Cake (19 page)

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Authors: Nicole Reed

BOOK: Cake
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Opening the door, I step out and am surprised at the silence. Not wanting to face anyone, I go upstairs to change clothes. First things first. I let Jonsie out of his crate before I have my nervous breakdown and turn to place the chain lock across my door. Dray has a key that I gave him last month. I don’t want to see him now, if ever. Jonsie, sensing my mood, barks, begging me to pick him up.


“Not today, Little Guy. My ass hurts to even bend over. Damn him.”


Walking into my bathroom, I turn the water on to heat up, letting the steam fill the area. Stepping into the shower, I’m not sure if the liquid streaming down my face is water from the showerhead or my own tears. It doesn’t matter because I don’t have time for this. I need to get ready for tonight to help Madison and Nick. Losing Dray shouldn’t hurt like he is my forever. We both know he isn’t. The only question is - why does it hurt like he is?

The gala is in full swing by the time Madison and I arrive. She showed up at my apartment with an attitude towards me, but at least in enough time for me to dress her. She’s barely said two words to me the entire time, but after my day, I’m in no mood for girl talk anyway. We’ve already went through the media junkets where I said that she is wearing a white Alfred Bossand tulle dress and capelet. I, myself, am garbed in a navy blue John Galliano Strapless Gown, and if you want to procure the damn things, you can buy them at my store. I didn’t actually say that part, but I really wanted to. On the outside, we both look like starlets, but on the inside, we are two bitter old women.


We each bestow our personal donation checks and move to the bar and order double seven and sevens. So many thoughts are jumbled in my mind. Did Lil Rip say something to her? Is she still mad at how I acted that night? Does she realize what a horrible friend I am? Then, there is the whole Dray issue. Are we finished? How could he flip out like that? And why the hell did I get off on the spanking? Jeez, I still feel like a pervert.


Looking down at my glass, I realize I’ve finished my drink.


“Here.” Madison holds out another full cocktail. “You look like you could use one. And I don’t mean that nicely. You look like you’ve been ridden hard and put up wet.”


Taking the drink from her, I drink as much as I can before it begins to burn my throat. “Well, you would know about being ridden wet and put up hard,” I say mixing my words on purpose.


Turning towards me, she says, “I want to know one thing.”


I’m so tired at this point that, if she ask me flat out if I’m seeing Dray, I am not going to lie. “What?” I snap, taking another swig which warms my entire body.


“If I’m your best friend, why are you being so secretive about this mystery man? And why, for the love of God, is everyone saying you are seeing Nick? There. I just came out and asked you.” She stands, belligerent, in front of me.


When I realize what she is asking, alcohol sprays from my mouth and nose, all down my thousand dollar dress and hers. I can’t help the laughter that bubbles up and out of my chest. This is priceless. People stare, and for the first time, I don’t care what they think. Looking directly at her, I speak the plain truth, “You like him.” I can’t stop laughing at the horrified look on her face.


“And I thought we were friends,” she says, hurt, then starts to walk away.


Grabbing her hand, I pull her away from prying eyes and into the nearest corner. I see the tears that swell in her eyes, and I finally comprehend the severity of what is going on. On cue, I see the head security guy nod his head at me. Thank God something goes as planned today.


Reaching for her hand, I ask, “Do you trust me?”


At first, I think she is going to say something that is going to kill me on the inside, but after a long minute, she replies, “Yes. Always.”


“I’m not, nor have I ever, slept with Nick Andrews. Nick has no desire to sleep with me either. I am sleeping with Dray.”


“WHAT?” Her screech is heard across all fifty states I’m sure.


“Well, I was sleeping with Dray, but I don’t have time to talk about it now.”


“But people saw you with Nick today. In town.”


Damn. Here I am thinking we were being sneaking. “Actually, I can show you what that is about right now. But, you have to promise not to be mad at me.”


“I...,” she starts.


“No, you have to solemnly swear that you won’t be mad.” She starts to speak again, but I interrupt, “No surprise for you, if you don’t agree now.” This may work out in my favor. I wonder if they will name their firstborn after me?


“Okay, what is it?” She finally agrees.


Following me, I take her down to the designated office. On the way, since she has promised to not be mad, I’ve decided to still follow the plan and lock her in. Madison is cagey, but once she gives her word, she sticks by it. When we reach the door, I pull her to me and kiss her cheek.


“Ooh, gross! Don’t ever kiss me again with the same mouth that has been on Dray’s mouth or worse his penis.” She starts to gag.


Yeah, I’m not going to feel one bit bad about this. Opening the door, the light switch is right there, so I turn the lights off and shove her in, locking it once it closes. I listen to her bang on the door until I hear another voice trying to calm her. The whole lights off thing is my spur of the moment brilliant idea. Nick can thank me later, this time with concert tickets and backstage passes. Looking at my watch, I decide to give the lovebirds at least thirty minutes.


“What to do with the next thirty minutes?” I say out loud. It’s like an adult seven minutes in heaven. My mind instantly goes to Dray. Yeah, he fumbled everything. Everything was going great. Why do men have to ruin everything? Seeing a door to the rose atrium, I walk through it, letting it shut behind me. It takes two seconds before I realize what I just did. I turn to try the doors to only confirm what I already know. I’m locked out. Good job, Kylie. Considering what I did by locking Mads in, the only logical conclusion is that Karma is a flat out bitch.


Strolling through the beautiful landscape, I try to find another way out. The only light is the moon shining through the atrium windows. The aroma of roses is almost overwhelming, but, at the same time, familiar. My Aunt Leigh always had fresh cut roses around her house. She would love this. I didn’t get a chance to call her today, but tomorrow I will, and maybe I can bring her here. Making it to the end, I realize I’m in a small atrium with no other way out except one other set of doors with chains locking them closed. Isn’t that breaking some fire code or something?


