Read Caesar. Life of a Colossus (Adrian Goldsworthy) Yale University Press Online
Authors: Adrian Goldsworthy
26, 27, 29, 34, 41, 161,
Hyrcanus II, (Jewish High
conquest of 199, 200
Priest) 443, 447
garrison 193
Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius
Helvetii wish to migrate
25–26, 27, 29, 34, 41, 170,
Iberian Peninsula 149, 217,
across 205, 206–207, 208,
391–392, 397
209–210, 211
graffiti 97
Iberians (Black Sea people) 154
recovering from rebellion 204,
Greece 44, 55, 391, 392, 411,
Iggulden, Conn:
414, 423, 431, 478
of novels 519
Gaul, Transpadene 101, 363
Greek city-states, warfare
Iguvium 388
Gauls 197, 199, 265
between 21
Ilerda (Lérida) 398, 399, 400,
in Ilerda campaign 401
Greek culture, Classical 21, 66
rituals 201–202, 354
Greek-speaking world, low
Ilerda campaign (49 BC)
sacking of Rome (390 BC) 13
regard for Romans 11
Inde x
Illyricum 176, 181, 193, 197,
res publica
pardoned by Sulla 70, 72
209, 268, 286, 310, 312, 406
at aunt’s funeral 33
prosecutes Cnaeus Cornelius
campaigns against tribal
early years 34–40
Dolabella 71, 72, 73–74
peoples in 22
education 39
prosecutes Caius Antonius 74
part of, ruled by the Romans
early writings 39
travels to Rhodes 74–75
10, 22
appearance 40, 61–62, 63
and pirates 75–77, 81
imperial cult 495
as natural horseman 40
reaches Rhodes 77
, symbols of 144
weapons skills 40, 249
defeats Pontic raiders 77–78,
Indutiomarus 298, 306, 307,
formally becomes a man 48
81, 212
as head of household 49
appointed to college of
Isauricus, Publius Servilius
and possible marriage to
pontiffs 78, 81
Vatia (cos. 79) 70, 75, 78,
Cossutia 49
returns to Rome 78
121, 125, 191
marries Cornelia 49, 51, 69
prosecutes Marcus Iuncus
Isauricus, Publius Servilius
nominated for priesthood of
Vatia (cos. 48, 41) 409
Flamen Dialis
49–50, 51,
as military tribune 79, 80, 94,
Italian allies (
) 41–42
56, 58, 62, 102
Italian armies 43
epileptic fits 51, 100, 466, 490,
and Crassus 81
Italian campaign in Civil War
character and qualities 81, 86,
in Rome when Sulla’s army
151, 185
Italian Peninsula ruled by the
takes city for second time
and marriage to Cornelia 82,
Romans 10, 20
Italians, citizenship granted 41,
told by Sulla to divorce wife
divorce ordered by Sulla 82
and refuses 57, 58, 60
sex life 84–86, 87, 89, 131,
Italy 92, 112, 120, 163, 358
flees Rome 58–59
147, 155, 237, 454, 467, 469,
rural 161
contracts malaria 59
see also
Iulus, son of Aeneas 32
saved by mother 59
Caesar, Caius: affair
Iuncus, Marcus 76, 78
and Sulla 60
with Cleopatra; affairs
Iuventus (deity of youth) 49
dress 62, 89, 98, 130–131,
affection for Brutus 85
495–496, 498, 499
relationship with Servilia
Jerusalem 154
habits 63
Jewish population in Rome 64,
house 63–64, 126
mistresses 89
see also
480, 510
country villa 64–65
Caesar, Gaius: affairs, sex
Juba, King of Numidia 121,
as collector of fine art, gems
life; Servilia
406, 450, 456, 459, 461, 462,
and pearls 65
supports Plotius’s bill 96
464, 465, 466, 468
returns to Rome and begins
elected quaestor 96, 98
son 468
military service 65
sent to Further Spain 98, 100
Judaea 373
awarded civic crown (
death of aunt Julia 98, 99
Judaean royal family 154
) 65–66, 106
death of wife Cornelia 98, 99
Jugurtha, King of Numidia 28,
military service, first overseas
returns to Italy 101
44, 99
marries Pompeia 101–102
Julia (aunt) 33, 98, 99
homosexuality scandal 66–68,
and piracy law 103, 212
Julia (daughter) 82, 174–175,
69, 81, 87, 98
lex Manilia
262, 293–294, 345, 361, 372,
affairs with women 68–69
seeks to woo electorate 105
Julius Caesar, Gaius:
serves as curule aedile 105,
Julia (sisters) 34, 146, 148
mistresses, sex life
106–107, 108, 111, 114–115,
Julii, the 31, 32–33, 34, 37, 98
and Cossutia 69
Julius, month of 30
first sexual experiences 69, 70
and the games 106–107
Julius Caesar (ancestor) 31–32
transfers to staff of governor
debts 107–108, 125, 131, 149,
Julius Caesar
(TV film, 2002)
of Cilicia in 78 BC 70
160, 165, 185, 513
returns to Rome and
and Marius’s trophies 108
Julius Caesar, Gaius
contemplates joining
propaganda against 111
birth (13 July 100 BC) 11, 30,
Lepidus’s rebels 70
serves as magistrate 115,
appears as an advocate for the
116–117, 121–122, 123, 124
and the Republican system 11
first time 70
ambitions 118–119
Inde x
temper 121
and his army 190–196
command confirmed and
elected praetor 124
campaign against the
extended 262, 263, 362–364
candidature for
Helvetii 212–213, 214–216,
Veneti rebellion 265, 266–267,
124, 125, 126
217–223, 224, 227
268, 269
Pontifex Maximus
protecting Gallic/Celtic
leads force against Menapii
131, 147, 173, 177, 193, 215,
