Read Byron-4 Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

Byron-4 (25 page)

BOOK: Byron-4
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She walked over to the large window in the room and looked out over the huge deck. It too had been decorated for Christmas. There was even a tree with gifts under it, brightly lit and very festive.

“I love you too, Ta. And I’m sorry. I was a jackass. I’m very happy for you. And I’m glad you’re going to be my sister. It’ll be official now. You and he suit, and I’m happy for you both.”

“Good. Jamie, will you give me away? I don’t have any family and you are the closest thing to a brother I’ve ever had. I would love for you to give me to your brother.

Please?” She waited for what seemed an eternity and then looked back at him.

“You want me to give you away? Ah, Ta, I’d be honored to do that for you. The six of us usually perform the best men thing and we’ve been doing that a lot lately. Wait! I don’t have to, like, pay for it or anything, do I? Sheesh, I heard Mom talking. I don’t think I have enough for all she has planned for you guys.”

“No, I’ll pay my own way. I won’t be able to afford the things she has planned either, but she’ll get over it. I haven’t a clue how much it’ll cost, but I do have that insurance bonus coming. Maybe Byron and I can just go to the justice of the peace. He wants it to be soon anyway and I can probably afford that.”

“Ta, I don’t think my mother plans for you to pay for anything. I think she—”

“Oh, I’ve no doubt that’s exactly what she thinks, but if she wants this to happen, then it happens my way. JP or we just live together for a while. It matters little to me. In fact, I’d rather we live together. Then if he finds someone else, we’re fine and go our separate ways.”

“Did you tell Byr this? I bet you didn’t. I’m sure he’ll have quite a bit to say about this, as a matter of fact. And my mother won’t be happy if you live together either.”

“Who’s living together? Hello, love. Jamie, have you another woman living at your place? I will tell Mom this time.” Byron came in, scooped her up in his arms, and settled her on his lap.

“Damn it, Byron, don’t you knock? We were having a private conversation here. Go away. I’ll come find you when we’re—” Taylor started before Jamie cut her off.

“She’s planning on paying for her wedding to you. And she thinks that living together might be better in the event you find someone else better than her in the meantime. She also thinks Mom is bossy.”

“I didn’t say that! But she is. James Grant! That was a low thing to do. Do you know the meaning of private conversation? I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.”

“Jamie, do you think you can give us a few minutes. I’d like to have a conversation with my future wife. And lock the door on your way out. Tell Mom...tell her we may be a little while.” She looked at him and could feel the coiled steel of anger coming off him.

Jamie winked at Taylor on his way by and then kissed her on the cheek. She wanted to punch him in the nose. He would pay for this, she’d make sure. The lock clicking into place when the door shut was loud in the silent room.

“You can’t think to do whatever it is your thinking in your mother’s house. She’ll kill you then me. I want you to please wait until we get to your house.”

“Up. And I want you to take off your clothes, now. And everything I have at this moment is yours as well. It’s our house, our cars and our whatever else you will get when you marry me.”

“I will not take off my clothes. I’ve just gotten warm. Besides, the children have waited long enough to open their gifts.”

“Strip. Now, or so help me, I’ll punish you so hard you’ll beg me to stop. Right now you’re just looking at a paddling. If you make me say it again, I’ll think of something else to add to it.” She felt her pussy gush with liquid heat and her nipples peak against the lace that barely covered them.

She looked at him and realized he was serious. Not about hurting her, he’d never do that, but he would make her suffer. She pulled the sweatshirt over her head along with the two undershirts. Unsnapping the jeans, she shimmied them off her slim hips and pulled them off with her two pair of socks and tennis shoes at the same time. She stood before him in the panties and bra set he had purchased her. When she reached up to take off the bra, he stopped her.

“Come here and assume the position. I want to feel how turned on you are. I need to feel how wet you are just thinking about me spanking your beautiful ass until it’s red and heated.”

Taylor stepped in front of him and spread her legs wide. Dropping her head low with her hands behind her back, she could see his hand reach forward and touch her mound. She knew she was soaking wet and knew that from where he was sitting, he could more than likely smell her. Another gush of cream flooded her panties when he pressed against her slit. When he slipped his finger under the silk and touched her clit, she couldn’t help the moan of pleasure that spilled from her lips.

