CADEnce (Deception Book 2) (15 page)

Read CADEnce (Deception Book 2) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom,Ker Dukey

Tags: #A Deception novel, #book 2

BOOK: CADEnce (Deception Book 2)
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“GOOD MORNING!” DANTE CHIRPED WHEN I stepped in the dining room the following morning. I flicked him a glance and took the chair at the other end of the table.

He folded his newspaper precisely, placing it down beside him before standing and walking over to me. I flinched but he reached out, picking up the coffee pot and pouring the black liquid into a cup set on the table for me.

“It’s a glorious sunny morning, baby. I thought we might go onto the mainland and shop. I’m sure you’ll need some new toiletries and . . . personal items you didn’t bring.”

He added cream to my coffee and dropped in a small sugar cube.

“You need some color on your cheeks. The fresh air will do you good.”

I nodded, picking up my drink and taking a sip, not really tasting it but using it to soothe my dry throat.

“We’ll also find you an obstetrician. I know you’re not keen on Delia, although I must say, she comes in handy.”

I didn’t give him the satisfaction of a reaction, knowing that was what he was pushing for.

“I’ve been thinking of names.”

I took another sip of coffee, using it to camouflage the sharp snap of my teeth cracking under the force of my clenched jaw.

“Of course, we have to decide together, but I’m hoping we can agree.” In other words, Dante had chosen a name, end of. I nodded again, picking up a piece of toast from the rack and buttering. “What are you hoping for, boy or girl?”

I shrugged, taking a bite of my breakfast and forcing myself to chew.

“Oh, by the way,” he carried on, as though in the middle of an enthralling conversation. “We need to shop for a wedding dress. Three weeks today and you’re all mine!” With that, he turned and walked out of the room.

The toast fell from my fingers, landing butter side down on the plate. I stared at the burnt crust. Jelly would disguise the taste. I reached across for the small pots, my head tipping left and right as I tried to decide on strawberry or redcurrant. Smiling, I dipped the spoon into the strawberry and plopped it onto the toast, then reached for the redcurrant and scooped out a portion, plopping it beside the strawberry. Taking the small jar of marmalade, I shoveled a spoonful on top of the strawberry jelly and dropped a pile of apricot jelly onto the redcurrant.

Picking up the knife, I smeared it all together, creating a rainbow of preserve that mounded high. I smiled to myself knowing Dante had gone back to his study and was watching me with a frown on his stupid, beautiful face. I couldn’t decide on a flavor so why not have them all? Fuck everyone.

I took a huge bite. Then another. Only when the whole slice was devoured did I stand, place my napkin beside my plate and leave the breakfast table, passing the statue of Malik who was watching me the whole time with a raised brow.

“Cravings, what can I say?” I shrugged. Prick.

AS I WALKED INTO MY room after taking a shower, I found Dante sitting on my bed waiting for me. My fingers tightened around the top of the towel, holding it tight to me. His eyes dropped to where I was grasping tight.

“Lose it.”

I fought the tremble in my legs and uncurled my fingers, fixing my gaze on the wall over his head as the towel fell to the floor. His gaze scanned me slowly, his eyes heating as he took in every contour of my body. “They say Medusa used her beauty to enslave her conquests.”

I wanted to cry. But I wouldn’t allow him to see my pain.

He stood from the bed and slowly strode towards me, my body stiffening with each encroaching step. He placed a finger on my chin and directed my gaze to his face. “She was the most beautiful creature that men couldn’t deny. She lured them in.” He leaned into me, nuzzling his nose into the skin beneath my ear. “And then, when she had them hooked.” His fingers curled around my throat, his grasp harsh. “She turned them to stone.” He gave me a crooked smile. “You did that to me. But instead you turned my heart to stone. So you see, Belle, it’s your own beauty that made me this way.”

I gulped as his palm cupped between my legs, his thumb pressing against my clit, firing me up in preparation for him. I hated the way my body came alive for him. His ability to know how to please a woman turned me on time and time again despite my mind’s argument.

“Lay on the bed.” His voice was a whisper in my ear, the tone low but seductive, sending a message straight to my pussy. I wanted to deny him, sew myself shut and never let him near me again but I was tainted now anyway. He could have control of my body but my mind was mine. He underestimated me.

Begging him with my eyes, he ignored me and stepped aside, tilting his chin towards the bed. I closed my mind and did as he asked. I was tired. Tired of him, tired of fighting, tired of living this lie but it would end soon.

“Open your legs.”

Again, I did as he asked, shutting down, refusing him access to my mind.

“Look at me, Star.”

I moved my eyes to his face then dropped them to watch his fist enfold his erection. His cock was impressive, thick and long, the head glistening with his arousal. “You see how hard you make me, how deep my need is for you.”

I flicked my eyes to his. The raw passion in them told me ownership fed his lust, and now that he owned me, his body reacted to it.

Tipping his head to the side, his eyes trailed over my nakedness, his eyelids heavy with desire and a small sigh leaving him when his gaze settled between my legs. Leaning forward, he slid his hand between my thighs and cupped me, his forefinger circling my entrance, dipping in and out occasionally.

