Cake (13 page)

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Authors: Nicole Reed

BOOK: Cake
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“Do you know what you are doing, Kylie?”


“Not a clue.”


“I didn’t think so. Just be careful. Life sometimes has a way of opening your eyes when you least expect it or want it to. So keep them wide open at all times.” Patting my leg, she goes to stand, and I help her.


“Do you think it’s bad that I’ve considered...,” chewing on my lip, I try to continue, “well, that I’ve thought about being with Dray. Short-term only,” I hurry to explain.


“No, I’m surprised it’s took you this long to consider it.” She chuckles at my expression. “Oh, come on, Kylie. Sometimes sexual tension encompasses many different forms. Maybe you thought he was harassing you when, all this time, he was standoffish because you wanted to be with Trent. Maybe it was more along the lines of, ‘I can’t flirt with her because she is my buddy’s, so I’ll be aggravating’.”


“Oh, hell no. No way. That is just too kindergarten.” I shake my head over that thought.


“It may be immature, but bless him. He is just a man. Think it over.” Patting my cheek this time, she walks away.


I hear her greet Dray again and offer to cook him a meal, to which he agrees. So, let me just admit this to myself: Dray may have feelings for me. Maybe they are feelings of lust. He couldn’t express them because of Trent, and he knew how I felt about Trent. So… he acts like a total asshole? He’s a man, so yeah, maybe. Wow, I never thought of that.


Walking down the hallway, I listen to Aunt Leigh giving Dray the complete gossip of what is being said around town. I hear Dray’s laughter over something she says, and for the first time, I hear how light it is. How genuine. How real. Listening to Aunt Leigh laugh along with him also lifts my heart. She knows about his past; she has heard me whine enough over his insensitive remarks. She’s never responded negatively about Trent or Dray. She is my hero, always has been. I’ve respected her judgment of character, and she has respected Dray. She always would look at him and say that adversity makes us stronger. It definitely has made him who he is today.


“So what are we having?” I stroll in asking.


“What does the prego want?” Dray asks snidely as he cuts up some green tomatoes. Aunt Leigh snickers softly.


Looking over at Dray, I reply, “Really?” His response is silence in the form of an even bigger smile. Shaking my head, I join in on their conversation, forgetting everything and enjoying the moment.

Later that night, as we both lay propped in Dray’s bed, we watch the ending of the second season of
Friday Night Lights
. Grabbing a handful of buttery popcorn, I look over at Dray and giggle at how engrossed he has become in the show. Tossing a couple of pieces at his face finally breaks his concentration. Glancing over at me, he pops the wayward kernels in his mouth as I say, “Didn’t I tell you this show was awesome?”


“I will concede to you knowing your superior television shows.”


“I think you should just bow down to all my superior skills, especially in knowing great music,” I say to him as I roll onto my back, staring up at the ceiling.


“Wait, I told you that I can bear to listen to that Shelton guy. Take that as a win and quit subjecting me to that torture.” He laughs and awkwardly sings with a country twang, “Going to live on the road in my home with four wheels and date my cousin.”


I retaliate by punching him the shoulder, “Country music may be sung by rednecks, but not hillbillies. That’s who dates their cousins, idiot.”


“Same difference,” he replies while laughing.


“Oh, so are you saying your music is of a higher quality? Most R&B deals with l
et’s get it on


“Uh, exactly, Kylie.” He winks at me.


Shaking my head, I lean up saying, “I’m going to bed.”


“Kylie,” my name rolls off his tongue, stopping me. “Stay. You fell asleep last night while watching the show. It felt...okay.” He looks down, almost embarrassed at his admission.


Dray doesn’t like anyone in his bed longer than it takes to shag them. This morning, when I awoke beside him with me on top of the covers, it was my first thought. Weirdly, it seems that he didn’t mind me staying.


“Just as friends,” he adds.


I know something momentous is happening here. Not just for
, but for
. Some small ray of light is piercing the scar of his harsh upbringing right before my eyes.


“Sure. I guess I can deal with your bed shaking from your gross snoring for one more night.”


“Hey, I don’t snore.”


Laughing, I look dead at him and tell a small lie, “Yes, you saw some logs, dude.”


He rolls over to where he’s almost on top of me and yells, “Take it back! I do not snore.” His hands tickle my sides, causing me to twist and turn to get away. “Take it back, and I’ll quit, Kylie.”


Gasping for air, I squeal for him to stop. God, I hate being ticklish. “Payback’s a bitch, Dray. You better let me go!” I command to no avail. Finally, he rolls back to his side and grabs a handful of popcorn, stuffing it between his lips.


“You better quit lying little girl or I’m going to get you,” he states with a mouthful.


“Whatever. Watch your television show,” I reply, grinning at him and how happy he is.


Smiling to myself, I have to admit that it’s not only him. This last week, the shop has run itself with my great staff, which is what I wanted. Madison kept her ragging to a minimum when she brought Dray a basket of fruit the other day. It shocked him and me both. He was even pleasant to her, which she swore also meant that Armageddon was imminent, but it didn’t last long because he was back to aggravating her seconds later. Aunt Leigh cooked us dinner and looked, if not healthy, happy. With everything seemingly all right in my world for now, I close my eyes and let the T.V. in the background lure me to sleep.

