Cabin Fever (10 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Williams

BOOK: Cabin Fever
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“Oh, of course. I never want anything to come between us.” Sandra stood up and cuddled into his chest.

“Now, I have something else to ask you.”

“What’s that?”

“Will you allow me to do the same thing Patrick did to you?”

Oh, Lord
. She should have run to the car and hightailed it home. Instead, she remained rooted in place lost in Sean’s ice-blue eyes, getting more aroused by the second.

Was he as good as Patrick, or better? She’d seen his massive length, so she knew he had something going in that department.

Oh no!

“Um…. Are you and I going to eventually…?”

“We’ll do whatever you want, honey.”

Oh boy!




Chapter Thirteen



“Two hundred fifty thousand dollars.” The burly man handed Sean his itemized quotation.

“Well, that’s a lot better,” Patrick said. The other figure had been astronomical, probably more than they would want to invest in the property.

“Okay, we’ll call you once we decide.” Sean walked the man to the door.

“Great. Looking forward to hearing from you.”

“Well?” Patrick rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

“Now I’m afraid we might end up with substandard work and materials. This bid is over two hundred thousand dollars less that the first.” Sean shook his head. “I’ve never renovated a house before, not to mention a huge lodge.”

“Haven’t heard from Uncle Travis, huh?” Patrick asked.

“He’s conveniently vanished off the face of the earth.” Sean disconnected from his cell for the gazillionth time.

“Don’t worry, we’ll arrange a couple more quotes and compare. It’ll work itself out.”

“Now you’re beginning to sound like me.” He smiled.

They wandered into the entertainment area off the kitchen and sat down. Despite all the furnishings, it still appeared under-decorated. All the rooms were enormous. Their voices echoed as they talked.

He and Sean figured they could host up to fifty people, but sleep only twenty guests with a maximum of two per room, maybe three, if they put in extra beds. If they got it up and running, they could make a pretty tidy additional income.

But right now they had other things to contend with.

“So, did you get some idea of how Sandra was feeling? And by the way, don’t think I didn’t see you in the doorway all that time,” he said.

“Why do you think I went out in the blizzard? I knew the minute I left something would happen. If it hadn’t, I would have rushed both of you to the doctor.” Sean smirked.

“Ahh. You’re more sneaky than I realized.” He went into the kitchen and came back with beers for both of them. “I kept myself busy while you two talked.” Patrick settled on the couch, again, reading over the estimate the contractor gave them.

“I think she’s fine with it. Confused, but fine. She saw me in the doorway, too. Turned her on, I believe.”

“Did she say that?” He hadn’t been sure about any of this, but she had been so hot under him and so caught up in the moment, a crowd could have gathered around them and it wouldn’t have fazed her.

He didn’t think of himself as an exhibitionist, but the fact that Sean had watched him pleasure the woman he loved and got turned on by it, made him hot also.

They were going to learn new things about themselves on this vacation.

“Now comes the hard part,” Sean said, looking at the other pages of the estimate.

“What’s that?”

“Convince her that it’s okay to have sex with me.”

“Tell her how you feel, like I did.”

“I did. And I asked if I could do the same thing to her as you did.” He rubbed his chin. “Hmm, maybe not such a smart move.”

“Where’s all your famous optimism?”

“This ménage thing is not as simple as I thought. Too many emotions involved.”

“Maybe we should approach her together. Convince her we both sincerely care for her and this isn’t just a kinky game we’re playing. This is for keeps.”

Sean rubbed his chin as he gulped the last of his beer. “That’s a good idea. The main thing is to make sure she’s comfortable with both of us and all of this.”

“Good. So when do you want to talk to her?”

“Let me gather the courage and get back with you.”

He laughed and patted a reassuring hand on Sean’s back. “Okay. Let me check these figures again.”

“Here you go. By the way, where is she?”

“Upstairs, talking to Rhonda about what’s going on, no doubt.”

“Women. Must they share everything?”

They looked at each other and laughed.




“I am so jealous.” Rhonda giggled. “So what about Sean? Are you going to go through with it? Or do you have the energy?”

