By Any Other Name (20 page)

Read By Any Other Name Online

Authors: Tia Fielding

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: By Any Other Name
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The kiss took another form very quickly as soon as Thom’s lips parted under Dru’s. It became filled with love, trust, and want. Need to possess and make sure the connection was there. Then Dru was rocking his hips, and Thom felt them both getting hard. The groan he suppressed was loud, and Dru leaned over to lick the skin on his neck.


“Can I?” he asked breathlessly, and Thom thought about his schedule for the next week. Dru rarely did anything halfway, and his marks on Thom’s skin tended to stay for nearly a week.


“Wait,” Thom answered in an equally heated tone and pushed Dru to get up.


When the blond was standing in front of his chair, he tugged his own cargo shorts off and looked at Dru with a grin. “What are you waiting for?”


It nudged the surprised-looking Dru into action, and he dropped his own cutoff jeans and reached for the drawer of the little table next to Thom’s chair.


“Ah-ha!” he exclaimed when he found the lube they had stocked there for these particular moments. It hadn’t been used for a while, but who cared?


Thom looked with great interest as Dru whipped his shirt over his head with one hand and popped the cap of the lube with the other, just to swap hands while tossing the shirt to the floor. Then there was a hand on Thom’s cock, and he groaned loudly.


“Should we… lock the door?” Thom asked. Most of the doors in the house had locks, which had come in handy multiple times when they’d needed
time when friends were around or there was a party going on.


“No. I’m not stopping now, and if he barges in, it’s his fault,” Dru said in a clipped tone and squeezed Thom’s cock a little.


Thom grabbed the lube from him and squirted some on his fingers. “Come on, baby, hop on.” He grinned to distract Dru from his less sexy thoughts.


Dru carefully arranged himself on Thom’s lap, straddling him as comfortably as possible in the armchair.


“Let’s get your shirt off too,” Dru murmured as Thom reached a hand behind him to tease his opening with lubed fingers.


He moved with Dru when needed, and soon he was naked too. That was when Dru waited for his fingers to move to the right spot and pushed down onto his fingers, three at a time.


“Jesus, Dru,” Thom gasped, the tight heat around his fingers so sudden that it made his cock twitch in anticipation.


Dru murmured something unintelligible, slowly rocking up and down, fucking himself on Thom’s fingers and whining when he tried to pull one away to make the intrusion easier for a while.
So no gradual approach, then.


“I’m ready,” Dru gasped after a while, but Thom still made sure to get as much of the lube as possible inside Dru and on his own erection.


When he positioned his cock, he was hard as rock from the emotions roiling inside him and the way Dru was acting wanton and determined at the same time.


With a long groan from both them, Dru lowered himself in one movement until his lover’s cock was buried all the way in his ass. Thom held still, waiting for Dru to move. This was Dru’s show, not his.


Dru took hold of the back of the chair on both sides of Thom’s head and began to rock on his lap. His strong muscles worked as he fucked himself on Thom’s cock, his temple against Thom’s, his breath heavy in Thom’s ear.


Thom gripped the blond’s ass, supporting some of his weight for him and making Dru’s moans more pronounced. When Thom held him a bit higher and began to thrust into him from below, Dru became even more vocal.


“Yes… that’s it… right there… love you….”


Dru’s cock was bobbing between them, precum smearing both of their stomachs and chests.


“Fuck… Thom….” Dru gasped when Thom changed the angle, nudging the blond’s prostate.


Then, when he was already thinking it wouldn’t even happen this time, Dru growled into his ear. “Mine.”


Thom barely had time to say, “Shoulder, babe!” Teeth were already digging in, and pain shot through him as his lover possessed him.


How he had thought he could lose this, that it wasn’t real, he didn’t know. There was nothing fake about the way he was being taken and marked. Dru really loved him.


The realization washed him over the edge, and he pounded into his lover a few more times before he came with a groan of pleasure and pain. He shot deep inside Dru, who kept moving, rocking, taking what he needed and biting and sucking his shoulder. The growl was still there in Dru’s breath when he whipped his head up and bore down on Thom, coming all over them both, shooting as far as Thom’s shoulder and cheek.


Thom wrapped his arms around Dru in a haze, slowly returning from his own prolonged bout of ecstasy, and they sat there, him still inside Dru, for a long time.


“Love you,” Dru murmured to his ear.


“Always,” he replied.


“Should get to shower,” Dru said. They were so messy it was far from funny.


“I think so too. Can you move?” he asked, and with some help, Dru was able to get to his feet.


“Icky,” Dru murmured as the semen dribbled down his ass to his thigh.


“Go on, I’ll grab the clothes and be right with you. Upstairs bathroom, babe,” he said, knowing Dru would have taken the shortest route to the crappy downstairs bathroom if given the choice.


He gathered the clothes from the floor and put the lube back into the drawer with a smile on his face. Walking up the stairs, he heard Dru in the bedroom, cursing at a dresser drawer.


“I’ll fix that today, promise,” Thom said as he stepped into the bedroom.


