Cabin Fever (17 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Williams

BOOK: Cabin Fever
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Sean nodded. “Great idea, if the boss doesn’t mind them working for another facility.”

“Oh yeah, that might be an issue. Come on, you two. We have a long time before we have to deal with this. Do you know how long it will take, even with the contractors working around the clock? Besides, we don’t plan to open until next winter anyway, and even then it might be partially done,” she said.

“Sandra’s right,” Patrick said. “You need to stop worrying. Where’s that optimism we’re all familiar with?”

“Renovations seem to have a funny way with that.”

“Try to think happy thoughts. Like last night,” Sandra cooed.

Sean smiled. Leaning nearer, he nuzzled her cheek and kissed it.

Smiling back, Sandra returned to the blueprints for the other cabins. “I think we should make each one different. Not as far as amenities go, but color scheme and décor.”

“Not the Moose Cabin, Bear Cabin…” Patrick whined playfully.

“No. We can make a Spanish-style cabin, and maybe make the other one a Tudor.”

“I see.”

“I just don’t want them to be so…cabin-y looking,” Sandra said.

“Cabin-y?” Patrick smirked. “Is that a new technical décor term?”

“You know what I mean.”

“I do.” He kissed her on the lips. A light kiss, but a kiss that held promises and secrets.

Sandra wrapped her arms around his neck. She wanted to deepen the kiss, but he pulled back.

“Later,” he whispered, and went over to the fireplace. “I got something much better for you later.”

Sandra glanced over at Sean, who sat studying at one of the design books. If he cared she and Patrick had a mini make-out session, he didn’t show it. Amazing. But the more intimately she got to know the boys, the better she began to understand.

“We haven’t formally celebrated our new venture,” Sean said. “Let’s go out to dinner tonight.”




The weather finally let up enough to drive long distances, so they went to a great steakhouse recommended by one of their contractors.

Once seated, they looked over the menu.

“I want the sixteen-ounce prime rib with the giant baked potato,” Patrick said, nearly drooling.

“Good Lord. Way too much for me,” Sandra laughed. “But this steak and shrimp scampi sounds good.”

“I have to go with my buddy here. That prime rib is calling me,” Sean said, motioning to the waiter.

“Let me freshen up.” Sandra stood up. “Order the steak and scampi for me and a Shirley Temple.” She excused herself. In the ladies room, she noticed several pairs of eyes staring at her.

“Yes?” Sandra said warily, turning around. The ladies immediately plastered grins on their faces.

“Oh, we didn’t mean to stare, But we couldn’t help but notice those two gorgeous hunks you walked in with,” one lady said.

“Yeah, we kinda wondered which one you go with, and if the other one is free?” a tall redhead asked. The rest giggled.

Sandra laughed to herself, but immediately sobered. “Um…they’re both in a relationship. Sorry.” With that, she finished putting on her lipstick and walked out. She knew what she meant and for the first time, she was proud she could claim Sean and Patrick as her men.




Chapter Twenty-Two



The final week of their vacation arrived, and the renovations and construction were in full swing. But it would soon be time for them to leave. They had been gone for nearly a month and were anxious about the happenings at work. Sean called the gym, trying to see if they could handle their absence a few more days.

“So, what did they say?” Sandra yawned and stretched out her arms.

“A little peeved. Some of the VIP clients are coming in asking for us, but they’ll survive.” Sean chuckled.

“Cool. Because I am really liking it here,” Sandra said.

“Are you?” Patrick asked, kissing the top of her head, then her neck and shoulders. “Good to know. If we were snowed in, we could have a
good time. What are you doing tonight?” He held her shoulders and turned her around to face him.

“I don’t have any plans yet.”

“Good. Go upstairs to your bedroom,” Patrick said. “Look on your bed and follow the instructions.”

“Oh, okay.” Her curiosity piqued, Sandra ran upstairs, taking two steps at a time. When she arrived at her bedroom, she rushed in and went straight to the bed and found a huge box with a bow, and a note on top.


At seven, put on what’s inside and come to the dining area. Until then, stay in your room. Do not come out until it’s time.

