Cake (35 page)

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Authors: Nicole Reed

BOOK: Cake
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“Seriously? You need some work.” Her voice is calm and not as harsh as before.


Walking towards me, she stops when we are inches apart. Those pale green eyes stare intently into mine. This little hellion has my heart and she doesn’t even know it or care. At the feel of her gently touching the side of my face, I have to literally restrain myself from reaching for her because there are a million things I want to do to her.


Kiss her.

Touch her.

Fuck her.

Well, that goes without saying.


“You are going to have a wicked black eye,” she whispers, her sweet breath fanning my face.


My entire body screams for me to do something, anything, but stand here inches from her and do nothing. My dick, having risen from the dead, seems to be in agreement. Before she has time to back away, I wrap my arms around her and lower my mouth to capture hers. Her eyes widen in surprise, because I know she is feeling what I am. Lust. Her soft lips open slightly under mine and our tongues glide against one another. God, between the feel and smell of her, I want to rip her panties off and push her against the wall or down on the floor.


Her petite body rubs against mine and our clothes seem to become an insurmountable problem. I’ll just tear the goddamn dress off of her, I think minutes before all reasonable thought flees. The touch of her hand, petting my hard-on, blanks my mind. I moan into her mouth and our eyes lock. She is YOURS…my brain hammers at me. Sliding my arms down her back, I grip her ass and pull her tightly to me. Lifting her dress up on one side, I trail my fingers up the smooth skin of her leg until I feel the heat at the junction of her thighs.


Separating my mouth from hers, I leave tiny kisses down her neck as my finger traces the outline of her panties. Her gasp is the only permission I need to stroke her clit through the soft silk. Slow at first and then moving faster, her rapid little pants set my body ablaze.


“Stop,” she says, pushing her hands against my chest.


I instantly bring my hands up to her arms, holding her in place.


“Why?” I ask, my chest tightens at the thought of letting her go.


“I’m seeing someone. You’re not my type. Take your pick.” Looking deep into her eyes, I search for the truth. I know she feels whatever this is between us. “Let me go,” she quietly demands.


I release her arms, because I don’t know what else to do or say. Turning, she walks over to grab the metal chair and pulls it against the wall to sit.


“How long until our jailer comes back?” she asks, pretending as if the kiss never happened.


Looking down at my Breitling watch, I realize that almost a half an hour has passed. “No idea. She was only supposed to leave us alone for five minutes.”


“Great! That Dray cum guzzler better be ready for me when she returns,” she says pointing to herself.


“She wants you to be happy, Madison. Are you really not going to give me a chance here?”


She rolls her eyes, landing them to directly stare at me. “I’m too much for you to handle, Nicky-Boy. And like I’ve said repeatedly, you are way not my type.”


Not knowing how to direct the conversation to where I want it to go, I concede defeat. Walking over to the opposite side, I turn to face her. Slowly, I remove my jacket and I can’t help but notice the interest she takes in watching my every move. Ah-ha! You can mouth off all you want Madison Reid, but I see the look in your eyes as you watch me. I’m not the only one that is feeling that kiss.


I haven’t cut my shaggy thick black hair at the insistence of my agent, and now I’m so glad I listened to her. Reaching up, I run my fingers through it, watching Madison out of the corner of my eye. She is still staring at me, which is better than her evil glare.


I’m proud of how well I take care of my body. I’m not obsessed with it, but I know what women like and Madison’s eyes don’t lie. Stretching, I try to show off my chest and abs to my best ability without looking obvious. When I quickly look over at her, she is now looking away. Giving up on my personal body show, I throw my jacket to the ground and sit on top.


“Madison, I believe if you would only give me a chance, I could be the last type of man that you would ever want.”


“Dream on. You are too much like my father to ever give you the time of day.”


“You know, I don’t know why I want you so much,” I tell her honestly. “You put me to shame, but for some damn reason I must love it.” Thinking over her last comment, I add, “Is that why you date rappers, because they are musically the exact opposite of your father?”


“You’ve been talking to Kylie, right?” she asks, gritting her teeth.


“No, you should know her better than that.”


“It seems that lately I don’t know her at all. Did you know everyone is saying you two are together? All I’ve heard this last year from you, is how much you want to get to know me. How I’m like this soul-mate for you. The truth is that you’re just like every other pop god that thinks women should bow at your feet, suck your cock with a smile, then thank you for letting them. I don’t want or need that shit.”


“It’s not like that with Kylie. She’s a cool chick that cares about you. Yeah, I contacted her to enlist her help with trying to corral you, but she is doing it for you and not me. And this last year, has been all about you. I fucking wish I could find someone to replace you, but no one comes close. Is that what you want to hear, Madison?” I want whatever this is between her and I to last so, I give her honesty.


“Why?” I hear her voice meekly ask.


