Cake Love: All Things Payne (19 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lynx

BOOK: Cake Love: All Things Payne
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Chapter 9

Payne’s Anti-Rule 3: Be Careful when Looking The Devil Directly in it's Eyes

I spot her immediately since her dark, drab clothes are a deep contrast to the bold blues, yellows, and reds of the small coffee shop’s décor. Sporadically placed around the shop are small black tables and chairs, canisters with dark brown fragrant coffee beans, and the spawn of Satan herself, Evaleen Bechmann. I don't even bother ordering coffee as I want this meeting over as quickly as possible. I take the seat across from her and look up into her devil eyes. Oh did I say devil eyes, I meant bitch eyes.

She squints at me causing the tan skin of her brow to tighten from the restrictive bun of her dirty blonde hair. My eyes sweep down to notice she is wearing a very dark navy suit, almost black, but it might as well be a potato sack for how well it forms to her body.

"Payne," she sneers.

"Bechmann," I mutter and despite myself, I smile, having missed our banter, it somehow reminds me of Seinfeld and Newman. I am growing soft as I reflect longingly at my time with Evaleen.

"Why am I here?" she demands and then brings her cup to her lips for a small sip.


"What about her?"

I let out a breath trying to focus on what to ask her. What can I say? How is Morgana? Why won't she be with me? I think Evaleen would have a field day with that last question.

"I want her back, but she won't have me. I was hoping you could help me win her back."

There is a loud cackling sound and for a moment I think someone brought some chickens into the café, but then I realize it’s just Evaleen laughing. I have to wait a good minute before her laughter subsides.

"Oh my God, thank you for that Payne. I really needed a good laugh today. Stress at work, you know. Oh that's right, you don't know, as you are
." She starts laughing again but not for as long as before.

"Okay you've had your fun. If you must know, I’m starting my own business that I know Edgar has shown interest in investing in, maybe even Jacob as well." I lift my chin in the air as her smile fades.

"Whatever Payne, you aren't my problem anymore; the fact you aren't in Drake's life either makes life that much sweeter. So, why oh why should I help you win her back?"

I didn't think I would have to bribe her, which is stupid on my part. Of course, she is going to want something for giving me information. My eyes dart around the coffee shop as my brain rapidly thinks of things she would want. After about a minute it hits me.

"Give me a piece of paper and a pen," I ask as I lean back in the chair.

"Okay." Evaleen is weary but digs in her square black purse that hangs from her chair and produces some yellow post it notes and a blue pen. I take the pad and pen from her and write down what I know, then slide it to her.

Her eyes scan the note and then go wide. She glances up at me and for the first time since I met her, she looks unguarded, even youthful and dare I say, pretty.

"Really? He really said that? When?" Her blue eyes sparkle and for a moment, I’m happy for her.

"About five years ago when you were still just an HR admin. He always has."

Her eyes flutter and I begin to see how men find her attractive.

"But, the others. I mean, there have been so many."

I shrug. "That's a guy for you. Some people bury their hurt in alcohol or food, some in sex."

She shakes her head and I see the ache in her eyes. She takes a deep breath before turning her gaze back to mine. Her devil eyes are back. It's her coping mechanism. I realize at that moment just how similar we are. The tough mask we put on to hide our pain. Maybe that's why I don't like her, I see too much of myself in her. Most people like seeing themselves in others, but not me. It reminds me of all that I hate.

"Thank you for this, Payne." Evaleen holds up the paper before clearing her throat. "Do you see that barista behind the counter? The tall guy with the shaggy light brown hair."

I turn and look at him as he busies himself making a drink for a customer. Turning back to Evaleen I nod. “Yeah, what about him?”

"That is Drake's ex, Trevor Trance."

My eyes widen and I whip my head around to scrutinize him further. He’s thin but with some muscle, like a runner. His nose is a bit too big for his face, but adds to his attractiveness. Scanning Trevor, I see nothing about him that screams competition to me. Especially his beady eyes, like he would be cast as a villain in a movie if he were an actor.

I turn back to look at Evaleen who is casually sipping her coffee. “Does Morgana know he works here? Oh shit! Is she seeing him again?” Jealousy and rage start to flow through my veins, as I contemplate a way to destroy coffee-smelling, beady-eyed Trevor.

That's why Evaleen suggested this place, because she knows Morgana is going to show up. She wants to destroy me by having me witness that beady-eyed dirt bag touching her.

"No, she doesn't know he works here. You see Payne; I had to look this guy up because there is a potential problem that involves him. When Drake entered the Executive Development Program, I had to contact her ex. I found out...well I won't tell you how I found out, but I discovered that Drake and her ex have a viral history so to speak." Evaleen's smirking at me.

"Morgana has a sexually transmitted disease? Did this guy give it to her? Does she not know?"

Evaleen grunts in frustration and rolls her eyes before sitting up. "No. Just let me finish. Apparently Mr. Trance filmed them having sex many years ago and then put it up on the Internet. Only he never told her about it. She knows though. She found out later and broke up with him, then she had to change her first name because doofus put their first names in the title."

I...can't...even. That motherfucker! Automatically, my hand clenches so tight that I feel the skin in my palm begin to break from my fingernails.

"Whoa! Calm down Payne. What are you going to do? Go over there and beat the crap out of him? Get you kicked out or even thrown in jail. How is that going to look to future investors for your new business? I am telling you this for a reason. Do something with it, but don't go all caveman with it. That's just stupid and really won't win her back."

I take a few breaths and count to ten, twice. Feeling slightly more relaxed, I nod my head at Evaleen. My mind starts to function again as I try to figure out what I'm going to do.