tribes from Ariovistus
and Morini 267
293, 423
224–225, 226, 227–230
first expedition to Britain
and Catiline 130
battle against Ariovistus
269, 278–285
and Catiline’s conspiracy 133,
, 272
raid into German region
135, 136–138, 139, 141, 142,
and centurions 233–234
and the Belgae 233, 237–252
and chariots 283
as an orator 136
social life 236–237
voted twenty days of
as praetor 143, 144–145,
at battle of the Sambre 244,
thanksgiving 285
246–247, 248, 249, 250
second expedition to Britain
Bona Dea
and the Atuatuci 251, 252
Goddess’) scandal 145, 147
and Germanic tribes’
on Sabinus and Cotta 293
divorces Pompeia 146–147,
migration 80, 270,
and death of daughter Julia
158–159, 174
272–275, 276–277
career based on winning
rebellion 297–306
pays tribute to Cicero
friends 148
punishing the tribes for
governs Further Spain
rebellion (
gladiatorial games to mark
148–151, 212
death of daughter 345
returns from Spain 158, 159,
and the Great Revolt 315,
hopes to return to second
160, 165
317–318, 319–342
consulship 349, 350
and letter writing 158–159
setback at Gergovia
seeks second consulship
campaigns for consulship 159,
328–336, 356
160, 161–162, 163
siege of Alesia 336–342
returns as rebel 360, 379
gives up triumph for
the end 350–356
attacked by Marcus Claudius
campaigns in Spain 159,
at battle of Bibracte 220–221,
Marcellus 361–362, 363
160, 165
establishes colony at Novum
elected as consul 163–164,
relationship with army
Comum 363
many senators loathe 369–370
and land bill/law 164, 167,
army staff 235–236
and reasons for Civil War 371
168–169, 170, 171–172, 474
loots sacred sites 252
tensions leading to Civil War
and First Triumvirate 165,
and Orgetorix 205–206
175, 176, 178, 254, 261–262
and the Helvetii 208, 209–210,
in Ravenna 377
consulship 170–175, 176, 188,
crossing the Rubicon 378,
writings 186–190
see also
379, 385, 394, 445, 467, 514
and Bibulus 171, 172–173
specific writings
and Civil War 380, 381, 384,
marries Calpurnia 174
granted Illyricum, Cisalpine
405–407, 408–410
needs Pompey’s support 175
Gaul and Transalpine Gaul
Italian campaign 385,
command of Illyricum and
as his province 197
386–387, 388, 389
Cisalpine Gaul proposed
and tribes’ characteristics 199
in Rome 392, 393–394,
176, 181
and the Gauls 201, 202
offers Cicero post as legate in
passes law regulating
and Cicero 394–395
Gaul 177
behaviour of governors 214
Ilerda campaign 397,
and Vettius’s plot to murder
fifteen days public
398–400, 402, 403, 404
Pompey 180
thanksgiving voted for 252,
Macedonia 411, 412,
leaves for Gaul 180, 184, 185,
413–414, 415, 416, 418, 419,
187, 205
outside Rome 257
420, 421–423, 424–425, 427,
as self-publicist 185–186
supports return of Cicero
428, 429, 430–431
in Gaul 185, 188, 189, 190,
from exile 259
Zela 446–448
201, 205, 209–210, 271, 272,
victim of his own success 261
Africa 452, 454, 455–459,
286, 315–317, 358
conference of Luca 261, 262
460, 461, 462–463, 464, 465,
Inde x
466, 467
and becoming king 498–500
Jupiter Optimus Maximus
appointed dictator then
conspiracy against 500–505
(deity) 18
resigns and leaves Rome
assassination 84, 85, 184, 358,
Jura Mountains 210, 211
409, 410
472, 490, 491, 505–511
juries 94
returns to Rome 396–397
funeral 509–510
in Egypt 432–433, 440–441,
admiration through the ages
Kabul 300
442, 443, 444–446, 448
bribe from Ptolemy XII 174,
quotations 10, 490
Laberius, Decimus 470
435–436, 441
A Collection of Maxims
Labienus, Titus 191, 192, 242,
meets Cleopatra 441–442
80, 150,
250, 265, 267, 308, 310, 311,
affair with Cleopatra 432,
186–187, 188–189, 190, 191,
352, 388, 450
442, 445, 446
193, 194, 207, 210, 212, 213,
uncle 122
VENI, VIDI, VICI 447, 469
214, 218, 223, 226, 228, 230,
trial 121, 122, 123,
returns to Italy 448, 450,
233, 235, 237, 238, 239, 250,
252, 270, 271, 272, 274, 277,
first campaigns in Gaul 212,
appointed dictator again 449
282, 300, 305, 311, 377, 380,
217, 218, 219
meets Cicero on way from
385, 395–396, 400, 406, 411,
British and German
Brundisium 451
413, 416, 418, 421, 425, 441,
expeditions 284–285, 287,
army mutinies 452–453
512, 516
289, 291
gifts to mark victory 454
Commentaries on the Gallic
and the rebellion 298–299,
returns to Rome from Africa
70, 186, 187, 188, 189,
302–303, 306
and celebrates four
193, 194, 197, 243, 316–317,
and Great Revolt 320, 328,
triumphs 468–470, 471
319, 326, 337, 338, 341, 342,
335, 340–341
rewards soldiers 471
343, 350, 355
deserts Caesar 380, 382–383
as dictator 472–473
books Five and Six 312
and Macedonia 412, 413, 421,
colonisation programme
The Journey
) (poem) 482
425, 426–427, 429, 430
473–474, 478
39, 186
in Africa 457, 458, 459, 461,