“You’re so wet I could slide my cock into your pussy and never hurt you. Do you have any idea what that does to me, knowing that you’re wet enough to drown me if I wanted to taste you? My cock aches to be inside of you, aches to feel you tighten around me and pull me into your depth.”

When he leaned forward and moved the bit of lace aside, she felt her legs tremble with anticipation. Her breasts swelled and her nipples tightened into small stones. He didn’t taste like she thought he would. He didn’t even slide his fingers into her like she wanted to beg him to do. All he did was kiss the skin just above the lace and pull back.

When he stood up and moved to the door, she wanted to scream at him.

“Get dressed and then come out into the living room. You aren’t to touch yourself; you aren’t to give yourself any relief at all. And I’ll know if you do. I believe the children have waited long enough to get their gifts and I won’t have your bad behavior ruin that for them.” He was nearly to the door when he stopped and turned back to her.

“Where are we going when we leave here tonight?”

It took her mind a few seconds to catch up to what he was saying. It was a trick and she almost didn’t answer. “Our house.”

“Good girl. And how will we get to our house?”

She wanted to say he was going by ambulance, but thought that would get her nowhere with him but into more trouble. “Our car.” She could hear the anger in her voice and apparently, so had he. She was shaking with the need to hurl something at his arrogant head, but knew that he would make her pay if she did. Besides, she didn’t think she would be able to explain how she came to be nearly naked when he was a dead body on the floor.

“You’re going to pay for that. Hurry now, I think you’ve dallied long enough. And Taylor, when my mother asks, we are paying for our wedding. And whatever date she picks, you’ll agree, understand me?”

“Yes. Byron?” His quirked brow is all she got in response. “Turnabout is fair play.” She turned her back to him and pulled on her shirts. She was pulling on her jeans when she heard the door shut.


Bryon didn’t go to the living room right away but went out on the deck. It was just about eight degrees out tonight and he thought maybe it would be just cold enough to take the edge off his need. Shutting the door behind him, he leaned against the railing and took several deep breaths.

Christ, she had him harder than a stone and he could swear he could ram a spike in a concrete wall with is cock. And he was fairly sure she knew it. Walking away just now was by far the hardest, stupidest thing he’d ever done. He was nearly ready to go back in there and finish what he’d started when the door opened behind him. He turned to see Nicky. He laughed when Byron groaned.

“It’s not so bad really, having someone love you that much. Or you loving them.

And it’s definitely worth it. I wish I’d of been a lot smarter when I first met Morgan. But that’s all behind us now. I know you love her. Taylor, I mean. You’re different since she’s come into your life.”

“I do love her. And I feel different. We have a lot to work out. She’s...she has an independent streak in her that irritates me to no end. And she makes me so mad sometimes all I want to do is beat her butt.” Smiling, he thought that was the best part of Taylor. She loved to play as much as he did.

“I’m sure that poses no problem for you. I’d like to talk to you about her independent streak for a minute. I want to offer her a job. Well, Devin and I do. She did a fantastic job the afternoon she stayed at the office and with you working as well...maybe it’ll give her a sense of self-worth.”

“Self-worth, huh? And does everyone know about our lifestyle? Taylor told me that Mom asked her all sorts of questions about it. Oh well. Why are you asking me if she can work for you? She does make...Jamie. He told you I was mad about the wedding.

We have that worked out. If she wants to work for you two, that’s fine with me. I know she enjoyed herself. I know she’ll be all right there.” Neither man mentioned what had happened to Devin’s secretary nearly a year ago.

Caroline had been killed when a madman had come and kidnapped Devin and tried to rape Ronnie. So much had changed since then and Byron knew that it would continue to change from now on. The two brothers talked for a few more minutes then went indoors. Taylor was sitting in one of the chairs from the dining room that had been brought in for the gathering.

The chair was sitting as far from the tree as possible and she was covered in a blanket with the fire from the fireplace at her back. He felt bad for making her strip when she’d said she was cold, but he was pretty sure she’d not felt it when she’d been standing there nearly naked in front of him. Heat surged through his body and he thought about going back out on the deck again.