“Thanks. I might have handled it a bit roughly this morning.” Dru looked sheepish.


Thom had fixed it about five times already, and they really needed a new dresser instead of fixing the old drawer, but they hadn’t gotten around to it. Too much fuss or something. Besides, he liked the dresser and knew Dru liked it too. It was the first piece of furniture they ever bought together.


“Shower, now,” Thom said and made a shooing motion at Dru, who stuck his tongue out and did as he was told.


Thom followed Dru into the bathroom and watched him go to the shower and turn the steam on.


“Music?” he asked.


“Yeah, whatever is good on your iPod,” Dru said, and Thom rolled his eyes.


“Everything is good on my iPod, babe. You know that.”


“Yeah, right.” Dru chuckled, and Thom did too. They had this conversation often enough.


He put on some music, queuing one of his favorite songs, knowing the reaction he’d get in a few minutes’ time.


If Skye chose to leave their house or be with Kara or someone else, they’d survive. They had been together for three years. They were still very much in love, and they shared too many things to let each other go for any reason.


Also, he had one possessive lover, Thom thought when he passed the mirror and saw his shoulder.


“Babe, you might have overreacted a little,” he said as he stepped into the shower and showed Dru the damage he had done. “You nearly drew blood,” Thom said, and Dru looked sheepish.




“Right….” Thom grinned and pulled Dru close.


They stood there under the warm water, the steam surrounding them. The song changed.


“Awww… sappy bastard,” Dru cooed up to his ear, and he chuckled a bit.


“That’s why you love me,” Thom pointed out and got a slap on his ass for the words.


“No, that’s not true. I love you for your perfect, big cock,” Dru said and made Thom laugh out loud.


Leisurely they washed each other and goofed off a little while doing so, ending up giving blowjobs and more marks of ownership. By the end of the shower, they were quite giddy with love and happiness.


After getting dressed, they lay down on their bed and just hung out a little.


“We don’t do this that often anymore. Other than before we go to sleep,” Dru pointed out, his head resting over Thom’s heart and fingers stroking his stomach.


Thom hummed in contentment and squeezed him closer for a moment. “It’s nice. Should do it more,” he said in a slightly groggy tone.


Dru chuckled. “Yeah, you’re well satisfied and want a nap, I get it. Your sentences keep getting shorter.”


“No mocking… can’t help it,” Thom said and yawned widely. So what if sex and showers and lying down with the man he loved made him tired?


They must have fallen asleep for a while, because when they woke up again, it was to the sound of the door of Skye’s room closing.


“What do we do?” Dru asked, and Thom let out a sigh. He had to be the adult here.


“We let him make his own decisions, babe. We might love him, but we can’t make the decisions for him,” Thom said and looked down at Dru.


“Okay,” Dru said and burrowed himself closer to Thom for a while.


Thom knew it would be tricky, all of it. There was so much love in the equation. But someone who had been manipulated like Skye had been…. No, Thom would never try to make decisions for him, and he wouldn’t let Dru do it either. Not even nudging him in the direction he wanted things to go, a practice Dru was an expert at. Who would know better than Thom, who had been the willing victim of that for years?


"You’ll just continue being his friend like you have been. Take cues from him and see where it goes. If he wants to be just friends, you’ll know that soon enough. If he wants something with Kara, we really like Kara too, don’t we? He could do so much worse," Thom said, and Dru nodded against his chest.


They tried relaxing for a while longer, but it didn’t quite work, mainly because it was all tumbling through their minds now, whether they wanted the other to know or not. It wasn’t easy to pretend like everything was even remotely okay
, but Thom knew his partner and could read him almost like an open book. To Thom’s utter relief, Dru couldn’t read him quite as easily as the other way around.
He could have his secrets—nothing bad, of course, as he wouldn’t do that, keep anything important from Dru, but these things would only add to Dru’s distress.


They got up and went downstairs. Thom decided to cook lasagna for dinner, and Dru went to work out in their little gym. It was good, normal. It wasn’t fooling either of them, the false sense of security and peace, but it was a start. They needed something good and solid to get over this whole emotional mess. Who could have known this would happen when they got that call only a couple of months ago? Not Thom. He had thought that even though Skye was well into rehabilitation, he’d still be even more edgy and difficult. The other option was having Dru and Skye reconnect instantly and then pretty much dump him.


That hadn’t happened either, and it wouldn’t. The trickiest thing was that he knew what had changed. It was the fact that they were both in love with Skye, whom they couldn’t have unless Skye got through all his issues and decided to take the chance with them. Not that he would—Thom couldn’t believe it would ever happen. After all, hadn’t he himself told Skye not to come between two people in love? Yes, he had, and hadn’t that just bitten him in the ass big time?


Putting the dish in the oven, he jogged upstairs to get their laundry and then walked back down to sort the clothing and put the first load in. He changed into his workout gear and went into the gym only to see Dru beating the hell out of their boxing bag.


"Babe, ease up a bit before you break yourself," Thom said in a warning tone, having seen this behavior before. It was usually after another failed attempt to connect with his estranged parents.

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