“I don’t know, but I figure, why not?”

Rhonda banged the receiver. “Okay, who are you and what have you done with my best friend?”

“Okay, I admit, I was a little hesitant before—”

“A little? Patrick almost had to take you kicking and screaming. Uh,
he take you kicking and screaming?”

“Rhonda! Anyway, after everything started happening, I kinda was lost in the sensations.” Sandra began cleaning out her purse, desperate for something ordinary to take her mind off the extraordinary situation.

“You some freaks!” Rhonda roared with laughter. “So tell me again, Sean was there watching, and—”

“Now, who’s the freak?”

“All right. Hey, those two hunky men get the imagination going. I’m really jealous.”

Her tone had changed with her last statement. Sandra put down Killer’s brush, which had managed to make its way into her bag. “Rhonda, you okay?”

“Well, I have to admit, I have no one. And you have two.”

“I am so sorry….” She sat up a little straighter on the bed.

“Hey, don’t worry. I’ll find that special someone, and if it’s only one, I’ll be just as happy. I’m really happy for you. You should have been with them a long time ago.”


“Yes, really. I always thought you three were inseparable in more ways than one. And the girls at your office notice, too. The ladies here at the shop are always saying you guys should date and to hell with everyone else.”

“Boy, if I had known this earlier, it would have made a lot of things easier. So you’re okay with us? Not that it matters, but you don’t see anything wrong with it?”

“No problem whatsoever. In fact, I want you to give me details after Sean does you.”

“I will not. You’ve got too much information as it is.”

“Oh well, I thought I could live vicariously through you for now.”

After they disconnected, Sandra sat on the bed. The snow came down so hard outside, it looked like her windows had been painted white.

She pushed her bag and its contents to the side, snuggled under the covers, and clicked on the television. She would stay in her room, for now. Nothing else to do since no one could go out. And the boys tended to her every need, even her need for privacy.

“Do I really need to think things over?” She sighed. Her mind was pretty much made up.

What she needed to assess now was her true nature.

Was she a freak? Two men at once?

But she loved the idea. She’d definitely enjoyed being with Patrick while Sean watched. Her climax had hit so hard when she’d seen Sean reach his peak, she’d thought her head was going to pop off.

The vacation thus far had been very enlightening. The vacation yet to come had her heart pounding.




“Light dinner?” Patrick asked.

“Yeah, we’ve been eating like truckers in the morning, so might as well eat light before going to bed.”

He stirred the veggies in the skillet. “When do you plan to make love to her?”

“That, isn’t something you plan. It just happens, like with you. I’m hoping, however, that she at least hints.”

Patrick brought the tortillas over and helped him finish preparing their meal. “I bet.” Patrick grinned.

“Do you have a problem with me making love to the woman you made love to?’ Sean set the tray of veggie burritos and chips down. He leaned against the counter and folded his arms.

“If it were someone who I didn’t have any feelings invested in, I wouldn’t like it one bit, but since it’s Sandra, I embrace it. If there has to be another man in her life, I want it to be you.” Patrick shook his head. “I can’t believe I said that.”

Sean quirked his brow and grabbed the tray again. “Seems weird, doesn’t it.”

“I’d be lying to you if I said it didn’t.”

“If you makes you feel any better, I’m playing it by ear myself. So far I’m glad things are going well.”

They headed toward the stairs. “I think making love to her one at a time is a good move. You know, ease her into this,” Patrick said.

“Exactly. When the time is right, it will happen, and it will seem like the most natural thing in the world.”

“No mention of a
, right?” Patrick asked.

“Right. I don’t want her to feel obligated. And I told her, if it’s our friendship she’s worried about, she shouldn’t be and if she decides not to go through with the whole ménage bit, it would not change a thing between the three of us.”

“Good. I feel the same way.”

They arrived at Sandra’s room. Patrick knocked. “Din din.”

Sean snorted. “She’s not Killer.”

A second or two later, Sandra opened the door. “Yum.” She lifted the tops off the plates. “Mmm. Veggie burritos? Love the formal trays.”