“I don’t know,” I say, rising and then walking to where she is sitting. Standing over her, while she rigidly sits in the chair, I stare down. I reach to grasp a soft curl of hair that lays against her collarbone. This time, I slowly lower my mouth to hers. At first her silky lips don’t respond, but then after several light nips and kisses, she opens. Our tongues touch for an instant before she pulls back and her palm collides with my cheek.


Slap. The sound echo’s against the small walls. Lifting my hand to rub my face, I stand to look down at her. Again, instead of thinking how I don’t need crazy in my life, I remember the sweet flavor of her lips. She gave me a taste of her, and now, I’m hooked like a junky needing his next fix. I want to grab her up to me and show her how little that slap meant, but I restrain myself.


My tongue comes out to trace my lips, and her eyes follow every movement. I see her take a deep swallow. With one last long look at her, I walk back over to sit on my coat.


“My boyfriend will kill you for this,” her voice waivers with anger.


“Yeah, you tell little Lil Rip I’ll be waiting.” I’m not scared of that two-bit hack. Stretching my legs out in front of me, I rest my back against the wall, and look at her. “You know, Madison, you date these guys that you know your father wouldn’t like. What I haven’t figured out is, why do you date the ones that are obviously like him? You see, me, I’m nothing like your father. I keep my promises.”


Glaring at me, I see the tears in her eyes, “I would tell you to shut the fuck up, but I’m a lady. Wait, no I’m not, so shut the fuck up. And for the record…” she begins and then stops to look at the door.


I hear someone fumbling with the handle, which is probably a blessing, because I’m two seconds from losing my shit in front of Madison. When it swings open, Kylie steps in the doorway, with two guys standing behind her. One is dressed like he hasn’t changed in days and the other is in a tux. He looks familiar. Football player maybe?


Madison stands quickly and storms towards Kylie. I can’t hear what she is furiously whispering, but she finishes and pushes Kylie out of the way to rush out. Never once looking back at me. I watch her run out of my life and wonder if it will be for the last time. Kylie looks crushed. Damn, now I feel bad for what I’ve pushed her to do.


Slowly rising off the floor, I reach for my coat and sling it with my finger over my shoulder. Walking directly to Kylie, I lean down and kiss her soft cheek. I notice both men tense up at my close contact. Wow, the girl’s got more problems than I do.


Madison is hard on the ego and the heart. Smiling as best as I can, I tell her, “I appreciate everything that you did for her and me. You have a friend for life. Anything, and I do mean
, you ever need, call me.” I can see the questions in her light green eyes, so close to Madison’s. I shake my head, because I can’t talk about it right now. Sighing, I walk by her. Looking up at the guy that I somehow seem to know, I nod, noticing the pain in his eyes. “I can relate, dude,” I want to tell him, but walk silently by instead.


Strolling down the hallway, I have no idea what the resolution is supposed to be between Madison and I. Hell, I don’t even know if there is one. What I do know, is even after what just happened, I still want the little vixen. Somehow, I will find a way into that cagey heart of hers and God help her when I do, because I’m not coming out.

Thank you to all the readers who have supported me on this incredible journey. This was a complete hoot to write. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


To all the bloggers who have supported me. Many of you, I call friend and it’s been my greatest pleasure getting to know you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. We are friends regardless if you like anything I write or not!! I respect the craft.


My partner in crime – Trina. If it wasn’t for a “little” blog that Maryse started, I wouldn’t know that a friendship that began online, could mean so much to me. You are, and will always be, the coolest chick EVER!! Thank you for the late night talks, the excessive re-reads, editing, crazy talks, emotional benders, and my favorite…our love of books. I ALWAYS will have your back!!! Count on it!!


To Hang Le – It’s not just about the cover, but damn girl….you ROCKED that out!!! Our friendship that also began on THE BLOG, means more to me than you will ever know!! You are extremely talented and I can’t wait to see what your future holds!! Big LOVE!!


Kirsten – Your support means the world to me!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the time you took to read Cake. I can’t thank you enough for the feedback.


To Erinn, Lynn, Hang, Kirsten, and Trina for taking the time to edit and help revamp Cake. Big, BIG THANK YOU to Jovana for her formatting services. Also, thank you to Gino for the use of his fabulous picture.


Erin Noelle, Ena, Denise Tung, Denise Sprung, Kathy Womack, Becky N., Ali, Melissa, Larissa, Ela, Cheri, Paula, Brenda Poetker, Laura Bierney and all the incredible writers that support one another. You guys are amazing and I can’t wait to meet each of you in person.


Thank you to a very special lady, Belinda Gibbons. Your story is one of complete bravery and continues to inspire me in my own life. You will always hold a special place in my heart.

I love angst....I thrive on it, but only the fictional kind. I adore a story that grips the reader from the beginning and doesn't let go...EVER. I'm an avid reader who just recently discovered my love of writing. My favorite things in life include my three wild & crazy kids, Reese’s Pieces, and every genre of music. Please come find me @ or

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