“You see?” He smirked. “Whoever
think owns you, we both know the truth.”

I squirmed, turning my head away from him when he slid a finger inside as he flicked my clit with his thumb, sending shockwaves of pleasure and lust through me.

It’s Cade.

It’s Cade.

It’s Cade.

I told myself over and over. I hated that he could do that to me, make me battle my own demons to feed his. It was all a game, every single second he held control.

Instinctively, my eyes fluttered closed as my hips pressed towards the source of the pleasure, demanding more, needing more.
Cade, Cade, Cade . . .

“That’s it, Belle, open for me,” he breathed as I let myself relax, my knees dropping to the side to allow him to give me what I needed. “You’re like a flower, blooming and opening to feed those who need your honey. That’s what you don’t understand.”

I started panting when he inserted another finger and fucked me harder, my hips rising as he pushed in, my chest shuddering with each stroke of his thumb over the swollen bundle of nerves ruling me. “You manipulate every man with your sweet little cunt, tempting and teasing us until we crave you with a hatred.”

He twisted his hand, pressing his pinkie into my anus as he pounded into me relentlessly. I opened my eyes, giving in to the force of desire, hating myself for it as I watched his fist fluidly stroke up and down his cock, the head teasing me as his fluid dribbled over his fingers.

He groaned when he saw my eyes watching him and moved closer to me, his hands bringing both of us to orgasm. As much as I tried to hold on, I surrendered and let it go, using the bliss as an escape from a life that terrified me.

His cum sprayed over my chest, stream after stream as he groaned out my name and decorated my pale skin. His teeth clenched as his eyes locked me in his pleasure and allowed me to see his vulnerability.

He smiled cruelly, pulling his hand away from me and then wiped his fingers across my belly. He refused to release me from his stare as he moved his hand up my body, swirling his palm into his warm, sticky cum and then trailed it upwards around my neck, making me gasp.

“You wear my mark, Star.” He continued to massage his seed into my skin, his hand sliding over my breasts, down my stomach and then pushing inside me. “You not only wear me, but you take me inside you. I own you now.”

He moved so swiftly I didn’t even have time to blink before he gripped my jaw so hard I could feel my teeth crack under the force. Dragging my face to his he sneered at me. “And don’t ever forget it!”

Dropping me, he tucked himself away and left, leaving me with my tears and heartache.

STAR’S LAUGHTER, LIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL, flowed from the dressing room. With each step I took towards the curtained off area my stomach clenched with anticipation to see her, trying on the dress she will wear to marry me. I pulled back the curtain expecting to see her being fitted into a dress by the store clerk. What should have filled me with joy instead fired up my blood in a way I had only felt for Cade. Malik stood grinning at my Star while she giggled about God knows what; she wore only her white wedding underwear.

“What’s so funny?” I barked.

Her body jolted, her hand rising to her chest. “Dante you scared me half to death. That’s bad for the baby.” She rubbed her stomach.

“What was so amusing?”

“I have no idea, she has baby brain or some shit she calls it.” Malik continued to smile at her.

“Get dressed, Star and you! Out here.”

Star’s eyes widened. Malik rolled his eyes at me, the cunt. “Fine.” He retreated with heavy steps.

I stalked towards Star, pushing her against the mirror. Her breath caught from the cold contact, her body laced in only her scent and two scraps of fabric covering her pride. My hand pushed on the back of her neck, my eyes questioning hers in the mirror. “What was so funny Star?”

“You making me wear white underwear.” She smirked.

“Well, it was me who took your purity, so it seems fitting.”

Her eyes flared. “Mmm, are you sure about that?”

Oh, she was game playing. I spun her and forced her to her knees. “I had the blood on my dick to prove it, sweet Belle, don’t try those mind games with me. You’ll lose! Now if you want me to treat you like a fucking dirty whore then all you have to do is ask. You know I love it when you’re playing whore for me. Open up.” I freed my hard cock from my slacks and nudged at her pursed lips. “Open up.”

She turned her head. “No.”

No? I held back my laugh. She really never learned. I yanked at the hair bundled on top of her head in a messy up-do. Her mouth opened to cry out and I shoved my dick into her, making her cry out again. She clamped down with her teeth, forcing me to snap her head back even further. Her teeth released me. “I thought we established if you bite I bite?”

Dragging her to her feet I pushed her back against the mirror. She squealed as I tore her panties from her. Her voice was muffled when I shoved them in her mouth. Her hands curled around my wrists as I lowered to my knees and used my palms to squeeze her tits spitefully, taking the focus off my mouth biting down on her mound.

She wiggled in my grasp but I was much too strong for her. I bit down enough to bruise and break the skin. I waited for the burst of metallic blood to hit my tongue before pulling away and looking up at her. “Next time you use your teeth on my dick, I’ll bite your clit off.”

She was completely still as the itch under my skin alerted me that I needed a fix. It left me volatile and bitter when I was due an injection. I never allowed myself to be around her when I needed a dose yet it had slipped my mind. I stood up and swiped the blood from my lips, yanking the panties from her mouth. “Oh look, I made you bleed again.”

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