Caesar. Life of a Colossus (Adrian Goldsworthy) Yale University Press (103 page)

BOOK: Caesar. Life of a Colossus (Adrian Goldsworthy) Yale University Press
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Avienus 462

Bocchus of Mauretania 459

Cabillonum 330–331

Boduognatus 247, 248

Cadiz (Gades) 100, 150, 164

Baculus, Sextus Julius 248

Bogudes, King 467

Caelius Rufus, Marcus

Balbus, Lucius Cornelius (cos.

Boii tribe 322, 323, 324

262–263, 343, 363, 365, 366,

40) 148, 164, 165, 167, 191,

warriors 222, 223

367, 368, 383–384, 409, 449,

236, 296, 374, 472, 477, 492,

Boulogne (Portus Itius?) 279,

451, 454



Caepio, Quintus Servilius

and Spanish campaign 482,

Bourges (Avaricum) 323,


486, 489

324–325, 326–328, 329, 332,

Caesar, Julius

Balearic Islands, slingers 196,


Caesar, Caius


bribery/bribes 72, 101–102,

Caesar, origin of name 31–32

Bardyaei (band of freed slaves)

318, 346, 347–348, 366

Caesarean section 35


Brindisi (Brundisium) 55, 155,

Caesarion 496–497

Basilus, Lucius Minucius

391, 394, 406, 407, 410, 411,

calendar, Roman 411, 415,


412, 414, 449, 451


bath-house 62

Britain 190, 243, 264–265,

Calenus, Quintus Fufius (cos.

beast fights 344, 470

267–268, 269–270,
, 280,

47) 452

Belgae 197, 233, 237–252, 264

310, 352–353, 359

Caleti tribe 239

kings 239

first expedition to 269,

Calpurnia (Caesar’s wife) 174,

method for attacking


496, 497, 507

fortifications 240

second expedition to 285–292

Calvinus, Cnaeus Domitius

rebellion 298–304

trade with 291

(cos. 53, 40) 428, 446–447

Belgic army 241–242, 244, 247,

Britons 269, 280, 281, 282–283,

Campania 119, 175, 260, 261,

248, 250, 267, 304, 306

284, 288, 289, 290

452, 492

cavalry 241

Brittany (Amorica) 265, 306

publicly owned land in (

Belgium 267

Brundisium (Brindisi) 55, 155,

) 167

Bellienus, Lucius Annius 116

391, 394, 406, 407, 410, 411,

Campanian Law 177
see also

Bellovaci tribe 239, 242, 243,

412, 414, 449, 451

land bill/law

343, 351, 352, 353

Brutus Albinus, Decimus Junius

Caninius Rebilus, Caius 475

Berenice IV (older sister of

88, 192, 266, 321, 338, 341,

Cannae, battle of (216 BC) 11

Cleopatra) 436–437

398–399, 406, 498

Canterbury 288

Besançon (Vesontio) 225–226,

conspiracy against Caesar

Canuleius, Marcus 72

233–234, 453, 461

502, 503, 504, 505

Cappadocia 446, 447

Bestia, Lucius Calpurnius 142

Brutus, Marcus Junius 85, 92,

Capua 79, 80, 178, 345

Bibracte (Mont Beuvray) 201,

179, 180, 382, 430, 454, 477,

Carbo, Cnaeus Papirius (cos.

218, 219–220, 241, 334,

504, 509

120) 253


birth 85

Carbo, Cnaeus Papirius (cos.