“Come on, you two. We’ve been waiting. Whose turn is it to be Santa? I think it’s your turn, Nicky. Get the hat and start passing them out.” Even from her perch on the loveseat and her leg in a cast, Margaret Parker ruled like a queen.

Byron walked over to where Taylor was seated and watched as her eyes heated as she watched him. Need for this woman on so many levels rippled through his body.

When he scooped her into his arms again and sat with her on his lap, she squeaked at him, glared then turned to ignore him. Pulling her back around, he kissed her soundly and then held her tight, purposely keeping his hand on the outside of the blanket.

Gifts were passed around and when Nicky handed one to Taylor, she turned to give it to Byron. She looked confused when Nicky said it was for her. She looked almost panicky.

“I thought this was for the children. I don’t...I don’t think...I don’t want anything from you. I’m happy to just watch. It’s okay.” She let Byron pull her into his arms and he whispered in her ear.

“Honey, take the gift in the spirit it was given. My family is trying to say they want you to be a part of it. Now hush, say ‘thank you, Santa,’ and open it.”

“Thank you, Santa,” she whispered to Nicky, and then ruined it by bursting into tears. When she tried to pull away from him, he held her to his body and kissed her while she cried. Meggie came over and started talking to her. Before Byron could tell her what Meggie said, Taylor nodded, took the girl’s hand, and they went to the bathroom. When they were out of the room, his mom asked what she said.

“Meggie told her she wanted to talk to her. I don’t know about what. I wasn’t sure Taylor could speak to her until this moment.”

They continued to open gifts until the pair returned. After that, everything seemed all right. Meggie sat next to Taylor on the floor and they opened gifts together. Morgan winked at Byron and smiled.

Margaret had a hard and fast rule about unmarried couples sleeping together in a house of children. She didn’t make any exception for any of her boys so Byron and Taylor packed up to go home. There were no fights. Byron not only loved his mother, he respected her and her home a great deal. But he needed Taylor much more than his need to wake up and have breakfast with his brothers. It took him over two hours to get to his house outside of Columbus. Sitting in the drive, he looked over at Taylor.

“Very few people have been here, including my family. You are the only woman that’s ever been here and the last to spend the night with me. This isn’t a home, but a house. It’s decorated very nicely, but it’s cold and too perfect. The house is yours, Taylor. Yours to do whatever you like, however you like. It’s not a small house. There are eight bedrooms and nine bathrooms. A dining room big enough to seat fifty people and a kitchen to feed them all without resorting to outside help. I want you to hire help with it if you don’t mind. I want you rested when I want you. I’ve never put in a play room, but I’d like to now, for us.”

She looked at the house and then back at him. “You’re brothers offered me a job. I think I’m going to take it. I can’t wait for you to get up every day at the crack of noon.

I’m a morning person. I don’t know how to cook, but I think I’d like to learn. I know nothing about your business, but that, too, I’d like to learn.” She sat for several seconds then looked at the house. “I’ve never owned anything before, just my car and my laptop. I’ve lived in crappy places forever, trying to make it work. I think I’d like to hire someone to help me learn how to do that too, learn how to run a house.

“Byron, are you sure about this? Are you sure you want to marry me? I don’t have a thing to offer you but my love. I’d...I don’t know anything about families. I don’t know a thing about the closeness you have with yours. Are you very sure about this?”

“Yes. I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life. Knowing that for the rest of my life I’m going to have you in it makes me breathe easier. Knowing that you’ll be by my side makes looking into our future seem more colorful. I love you, Taylor.” After they took all the gifts and Taylor’s bags into the house, she was dragging. It was hard for him to remember that she’d been in the hospital just this morning and had witnessed the death of someone she knew. When she started slurring her words when she was moving up the stairs, he picked her up and knew when she didn’t protest that she was beyond tired. She was asleep before he pulled her shoes off her.


Taylor woke to an empty bed. She wasn’t sure where she was at first, but remembered that she had come home with Byron and he must have put her into the bed. All she had on was the black bra and panty set he’d bought for her. She went to his closet, pulled one of his shirts off the hanger, and was slipping it over her head when she left the bedroom. She found him in the study on the computer. He looked up when she stood in the doorway.

BOOK: Byron-4
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