Walking back the way I came, I stop when I swear I hear a door opening.


“Is anyone in here?” Is that Dray’s deep voice?


I say, “Hello?” Wait! What if it’s some serial killer who kills his victims in rose gardens? It would definitely explain the chained doors.




“Dray?” I run towards his voice when I realize it’s him. I yell, “Don’t shut the door!” At the same time, I hear the heavy sound of it closing.


“Where are you?” His deep voice sounds as if he is running to meet me.


“The door locks, Dray.” I stop because it’s a lost cause. Let him find me or not. We are stuck here in the dark regardless. Plopping my butt on the ground, I take no heed regarding my dress anymore. I bring my knees to my chest and hug them close to me, resting my head on top. This has been one day best forgotten. Hearing a rustle, I look up to see Dray come running around the corner, dressed in his tux. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees me sitting here.


Flopping my head back down, I mumble, “We are locked in.” I can see him out of the corner of my eye.


Placing his hands in his pant pockets, he kicks the ground. “What are you doing in here?”


I raise my head to look at him. He’s too handsome for my own good. It’s funny. If you would have told me that the man standing before me would alter my life in any way a year ago, I would have laughed. So much has changed, and at the same time, so much remains unchanged. I want to have sex with Dray, but in so many ways, he’s a loose cannon. When he’s sweet, it’s magic, but when he’s...asshole Dray, I can’t handle him.


Looking at me, he says, “I’m sorry about today. You’ve been great these past couple of months. The sex is balls to the wall hot,” a slight grin spreads across his mouth, “but, and I don’t believe I’m going to say this, the friendship has really come to mean a great deal more to me.”


He looks like a lost little boy again, and my heart breaks when I think of all he has overcome in his life. “Dray.”


“No, let me finish. Trent is one lucky son-of-a-bitch, Kylie.” Looking down, he kicks at a rock, then peers back up. “I’m not going to bother you anymore.”


He’s right. I’m confused. My feelings are all over the place. In the bedroom, he is everything I could have ever dreamed, but outside, I don’t think we fit. Maybe it’s time to call an end to it, especially after today.


“I don’t want to go back to how we were. Please don’t do that to me.” My chest hurts, and my eyes ache with the tears that threaten to spill.


“No, I don’t think I could.”


“So…. what, you got fancied up to come dump me?” I say, swallowing the pain back. Squatting down to my eye level, he looks me square in the face.


“No, I came to beg you back. At least, for the sex,” he says with a wink.


Being a sucker for punishment, I ask, “What changed?” Standing up, he offers his hands to pull me off the ground.


“C’mon on. I have a surprise for you. I found it on my doorstep right before I left.”


Grabbing his hands, I let him slowly lift me. Time seems to stand still as my eyes never leave his. Things can never be the same, and in this moment, I know it’s a blessing and a curse. Slowly, he lowers his lips to mine, brushing them softly. He lingers for only a moment then pulls back, slowly releasing my hands and stepping away. That one kiss is my siren song. My body hums, wanting to finish what only he can offer me.


Shaking his head, he murmurs, “Damn him.”


Is he referring to Nick? Before I can ponder any more on what he means, he turns to walk back, and I silently follow. Once we get to where I can see the doors, I notice that someone is holding one open. Walking closer, I can’t believe who it is.


“Trent?” The door opens wider and light floods the dark at the entrance. “Trent!” My heart seizes as I run to him, throwing myself into his open arms.


“Kylie,” he says while hugging me hard. We both let out exuberant laughs as he swings me off the ground in a circle. “How’s my girl?” Putting me back on the ground, his eyes travel up and down my torso as he lets out a loud barking laugh then winks at me. “You know, I like my girls not to be afraid to get a little dirty,” he says while removing leaves and dusting dirt from my dress.


Groaning, I imagine how I must look to him. Strands of my hair fall down from its up-do, and I’m sure my makeup is melting away from the humidity. Not to mention, the designer dress is probably ruined. Smiling to myself, I don’t care. My day just became so much better.


Jumping up and hugging him hard once more, I tell him, “I’ve missed you.”


With a twinkle in his eye, he shakes his head. Bending down, his mouth buzzes my ear, “Not as much as I miss you when I’m away.”


He leans his head back, and his soft curly brown hair that is pulled back in a ponytail brushes my arm where I have them wrapping around him. His light, golden-brown eyes shine with happiness as we smile at each other.


“How long are you home for?” I’m already dreading the answer he will give. It’s never long enough.


“I have no definitive time frame this time. I’ll be here at least through the holidays, possibly Dray’s playoff games, and then we’ll see.”


Dray! Drawing back from Trent’s arms, I turn to see Dray at a standstill in the shadows. I feel the need to encompass him in our homecoming, but I hesitate. Nothing seems right to say. I want to look clearly into his eyes to search for any clue to what he is thinking, but his face is concealed by the darkness. Giving me no inclination to what his thoughts are.


“Let’s get out of here and get some Varsity. I have been craving spicy chili dogs and greasy onion rings ever since I stepped off the airplane,” Trent says to us.


Looking back to Trent, I realize he is seemingly unaware of the highly-charged emotional climate that grips me at the moment.


“Sounds great,” Drays says, stepping into the light towards us with a smile on his face. Clapping Trent on the shoulder, he utters, “Whatever you want, Brother.” Glancing my way, he finishes by saying, “You deserve it.”

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