battle of (58 BC) 221–222,

mistress Volumnia/Cytheris 84

85, 84, 82) 55, 56

Bibrax (Vieux-Laon?) 240–242

and Catiline’s conspiracy

Carnutes tribe 201, 298, 306, 307,

Bibulus, Marcus Calpurnius


312, 316, 318, 319, 351, 353

(cos. 59) 106–107, 257, 258,

meets Caesar in Cisalpine

Carrhae, battle of (53 BC) 313,

346, 348

Gaul 487

349, 360, 491


Inde x

Carthage 10, 11, 20, 22, 349

and Caesar’s consulship

censorship not functioning

colony established on site of

campaign 159–160, 161,

properly 476

27, 473–474


censuses of Roman citizens 15,

Carthaginian fleet 255, 256

and First Triumvirate 165

17, 95

Carthaginians 21–22

Caesar orders imprisonment

centuria praerogativa
162, 163,

Casca Longus, Publius

of 168–169


Servilius 508–509

and land bill 168, 169, 170,

centuries 162

Caspian Sea 491

171, 172, 177, 181

centurions 193–194, 195, 226,

Cassius Longinus, Caius 314,

unable to be muzzled 255

227, 233–234

477, 482, 502, 503, 504,

sent to Cyprus 258

Cethegus, Caius Cornelius

505, 508, 509

prevented from winning the


son 507–508

praetorship 264

brother 142

Cassius Longinus, Lucius (cos.

and Caesar’s massacre of

Cethegus, Publius Cornelius

107) 215

German tribes 276–277


Cassius Longinus, Quintus

stands as consul in election

Cevennes, Pass of the 321, 322

375, 376, 377, 380–381,


chariots 283–284, 290, 469,

405, 481

backs Pompey 361


Cassivellaunus 289, 290, 291

condemns Caesar’s actions


Casticus 206, 208

against Usipetes and

birth of 34–35

Catiline, Lucius Sergius 110,

Tencteri 361, 364

breast-feeding 35

116, 117, 119, 127–129,

opposes Caesar 376

purification ceremony

130, 131, 133, 166, 220, 398

urges Senate to appoint

) 35, 464

debate 135, 136, 138, 140,

Pompey as supreme

upbringing of 35–38


commander 387–388

Christianity 354

defeated 145

votes twenty days

Churchill, Winston 187

Cato, Caius 178, 253, 260, 263

thanksgiving to Bibulus

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (cos.

Cato, Marcus Porcius (‘the


63, orator) 61, 111,

Elder’) 117

in Civil War 424


present when bathing son 36

and Ptolemy XIV 444

and children and former

during censorship 67

and Caesar’s agrarian law

generations 38

sleeps with slave girl 69


listens to orators 39–40

wife 35

respected by Brutus 487

in Social War 43

Cato, Marcus Porcius (‘the

death 467, 469, 504

house 63, 177, 258

Younger’) 117, 118, 264,

books written about 487–488

and Caesar’s homosexuality

369, 406, 450

as the object of praise 517

scandal 68

as bitter opponent of Caesar

Catullus, Caius Valerius 68,

Verres’ trial 72


72, 236–237, 256, 383, 512

compares an orator to a

and conspiracy 115, 117–118,

father 236, 237

famous actor 73


Catulus, Quintus Lutatius (cos.

