few minutes of our lip assault, I stand back and gaze at her in curiosity.

"So, what if I had described a different cake or a cake you didn't like? Would you have said no?"

Her brows crease as she tilts her head. "A cake I don't like? Do you even know me Henrik? That is the most ridiculous question I have ever heard."

A knock on the door interrupts my laughter. We freeze again, but then I realize we aren't having sex this time.  We quickly adjust our clothes before she tells the person to come in.

"Hey Drake, I just wanted...oh. Hello Payne." Evaleen stops mid stride as she notices me standing beside Morgana. Her usual snarly tone is not as evil this time. I think our conversation yesterday warmed Evaleen to me.

"Evaleen, so nice to see you." I nod and notice Morgana staring at me out of the corner of my eye, her mouth wide open.

"I'll come back later when you’re alone." Evaleen starts to turn but Morgana stops her.

"No, Evaleen, please stay. Anything you wish to say, you can say in front of my fiancé."

I grin and wrap Morgana in a side hug as Evaleen's mouth falls open. The ups and downs, ins and outs, being with and without Morgana, were almost all worth it to watch the expression on Evaleen's face. I am starting to like surprising Evaleen. Maybe from now on instead of pissing her off, I’ll just try to shock her.

"Fiancé? Just an hour ago you called him a controlling dick." Evaleen smirks at me as she speaks the words.

A few months ago, what Morgana said about me would have pissed me off. A few weeks ago, I would have understood why she said it. Even an hour ago, I would have cringed at those words, but right now, I am beaming.

"I...uh..." Morgana stutters.

I wave my hand in the air to stop her. "I was a controlling dick. Morgana was right, but right now, I am just in love with the sexiest, smartest woman in the world." I grin at Morgana as she blushes.

I can hear dry heaving sounds coming from Evaleen, but we ignore her.

"Okay, well I'll be in my office trying to keep my lunch down Drake. You stop by when you two stop being so nauseating." She turns on her heel and walks out, shutting the door behind her.

"Why don't I leave work early, and we go back to your place Henrik and you can tell me more about our wedding cake."

She pulls at my hand and I follow her, knowing how happy I am to follow her anywhere she wants to go.

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