“We found then in the upper cabinets. May we come in?” Sean asked.

“Make yourselves at home.”

He followed her inside. “Hey, whatcha watching?”

“The weather report.” Sandra settled her tray on her lap. “They’re telling everyone to stay indoors. A freak snow storm is coming our way.”

“Again! Remind me to give Uncle Travis a hug when I see him,” Patrick growled.




Chapter Fourteen



The next morning, Sandra started a fire to get the room warm. The snow had been falling heavily for hours, in fact all night, and the room had grown chilly. As she sorted through her bag for another sweater, she heard a light rap on the door. “Come in.”

Sean stuck his head in and smiled. “Hey, Sandy. Whatcha doing over there?”

“Trying to find my pink cardigan.”

“Hey, Sandy.” Patrick came in behind the other man. He sat on the couch near the window.

Excited, terrified, and curious, Sandra was surprised her dinner from last night stayed down.

“I told Sean what we talked about the other day regarding the cabin,” Patrick said.

Good, small talk. Maybe it would help calm her nerves. “I see. What do you think, Sean?” She glanced at him while he made himself comfortable on her bed.

He wore his jogging pants and a cable knit sweater. Her gaze drifted to Patrick, who watched her with a knowing grin. Had he caught her staring at Sean? Of course he had. That’s why they both showed up here, to see if she’d freak out.

Patrick wore his full workout suit, with the arms out. Goose bumps pebbled his skin from the cold. It was so sexy. His olive skin called to her, begging to be touched all over again.

Sandra’s body hummed to life, remembering what his felt like on top of hers. How his tongue licked every inch of her pussy, how his mouth….


“Huh?” She turned her attention to Sean, who had left the bed.

“I said, I’ve decided to take a chance. Patrick told me, in detail, what you talked about at the slopes, and I think your idea is a good one. I always wanted to start a fitness place, own my own franchise. This, however, is better. It’s not just a gym. It would be an all-in-one health spa. Boot Camp is acquiring new trainers every season, I think they could afford to let us go and branch out on our own.”

“Or, how about this,” Patrick said. “We talk to the owner and ask him to go in with us. It will be our business no matter what, but a subsidiary of Boot Camp.”

Sean scratched his chin. “Hmm, not sure. Sounds good, especially if he bites. He might want to put in some capital. But I don’t want a full-blown company as a partner. I want to be on my own in this, aside from you two, of course.”

“I think Sean is right,” Sandra murmured. “If we do this, it should be
, separate from Boot Camp.” She pushed up off the floor and sat on the bed.

Sean joined her, rubbing her back and smiling at her. “So, would you like to be our partner?”

Sandra opened her mouth then closed it. Was his question about their relationship, or the business? “Uh….”

“We’re going to need a nutritionist for this health resort. And just think, you’ll have access to the huge kitchen,” Patrick chimed in, clearing things up for her in the process.

Sandra thought a bit. “Head nutritionist at a health resort and spa. Hmm, that’s never been on my to-do list.”
But there are a lot of things I’ve done lately that weren’t on my agenda

It might be fun, after adjusting to the initial hard work. She loved it in the Rockies, especially in the winter. Twenty-degree weather, snow all the time. Not such a hardship.

“Okay, you’ve got yourself a partner.” She shook hands with them both.

“Great!” Sean clasped his other hand over theirs. “I’ll order some more renovation quotes later. Maybe we can do some of the work ourselves and save some money—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” She held up her hands. “When you say ‘we,’ you mean you two, right?”

“What, afraid of a little manual labor?” Patrick teased.

“I’m always of the opinion that what you don’t like to do yourself, pay someone else to do for you.”

Sean laughed. “All right, all right. We don’t have to decide now. We still have a bit to go. Hell, I have to get the grant deed and whatever other paperwork from Uncle Travis. But we’re glad you want to be partners with us in this new venture.”

“You’ll still have to lift more than a hammer.” Patrick smirked.

“Fantastic! I think this calls for a celebration. Be right back.” Sean left the room.

She placed her hands on her hips. “I’m not using power tools and messing up my manicure.”

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