Love, Patrick


How cryptic. This must be his surprise to her. And it came from Patrick. This ménage thing confused her at times. One minute he and Sean were of one mind, then the next, they had their own agendas.

Sandra shrugged, staring at the box again. She liked surprises and trusted Patrick. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Only three o’clock. What to do until then?

Read, maybe. Call Rhonda. She wanted to talk to her more about the position, but they didn’t have all the details at the moment.

After sifting through mounds of wrapping paper, she lifted up the most beautiful evening gown. It was emerald-green satin with silver sequins from the neckline to the train. Matching gloves, a pillbox sequined purse, and the cutest hat remained in the box. She took the hat out and dreamily gazed at it. She’d never seen anything like it. Despite all his bitching about the trunk shows she’d dragged him to, the man had great taste.

She sat on the bed and ran her hands across the decadent gown. Sandra figured out what to do with the rest of her time: get ready. Fix her hair, her make-up, everything. She wanted to wear this gown, not have the gown wear her.




“Are you ready?” Sean asked as he readied the pots and pans for the meal. This was Patrick’s night with Sandra. It had to be special. “You look like a lovesick puppy over there, my friend.”

“Sorry. A bit nervous.”

“Why, you were already with her—twice!”

“This is different.”

Sean nodded.

“I don’t want to make a fool of myself.”

“Don’t worry. From the fact that you’ve engaged in a ménage and are willing to share Sandra with me, I think you’ve opened yourself up more than any man I know. This is a piece of cake compared.”

Panicked nodded again. “You’re right, you’re right. I’m ready. This is a stroll in the park.”

“So you are ready?”

“I’m as ready as I’m going to be.” Patrick said, running his hands through his hair.

“Really?” Sean smirked. “Then why are you still in your street clothes?”

Patrick looked down and slapped himself in the forehead. “I’ll be back.” He ran upstairs to his room.

Sean shook his head and began preparing the meal, then looked down at himself and realized he needed to get ready, too.




At seven o’clock, Patrick waited nervously in the living room.

“Calm down, man. You act like this is your first date.” Sean fixed Patrick’s tie.

“I just want tonight to be special. I want her to understand that this is forever.”

Sean smiled. “I’m pretty sure she already knows.”

They heard Sandra’s bedroom door close. Sean excused himself to the kitchen while Patrick waited for her to descend the staircase. When he saw her, the air knocked right out of his lungs.

Breathtaking. Simply breathtaking. The dress hugged every curve of her tall, voluptuous form. The hat made her look even classier, and the gloves were icing on the cake. She resembled a 1920s flapper.

“Sandra,” he exhaled.

“Patrick, you’re so handsome.” She walked toward him and fiddled with his tie. “It’s a bit crooked. Sean must have put it on you.” Sandra scoffed. “Otherwise, I love it.”

He blushed, something he never did. “Thanks. That dress is stunning on you. I knew it would be.” It wasn’t as if he’d never seen her all dolled up. But tonight she looked especially gorgeous. Maybe because this time, she had dressed especially for

“Thank you.”

Patrick handed her an orchid. “This matches your dress. I hope you like it.”

“It’s beautiful.” She put it up to her nose. “You sure know my favorite colors and flower.” She kissed him. “Thanks. If we do nothing else, this night is already special.”

Patrick fastened the flower to her gown, then gently kissed her. “Oh, we will be doing something else. Don’t worry. Let’s go, dinner is waiting.” He held out his arm and she slipped hers in the crook of it. They entered the main dining room and jolted to a halt.

“What is it?”

She pointed, mouth hanging open.

Sean, dressed in a waiter’s uniform, placed the plates on the table and fixed the napkins and flatware. He placed two flutes and a champagne bottle in the middle. Pulling out a chair, he waved Sandra to a seat.



Sandra inhaled. Dinner smelled good “This is nice. You two really went all out.”

“This is
moment together. Sean is just background,” Patrick winked. Sean brought out the first dish.

“This salad looks good,” Sandra said. “Mmm, my favorite.” Exotic greens, feta cheese, artichokes, and she recognized the aroma of Sean’s homemade vinaigrette.

“Dig in.”

She didn’t need to be told twice.

“I want tonight to be special.” Patrick reached for her free hand.