"How is she at work? Is she enjoying being an executive?" I ask Evaleen as I hunger for any sort of information about Morgana.

Evaleen smiles while playing with the paper sleeve of her cup. "Yeah. She has your old job, Payne. She walks in your old office every day and doesn't have to worry about having to deal with assholery anymore."

I don't know what shocks me more, that Morgana is now VP of Sales and Marketing or the news about fuckwad filming her during sex.

"What? They gave her my old job?"

"Not really. About a week after you left, they hired a replacement but the idiot didn't know a hole in the ground from his own asshole, so they fired him about a week before Drake came back from New York. Since she knew the most about the job out of anyone at Mimir, they let her have it temporarily until they can find someone with more experience."

I smile picturing her doing my old job. It makes me happy knowing that it is her there and not someone else. Some stranger who doesn't know the company or the people, but has a great resume taking over my position doesn't settle well with me. “She’s good, isn’t she?”

I watch as a small smile erupts from Evaleen’s face before she gushes with pride, "Yeah, I would almost say she is better than you, but you did have more experience at the job, and at times it shows. Honestly, I wish Mr. Mimir would just give her the job. I know in a few months Drake will be best for it. Plus, people trust her and enjoy working with her."

"They sure didn't like working with me."

"I know I didn't." We both laugh at Evaleen's remark.

"Look Evaleen, I can't remember why we grew to hate each other, but—“ Evaleen cuts me off before I try to make amends.

“—I do.” My brow pinches and I tilt my head. "What was it?"

"It was about six years ago, I had just started at Mimir a few weeks earlier. It was someone's birthday so there was cake in the conference room on the executive floor. I stood near you and Edgar but wasn't part of your conversation. I overheard Edgar saying, 'She seemed really nice when I met her.' I looked over at him and his eyes were staring right at me. I figured you both were talking about me, the new hire. I admit, I shouldn't have been eavesdropping but I was new and wanted to make sure I was making a good impression, especially with the people running the company."

She sighed and then laughed a little before shaking her head. "That's when you stated, 'The Ice Queen wouldn't know how to be nice if it came and gave her a nice kiss...on the ass.' I was floored at how you described me. I always tried to be serious and a hard worker but never had I once been described like that before. I set up a meeting with you to find out why you said that, and when I asked if I had done anything to offend you, you looked me straight in the eye and said yes. You then described the tremendous amounts of errors in the HR paperwork and complained about the delays in various HR meetings. Obvious someone was at fault so, and I quote, 'It must be the new girl because who else would fuck up in this manner.' End quote."

I don't remember any of this. I would never have called an employee Ice Queen. There is only one other person I ever said that about.

"From that point on Payne, I hated you. I set it upon myself to make your working life at that company a living hell. If I had a chance to make your job a little bit harder or make you have to work later, I did it." Evaleen's arms crossed over her chest and she’s glaring at me. If what she said is true then I don't blame her for hating me.

"I'm so sorry Evaleen. I don't remember that specific conversation with Edgar, but I do know that the only person I ever called an Ice Queen was my mother. I never would have said that about an employee, especially a new hire. I didn't know you. As for the way I treated you when you asked if I offended you, well that was all me. I was an asshole for a very long time. If it isn't already glaringly obvious, I have a lot of anger issues." I chuckle and the corner of my mouth tilts up in an impish grin.

"For a long time I thought the best way to deal with people was to just point out the mistakes, even if it wasn't their fault. I am sure you weren't responsible for the errors in the forms and meeting schedules. I know for a fact that you were too junior at the time to have any control on scheduling mistakes. You just happened to be in front of me at the time and made the mistake of asking me if I had a problem. I'm sorry. That was no way to treat you. I hope you can forgive me."

We sat in silence for a moment as Evaleen just stared at me. Her mouth opened and closed a few times. She didn't expect me to apologize. The old me would never have admitted I made a mistake, but the old bitter Henrik died the day Morgana walked out of my office at Mimir. I wonder sometimes if I just left the old me in that building, in that office. I can’t help but wonder if I ever returned, would the old, bitter me come roaring back to life?

Who knows? It doesn't matter anymore as I will never be setting foot in that office again.

"Well, I better let you get back to work Evaleen. For what it's worth, you are good at your job. I never let anyone say a disparaging word about your work. You are a hard worker and I admire that about you. Thank you for letting me know about Morgana."

I stand and push the chair back in, as Evaleen remains seated, staring forward as if I’m still directly in front of her.

"Payne. Drake’s first name is April." Evaleen smirks as she tells me.

I nod. "April, that's a nice name. Too bad she had to change it."

Evaleen nods and gets up. Gathering her things, she taps me on the arm just before she heads out.

"Payne, I just wanted to say I wish you the best of luck with your business, and if anyone can make something work, I know it's you. You’re smart and good at what you do."

I watch her in stunned silence as she exits the shop. After a moment, I turn my attention to the front counter where Trevor is waiting by the register. I make my way to the front never taking my eyes off him.

"Hello sir. What is your drink preference today?" His nasally voice causes my stomach to churn.

"So, you’re the dipshit that forced Morg...April Drake to change her name." I cut straight to it.

The blood drains from his face as his eyes drift over my body. I have at least a few inches of height and definitely many more pounds of muscle than he does.

"Um, what do you want?" his voice cracks as he asks me.

"I want you to apologize to her."

His eyes dart around the shop and he whispers, "Where is she?"

I pluck the pen from his shirt pocket and grab an old receipt left on the counter. I write on the paper and push it to him, tossing the pen at him.

"Call this number. Tell her to meet you here tomorrow at noon. You need to talk to her. When she gets here you take whatever shit she throws at you and you beg her forgiveness."

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