“I’m cleared.”


Dray’s voice carries from the foyer to the living room where I have all my bags packed and ready to go. It’s been nine days since I arrived. Dray and I are back to being
since the other day at my aunt’s. Dray hasn’t pushed the issue, and my libido has taken a drastic step back. Thank God! Actually, without all of the sexual tension, our relationship reminds me a lot of my friendship with Trent, one that I miss terribly. Honestly, that speaks volumes about having to, once, and for all, talk to Trent.


“Let’s get the third season of
Friday Night Lights
going. I need to see if Coach comes back and if Smash gets into college,” he walks in saying, stopping when he notices my bags and Jonsie in his crate.


I knew he would be cleared at this doctor’s appointment this morning, and I need to get back to my life. I was planning on being packed up and gone before he returned, but he beat me to it. I really could have left days ago, but things were running smoothly between us, and I am having fun. That’s the inescapable truth. One that, even now, makes me want to run for the hills, especially since its Dray providing the fun.


“You don’t have to leave,” he states.


“Yes. I do, Dray. The football season is just getting started for you. You and I both know you won’t even be around once that happens. You need to get back to your life, and I need to get back to mine.” Under my breath, I add, “To reality.”


Looking up, I see Dray charging towards me. I drop my bag on the couch as he pushes me up against the nearest wall.


“These last two weeks have been more real to me than the last twenty-five years of my life. Growing up in the system is about as real as it gets, Kylie. The last seven years of knowing you made that painfully clear because I realized that it didn’t have to be that way. Trent and I were just the lucky ones I guess,” he says sarcastically. “God, I don’t want my past to dictate my future anymore.”


His words confuse me. Does he blame me for his past? What the hell did I do? “I don’t understand what you are saying, Dray.” I look and speak to his throat because I can’t handle him glaring at me. The attraction ignites between us, his breath fanning it higher as I feel it on my ear, my face, and my neck. Closing my eyes, I shiver all over when I feel him place his lips softly against my cheek.


“Look at me, Kylie,” his voice pleads.


Turning my eyes up to meet his, I swallow, knowing that I don’t care what he means.


“I don’t want to confuse you. I know how you feel about Trent. How you’ve always felt about him. I don’t want you like that.”


Pulling back, I know he can see the confusion on my face. Did he just insult me?


“No, I mean...I want you, but just not with complications.”


“I didn’t realize that I offered myself up. Nice to know.” Well, I kind of did, but no way am I admitting that to him.


“I’m getting this all wrong. You make it damn hard for a man to get out what he needs to say.”


“Spit it out then,” I smartly reply.


Smacking his hand against the wall behind me, he pushes his body against mine tightly. I’m held captive by his brawn, all words lost in his actions. His head dips down as my eyes focus on his lips, moving them closer to mine. They are the palest pink, plump, and so very soft looking. He brushes them against mine. Once. Twice. Three times. I stand still, conceding control to him. His tongue strokes my bottom lip as he seeks entrance. I deny opening to him, so he gently bites my bottom lip, rolling it between his teeth and tugging, letting it go with a harsh nip.


The moan that escapes me fills the silence. Without looking, I can sense the smile on his face. He trails kisses down the side of my face and neck then back up. Hanging my head, I look at my hand as I place it against his brown skin, and my fingernails dig deep, marking him.


“Let’s be each other’s
just now
,” he whispers in my ear. “No attachments. I know you are waiting for Trent, and well, I’m waiting on whomever comes next.” He continues to trail light kisses as his voice tempts me. “I don’t wanna brag, but I bet I’ll be the best you’ve ever had.” He finishes by grinding his pelvis against mine. Pulling back for a moment, he reaches down and tugs his shirt over his head, showing off his stacked six-pack.


My body reacts to everything. His motions. His words. Him. Why can’t I have this? It’s not like I’m cheating on Trent. He’s made it very clear that he doesn’t care what or who I do. Dray knows more than anyone how I feel, so it’s not like I’m having to keep my feelings a secret. I can keep the hope that Trent may still be mine one day, but at the same time have someone who knows the score in my bed.


“This is simple, Kylie. Don’t make it complicated,” he softly says in my ear. “Sex. The. Best. You. Have. Ever. Had.”


My body screams,
I’ve always been the good girl and done the right thing. I’m a grown adult, and this is just a plain-ass adult decision. With my resolve made, I reach up, sliding my hand around the back of his neck and letting my fingernails tickle at the same time. Guiding his face to mine, I lift my lips to his. His dark eyes gleam with excitement, which I’m sure mirror my own.


“Say ‘yes,’ Kylie,” he says against my lips.


Not hesitating, I reply, “Yes, Kylie.”


He snorts, “Smart-ass.”


I take the moment to assault his mouth. You can’t call it anything else. My lips brutally punish his and our tongues duel as both of my hands grip the back of his neck, holding him to me. God, he tastes so good. Cinnamon flavored kisses. Damn! I open-mouth kiss him then move in for smaller pecks, back and forth. His tongue mimics smoking hot sex as it enters in and out of my mouth. My nipples literally ache beneath my bra. I press them against his chest, trying to relieve the pressure or giving him an idea of what he should play with next.

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