“It already is. Thank you for the gorgeous dress and accessories.”

“I hoped you’d like it. I think I know your style by now.”

Sandra smiled up at him.

“It seems I’ve known you a lifetime.”

Sandra put down her fork. “Why, Patrick.” Sandra cocked her head and stared at him longingly.

“I didn’t mean to sound all sappy on you.” Patrick poured her some champagne.

“No, no. I think it’s sweet. Sometimes I wish you would show more of this side.”

“I promise, I will, from now on.”

They finished their salads, and Sean brought their soup.

“Yummy, broccoli cheese.” Sandra dug right in.

“After dinner, I have another surprise for you.”

“I don’t think I can stand any more. This is simply delightful.”

“Do you like dancing?”

Sandra held the spoon before her mouth. “You don’t like to dance.”

Sean laughed as he went back into the kitchen.

“But I know you love to,” Patrick said, twisting his mouth in annoyance and looking back at his friend.

Sandra ate her soup while eyeing Patrick with new admiration.

Sean served the entrée, then disappeared.

“Chicken Cordon Bleu. You really went out of your way.”

“Only the best.” Patrick poured some more of the champagne, then lifted his glass. “To us.”

Sandra cocked her head. “To all of us, but tonight, just




Soft classical music drew them into the living room after dinner.

“May I?” Patrick bowed.

“Yes.” Sandra gave him her hand.

He put his other arm around her with a gentleness Sandra didn’t think he possessed.

“This is what I’ve dreamt about for years.”

“For years?” Sandra stared at him in astonishment. “How come you never said anything until now?”

“I didn’t think you wanted a grumpy bear like me. I saw how you interacted with Sean and thought you two made a better couple. So I stood back and watched, but then I saw how you kept him at bay, too. Then I understood.”

“Understood what?”

“That you valued our friendship more than anything. I knew then that I loved you.”

“Patrick.” Sandra felt as if her chest would explode. Never had a man come to her like this and expressed himself so openly.

They danced. He nibbled at her ear. Sandra kissed him every now and then, nothing scorching, but a subtle reminder of what could be.

When the music stopped, Patrick brought her closer to him. “I love you. I need to make love to you tonight.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.” Sandra laid her head on his chest. “But what about—”

“Like you said, ‘we.’ I want it to be just us. Do you mind?”

She looked up at him. “No, of course not.” The passion in his eyes was dark and wild, yet his words were sweet, romantic, and calming. He would always be a bit of mystery, but that’s what she loved about him.

“Let’s turn in. I have more surprises in store for you.” Patrick held out his hand and she took it, allowing him to lead her upstairs.




Chapter Twenty-Three



Sandra tingled with anticipation, like a virgin bride. Patrick opened the door to her bedroom and allowed her entrance.

She stepped into a romance novel. Where had the guys found the time to adorn her dresser and bedside table with more candles and now, trays full of mouthwatering tidbits? A huge atomizer in the corner automatically sprayed the delicious scent of vanilla, her favorite. Soft music played in the background, and all the lights were dimmed, adding to the romantic atmosphere.

“You like?” Patrick held her by the waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

“I like.”

Sean came out of her bathroom, wearing only his waiter’s pants. Damn! What a fine man. Sandra quickly glanced back at Patrick, a bit guilty for drooling.

“It’s okay.” Patrick said.

“Is he joining us?”

“No, he’s setting things up in the bath. Do you want him to?”

Sandra thought a moment. Maybe not tonight. Patrick had gone out of his way to make this a special night for
. “No, if that’s okay with you?”

“That’s more than okay. Sean, you heard the lady. Scram.” Patrick jerked his thumb toward the door. Sean winked at them and made a quick exit.

“Have a seat and I’ll feed you. We didn’t have dessert.” Patrick removed his jacket.

“I don’t want dessert. I want you.”

He stopped and stared at her. “I want you to understand that I’m a bit different in the lovemaking department.”

“Oh, I agree!”

Patrick smiled. “I like things slow. I love foreplay, and I want you to appreciate it.” He sat beside her on the bed. “Tonight is ours. We don’t have to rush.” He stroked her cheek.

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