publishes speeches 73

prosecutes Murena 132

78) 108, 111, 114, 115, 117,

and Apollonius 74

and the Catilinarian debate

125, 126, 132–133, 143, 148

leaves Rome for further study


Catuvolcus 299, 310


in Caesar’s praetorship 142,

Cavarinus, King of the Senones

considers Caesar one of the

143, 144

306, 307

best orators 77

prominence 151

Celtiberian tribe 276, 401

and Caesar as prosecutor 79

prevents vote on postponing

Celtic/Gallic tribes 342

dismayed by Mark Antony

elections 154

Celtic language, Gallo-Greek

and Volumnia 84

Pompey asks if he and his son

inscription using 209

and Servilia 86

can marry his nieces 156

Celtic speaking peoples

praises Marius’s victories 99

aims to cut Pompey down to


and Autronius 110

size 157

Celts 197

and Crassus 113–114

confrontation with Metellus

Cenabum (Orléans) 319,

and Catiline’s trial 116

Nepos 157

322–323, 325, 327, 351, 353

as consul 119, 120, 121, 122,


censors 94–95

123, 127, 128, 132, 172, 181


Inde x

and Roman citizens 130

and Marcus Caelius Rufus

and Caesar’s statue 486

and Caesar’s appearance 131

262–263, 449

drafts letter of advice on

and Catiline’s conspiracy

praises Caesar’s victories in

reforming Republic 489

131–132, 133, 134, 135, 136,

Gaul 263

with Caesar 492–493

138–141, 142, 145

and Caesar in Britain 269

and Cleopatra 496

and Clodius’s trial 148

and campaigns in Britain 291

and Caesar’s assassination

leaves province early 150–151

letter of condolence to Caesar

505, 509, 510

thoughts of his reputation in



the future 152

and Crassus’ expedition to

Fourth Catilinarian Oration

and Pompey 155, 164,

Parthia 295



letters from brother 296–297


placates Metellus Celer 156

and letters to Caius Trebatius

Cicero, Quintus Tullius 138,

poor view of Lucius Afranius

Testa 297

190, 262, 291, 296–297, 310,


visits Caesar in Ravenna 319

311, 312, 338, 409


closer relationship with

and rebellion 298, 301, 302,

demands 158

Caesar 343–344

303, 304, 305

and Caesar’s campaign for the

and Pompey’s theatre 344

Cilicia 75, 121, 125, 348, 363,

consulship in 58 BC 159,

and Caesar’s Forum extension

367, 393, 447, 479

160, 161,


Cimber, Lucius Tillius 508

consulship campaign 163

agrees to defend Milo 347

Cimbri tribe 11, 13, 29, 44, 67,

and land law 164

appointed proconsul of Cilicia

99, 150, 200, 201, 210, 224,

claims Caesar rewarded agents

348, 479

227, 238, 358

with shares 173

and Caesar’s rivalry with

Cingetorix 308

and Caesar on Vatinius 174

Pompey 358

Cingulum 380, 388

criticises triumvirs 176, 253

as governor of Cilicia 363,

Cinna, Lucius Cornelius 510

offered post as legate in Gaul

367, 393

Cinna, Caius Helvius 505,


returns from Cilicia 369


and opponents of triumvirs

sees no sense in fighting

Cinna, Lucius Cornelius (cos.


Caesar 370

87–84) 46, 49, 50, 51, 52,

and plot to murder Pompey

involved in negotiations

53, 54, 55, 57, 96, 112, 408


between Caesar and

Cirta, Numidia 28

keeps himself in public eye

Pompey 375–376

Civil War 140, 226, 355, 360,


and Mark Antony 376


praises Caesar’s

and Caesar in Civil War 380,

Africa 450–451, 452, 454–467


387, 394

battle of Thapsus (46 BC)

and history books 188

in Civil War 392, 394–395,


attacks Piso’s record as

399, 405, 408, 412, 423–424

begins (49 BC) 379, 380–381

proconsul 190

major loan from Caesar 393

Dyrrachium (Durazzo) (48 BC)

refuses Caesar’s request to

and no news of Caesar for six

411, 414–422,
, 423, 424,

accompany him to Gaul as

months 448

428, 429, 450

legate 191

decides war is lost 450, 451

history of 158

and fear of war in Gaul 205

meets Caesar on way from

Ilerda campaign (49 BC)

feels that war in Gaul averted

Brundisium 451



and Caesar’s affair with Tertia

Italian campaign (49 BC)

and Pompey guarding his life




and Caesar winning Civil War

Macedonia 411–431, 448–449

exile 253–254, 258–259, 372


Pharsalus (48 BC) 422–431,

charged for execution of

and community of Buthrotum

, 441, 448, 450

conspirators 257


Roman army in 196

and defence of Milo 260

and Caninius’s consulship 475

and Rome 391–397

campaigns to repeal Caesar’s

pardoned and sits in Senate

Zela (47 BC) 446–448

land law 260

477, 478

end of 367

and conference of Luca 261,

and calendar 480

civil war after Caesar’s death


death of Tullia 485



Inde x

Claudian family 255, 256

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